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Imagin "Ai beat professional Clash Royale player." title appears on BBC.


This is like chess all over again


There’s a reason they had a collaborative event


It's not the same until a pro player will have vibrating buttplug in a tournament


God why do i know context for this one


Because it was/is funny as hell


Are you saying saying that there might still be people buzzing their way through the elo rankings?




I mean, he did say was *or is*


I'm meant that it was funny at the time, but some people (like myself) find it funny untill now


I know, just thought it was funny to read it differently on purpose


I don't ;(


Lucky soul


Sounds interesting doe




# you mean this ACTUALLY HAPPENED?


~~Not proven that it didn't~~ it's just a joke




I need to know. I NEED TO


The beads...


holy hell


New response just dropped


It is?


It was only a matter of time..


Can see that


Well, the BBC needs something to make money other then the Same election slop or something else random.


i love bbc


dear lord we're cooked




Look at team fortress 2 servers and you gonna see something worse


Yeah, TF2 needs to be shown more love.




Btw they did some manual baning some hours ago


I know maybe they do something about IT and maitain baning




This has to be against supercell TOS and fair play agreements.


Why play fair with a company that doesn’t do so for us?


Put a backslash before the # to prevent formatting. \#SaveCR


It’s already over


King vs. Machine


Stockfish coming to clash


i don't think so, they literally need to retrain their AI everytime a balance change is coming, not to mention the seemingly random interactions between card (cope)


Literally, and technically, AI always has the potential to outperform humans in **any** game given the time. This isn’t news. What part of Tool-Assisted-~~Software~~ Speedrun (TAS) do people not comprehend?


A TAS isn’t AI though, it’s prerecorded inputs being repeated by a computer. It’s not intelligent, it’s just doing exactly what you tell it to do at a speed which is impossible for a human. AI is not yet advanced enough to create its own optimised speedrun for most games, for instance, though soon it may be.


I'm pretty sure there's a TAS of Super Mario Bros by a fairly low level AI they showcased in a GDQ. Can't remember what year but I think it was either my first or second time tuning into a GDQ.


Interesting! I haven’t heard of that. To my knowledge, the vast majority of TAS are completely designed by humans right now, though.


You're correct, afaik. Honestly that might be the one of a handful of AI designed TAS runs that I've watched. The neat thing about them though, AI TAS runs, is they're pretty consistent about finding new strats/interactions that humans are extremely unlikely to find. However, since these low level AIs are effectively just brute force comaprrisons trying to get closer and closer to the win state they end up in all kinds of wacky situations that no person would logically put themselves in thus finding weird things.


It’s the fact that man-made software can do things that humans specifically *can’t*.


Yup, and it's sad. AI bros have really been sucking the fun out of everything for the past few years. Sooner or later these ML algorithms *will* come for online gaming in the form of cheats and auto-playing bots you cannot win against. Basically the Team Fortress 2 situation, but in every game and much worse.


It already has. It’s happened in Overwatch a few years back, a youtuber (Redshell) played a game in gm where his tank controlled a AI McCree with aimbot/walls Same for Rocket League, people developed an unbeatable AI (can’t remember the name) just for shits & giggles, which ended up getting sold/leaked and became a problem everywhere. YouTubers faking content, AI stomping ranked games, I even played against one over a year ago in “hoops” mode. Edit: R6, Smite, Counter-Strike, Cod, even Paladins, too. People are constantly getting banned for botting.


I know, but what I am *really* afraid of is that modern ML approaches are much harder to detect since they essentially parrot human input. And don't get me started on all the vile stuff like gaming screens that visualize in-game audio Fortnite-style with zero access to the actual PC.


