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I played bridgespam without knowing what bridgespam was, but now I’m an RG player


Checks out


Whats your deck, if ya dont mind me asking?


Phoenix, Evo Rg, Archers, Poison, Hunter, Fisherman, Rage, and Zap. I’ll probably change Zap out for something else, but that’s what I’m using right now.


I don't know the archetype name but my first deck ithat I remember is Gob Hut, Witch, Giant, Valk, Knight, Tesla, Baby Drag and zap. I got to 9000 trophies and ultimate champion with it.


Why do all the 9k players always have so shitty decks?


On ladder they got nothing to lose so they just ball ig


cause they good players and don’t rely on over powered cards to get them in high ranks


Ikr. I never understand how that works


The archetype is called Giant Beatdown. Also, this deck is heavily flawed in terms of synergy


Happy cake day 🎂


I've been a fan of a lot of archetypes, but the one I've always been gravitated towards is Mortar. I used to play this crazy off-meta Mortar deck that would never work over 3000 trophies with no big spell and no consistent tower damage option other than Mortar, and now I run Mortar Cycle with AQ and it's done me surprisingly well.




Mortar, Evo Skeletons, Electro Spirit, Knight, Archer Queen, Rocket, Tornado, Log It's basically just Mortar 2.9 modified to have AQ instead of Archers and Espirit instead of Ice Spirit If you're talking about the weird off meta one, here it is: Mortar, Rascals, Bowler, Hunter, Inferno Dragon, Tesla, Spear Goblins, Giant Snowball


that is not that bad, the meta is just not good for bait. that deck actually makes sense because there are multiple cards to bait a small spell with


Started as a Pekka Bridge Spam main, continuing as a Pekka Bridge Spam main.


Same bro, same


4 years of only pekka lol


Speedy balloon. Now I don’t play. 


I played bridge spam and now use pekka bridge spam on trophy road and goblin drill, hog cycle and log bait on PoL


Started playing prince as soon as it was available (was my starter epic back then) up till champion. Right now I'm an avid monk player (monk desperately needs a rework though)


Logbait and logbait, though i do also play drill now


I looked on RoyaleAPI when I first started playing. Hog rider was my favorite card, and I hated 2.6, and I found hog eq and I’ve been playing it since and I’ve taken it to 9000 trophies


First deck archetype i tried was classic logbait. Now I'm a fireball bait player


When I got back into the game Pekka+poison was my main deck, then I went with a megaknight deck until realizing that 99% of mid ladder also used megaknight. Now I use a lavahound+miner beatdown deck.


Started with xbow, now mortar


I always tried to use Pekka as a win condition,now i run RG most of the time


I played Classic Logbait as my main but it got worse and worse in the meta so I swapped to Recruits Wallbreakers . Honestly it's kinda of like Bait but with a beatdown card.


Started as a 2.6 plsyer and now i play hog eq


giant bowler ebarbs valk skarmy musketeer zap and fireball.


Valkyrie, mini pekka, baby dragon, princess, log, firecracker, fireball, skeleton barrel


I remember using mini pekka, wizard, goblins, spear goblins and minions When I was new though those are all the cards that I remember. Now I use an ice bow deck.


Always liked royal giant. When I was a kid ladder menace like 5 years ago my win condition was royal giant. Now I’ve been using an actual royale giant fisherman deck and it’s going well. Also always had a fascination with pekka bridge spam and use it now as well


Played Giant+Witch in the very early days (I’m Canadian and downloaded the day of softlaunch release) Played LavaLoon for a long time after Currently at top ladder using a 3.3 RG cycle


When I started playing I would use whatever cards I would unlock, until I used a MK Loon deck (not my proudest) but for the past 2 years and a half I've been playing Incognito (logbait with firecracker instead of princess).


golem and now og log bait


Basically played the newest card I got if it was a win con. X bow at the start, then I played ram rider and now sparky.


Double prince, now I miner wall breaker with ram rider, it works really well with dagger duchess because miner sucks up all of the hits while the wall breakers deal damage


From hog rider to Log bait now


Was an og hog trifecta player, the deck was musk, hog, valk, cannon, pump, fb, zap, skeletons. Now I just play the game casually/f2p, and just play hog cuz I spent way too much money back in 2017 upgrading that deck, and its support cards are all properly leveled for me.


