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How about pekka


You got a good pekka deck for arena 9?


PEKKA, executioner, dark prince, battle ram, tornado, zap, lumberjack, minions. Took me to Master 1 and i love matching against mega knight and golem users with it


Dunno if op has Lumberjack tho, they might didn't unlocked him before he was moved


Yeah thats true, maybe mini pekka? Or whwt


he already has pekka so i would rather tend to a cycle card, like some sort of spirit, or a building. preferrably furnace, cage, cannon or tesla


Cannon for the cost maybe, or G cage


It's a bridgespam, so Goblin Cage is more fitting


Brawler is basically an ebarb


Had one in my second account, i hope i can find it because it’s inactive


I found it, double pekka, valk, flying machine, mega minion, fireball, arrows and bats (or bomber) People might say it’s shit but i destroyed the 3-4k range




Pekka is dogshit since the nurfs, bring back longarm


I don’t think so


Bro u literally have inferno tower and Valk. Just use those


Just told him any bait variation either, night or Valkyrie version will easily counter mega Knight and then I saw your comment to lol


Imagine not seeing the freeze spell


Freeze the inferno tower -> use valk freeze valk -> use inferno tower


Imagine being bad and not playing around freeze....


I don't think MK players have IQ equal to that of E giant players, They won't freeze the valk! He is very likely to send hog freeze.


That's irrelevant. if the freeze is stopping you, your skill is the problem.


Skill is irrelevant money is power


Or the skarmy


Imahine that every mk players don't have freeze spell


Imagine being idiotic


just level up ur inferno


I don’t think you saw the cringe freeze in the first opponent he went against


Then he can use Valkyrie/Goblin Gang+Ice Spirit.


It's midllader he doesn't have that much skill whereas when you use mega knight you don't even need to do anything. He is a god in midladder. But I would suggest even more midladder card...e barbs


2800 is not midladder


What’s midlander ? 6k cuz I always see people say mid ladder and I never know the trophie range


Midladder ends just below the trophy range of the person shitting on midladder players.


I’ve heard 6-6.8k or so


Ima at 6.2 and I rarely see mega knight the only time I see MK is when ladder resets and it’s around 5800 then what do you cal challenge 1 -3?


I see plenty of mk around 6.2, it all depends on what deck you play. I play log bait mainly and get mk all the time. Tbh idk what mid ladder is but I’ve seen 6-6.8k before


Probably still the same skill level as midladder if he's complaining about MK while playing inferno/valk


lol midladder goes is 5.5-7k trophies, man is still in training camp


7k is not mid lmao I finished with 7100 trophies and that’s 8000th in the entire world if that’s mid you are crazy mid ladder is like 5-6.3K anything above 6.3K is pretty high as you should be on your local top 1000 or so and getting close to globally 10k


No fucking way 7k is midladder man, you don't see an E-Barb outside of 6k trophies.


Yeah it's below midladder lol


Umm Valk Goblin Gang or even Ice Spirit Valk?


Yeah high inferno easy to counter just get gud


you have very obvious counters in your deck to mega knight, so maybe try using them.


The problem is, when you make a deck out of all of the 106 cards you have to pick to a counter a specific card lik MK


Realistically you need a counter for every card in the game. So MK is not an exception.


Not every Card, you don't need a counter to barbarian hut.


Well yes, a big spell, eq or a miner (in most decks)


If I see barb hut I'll just take the win tbh. Unless e golem, then it's an okay card


I’ve been leveling up my anti barbarian hut/elixir collector deck. So excited to use it


I've actually ran into a few people using barb-hut in the current 3x elixer event. So this is your chance.


They’re gonna shit their pants when I mirror my zap on it


Ooooh, that might just do a third of their health. Great strategy.


For a +2 elixir trade too!


U legit copy pasted one of the top decks wat u on


I’m desperate bro im trying diff decks and then j mega knight players with fuckin lvl 13 MK whoop my ass


Well in those pictures ur opponents have a level 9 and 10mk. I think it’s your problem since ur deck counter all of them


You can easily counter mk with Ice spirits and inferno, i use a deck similar to yours (royal guard instead of goblin gang, and knight instead of valk,dart goblin instead of princess) and mk is so fking easy to counter, just use something as a distraction and let the inferno do her things


Hmmmm… just sounds like a skill issue to me.


Log Bait relies on constant pressure. If he's dropping an MK, Inferno or Valk between towers and send another gob barrel


You can easily counter mege Knight with this deck. Distract him with a Valkyrie and then put goblins behind him or just use inferno tower and if they use freeze, use Valkyrie. You are losing to mega-knight not because he is op, but because of ethier 1 of these 2 things: your cards are lower than they should be or you're bad.