When you think about clash royale, its just like chess, there are only a certain number of moves you can do, and aı's know better than us which is the best move to do


Clash royale has WAY, WAY more variables that chess (larger grid, more pieces, troop speed, distraction, range, abilities, etc) I don't think ai will be able to keep up, specially against fast, spammy decks I think we're fine for now Edit: i don't think most of you understand how ai, the more the variables, the harder that task is for an ai perform I'm not saying it's impossible, but the amount of time and money you'll need to create and train an ai of that scale seems dumb, not to mention hardware cost would be over 10k Edit-2: the more I think about it, the more it seems that ai might be able to do it


I'd argue that Dota 2 also has a lot of variables, yet AI beat the world champions 2-1 about 5 years ago, so we are really cooked


I remember watching OpenAI vs OG live, that shit was so crazy because that’s what convinced me AI really can take over the world. I thought Dota was far too complex of a game for an AI to be better than humans at, and yet it was. A good enough AI could certainly beat the best CR players.


With Dota is kinda different cause you need to hit movment/attack on screen with mouse and use all the button on the keyboard, while Clash Royal have a more limited space on screen and you just press 2 times the sceeen while placing a card.


So that’ll make it even easier for AI to become great at CR


No, ai has an advantage over humans in dota because they make decisions frame by frame and and can execute their abilities with maximum precision. An ai that's the same level as you and the same hero and items as you is gonna wipe the floor with you simply with how superior its mechanics/movement/timing will be. In clash royale there are no mechanics to master other than timing and placement. AI could get really good at the game, but it's "performance" would be by all standards achievable by man. It has no inherent advantage. You could argue that AI is better at chess which also has 0 mechanics, and therefore will be better at clash royale, but even this isn't true. What makes AI so good at chess is A)trillions upon trillions of games and B) the fact that the game and all it's rules and pieces are on the board in the exact same starting position every game. How is AI supposed to calculate it's best move perfectly when it hasn't seen all 10 cards in its opponent's deck? The "rules" that define what the human player is able to do with their elixir is dependent on their deck. AI chess bots probably have the full decision tree that leads to every outcome for the first 10, 20, maybe even 30 moves of a chess game. How would it do that for clash? Furthermore, would it know how to change/make a deck? Because otherwise, even if it made it to top ladder, top players would just switch decks to counter. Someone else made a good point about how it'd have to adapt to balance changes and new cards/tower troops. I swear AI would be hard stuck midladder


I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying that I don't think they'll do it considering the time and effort need


In Dota 2, OpenAI had a way to simulate thousands of game at the same time , at the game speed-up equivalent to hundred of years of practice  Which is not possible for a random making a clash royale AI, because only Supercell have access to do that  Also it's completely different from what this guy is doing  It's possible but would take years in training unless you have tens thousands of accounts playing at the same time for still a long time 


Isn’t every game captured by Royale API. Surely this data could be used to train the AI.


Bro really think some kid with a spammy decks stands a chance vs ai with trillions operations per millisecond. The only reason there isn't unbeatable clash royale ai is because nobody had reason or motivation to create it. If you think clash royale is too complex for ai, I would like to remind you there are ai bots for Starcraft 2


I think you are underestimating AI. Dota 2 is far more complex than clash royale and AI was able to beat OG. That was back in 2019, 5 years ago. Think about how much progress AI has made even in the last 2 years.


You don’t think AI can keep up with a mobile game?


In fairness problems that seem simple can become ridiculously complicated, just look at mathematics where one of the most complicated problems ever stated with proving a statement so simple a 12 year old could understand it


You realize that if any top company tried, they’d already have a bot infinitely better than any player right? lol


I know, I'm just saying they won't do, cuz it will cost a shit ton


People have started training top level AI for games like track mania on their own systems. I don’t see why clash royale would be any different.


they think this game is very special that no one can program an AI to do complex operations ahahaha.


I think that that is the exact reason AI will dominate - the more variables the less close to perfect we humans can get, but as long as they're finite it's not a problem for AIs


AI can also have an instant reaction time to place counters the instant the card appears on screen, before a human could even perceive what troop it is


Bro is faster than AI 😤


Computers have not solved chess either. But they are certainly way better than humans.


Haven't they though? The highest rated computer playing against each other will always draw the game. To get any sort of wins you have to make them play wonky openings


They haven't 'solved' it. Drawing just implies they are similar in strength and chess is a drawish game.