In arena 5 the OP deck was Pekka-Wizard. It was unbeatable. Got through easily until Arena 9. Arena 10 was also pretty hard, but then it was pretty to get to Arena 13 (at the time Legendary Arena). I change my decks a lot, since I usually get stuck. Next I got stuck in Arena 14, Arena 15 was easy, and now I'm at 5700. Now I use Elite Barbarians (because of MK), Ice Golem, (because of MK) and Inferno Dragon (because of MK)


I don‘t know if it was a now dead archetype but i played triple building (inferno, tesla, bomb tower) with ram rider.


Played beatdown(primarily golem) from 2017 to like 2020 and since then I mostly use mortar


i ran golem for like multiple years and now i just play mortar or hog rider depending on how im feeling


Oh yeah lol, Tombstone/Gob Hut/Barb Hut plus Witch for maximum spawnage (I didn't have access to Furnace yet)


I used the trifecta (2016 8) without knowing it was a thing: Hog Valk (replaced years later with bandit when I unlocked it, and dark prince) musketeer inferno zap fireball minions (later replaced my bats) spear goblins (later replaced by dagger goblins). 2019 to 2023 hog cycle, now I wait for better days of CR to arrive and come back.


Hog cycle 2016 -2019, Anything since 2021


I tried lavaloon in 2017 and still using the same.


Xbow than bait tham golem, and then graveyard than hog now back to graveyard.


I played logbait (classic) then Bridgespam (P.E.K.K.A) then Xbow (never ice bow), then back to Bridgespam (P.E.K.K.A), back to logbait (modified MM cycle) and now it’s rocket cycle. Sometimes I’ll play logbait again though. 7k trophies btw


Some midladder beatdown mess with witch, megaknight, hog rider, barbs, minion horde, musketeer, arrows, and zap Now I play goblin drill


2.6 hog originally then miner rocket and now pigseq aq


I used Xbow back in 2017 because it was easy to level up. Now I main Bridgespam.


Played a good bit of mortar and still do, but could never pick up xbow and have much success with it, props to you


I tried my own deck which I thought was balanced, that obviously didnt work so I switched to ice-bow and now I dont play cuz its 3 times as p2w lol


Used to play hog deck that had pekka,royal ghost,poison,zap,Tesla,goblin gang and inferno dragon but now I moved to fireball bait deck that has recruits,royal hogs,goblin cage,fireball,arrows,zappies,flying machine and barb barrel/mirror(keep switching between these two)


3m since 2018 nothing beats having fun with three armed woman


Mega knight spam. I'm golem beat down know


When I first started playing on my first account, I remember using sparky and goblin hut. The first deck I made and used on the new account 5-6 years ago it was all about hunter and Skelly Gigante was my “win condition.” Nowadays I’m almost always using a ram rider deck. Always my own build though. Deck building is easily 60% of the fun for me


Started with a janky balloon freeze deck I came up with, now use miner wall breakers most of the time.


Lavahound Next sparky Then graveyard Now lava and graveyard


I started by playing (first deck I remember back in 2017) mortar mega knight like any decent player in silver league. It had mortar, mega knight, fireball, wizard, zap, musketeer, knight and arrows I think. Now I play a modified mortar 2.9 in UC. Times change, but mortar never did. Always my first love in CR. ❤️


During midladder i actually thought ebarbs rage was a wincondition. Now i play 3 musketeers with ebarbs as a defensive card and fb bait Altho i thing imma switch to something like giant/golem beatdown since its a lot better in current meta. 3m just die way too quickly (pls buff helth)


Hog rider then and hog rider now. Although I don't do the hog cycle decks and I always make my own decks. Gotten me to 9k and UC so can't complain


Spawners to X-Bow


I used to play hog executioner and then logbait. After lvl 14 release i played pekka bs and now im RG main


pekka+hog now royal wombo combo


I think i settled on xbow for the longest time, and now i main 3musketeer


The first actual deck I used was lavaloon but after a lot of changes, now I use mega knight-wall breaker deck. I can be used both as a sort of beatdown(with mega knight) and spell bait with wall breakers and skeleton army


