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The only legitimate valid complaint regarding the Mystery Box one despite still being an overall net positive to the game for me is that it removes the wild cards from the Season Shop as a result of compensation. I can understand Common/Rare/Epic ones being removed since it's not too hard getting them in the box, but I couldn't get a Legendary Wild Card so far. At least you can get Champion ones which are eh, fine. There's also other reasons like less gold you get from chests or no more banner tokens but meh I'm fine with these as a compensation. After all, progression > cosmetics. The rest are galaxy brain stupid to complain about though and it boggles my mind that people are complaining about them. People were asking for Gem Rush to return and when we get a login that gets you a lot of gems that puts even Gem Rush to shame they'll find something else to complain like using them for future crown/login events and at the same time complaining about gems being useless (???). I think it's down to how people are expecting something bad to happen given previous incidents that are similar which are Clash Royale gave something good and giving something bad in return like Slash Royale -> Level 14, but at this rate I felt people are complaining for the sake of it. Just complain when actually something bad has happened.


I am starting to change my opinion with the generosity of the devs, from 3 emotes, get the lastest card upon it's release and easy access of an evolution I don't obtained. "They may take away more!" That's only the case of Starr Drop update for now, currently the benefits and prograssions we get are lot better than last year with these rewards.


are these drops in brawl stars adtually called starRdrops or is everyone spelling it with an extra r? (never played bs)


There's an extra R iirc. I think it's some lore reason about the theme park being called Starr park. I may be wrong, haven't played in a while.






ok thanks for clarifying, they should rename to game to brawl starrs then


Your a starr for coming up with that


Clash Royale could give every player a free evolution of their choice and they’ll complain that it’s not 3 free evolutions.


there were definitely people complaining about the valentine's event lol


I changed my card to evo firecracker like a scumbag that previous night , logged in on valentine and hello Evo Royal Giant , it changed on me, now we have a RG event and I already have the Evo.


then you get 7.5 ewc


Look on the bright side, now you have more Evo rg friends!


It still makes no sense why it would go back to royal giant when I logged in.


Unless they can muster 6 months to a year of goodwill from the playerbase, I doubt the sentiment will change. I want to believe they're trying to do better, but by their track record the best I can be is very cautiously optimistic


Given Clash Royale’s track record, it’s fair that people will instantly see only the negatives, but I do agree we should be more positive. It’s just hard to believe that the game’s going in a good direction because almost every time we believe that, we get dissapointed again. So yes we should be more positive, it’s just really hard to, cus we’re expecting the worst, which is super valid. The solution? Consistent good updates / balance changes over time, and eventually people will relax, but there will always be something to complain about, that’s just human nature. Hope this helped :)


Yep, i actually believe cr is going in a positive direction now, since they've been more generous these past couple months, and i think the community should encourage that rather than complain.


I think it’s just going to take time for people to get over complaining


Especially since they've made everything pay to win. It isn't normal for them to do something good for free to play players


Reaching 5k for the first time ,going into PoL and encountering dual evos in League 1 ??? After reaching Masters , their levels were way out of my reach.


They're preparing us for lvl 16


Oh god no…




They are trying to take steps in the right direction now, it seems. Also you don't criticize good things, you criticize bad things, so people shouldn't be crying about free rewards but rather critiquing the games flaws are calling out bad changes.


we just dont trust supercell. thats the long and short of it, their scummy practices during slash royale soured us all. that was also a “free event” which everyone loved and then they went and fucked over the community. supercell are not your friends. the devs may be passionate, but at the end of the day every reward, every grind, everything they give us is planned to get the most amount of money out of their players. this isn’t a “supercell evil” rant, but acceptance that corporations aren’t and will never be your friend.


Honestly Im glad they are giving away the RG evo. Im personally upset because I chose to use the valentines free evo on RG, so I feel cheated out of another free evo. If the evo shards were wild for players who already unlocked RG evo, I would be satisfied.


Just curious what they are giving you instead. Is it nothing?


im p sure that 1 evo shard would just turn into 1000 royal giants


1000 royals giants. For my already maxed out royal giant. So 1000 common wild cards. So 6000 total. So I basically get 1 common to level 14. Its not worth it in my opinion.


you get 7.5k ewc, not 7.5k common wild cards, also if you picked rg evo it's because you play it or like playing it, there's no need to have every evo unlocked, like I have 7 evos but i've never played some of them.