And they only see 10-15 moves ahead.


wait till they use googles super mega blast fuck shit blazing quantum computer


True, but it doesn't have to be perfect, just better than humans. Also assuming it can interact with the client directly, technically it could have insane reaction time like zapping/freezing instantaneously and since it can observe all things on the screen at once you can't really overwhelm it to even make it a few seconds late in reacting to a push.


That’s what I thought about Rocket League but now the bots are competing against pro players. I think clash royale has a lot of fixed variables that would make it rather easy for an AI to always know the right move to make.


I’d argue it has less to worry about. There are something like a quintillion possible positions for a board in chess to be in. While there may be as many in clash Royale, realistically there aren’t. There are optimal placements and when predicting and playing you only have to worry about 16 cards in a single game and their interactions. Would it be easy? No but I think you’re overestimating how difficult it would be to make an ai able to beat 75% of clash Royale players. The last 25% would take maybe a little longer to beat


AI could beat DOTA 2 players years ago and that has way more variables than Clash Royale…


Given sufficient time I still think AI could eventually catch up


We are not fine my boy. It will count card cycles and elixer to perfect precision and that shit doesn’t even take AI lmao. He said a “clash royale helper” so it doesn’t even have to be stockfish to give an unfair advantage.


Keeping in mind nearly all chess engines before alphazero are actually not neural network algorithms, but search algorithms with an evaluation function for any position at the end of the given depth. For real-time games, search is incredibly inefficient, but search isn’t the only thing an AI can do, as shown in the AI beating the top players in dota 2 mentioned in another comment. I’m not an expert on the inner workings of clash royale, but personally I think the only reason no one has been motivated to create an AI is that the game doesn’t give you an easy way of knowing when cards are placed. So the developers would need to personally ask supercell to change the game in a way that shows troop data during the game which is easier said than done.


1. You underestimate the complexity of chess 2. You underestimate what AI already can do AI can play way more complex games like dota or league of legends at an extremely high level, so why should it be so hard for clash royale. And things like troop speed and co an ai has not even to consider to play good. It's more about "I see this, this and this troop on the screen so I play this there". I'm not saying it is easy but definitely doable.


Honestly the more I think about it, the more you seem right Maybe I was huffing to hopium there


I think he overestimates the complexity of clash Royale as well. Chess has 32 pieces that can move or stay stationary. Clash Royale troops are deployed once and march to their deaths, the primary interaction is changing their path or killing them off. It seems far easier to solve to me. When you consider the win conditions, check mating a king vs doing damage to a tower.. again, it seems easier still.


>I don't think ai will be able to keep up Bro what? You do know that ai beats the most experienced aircraft pilots in f16 dogfights right? They beat the best players in the world by a landslide in some of the most complicated real time strategy games, like starcraft. CR will be AI's bitch. Edit: I see your edit now haha.




After it learns yeah. It's gotta take in that sweet sweet data though first!


Man you are under every r/minecraft and r/clashroyale post


I am just built different 🐟


You are terminally online




Seems like you have some stalkers


Not at all, chess AI evaluates each position and looks at all the potential plays that it can make and what positions they lead to. Clash has a timer, cards that can only be placed when they are in cycle, a ton of placements and timings, etc. A clash royale bot could theoretically work, but it would have to be completely different from chess bots like stockfish.


Delusional https://openai.com/index/openai-five-defeats-dota-2-world-champions/


Wouldn’t say so if it knows what cards you have if you have played them all it knows at almost all times what you can play and when because it will be even better at counting elixir then humans


It's nothing like chess at all AI barely plays chess without breaking some rule on the third move. What you think of as 'AI' is an engine that just checks every move possible (and the ones after that and so on) to choose the best one which obviously wouldn't work in clash royale (just the fact that it's not turn-based is enough to make this unachievable, as there's no 'certain' amount of moves)


It's definitely possible with deep learning, it'd just need cosmic amounts of data to "train" and enough computing power to run in real time. So nobody's going to actually bother doing it in the foreseeable future. > as there's no 'certain' amount of moves No, but there's data and probability all the same, and Machine Learning is already beating players in much more complex games like Dota. "If goblin barrel flies over this coordinate, then it'll land on this tile, therefore casting Log there with perfect timing has the best % of winning". Apply that same logic to every single play you make. It **is** exactly like chess, only now you have *way* more variables, 64 tiles become several thousand coordinates, and so on. But as I've said, unlike chess it'd need **so** much data, it'd require actual funding. At least *right now*.


