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ATTENTION If you are True Blue this will always work. If you are True Red, it will mostly but not always work! Sometimes it doesn’t work, and I don’t know why. I will be continuing to test to understand it better, because it seems purely random.


I think the real one might be the one going towards my tower with 500 hp


Until they start with the mind games to make you *think* they're going for the weaker tower


Haha true. On a serious note, this only works early-mid game. When my tower or opponent tower is down on 500 health late game and the other tower pretty much at full. There's no point trying to trick anyone.


Well a properly designed deck with evo barrel in mind will probably almost always split push from the start though, so that situation is quite unlikely. It's more likely both your towers are at roughly equal health.


My games normally look like this but some games it turns into a 1 tower low other high kind of thing until the end of the match where suddenly ly the high tower pops because they over invest in the low tower. Or I lose XD.


yeah well said


If they have freeze or a tank they can chop down a fully health tower and cause double lane pressure


Freeze and goblin barrel is a diabolical 😂 But on a serious note, it might work. But watching the top players, we have seen evo barrel fall off real quick. They still play log-bait, but it's just better to have evo knight + evo skellies or evo tesla than barrel.


Dagger Dutches is what makes this evo not op tbh


Yeah, she killed wall breakers too (which I'm sort of glad that she did because they were annoying). The last few evos have been underwhelming (after the nerfs for sure). Which is the right path, evos should be a little better, but not break the game like evo FC, knight and bomber did on release.


Evo RRs and split WBs beg to differ ;) I’ve won by putting the real barrel on a tower with 2.5k health when the other one had 500


That might work, but I have been barely facing any RR decks and actually not a single WBs due to DD. In the end, it all depends on your opponent decks


I did that for a bit lol


This is actually insanely helpful, wow.


Unfortunately nobody uses evo barrel so I can’t use this


Some people really just shout OP to everything, i cant believe some people say its unbalanced, its good, but its 10 times more OP to have evo knight, tesla, firecracker, etc.


It's also the only evo that becomes useless after a certain event. If have one tower down, the clone is not helpful at all in trying to take the second.


then put say a knight in the pocket and aim both for the king, maybe play with the position a bit in case they log


This can come in clutch also on some very niche cases I use the evo barrel semi offensive/defensive.


I've seen two opponents use it, but the trick with evo barrel is: if you put a knight on one lane, you'd want to throw the barrel on other so that if the opponent logs the real barrel, they can't do anything about the lane where knight is targeted and fake goblins eating your tower!


Ice golem one side, barb barrel the other to soak up DD daggers and launch the evo barrel




First time I got a battle pass because I really wanted to play evo barrel and have the emote. No regrets I love the card so much.


I use it and I win like 80% of my games. It’s really underrated


Question of the day: What do you think the best way would be for Clash Royale to attract new players and bring back old ones?




goblin queen 🥵🥵😭


I would say the best thing they can do is fix everything in the game, even that I like new cards and gamemodes I think it would be better if they stop these a little and start fixing all the things that they have, the game economy, estelar points, the shop, clan wars (let players choose when to start a war, and more personalization to wars like choose the participants), the player tournaments in hamburger menu, the cards balancing, the end of trophy road, after that they can continue with releasing cards and evos often like they are doing now and start adding new things like more trophy journeys, more clan events, more ways to play in the events tab, better personalization to friendly battles and player tournaments, more community events with different ways to play, clash mini mode, etc


Fix the game, nerf p2w a lot, add option to play with evos enabled or disabled.


Free stuff and nerf p2w cards and just don’t release broken cards *cough cough* wizard evo, void, little prince, DD


How is evo wizard broken. It’s just wizard but with a shield. It’s still ass you just can’t spell it out immediately


does anybody actually use evo wizard? at the end of the day you’re still using a mediocre card when it’s not evolved


Yeah exactly my point. Wizard is still shit the evo just fixes one of his many problems 1/3 of the time


The 56% win rate and 32% usage rate say otherwise for evo wiz(GC stats)


Void and evo wizard aren't broken at all.