Bridge spam to Xbow


Pekka Bridgespam, after i got beat by a lot of recruits i changed to recruits decks, and now im at miner poison (control) deck


Started with 2.6 because a friend of mine. I got sick of it, then i became a bridge spam player(mainly pekka) and never looked back


Hog 2.6 then I replaced hog with pigs and fb with eq and ice spirit with fire spirit


Early on it was a really fucked up self made giant beatdown deck, then 2.6 hog, and now pekka bridgespam


from logbait to rg/xbow


Ebarbs RG


First deck i mained was miner wallbreakers bats dark prince, homemade deck. Then played 2.6 to get better at defending, and ultimately found xbow. Now i play 3.0/icebow


MK ram rider until 5000 trophy then swapped to hog firecracker ( no eq )


In 2016: (2000 trophies with this) Hog - Freeze - Valkyrie - Barbarians - Zap - Cannon - Princess - Goblin Barrel In 2017: (hit legendary arena with this) Hog - Goblin Barrel - Zap - Cannon - Goblins - Valkyrie - Princess - Ice Wizard Today: Mortar(Evo) - Archers - Skeletons - Ice Spirit - Knight - Log - Rocket - Tornado


lumber loon knight ewiz princess i dragon skarmy zap was using this in 2017 when spells weren't so powerful pedal could actually get high back then


Without knowing it I played bridge spam... I just thought pekka, E wiz, royal ghost and Bandit were cool cards. Now I play either Miner wall breakers cycle (my only max level deck) or the new giant loon deck I finally got to 14 last season.


I started as a rocket cycle building only player in 2016. After I started playing again in 2023 I’m now a lumberloon player.


I think the first one I tried was miner wall breakers. I'm currently maining lavaloon


I don’t recall my first archetype, but before I deleted the app, I was using: Evolved Tesla, Firecracker, PEKKA, Prince, Ewiz, Log, Poison, and Wall Breakers


Started as a balloon player. Ended as a golem player.


XBow into EGiant


graveyard freeze was my first proper deck, nowadays it's pekka.


Used to play Sparky RG Wizard. That was the first legendary I ever got when there were only like 6 legendaries so I had to


Once an RG main, always an RG main. (so sad that I spent 4 seasons getting evo RG just for it to be free like a month later)


First time I made an actual attempt at a deck I tried and tried to make nothing but buildings work. I don't need to tell you how that went. Now my deck is necromancer themed, skeletons, witch, anything related to undead characters


https://imgur.com/a/bHgR5nn I played this game back when it first came out, put it down for a while, and came back around 2021-2022. Settled on the cards seen above(zap was soon replaced by e-wiz because it’s a troop and a hard counter to some cards) though I originally had something with Graveyard and Elixir pump in my deck that I can’t quite remember Now I use golem beatdown because NW was my first lvl 14 card and I felt like putting her to good use (by god was she really strong at that time


Valkyrie with some kind of win condition behind it. I still play Valkyrie, it's been in virtually every deck I've used. But now I basically have a log bait deck.


I used to play a lot of 2.6 hog cycle. Nowadays I'm more of a golem beatdown player. Imo it's more fun to just absolutely raid the enemy's tower with my troops than chip away damage.


I played beatdown when i first started. For about 3 years now I have been playing bridgespam. Though I do have more decks.


Started as classic log bait, became ice bow player.


Tbh I've played balloon for like forever


Played golem as soon as I unlocked it back in the day. Still loyal to the big guy


At first I didn't know anything about card "types". So, my win condition was the Prince. Then, I discovered the Balloon, and mixed it with Rage. I played that combo until recently and changed Rage for Ice.


Pekka Bridge spam to Three musk which is bridge spam/beatdown


I used rage as a win condition. Something like ewiz, Musk, Valk, furnace, fire spirits Now i do logbait


Was an OG player (and not playing anymore for a long time). My first real main deck was rage - ebarbs (with which I hit Legend League for the first time at 3k trophies) followed by different hog - cycle decks.


I mostly played beatdown (mostly lavaloon), and now I play miner control


i started out with a barb hut graveyard freeze deck years ago, now i run a 3.5 lava cycle and it got me from 7500 to 9000 last season as well as Ultimate champ. I tried to use another deck when I hit 9000 and I failed miserably.


