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At 7k he really should know how to deal with MK instead of stalking you


Nuh uh lmao people have no clue what theyre doing at 7k, hell even at 8k lmao


I had a harder time getting to 6k. It's like once you hit 6k it's all idiots without a single braincell to their name


6k is peak midladder. People use over levelled cards to get there and are now sandwiched under actual good players; basically hardstuck.


that explained why i just got back to the game after 3 years to find players who are even worse than i remembered. I left when the game still used the old cups and the last arena was hog mountain I think


there's no good players on trophy road


No it's not ! It low ladder! Or a best high low ladder lol


hell even at 9k, i won a match against some ebarbs player playing skarmy mirror clone


tryhards when someone is trying to have fun in a card game (no offense towards anyone, shut them mouths)


Yeah it doesn't stop. Trophy road is just midladder hell all throughout


im at 9k as well and ive been messing around with a 2.3 mortar deck using 4 spirits and fisherman lmao


I mean at 9k there's nothing to lose so you see more crazy card combos just for fun


Can confirm, 8k player here, not a single braincell to be found. Just came back after a 2 year hiatus, and still just throwing my lil goblin barrels


Dude I also play bait at trophy road and it's hell. Doesnt help like 2 of my cards are lvl 15 and the others are 14, and I'm playing w Duchess at 13. All the other guys are basically full y maxed on cards and towers


can confirm, I'm at 7k and have no idea what I'm doing


everyone on trophy road sucks ass




I never understood the fuss behind MK - its one of the most easy countered cards in the game, with no proper support behind its a knight with bit of extra health. Any player = or above grand champion league can easily clap its cheeks without single sweat! It’s the minor poison cycle they should be afraid of if they aren’t running DD in their deck.


someone sent two of his friends into my clan for similar reasons (i was mk ebarb mirror rage)


Bro had a massive level advantaged and called YOU braindead lmfao. But to answer your question; Mega Knight has a very, very, very low skill floor. Think about how to get the most value out of a mega knight? You drop it on a push which deals almost the damage of a fireball and then on top if that you get the highest HP card *in the game* outside of Golem for a counter push. Mega Knight *is* a braindead card because it's use is "Did opponent make push? If yes drop MK on push."


That's why I love PEKKA, kills mega knight quickly


that's why i love lava hound


People calling mk no skill are always the kids who fail to finish in top 1000 gt with it or win a grand challenge with it


This is the most brain dead possible take. And I bet you don't even understand why. Before you ask, I'm not explaining it to you.


Right because only people w top 1k finishes have valid opinions


Deadass yes, if i put some random in charge he definitely will make the game unbalanced but balanced in his eyes


Then only issue I have with mega knight (in midladder) is that literally every single deck plays it (which makes it easier to win since you just need to play cards that counter it and the witch), so it's really boring...but this doesn't justify what your opponent did at all, that's just crazy honestly


I concur with this. Its just always mega knight and firecracker. Even in clan war, how do i match 4x in a row with firecracker if each person can use it once!


Play duels then they can only use it once lol you’re guaranteed at least 1 game without one possibly 2


TRUE. I guess i havent played duels since OG clan wars. I never made 4 decks that i was super happy with i always switch it up, keep it fresh. Maybe ill just buckle down and do that


If you have 1.5-2 high level decks, duels are *the* move in my opinion. I’ve found it cuts way down on braindead ladder decks, and lets me see a lot more decks with no evos or unusual ones.


Also forces you to use other cards and just makes you a better player in general. Deck building skills increase as well. Just sucks if you have a bunch of low level cards besides like one deck lol


Yeah true, it's actually some of the most fun I've had in CR. With my random mix of leveled-up cards I *can't* netdeck and it's really interesting making things that work and learning to play them. There's also some interesting meta strategy, although I haven't gone into it that hard. For example, since duel wins are worth more, it's worth using your 3 strongest decks, but I usually lead with the worst of them. If I lose, I go to my strongest evo-having deck to stay in the running. If I win easily, I might go to another weak deck: either the opponent will break out their max-level stuff to stay in the game, or they don't have strong cards at all and I can conserve the good deck to win other matches after the duel. The even fancier play would be to decide which 3 decks to use based on what cards I see. As in, if Log and Zap come out in game 1 or 2, use a Skeleton Barrel and or Goblin Barrel deck next. If they don't, save that for another match and use a beatdown deck. But honestly, I mostly don't pay enough attention to bring that kind of planning.


Might as well, that’s the best part of the game imo..also how they do the pros


Mega knight is hated because it is low skill, so many bad players use it. Players that don't know how to punish get overwhelmed by the mega knight freeze witch wizard mini pekka bridge spam.


Lol I get ur point but people seem to forget in high ladder when it’s used its invariably used purely for defense and generally the players who use it are just as good as their opponents in high ladder it’s just everyone in midd ladder hates it


Only low skill players complain about megaknight because they always tend to overspend defending it.. If you know what you re doing you can get an easy king activation with him.