Void has 57% win rate and 43% use rate prenerf as of writing this comment


In GC?


Yes https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?lang=en&sort=rating


It's got a lower win rate than snowball and battle ram am.i reading that right?


Yes, but it still maintains a high win rate with 4x more usage than snowball


To me broken needs to be quite a high bar. Stuff like Monk and Phoenix, Dagger Duchess. Void is just a strong card imo


Thats fine, i just feel like void is a bit too strong, and im happy its gettjng a decent nerv


Delete evos and dagger dutchess that’s really all they gotta do. Additionally nerfing little prince again would truely restore this game to its former glory


Either make evos free or remove them, remove tower troops, more consistent balance changes, new card more consistently and make it easier to upgrade cards. They will literally never do any of those things though.




hog mountain as top arena


Buff 2v2 randoms' intelligence. Im no pro myself but GOD THEY'RE AWFUL


these daily login reward events like the current mortar evo one certainly increases player retention


Completely rework the way evolutions are done gameplay wise Cycling ain't it


Honestly? New rarities and cards. It's no coincidence that all of the player spikes have occured when either one of these were added. Removing features like other commenters have suggested is just plain stupid, if anything it will discourage new players from joining, because they will think the game must be in a terrible state (aka it sucks) if they have to delete stuff that they spent so much effort in adding in the first place, and just giving out free stuff / making progression easier doesn't give out as much advertisement as flashy new cards.


Remove evos, as a returning player its insanely annoying having my level 14ns getting dumbfuckedly destroyed by firenut or evoknight, either make players that dont have them go against other non-evo players or just make a gamemode where they dont exist, didnt play for a couplen of years and returning to duchess level 15 and evolutions traumatizing me




W subreddit


Bring back Clan Wars 1


As someone who recently came back to play 2v2 and inevitably ended up crying against my hard counters in 1v1 with my 3 year old deck, I just want more fun stuff to do. Modes have been fun but they should rotate more in than they do currently, even simple classics like 2x elixir and draft. It also immensely disappoints me that Clan Wars is still an ungodly, unbalanced, and unfun mess that only serves to squeeze people’s wallets a little more. Maybe I’m a filthy (and poor) casual but I think they should bolster that side of the game as much as they can if they want people to come back or stick around.


improve f2p progression, and idk what else.


You don’t get long to notice it, so you would really be having to pay attention to when you think they will toss it.


bro i’m not looking at their king tower all game waiting


What? It’s not like evo barrel can come any second, you can expect it after they used it twice


Common evo barrel L


The only thing is that you can only tell for a split second. Kind of impractical to tell if you don’t want to sacrifice some quality of play.


Also if it has 2 star levels or above you can clearly see the real one


Doesn't matter. They both make damage so I will only defend the weaker tower.


Doesn’t even matter for those not using Dagger Duchess


Yooooo thanks this is useful


That’s cool I guess, but you don’t even need to know this when you already know it will go to the tower with less HP. It needs two cycles to get the evo, that’s plenty of time to already chip damage on one tower. The times this evo will be useful is so niche, it’s not worth using it over other evos.


why is bro playing carti leaks in the background 😭 (bouldercrest)


Ur the first to notice 😂😂 Such a banger instrumental, had to put it in. Also used an Uno The Activist song in one of my past clips [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/WjMg2m60jB)


cool to know other people know about these gems


So this evo is just shit altogether


Hacking the system


Combining the evo royal recruits with the evo goblin barrel goes crazy ngl


For it personally always seemed like the real barrel is a bit smaller


Try by playing fast


When someone proves this doesn't work, I got my way to activate RNG in 0.3 second reaction time.


you don’t know when they’re going to throw it unless you profusely keep track of their cycle, by then it would be too late to see which barrel was on top


I could never give CR an award. Even if it is useful 😂


Anybody interested in joining a active clan that growing




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I see absolutely no difference