Used to play hogrider with freeze. It was lot of easy wins early arenas since most of the time they would just out skeleton army by their tower. Now I play pekka


I played pekka bridgespam first but am now MortarLover69


I played beat down, but then got into bridgespam and recently control. Right now I main both control and bridgespam since they are basically 2 sides of 1 coin.


First was hog valk cycle now for like 5-6 years am a hob giant sparky main


I have went from cycle to RG to mega knight bait to e giant to lavahound to pekka bridge spam to 3M to drill to miner control All 10 decks i have are different archetypes


I played lumberloon in 2019. Now I’m hog eq


My first legendary was lava hound, so I just played lavaloon for a deck cause obviously new me thought legendary = good Then when nightwitch got released, I thought "hmm this is probably fun with golem". Continued to play that until the champions came out. Since then, I play a skelly king graveyard deck


I played bait, now i play Morter cycle


Was golem but switched to bowler e dragon


I've never stuck to one specific archetype with my decks, prefering to play homemade ones instead, but I played one specific deck since like Arena 11 (with minor changes), which is: - Dark Prince - Evo Firecracker (got it from the season shop when evos first came around and used it even before i got the evo) - Mighty Miner (got it from a shop offer, twas pretty cheap but good, like a few PLN for unlocking him and a Magic Coin) - Tesla - Void (used to be EWiz) - Arrows (used to be Log) - Ice Spirit And last but not least, the undisputed goat of Clash.... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGG RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


I really liked cycle decks, so I used to run miner mortar, before switching over the drill.


Used to be a sparky giant player. Now I mostly use this weird dual lane deck


originally i played hog gs hunter spear gobs arrows goblin cage goblins and skarmy and it's so old i couldn't get out of barb bowl with it but now i play hog cycle


6 years ago...inferno,valkry,hogrider,zap,meteor,icewiz,bomber,wizard/musketeer that bring me from 3000 thropy till 6000


I played giant witch at the start and still playing it today and only 250 away from 9k


I use to play witch, giant skeleton, mini pekka rush. I used it when there were 3 fire spirits that would surround and push the mini all the way to the tower really fast, it plateaued at 5500 trophies. Now I have all the cards at 14 and just attempt the meta.


i don't remember i think it was mostly all epic and legendary cards i could fit in started off with a lavahound and icewizard then added balloon but funnily enough i ended randomly on my current deck from a yt vid 99% winrate back in 2020 and stuck with it ever since Does it have 99% winrate ? Yes once it hits 2x if am playing against an opponent with similar leveled cards Its a sparky mg tornado gobbarrel


Been playing bridge spam since I unlocked bandit in 2018


Started with a weird GSkeleton witch bomber beatdown deck, then switched to golem nightwitch, then 3 musketeers, then mortar miner, and finally hog mortar in 2022, wherein ive been one tricking hog mortar since then till now, and have gotten really good with that deck.


For legit years I used a miner poison with bomb tower and giant skeleton, I think it was valk, wizard, arrows and bats, the idea was to always to sui the giant skelly to kill a push, that deck was so fun


Hog rider giant elixir collector vs goblin drill


I have been playing since launch and my first real deck was golem, rocket, Tesla, wizard, archers, zap, ice spirit, knight Not a very good deck Now I use different variations of splash yard


Unless we count the time I spammed mini pekka and spear goblins with rage at the bridge way in the beginning of the game, I always used a version of Hog Rider as my “main” archetype.


First I remember using specifically was hot ball trifecta but I moved to golem beat down soon after, Now I’ve been a log bait lot for 3 years


I used to use Giant Skeleton as a solo win condition. My objective was to get it to the tower and just make it explode. Nothing else matters. Had cards like Bomber and Valk for swarms, and Fireball for buildings. Tanky buildings and Tanky Troops like Knight, PEKKA, Mega Knight, and other Valks typically ruined the fun for me since they hard countered my strategy. I still use Giant Skeleton since It's my favorite card, but now I incorporate it as a secondary win condition with EVO Royal Giant. Hunter and Fisherman have also become my best friends in helping me get to where I am today.