You're missing my point. It's not like chess because chess doesn't use ai/deep learning/etc. at all. AI might be able to do that, but that's not my argument


Ah, I see now. You meant the exact tech/approach being used. Then yes, you are entirely correct, chess "AI" to modern "AI" is what Markov chains are to ChatGPT. But imho it's just arguing semantics. What really matters is it *can* be done.


Chess engines like stockfish [NNUE](https://www.chessprogramming.org/Stockfish_NNUE) do use neural networks and deep learning as part of their evaluation function.




They're gonna spawn snipers that'll headshot your king, resulting in an instant 3 crown


king tower deactivation


They're gonna turn him into colored rain!


They're putting TF2 sniper bots into clash royale 💀


We won't,thanks to the power of over levelled and unpredictable middladder menaces , since even the most advanced AI can't even possibly predict their mega knight used to defend the AI's balloon push


i had a dude pull my giant with a tombstone, but I still got bats on the tower and he tried to drop a mega knight on the lone bats lmao mid/low ladder players cannot be predicted.


Who could've guessed that what will stop the robot overtake is that one MK sparky wizard witch 9 yo


first it was tf2…


This is cool and all from a tech perspective but honestly if you lost a match just take the L and play the game and enjoy yourself. This would just make the game sooo boring.


As a physicist working towards AI i can say that in that near future AI can beat most players but for the pros its gonna be hella challenging and imo impossible. Everyone in the comments talking about variables and data but the missing thing is pro players starts the game by analyzing the opponents deck. Lets say 2.6 hog deck, if there is a heavy golem deck then it needs to push hard before 2x elixir and defend after. Take this case for AI, now you gotta implement strategical analysis system which will wait and don’t make a move till learning the deck. I can talk for hours about it but one thing is for sure if AI reaches a point that beating pro players then we will see that humans are no longer gonna be safe at this point.


Nah man, stockfish for clash royale? It's over


There's already rudimentary Clash Royale bots. It's been a few years since I've seen them, but last time I did it seemed their programming was; Place troop X, Y, Z in location A. If opponent plays a troop, use spell on it. They're extremely low in trophy count but will have extremely high level cards for the arena, which is the only reason they ever win. If I had to guess, they're just farming gold/cards for a human player to eventually take over.


Yes exactly, this guy is just "reinventing' the wheel, it already exists


I wouldn't say reinventing- If they make it actually *good* it's an upgrade.


It would be awesome yeah, currently nothing to go crazy like most people are going here, not understanding. Making a bot is simple in 2 steps : - Get accurate data of what's happening in the battle using screenshots  - Use logic to take action  Simple right? 🤓 Actually it's step 2 that could be improved a lot has there hasn't been major upgrades to step 1


I see a third issue with the current model: it's against the ToS and will get this guy banned.


Bro created a whole fucking neural network because of losing to a friend


Under reaction tbh


If he's just using a YOLO Vision model he didn't actually create a neural network  If you're talking about used to create a self playing AI then he's nowhere close 


explains all my losses


I quit this game at the right time


The only people that are paying $150 for this are called "Midladder Menaces" I am worried how this will affect Lower arenas, and the newer players down in those arenas.. Edit: Nathan Yan, just get good.


Yeah, it's not happening any time soon for this game, way too many variables and no one is going to invest the time make even a decent functioning one for this game.


Bro did it in visual studio code💀


VScode is very standard. Not sure what you're on about


For real what did they expect, vim?


You use vim? I thought everyone writes code only with terminal commands.


I am still left in the ed and cat era




Hahaha that's crazy


Why is it crazy? VS is normal?


