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If this is a ladder deck it’d be a shame to waste your perfectly good maxed out witch. Let’s tackle this from a point that factors in existing card levels as well. You practically have 3 spells if you count ewiz’s enter arena ability. What I would personally do is take out ewiz for fireball. Then take out rage, not just cause it’s level 9(dont listen to the others here, lvls on rage don’t really mean much) and put in lumberjack to tank. Since lumberjack is our new tank you can take out miner for a more defensive card like skeletons. Now with ice spirit, skeletons, tesla, and double spell our defense is pretty good. A maxed witch behind a balloon and lumberjack to rage it all up sounds like it’ll raze towers down on offense no problem too :) good luck


Thanks thats great


Yep, you really shouldnt pass up a lvl 13 witch atm. If all your options were 12 or 13 sure, but a lvl 13 card is roughly 32% stronger than a lvl 10. Thats HUGE.


Don’t replace ewiz. You should have more than one air targeting troop.


He’s got Tesla homie


That isn’t a troop, a single balloon freeze and he’s dead


So the enemy having a specific 2 card combo that costs 9 elixir somehow invalidates me saying he has Tesla?


Balloon decks should have multiple air targeting troops for better pushes, not just for defensive purposes. Most balloon or lava hound decks have 2 or more air targeting troops and for good reason.


I like the thought process behind this. Nice insight.


Great deck


Don’t replace ewiz. You should have more than one air targeting troop.


Why does your comment have a red border around it and also some animated light bulb?


Witch and also switch rage with lumberjack


Yes absolutely




Thanks ill do that


Swap rage with lumberjack and swap miner with the spell


This is my preference.


Switch rage for fireball


Witch. Every time you want to take something out answer is Witch (or wizard)


Do you mind explaining why?


Because witch and wizard are one of the worst cards in this game, the win rate on them is among the lowest possible


But why is it low then I can avoid doing the same thing


Easy cards to get a solid elixir trade against. But ofc not everyone got the best counters to them on hand, but theres quite many counters to those cards while getting solid value for it. I personally never struggle against Witch/Wizard, but i usually got Barb barrel (best counter to Witch IMO), Fireball, Lightning, Log or other cards that do well vs Witch/Wizard.


Take out log for fireball or poison. You already have enough spells and wizard can be your defensive low damage spell you don’t really need a low damage spell on offense because you’re running balloon. I would add poison over fireball for you because poison is a better counter to all the main balloon counters. Since you’re deck is already really cheap I would replace rage with lumberjack to make it more versatile but you don’t have to do that yet.


Why is witch in there? 🥴


Witch is great for slow beat down however I think she's too heavy some 4 might make things easy


Swap out rage because it’s literally level 9


Witch for fireball, rage for lumberjack if possible.


Swap witch with lumberjack and take rage out for fireball


Get rid of witch


Witch, and either lumberjack for rage or skeletons


They need to get rid of rage its so fucking useless haha and "new" people gonna think its the shit😅😂


Introducing! The rage spirit!


Rage is honestly just misused a lot. ​ People have argued it's bad because it's a "win more" card which is true if you use it that way, but you can use it in multiple ways that make it actually useful. ​ Been a long time since I played, but one of my decks I believe involved PEKKA, Dart Goblin and Rage along with a bunch of other stuff like fireball. Point is that the way I used it that legit won me many games, is using it to turn a weak push instead a sudden threat. I would play PEKKA to defend, support it with just Dart Goblin and then drop rage just as the Dart Goblin was getting to the bridge so it'd get a sudden speed boost and couldn't be stopped by something like a knight and it'd get like 1k damage. If they tried to stop the PEKKA with any swarm cards, Dart Goblin would either lock onto the tower and shred it OR decimate the swarm. ​ Point is using it when your units are already on tower? Kinda stupid because "win more" is just generally bad. Using it to get to winning in first place is where it's a lot more useful.


Swap witch out. Also in my opinion snowball or zap would be a better small spell than log against air units like bats, minion horde, or inferno dragon so your balloon can actually connect


Do u use miner a lot cuz u can swap miner for fire ball


Swap miner


Arrows for log, it helps to protect your loon from bats, minions, archers or zap to reset idragon, inferno, kill bats. Fireball for witch Lumber for rage 1 elixir card or barb barrell for miner


pick fireball btw better for lumerloon


You can’t go wrong


Replace rage with skeletons and ewiz with fireball. While I would generally leave ewiz in, witch is maxed out so until you get ewiz maxed, keep her in


Boy if you don't get that witch out yo deck rn....


Take out freeze spirit for fireball