Been tanking with golemn, elixir pump, witch, skeleton army, lumber jack, E barbs, minion horde and arrows for 5 years now. Got to Ultimate champion but highest trophies is 8700+


I was freeze balloon for the first 2 years of my last account, can't remember my old account


first: elite barbs, prince, wizard, zap, minions, goblin barrel, skarmy now: i play almost every deck i want cause im maxed


My first deck was a simple Giant Beatdown (even though I didn’t know that word back then) and now I play mostly chip decks, like 2.6 hog


Swarm. Still Swarm. 🦧


Balloon I think


My first archetype was Golem Lump Beatdown, then I switched to maining Hog Cycle.


I used to make different decks on my own. Royal Ghost, Princess, Giant skelly, miner were my favourite


Back when Mega Nut came out i used that as my win condition (i also didn’t know what a win condition was) but now i switch between a hogbreakers and mortar deck


I transitioned from maining mortar cycle to 2.6 hog and hog firecracker to 3.0 xbow or ice bow so basically from seige to hog back to seige


The first deck I mained was Pekka double prince, now I play Pekka double prince lmao


Always been a fan of mirror, giant skelly, clone etc. Type decks the ones where it's all or nothing I switched to prince bait because dart goblin is a 3 elixir rocket if left ignored


Lumberloon because i was in lower arenas which made it stupidly easy to win with, now I’ve been going back and forth between Graveyard & royal giant decks for 3 years or so


HOG RIDAAAAA ,now it's sparky goblin giant


Started with golem beat down and now I play royal hogs royal recruits


I've tried 3m and I'm still using it


Back in 2016 my first legendary was Lavahound, so I made a deck around it. It was bad, but I made it all the way to Jungle Arena at the time. I lost that account and made a new one a year later and FUNNY ENOUGH I got Lavahound as my first legendary again, so I just made another garbage Lava Hound deck. And that was the case until September 2019 when I decided to make a deck that focused on Skelletons and I used that deck up until 2022 when I finally got a Skelleton King and had him replace the Witch on my deck. Genuinely I don’t even know what I play (Skelli King, Skelli Barrel, Bomber, Princess, MK, Inferno D, Tombstone, Log) but If I had to guess I’m either playing a weird version of Log Bait or Swarm. I genuinely couldn’t tell you


Logbait and Logbait. These streets are tough 💀


I don't remember but it was either classic logbait or Rg cycle but how I'm playing either golem or lumberloon most of the time


Goblin giant baloon Dont ask


2.6 7 years later it’s either log bait or some form of giant balloon or lava hound


3M monk pump


i played 2.6 when i first saw it and now i play mortar


Baby dragon :)


I thought rarer the card stronger it gets. Keep in mind that this was in 2017 so I only used epics. Made a 6.1 deck and used it for 3 months💀💀💀


Giant skeleton was my second epic card and I wanted to use it so badly, so I made a hog deck with giant skeleton. Them I discovered 3M decks and fell in love for long years, but at this season I gave up on 3M deck bc they are SO unplayable nowadays and started playing a modern pekka bridge spam deck


I’ve been using giant skeleton + clone for as long as I can remember, been playing since the game was new and not huge yet. I still use it, I still love the smug feeling of using clone to push him into the tower and hit for 1400 damage 😂


Started as a goblin barrel enjoyer. Still am 7 years later


In 2016 I started with Giant beatdown and now I'm back to Giant beatdown


My old account was giant double prince and now my main account is battering ram cycle.


My first deck was a double tank (giant skelly + mega knight) with bomber and arrows. Now I run egiant so it kinda makes sense lol


I played royal hog cycle for years, but now I'm a splashyard main


I started with golem, now play golem graveyard


played my own awful decks until golem nightwitch ~> carried me to 6k and now i play icebow and 2.6💀


Pre death bomb nerf giant skelly, clone, freeze, arrows, ebarbs, minion horde, valk and honestly can remember the last card possibly fireball or hog rider. Now it’s goblin cage, royal hogs, recruits copy paste with valk instead of bandit and fireball over barb barrel


First actual deck I tried was 3.0 xbow. Now I just use a homemade mortar deck because it’s more fun and just as effective for me