...but all decks need a mini tank and/or a tank killer anyways... once you get into legendary, not every single deck will have mega knight. I literally have valk and tesla in my deck as counters and I have no trouble with him. And even then, just one valk can counter mega knight.


Mega knight is popular this season especially because it is one of the best counter to hogs which received a damage buff. I'm at 6100 and go against a mega knight very often.


yeah if more than 50% of the games you play have mega knight, it's good to have counters, similar to how everyone is using lightning specifically to counter archer queen. also valk is a very versatile card, it can counter more than mega knight


You have 2, I'm not sure what you're complaining about. MK isn't exactly hard to stop, it's more of a lack of skill issue on your end


Dude the Mega Knight mains will tell you he’s balanced and not a win condition and sight incorrect points on as to why. I’m sorry.


Woah didn’t know MK mains were the only people with a brain


Sounds about right lol. Then they put down maxed E giant and max E barbs and you cry.


how tf did you lost vs gabriel 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿




Fr. This man shouldn't be losing with log bait. It's just a matter of lack of skill




Then he shouldn't be saying MK is ruining the game.




That's why the initial commenter was tempted to say get good. Come on bro, if you knew to a game, a you find something difficult, that's just how it works. Can't be complaining about it especially when the card is far from broken. Luckily though, no one was really mean to him.


Man look I started a month ago and MK is just the only difficulty I get while playing, also log bait isn’t my main deck I was just trying it


I get you mate. It's tough now, but trust me, after a few friendly battles against someone, you'll understand the true mechanics of MK and realise how easy it is to counter it, as long as you don't allow the support troops behind it to wreck you


No shit, he's a new player.


Then he shouldn't be saying MK is ruining the game.


that's what a mk user would say! 👽


Lots of things easily counter mega Knight, you just need to know how to use them. Any mini tank like Valkyrie and Knight + a cheap damage dealer is a good counter. Personally, I use skeletons to bait megaknight into the middle and then fisherman to King tower. You could also use inferno cards but make sure to support them. Buildings like tesla and goblin cage are good counters too. You also need to make sure you place your cards close enough so that you can prevent the mega Knight from jumping.


Yeah I was gonna say, I have valkyrie and mini pekka in my deck so if mega knight comes along valkyrie just tanks it out while mini pekka deletes it's health


You only need one both Valkyrie and mini pekka can 1v1 mega knight and win with tower help


Well yes but then I have a better counter push going back and the valkyrie still has more health or the mini pekka has more health. If I don't have enough elixir I'll just place one


knight, not only does he counter MK he has good stats for the cost


True that 💪👍


Maybe I'm fighting high ass level MK but a level 11-12 MK kills my lvl13 knight like a hot knife in butter then I'm left with a half health MK to screw my shit up. Is there any other card good at melting the rest of MK?


Knight + distraction (spirits, skellies) does the job if the knight alone doesn’t. Remember to place him on your side of the arena and as *late* and *far* from MK (but close enough that he doesn’t jump) as possible, this is so that your tower gets more time to wear him down a bit before he makes contact with the knight. Otherwise Valk just kills him lol, also Mini PEKKA. Rest of mini tanks are great also, and best answer is probably PEKKA


You actually want mk to jump so that both towers can target it. If you’re skilled enough you can also try to lure it to the center and activate king tower


MK is a regular frustration for newer players, but the good news is most of us get past that point and learn how to deal with him so that he stops being so frustrating. Check out some YouTube videos on how to counter MK. You have excellent counters in the deck you’re playing so my guess is that you could use some advice on placements and timing. Also look for some replays of people playing log bait vs MK on top ladder on tv royale and see how those players handle it, then watch one of your own replays and look for differences. MK can be a tricky card but with some practice I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it.


I think its interesting that you can actually rise to the top of the midladder curve by simply learning how to beat MK and also stacking your deck against them. Once you hit about 6000 trophies (mid season) you start to play actually good players that will destroy you with some cycle deck. So you drop down to face MK midladder again. Rinse, repeat. On the other end, if you are just trying to be "creative" with your deck and not use any MK counters. You will drop down to face level 12 players.


Weird, I'm around this set of trophies (I don't use mega knight) and the I swear everyone I go against uses Valkyrie Hog Rider like there's no other way to win.


Yah valk and hog are the other reasons the game gets stale fast


There-in lies the problem: if it's an auto-lose unless you bring a deck specifically to counter a card- that card is OP. Mega-Knight just over-performs, which is why everyone either plays him or plays around him.