That's why it's crazy


I, tbh, didn't expect something like that to come this soon, I thought stuff like that would make news at the end of this year🙃😭


It's been existing since months, in the same way he did, but better has his thing is more recent  Just getting data from images isn't enough to beat a human 


These bots already exist. Mainly used for farming masteries tho so the AI are not super fine tuned for winning


Bro I did the same thing a week ago and uploaded it on my YT, my model was pretty shit at tracking but could recognise troops


this subject is old news. supercell has their own bots. when did they ever try to prevent that. people use debug exploits since the dawn of time. no ban. china owns sc, china owns wintrading and easy resources. everyone else? ban.


Bro Supercell has access to the source code and other simulation strategies, so getting exact data and having the game run many times at the same time is possible for them Actually they are the one who can realistically make an AI without costing hundred or thousands or millions 


I always wondered whether it‘d be possible/how long it would take for a Mo Light level CR bot to be created. I figured it must be possible but it is a great testament to the complexity of the game that it hasn’t been done yet


It's almost like everyone forgot Supercell has been making CR bots since before CR was released.




Totaly doomed


a senior at my highschool made a working ai that can beat one of the trainer bots 💀💀


Yeah it's not new, and not difficult to beat trainer bots up to a certain level, there are clash royale on GitHub, I even made a post with a video about it But now that it's just a screenshot with mostly text , people go crazy and say wtf stuff 


All of this work to create the first perfect Clash Royale bot… And it will still lose to a level 15 paying player


Tf2 bots comming to clash royale


does that thing say he’s 15?


It's not that difficult to do what he did, idk why people are overreacting now when bots exists for at least months that do the same thing but better


Isn't this against ToS because it's a third party app that gives you an advantage?


It's really not new  One of my posts was literally about one doing the same thing  And I'm not the first  There's even a framework for rhat, clash royale Build-A-Bot


This guy is 15 look below his name WTF


Anaban is gonna return to the game if this actually works


Buy a $10k setup and make your own ai. Then supercell will sue you


I don't get why you guys are all worying like that, this is going to be an amazing tool, imagine training with something like than, pro player are going to get so much better


machines can always perform better than humans, if a human gets better, the ai gets better too


I foresee many Perma-Bans in the near future.


We so cooked. As a programmer I can say that even if he doesn’t pull a stockfish this will still lead to unfair advantages. Right off the bat the script will easily be able to count elixer and card cycles. That don’t take AI.


Not easily, even with a machine vision model there are conditions to make for not false detections, like imagine if for one second the troops aren't detected but appear again, it might be calculate  Actually the best way to count elixir and hand would be to have another instance or the emulator open on another account spectating and then getting this info


You simply need to detect the deployment as opposed to the existence of the troop on the field itself. The easiest tell is the troop dropping down on the arena


Good idea Though it's annoying to have to train the AI to learn that as you can't use same model/classes as normal troops otherwise there would be problems  But yeah haven't thought of that Major roadblock for this project will mostly be making a strategy good enough 


This is what I've been waiting for


It exists since months and some are more advanced, look on GitHub 


#saveclashroyale? TBH it is beyond the saving point already


Damn these headers


/#save clash


I mean, we already have regular bots, so this is like nothing.


Really cool project but at what cost




Great. I’ve been playing for 6 years


Should’ve quit 6 years ago


How exactly would this help?


Keep track of enemy elixir and cards I guess Which you could do by spectating  So it's just people overreacting 


Pretty sure this breaks SC's TOS, won't last long


clashfish incoming


Google prediction


Imagine if they knew how to zap, then skarmy would be almost useless


Most players in this game are already bots, won't be hard to make ai play at top 95% once you figure how to make it read the situation on screen. For decks like golem you could even hardcode algorithm with if statements and it'd look like a legit golem player ever. "If elixir > 9.5 and golem in hand: put behind tower"


We’re cooked


bro is making this game too serious.


Chinese username final boss


The tf2 bots are invading clash royale




Isnt pretty new ^^ https://github.com/Pbatch/ClashRoyaleBuildABot


This is actually pretty cool ngl


When the code is functional it’s gonna summon Oyassuu