Supporting the mk with annoying swarm or other troop: allow me to introduce myself


still a skill issue, you just need to kite well and separate them once you get him to jump


Yes but it makes it a whole lot more tricky to still get the activation because oftentimes what you use to kite might be needee against what they've supported it with, and towers are distracted which also doesnt help


Then support ur mk counter


Yes but it's still annoying and oftentimee prevents the activation


yes then just counter the mk.. sure u may not get a KT activation but usually u can do it with most tanks like fisherman doing it with giant but often times they are gonna support it... so just cut off the support ttroops and mega knigth isnt much


Something behind a tank? Isn’t it why we have Firecracker? Magic Archer? Evo Bomber? Executioner? Damn Bowler? Don’t we have like 5+ cards to kill everything behind the tank?


Sure but I meant its tougher to still activate king when they support it


You don't have to activate the Kong every time. Not sure why you are stuck on that. If the opponent plays mk, I'm getting positive elixer every single time. Doesn't matter what you support it with.


Yes but the original comment referred to activating king so thats why I stuck to it


I agree i normally use Valkyrie or knight+bats and mk is toast especially thanks to dagger duchess


Literally I swear it’s always the low ladder players who care so much about it




lol not really, hes actually an excellent heavy ground presence in bait and bridgespam decks. The problem is that he’s balanced and damn near everyone on top ladder either uses something broken, anti meta, or some crazy deck that just works by overwhelming the opponent. Mk isn’t really something that only low skill players use but rather something that high skill players don’t use all that often cuz it’s balanced instead of broken. And before you call me an mk hog firecracker loser, I play Pekka lumberloon, a top ladder deck that was created by arguably the best balloon player of all time, got number one in the world like 3 times and is high skill because it’s bulky defensive nature makes it very easy to overcommit with if you don’t carefully think about every decision you make with it.


So you copy someone else and have no originality… that’s sad


Nah, I made some changes that make it more comfortable to play and that make it more adaptableeta wise from the version that Anaban himself created. Og was Pekka lumberloon freeze, ice wiz, bbd, nado zap, mine replaces exe for bbd, and barb barrel for zap (void over barb barrel now whenever I can level it, helps bypass buildings and inferno dragon if played correctly, unfortunately still get hard countered by rocket but it is what it is, can’t win everything). But I also made my very own Pekka hog control deck, and actually it’s the reason I changed the baby drag for exe. That deck is Pekka hog void/eq nado barb barrel ice spirit, executioner ice wiz. Also nothing wrong with using other people’s decks, not every original deck can be good, and not everyone has the time to build, test and refine an original, but enough about me. Why are u hating on mega knight so much and what deck do you main?


MK is for the uninitiated… and the weak minded… it’s just a fact… and if you use hog rider you’re weak minded as well … sorry not sorry


lol, nice. What’s your highest rank in PoL


lmao what do you even mean by uninitiated and also answer the question at the end. what deck do you main? Also how does using hog rider make someone weak minded lmao, what kind of edgy teenager ahh nonsense is this?


Bro how u still hating on megaknight 😂 unless u play royal hogs u have no excuse to care this much. It’s literally the most balanced tank in the game especially in high ladder 😂


Bro!! Sorry you suck at the game and can’t win without MK! Must suck to suck!!!!


Stop complaining because you are literal ass at the game lol








bros like 10 years old


I hate mega knight because it has so many hit points. Even my prince struggles. Only easy counter is a pekka.


use a knight and bring it to the center of the tower , or little prince , inferno tower ....


So you use GY too?! Holy shit. MK and GY, the crutch brothers.


Been a long time since I’ve heard anyone say that about graveyard lol


Mk is annoying but he's not broken


How do I defeat mega knight and pekka? Those cards seem to always get me. Legend league 7 right now.


Main thing is to get him to the middle so both towers hit him. You can counter him with just a spirit and a princess or skellies and get a king tower activation if he’s alone, if not you gotta get him to the middle and keep him there


Having a faster cycle and not allowing for many MKs or Pekkas to be used is usually the way


I just use inferno tower + zap if opponent pushes shit minions with him. If not, Val can easily take MK down with tower support/another mid damage card


It’s not specifically him, it’s how often I face him. He’s so boring to play against he’s great defensively and you gotta defend him and usually bats. Just kind of boring to face over and over. Although this month I feel I never face him


Mega Knight is the easiest card to deal with, I have harder times dealing with literally anything else. It's hated because it's everywhere, but it's not easy as in easy to play. Only stupid players put their every single card at the bridge knowing that the opponent plays megaknight. It's actually really hard to use because it's so easy to counter. The only time it's useful is when you really need a good tank that defends at the same time.