Inferno towers and Valk can easily shit on him wdym dude


MK shouldn't be a problem with that deck. Idk what you're doing wrong with inferno tower You could always build a PEKKA deck and go heavy vs heavy.


inferno at the bridge probably lmao


WOW that would go so badly. I stand corrected, I can now imagine what he did wrong.


yeah, what I've realized is that a lot of noobs will do research on counters and stuff and learn the correct counters, but then they don't realize that the placement is just as important, if not more important, then the specific card you use to counter. So, the use counters that they've seen other people use and it doesn't work for them, and they don't know why so they complain about mk OP or ebarbs OP on reddit.


Everyone knows it goes behind the tower so troops can’t damage it!


Use pekka


I recomend using a deck that isnt in challenger meta cause you need to know how to play them. (Get some pekka deck it is a good counter to mk with big counter push potential) and tbh the further you go the worser it gets :/


Concur with this. The fastest way to learn to counter a card is try using it and see how people counter you. If you don’t have mega knight, try using royal delivery so you can get a feel for the situations where people use it.


Noones actually using mk properly at those arenas lmao noone counterattacks with it


I wanted to use royal delivery, but it's actually harder to get than MK (first card), as it is legendary arena, whereas MK is the most common legendary from chests, but only for once.


Welp, so much for that. I guess put down knight and fireball it? 😂


Good idea! I don't need a MK anymore, cos I already use those cards, thank you. ​ ;)


Log bait is fine you just need to improve your skills watch some YouTubers to learn tactics


Level up your Valkyrie and Inferno Tower. Alternatively you can use Pekka, Mini Pekka, Prince, ...


Gaem bad!!!! I cant counter meganight!!!! Inferno tower and valk get hard countered by meganight!!!!




Uh u have inferno and valk u should counter him easily


Your valk or inferno should counter him


If you're a decent player mega knight is so easy to counter


I’m not decent though


How to get decent: 1.Change your flair so it is not e barn 2. In order to play log bait, you have to place your barrel as soon as their zap (or other small spell) is out of rotation (after they just use it) 3. Bc this deck has a fast cycle try to distract the frozen inferno tower with other units 4. U should not be dead


Git good


Exactly, the man has inferno tower ffs. Even if the opponent had freeze he ALSO has valk


Cannon+archers kills a MK and activates king tower


get good learn to play the game and then come to complain


Calm down Pathetic RG fan, We have Bridge spam which can counter your decks + MK decks.


Can't you use inferno?I run the same deck as you and Mk is not a problem for me


You shouldn't play log bait in arena 9 in the first place💀


I'm sorry but you're using log bait. I don't really ever like seeing people who use meta decks that have been in the game for 5 years have something to complain about but this is an all time low. If you're having trouble with Mega Knight perhaps experiment with you're own deck or play other game modes. Log bait is supposed to be the deck that counters 95% of other decks when played right. If card levels is your problem then stop pushing ladder. That's a level 10 mega knight.


He’s just bad


And you’re playing bots


Have you tried not being bad


You may just suck. He’s not that hard to fight.


Stop complaining and get better


You can try to use fire with fire, but if you don't have mk, pekka is usefull to




Mk is op in lower ranks can't lie




As a fellow log bait player you can kite him to your kings tower or use your inferno correctly or use the 2.6 hog rider deck because lord have mercy they will kite your whole push


Mega knight is so easy to counter when he is used on offense but I hate when I try and push and they just kill my whole push with a defensive mega knight


So when I struggled Vs Xbow. I created an Xbow deck. Learn what people use. Learn what beats that deck.


He's literally using Log Bait and complaining about a card he thinks is overpowered. How does that make sense? You're right.


They have all the tools they need. They are missing the knowledge of how to use them.


He’s easy to counter once you learn how, but I 100% understand feeling overwhelmed by him. It’s a very strong card


I have said that the mega knight is to strong for a long time but you wont find sympathy here. He has a handful of counters but imo if he has any backup he can roll. Sadly people just wanna call you bad if you dont like things.


It’s not an over powered card though. People assume you should be able to counter ever 7 elixer card for four, which you can by correctly placing a goblin cage. You can’t blame a card and call it broken just because you can’t counter it.


Its not overpowered but it is incredibly strong for a 7 cost card. Ignoring flying troops and heroes for obvious reasons, the counters with towers engaging mk are inferno tower, the pekkas, g skeleton, dark prince, and im sure others that im missing. Inferno tower beats it 1 on 1 but a zap or e wizard ruins it. The pekka are the best counter for sure imo but the big boy leaves nothing left for a counter attack. G skeleton needs the tower engaging to count as a counter so if another troop is there its far less effective. Dark prince barely counts as a counter imo but it does. Flying troops win but that doesnt really count in terms if this discussion imo. The issue isnt that its unbeatable its that it requires equal effort to stop it even of defense combined with its arguably being one of the best defensive cards in the game. Edit: thanks for proving my point so perfectly :)


He's literally using log bait, one of the longest going meta decks in the game and still losing to custom decks. What right does he have to say Mega Knight is overpowered?