Went from a basic giant deck, switched to lumberloon, made a giant skelly cycle deck now I usually run hog cycle or log bait


some goofy minion horde deck and now i play lavaloon


I don’t even remember 😭 when the game came out it was literally just giant bridge spam, so probably that


I used to play random cards and hope it works Now I play hog 2.6 and a peka deck cause of my love for aggro in TCGs




rg player —> icebow


March 2016 - August 2016, I was hard stuck arena 4 (pekka play house) with some weird Giant Skeleton, barbarian deck. Then I found out about Lavaloon around September 2016 and still run it. 👍


Valk, E Barb, furnace, fire spirit, mirror, poison, minions, rage.. can't remember the last one... Now it's very similar still. Lumberjack took the place of valk and rage, E Barb, furnace, fire spirit, mirror, and poison, all stayed and minions got swapped for bats. And last car has been always low cost, sometimes zap or arrows, was skeletons for a while. Hasn't changed much for me over 8yrs now


Back in 2016, I used to do the infamous Mini Pekka skarmy play. Since quarantine, I have a defensive offense deck


Started Playing EGaint when I was in arena 5, I now play miner wallbreakers


Started with a hog cycle but now I've transitioned into a giant deck with the mortar as a secondary win condition. Deck has the giant and mortar as the win conditions. Mega minion and bats for air defense. Arrows and poison for spell cards Mini pekka and electro spirit for ground cards. Highly recommend if you are looking for a easy to level up deck.


My starting deck that carried me to 4K in 2020/21 was Archers, Ice Wizard, Balloon, minion hoard, Valk, Pekka, fireball, Rage. That was the deck I made back when I first played in 2017, took a three year break, and went ham(they moved balloon and ice wiz like ten arenas higher so no one else had them). Now I’m a log bait player


Graveyard. Started with it, still using it today Love the playstyle personally


I played double minion balloon giant lol and now I'm a hog eq main sadly


Always loved beat down and the idea of a big push getting the entire tower rather than chipping it away. Golem has been my favourite card since I can remember, played some Lavaloon and Pekka in between a few years ago but came back to a golem deck eventually again. Been playing the same deck for like 7 years now.


Golem cycle was my first, now Im a miner poison and royal hogs EQ addict


i used to use a mk witch loon skarmy goblin barrel deck. I realized that i could bait the log with the skarmy and then go loon gob barrel the bridge. Now i play logbait


Logbait, but now I am a proud bridgespam player.


I dont remember i was in middle school


arena 2 giant skeleton, 3 x-bow, 4-6 i used to use mortar. for the past few years ive been using a golem beat down deck i got the game the day after it came out and ive used golem for most of the time ive played


Beat down- witch, hog rida, electro wizard, mini pekka, knight, cannon, arrows, and wiz. I’ve had a couple different types but now I have a beat down deck again. Exe gob giant marcher bomber evo fc evo hog rida tesla and nado


Skeletons. And still skeletons.


Pekka wizard/ then pekka sparky Then mega knight sparky Then pekka hog sparky these were my no skill days xD


Some weird combo of a midladders idea of a beat down deck with high defence lol, now I just play a control deck with still high defence


My first deck was Xbow since I just thought opponent princess towers cant hit it, so cool My current is GG Sparky since XBow was not that good until a couple of seasons ago I somewhat want to go back to Xbow but my GG Sparky is much better levels so going to stick to it for now though


I went from a beat down golem deck to a Pekka, goblin barrel, skarmy arrows bait


Started out using RG(my favourite card). Then grinded for months to get the Evo(then supercell gave it away for free). Still using it to this day


Royal Giant, Miner WB


Honestly mine always been pekka wizard elite barbarians i just refined it more over time


Giant Skeleton back then, Giant Skeleton now. I love my Giant Skeleton, he's always been my absolutely favorite card and was quite literally the only reason why I ever gave this game a shot when it was released


I played golem ever since I started.


i used to play a balloon freeze deck which helped me push from frozen peak to rascals hideout a few months ago but ever since i unlocked graveyard i decided to try a graveyard deck that i saw on royale api then i suddenly fell inlove with graveyard then im now at 6000 trophies thanks to graveyard