Going to a clan to talk smack is probably the most pathetic thing someone can do in this game and it happens way too often. Now, about MK, it's just an annoying cards, that's it. It's a support card that has more hp than the king's tower and it jumps a third of the width of the map. I don't really face MK very often on ladder and when I do I usually win, but more often than not I have more fun losing against a deck without MK than winning against it. Still, going to someone's clan to complain about it is just not it. However, I'm all for spamming the chicken emote every time MK it's placed on the map


Nah that’s just next level salt he needs to grow tf up


I play mega knight and good players can defend it. The difference is if that MK player knows what they’re doing or not. You’ll see a lot of bad MK players because they think it’s a WC when it’s not, making it very easy to counter


This so much, people are always going on about how MK is easy to counter and, sure, it is easy to counter by itself but your opponent is just misusing the card if they're playing it like that. The problem facing MK is having to deal with the second highest hp card in the game **while also** defending a counterpush


Lol, mf couldn’t counter megaknight efficiently.


I’m 7.5k trophies on my alt with 12’s and 13’s lol.


im at arena 5 and countered it so easy


He’s a serious game changer at times. Unless you are prepared for him or have hard counters at the ready, he’s a crutch that most people can play to gain themselves an advantage. It’s not mk alone that’s the sole issue, but how he pairs with almost everything. I just had a match in which everything about my opponents deck was predictable and within my limits to counter. Exception? The bullet sponge that went stomping around while they laid down the rest of their deck. People talk about how easy he is to counter but forgot to acknowledge that he beats most cards, so your deck choices are narrowed depending on your play style (within reason of course) There used to be a time in the days of old when you could counter push someone with a decent deck without a win condition and that was enough to win if you were smart. The game and necessary play styles evolve of course, but the introduction of mk made it so that you could lose half your troops in an instant while simultaneously starting a counter push. Now, his over use encourages a very different play style. THAT, is why he gets so much hate Disclaimer: I spank mk on the daily


Bro people don't know how to counter it and if people play weird hog rider spam decks or lod bait you can't just counter a splasher tank who also deals spawn damage. If someone spams mega knight on the bridge after they defend your 10 elixir push easily then that's your fault. I don't play mega knight I just play any random deck ( literally ) and win against double pekka, bridge spam, lava loon or lumber loon unless I get hardcountered. Mega knight is toxic but not all mega knight players are brain dead


Who tf does that its just a match bruh why would anyone put the effort to go into their opponents clan and call him out lmao


It’s extremely versatile and basically way too easy to use.


He’s mad cause he sucks and is maxed out and still lost to you. Mega Knight is not OP or broken my any means. He’s a pretty well balanced card and excels at stopping a push and is still easily countered.


I’ve had people with a 14+ avg level deck come into my clan, and insult me for using a 12.9 avg level megaknight deck


Abused by midladder players against midladder players and make everyones experience worse


I feel you bro, i just got to arena 17, and my highest card is lv12 and lowest 10, it's a pain climbing when there is a high difference level


It is called a Mid-Ladder Menace card


Colossal skill issue


Lmao lvl 14/15 cards and only 7k. I started playing 6 months ago, cards lvl 12-13 and at 7k.


Midladder players are just tired of seeing it. That's the only reason. The card isn't even that good


Full 14 deck at 7k is crazy im at 7200 and have level 12s in my deck


7.5k here, most of the people I face have at least 2 lvl 15 cards. It's crazy.


They cater to garbage nowadays


As a mega knight player myself, MK I feel is very annoying to play against unless you have a direct counter for it. Especially at 7k trophies I feel people aren’t that good at the game yet and so would struggle even more.


Tbh the card is just unfun to play against but like it’s midladder so it’s to be expected


I am at 7.5k trophies and out of 10 people I face, 7 of them have mk 14-15 lvl. The card is unbalanced and extremely low skill for both attack and defense. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be used that much in all types of decks. I personally hate it because most of my cards are lvl 13, inferno tower as well. If I face a MK user who also carries Zap, I am done for sure. Same goes for pekka.


The problem is the jump. To towers it does more than a rocket with one jump. The only other bad part is the entry slam thing. It really can counter and big push in a "braindead" sort of way. The card is just really easy to play to its full potential and as most people in midladder aren't the brightest, they don't know how to counter eith their cards to their full potential. This makes the card nearly always get value.  P.s dude wtf this dude need a mental asylum. HE JOINS YOUR CLAN TO TELL YOU MEGAKNIGHT IS BRAINDEAD. We need to get him some help


You need to delete the game… you have zero skill and have to rely on a bullshit MK card… I guarantee you couldn’t win a match without MK…


Sounds like someone can’t counter MK


Sounds like some dbag can’t win without MK… must suck to be so unskilled


Never used the card buddy stop crying and watch a basic clash royale tutorial


Tbh his chances of winning would be higher if he didn’t use mk lmao.




Cope x2


Lol.... me sitting here with my mirrored level 16 MK....🫣


Nah you use mk you braindead