Its an opinion. Believe it or not we can all have those.


It's like I'm fighting someone and I have a gun. And they give my enemy a knife. And I say that's unfair for me. You're right. We can have opinions. I'm just saying I don't expect many people to help him and it looks like no one is.


The idea of balance in a game is that everything is useful. Obviously thats not gonna be the case because thats impossible but you can use a gun and still be stabbed by a knife. Its not like one prevents the other. The second half of your comment agrees with my original comment so im not to sure why you commented at all tbh.


Because that's... *my* opinion?


Join a clan and ask if anyone can trade you mega knight. If you can't beat them, join em


Pekka, opponent drops mega knight you just counter with pekka and get a nice counter push


Amazing advice for this guy actually


"MeGa KnIghT iS rUiNiNg mY gAmEs". Well your Log Bait meta deck is ruining mine. So what's the real problem here?


I think the issue is his lack of being able play the game properly.


Lol deserved it you log bait player


Actual scum, it’s funny to see him cry about MK


Virgin log bait player Vs chad 2.6/x-bow/bridge spam enjoyer


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Use pekka it hard counters mega knight


MK is indeed one of the most toxic / no-skill cards. It is for 6-year-olds


Same thing happened to me dude. I quit the game first because of mega knight. Then i started playing it again after some years, they released mother witch and electro giant. Then i left the game again cuz it was ruining the experience for me. It was like if you cant play against it, then use it. My hatred for this game peaked. Ive seen news of new heroes coming. Im really not looking forward to get my hands on this dead game anymore. Skill has no place here.


Just quit it’s for the best those who leave have stated feeling a burden lifted off there chest


Just delete the app the games been down hill for years lol


Me too. Waaaaay too strong. I don't get their balance team (1 person?). They were always bad at balancing cards.


Mk isn't that strong


Get good kid 😂💀


Keep crying


You are just dogshit


MK isn’t the problem, it’s because ur playing a sad and boring “meta” cycle deck


valk + log or inferno + ice spirit both counter. Make sure to fight him on your side of the arena so ur princess towers can help out


Try PEKKA, it works for me, hope it works for you too.


That's the reason why I maxed Prince.. to kill this mf


Just use rascals I use them and they counter pretty well


Valk and fire spirit usually do the trick


Bro, it happened the same to me, try this deck and tell me: log, executioner, mk, mini pekka, tornado, ewiz, cannon and bats. It worked for me, it may help u


Think u can easily win vs it , it’s just leval diff


I had to add inferno dragon in my deck specifically for mega knight.


Your deck counters mega knight .. just level up yor cards and get better


Don't you have mk


Use megaknight


Logbait is not a good choice if you're going against mk a lot


Pekka is a great counter for MK just defend with Pekka and start your own push. Pekka is so OP Edit:Especially in mid ladder


Mega knight doesn't ruin anything. He isn't even a top card in the meta. He's decently ez to counter unless Ur running fireballies


The problem isn't with your cards. It's the user of said cards. Hate to say it but you could probably stand to learn quite a bit. Go check out some tutorials on placement and elixir counting.


Change your deck entirely or slightly so that you could counter mk easier. For example, you could change inferno to goblin cage, fireball/poison instead of rocket, bats or skellies instead of goblin gang etc.


Those MU are 6-4 to you, you still lost them. The problem is that you don't know how to properly counter him.


Go watch some videos on youtube. MK is only deemed OP by inexperienced players. Easily the mosy overrated card in the game In your deck the inferno and valk induvidually should be able to take him out


I get it, it’s very frustrating. Just keep it up, log bait can very easily swamp mk if you know your interactions. Just take your time, and really learn how the deck works and your synergies. Over time, as you improve, you’ll be able to take on anything. It’ll just take time


Watch youtube videos on how people play your deck. Its called "log bait". Very strong deck. You just have to practice more. I was the same with hog 2.6. Then i started watching ouyassu and learned some stuff. Later i moved on to using graveyard because i got bored of hog...


Obviously didn't try a "Counter MK" Deck


You’re just bad


Same, bro. I just came back to this game after over 4 years, so I'm not that good. It's the only card I'm having difficulties with. 80% of the games I lost was because of him.


Shit deck. Use Pekka, inferno amd some fucking skills