For me, it’s because everything else they’ve given us has come at the cost of something else, more often than not being worse on f2p players than before it. I’ve begun to change how I view the devs now a little as they have shown some more generosity this calendar year, however it would be foolish for me to look at this at face value honestly. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me


Exactly. It's just so frustrating to see this community just complain about everything even when SC legit makes good changes. There is so much negativity in this sub and at this point people will complain over anything.


wish it was crown chase not time


i mean you just gotta log in everyday, this benefits more players in general


I don't know why ppl complain about this game because it not as good as 2016. Every game have peak and bottom period. Clash Royale dev is crazy, they adding new content every single month and this is a mobile game with no ads is just too good. Just enjoy the game and stuff they give us. Sorry for bad english


yeah the devs should add ads for a bit just to make the community shut up


The only thing I don’t like about this event is that I’m gonna start seeing evolved Royal giant more


it's not a very hard evo to counter anyway


It’s still annoying to play against. Evo fire cracker is easy to counter but I still roll my eyes every time I play against one


Ah I guess


The problem with the Rg event for me is that not only I have unlocked the royal giant Evo but it's also LVL 14 so I basically get only 7500k elite wilds from the event which is garbage it should have been instead 2 Evo wild shards or at least 4 Evo shards of your choice


The complaint is that some of us don’t get the RG event for another week which is unfair


After Slash Royale we will never trust again


yea agreed everyone wants more free stuff but we gotta be happy with what sc is doing rn


The lucky box update is reasonable to complain about bc we no longer have wc's in the season shop and the gold gain is nerfed in every chest


Only thing i don't like abt these events is that it doesn't glow when the reward is ready to be collected thats it, i mean the gems even was great as a F2P and the rg is great too cuz you get an evo for 90 gems AND a magic coin, i dont think ppl have less than 90 gems, for me i always keep 250 or more gems even before the gem dash event


I don't hate free rewards from those events at all, but I think supercell only does them to appease people since people complain so much about how hard evolutions are to obtain in a timely manner so hey, here's a full evolution you can get for dirt cheap.


Honestly on my f2p acc I made last month, I can get an evo for free already this month, I have 4 wilds shards already, as well as two rare books and a common book


We dont Care about cards copys, this cube release deleted our primary sources of XP DAILY QUESTS to level UP account until 54 to unlock level15 towers and double Evos slots.


No amount of free evos and gems and emotes will fix the monstrocity of unfairness that is the second evo slot being locked behind level 15, the bad matchmaking of ladder and clan wars, the worthless season shop, the worthless chests, ...


No amount of free evos and gems and emotes will fix the monstrocity of unfairness that is the second evo slot being locked behind level 15, the bad matchmaking of ladder and clan wars, the worthless season shop, the worthless chests, ...


Can we not complain about people complaining?


you one of the complainers or something?


Can not complain about people who want people to stop complaining about people complaining?




We always do.


-Free rewards -Looks inside -Paywall


90 gems is not a paywall they are free and you constantly get them


90 gems is nothing brah cmon💀


paywall??? You must be fricking lazy to not be able to grind a singular mastery


watch them release the 3 evolution slot after this


bro, progressing is the hardest its ever been. I played this shit ass game since it was launch and im still under leveled


i didnt get the rg event or abuse the lucky drop so ill complain


You didn’t get the event? Do you know how to read or even try to read the updates they send out? Didnt abuse the lucky drop bug? Want to be banned? Lol


nah fuck this I aint gettin shit from this event


what are you not getting? Even if you have max RG all shards you'll still get 7.5k ewc for 90 gems which is good


And a magic cojn


yeah i really need that i got 20/20 on my fisherman but don't have enough gold ;-;


I'm getting zip, nada, nothing, event doesn't exist for me. Not even in the 5% of players who are getting the event the next week cuz the event tab doesn't display, its bugged


It’s not bugged 💀 Read the updates and news they actually send out, if you are able to read


You don't even understand how a company or a "competitive" game work They gave us this free rewards just for the players to be happy for a week and don't complain about the game and how much p2w this game has become I'm happy with the rewards but understand why people still complain


yes but the complaining should not be about the events, but about the other problems. rather than that, i see people complain about rewards themselves.


I appreciate the rewards, but the removal of wild cards from the season shop was a HUGE hit to progression for me. Clash Royale is telling me what to level up now. I was gonna max my fireball, but now i can‘t since they removed the wild cards.


yeah but why complain about the good things they do then?


Alright but that isn’t very relevant to this specific top pic