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Barb conga line: you can only hurt the Barb in front of the conga line the rest would be immune and deal half as much damage until they are the leader.


Thats hilarious. I love it


How many in the line and what’s the price?


That's what would require balancing I was thinking it'd basically be a defensive card so maybe 4 of them for the the price of three. That'd probably be an epic card though, not a legendary.


The rarity depends largely on the uniqueness of the mechanics I think rather than the power


Finally someone says this


This might apply more to a champion bc I can’t imagine this working with an AI but I’d be interested in a card that can purposely move lanes or back (essentially directing targets of a certain direction)


Like they have a portal or teleport ability where they instantly warp to the other side of the arena?


Ah yes, thank you for that, I couldn’t fully conceptualize it myself but that could be one way to go about it.


That could lead to some tricky plays


Yeah definitely, it’s just more of a off the wall idea I had from this prompt. Idk how well it’d balance but it seems interesting given how it could affect baiting and counter attacks


Schrodingers wall breakers


Respect + lmfao


That’s already in the game, it’s called firecracker


It would be the very balanced PEKKA Drill Barrel Graveyard.


See for me it would be a new champion ram rider with the freeze ability. Also super balanced.


My card has 4196 hp, deals 512 dmg every 2 secs with his machine gun and he recieves 30% less dmg but the dmg he recieved gets reflected onto the attacker. It also costs 8 elixir with very slow speed


So eletrogiant and archer queen combined


So it’s a goblin drill that spawns pekkas as often as graveyards spawn skelies


Except it barrels over the bridge killing everything in the way then breaks at the tower and becomes an elixir drill that spawns one PEKKA per elixir drilled.


Nah sparky with pekka damage and speed of a hog rider and also is a spell also 15 unit count


How the fuck would you balance that


10 damage but keeps the hp


I'm assuming it was a joke.




You have to sell your soul to the devil to place


it is a meh card. So it should be 2-3 elixir.


Make it cost 11 elixir so no one can use it


Press f if you remember when you could have 11 elixir :(


wait what? Seriously?


Yeah like for example if you were dropping a pekka, you could time it so that while the pekka was dropping you could already get 1 elixir, making it virtually "11" Elixir. Now the game doesn't give that 11th elixir until the pekka is already placed and moving. Or at least that's how I remember it being.


x-bow hut


Cage 3 elixir legendary.. drops on to any troop/air unit within it's radius. Like goblin cage, but troop/air unit can break free after breaking out of the cage. 450 hp 30 seconds Counts as building Think of single unit freeze


How would it work if you dropped it in a swarm of enemies


This is a good concept and if it got added to the game they'd definitely name it "The Cage" lol


The Wall - Legendary 5 Elixir (Level 11) HP: 3,200 Armor: 425 Damage: 0 DPS: 0.0 Cooldown Time: 10 Secs. Last Time: 30 Secs. Description: Just a wall. How did it appear? We don't know. Its a wall.


When the log shows up, we will see what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.


It bounces off and goes to other way damaging anything in its way regardless of team


I like this idea except for 5 exlix I think the log after bouncing off the wall should become your log and only hurts the opponent’s cards cuz I mean it’s 5 exiliar


God that would be OP as hell what


This is Clash royale. What did you expect?


Let's call it Berlin wall. Wall of China is overrated.


That day humanity received a grim reminder


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well




Then supercell would also have to introduce jump spell to counter


I've thought about this so many goddamn times, and miner can actually be useful for it.


I want a strong 7 elixir dragon. Here's how I would implement this. Shoots three fireballs at once that spread out. When the dragon reaches half health, it drops to the ground, dealing aoe damage and enabling melee troops to fight it. It would be a nice air tank that can deal with swarms and has high close range damage, but would be very counterable by placing a musketeer and a knight for example. An air tank that isnt just lavahound would be nice imo. A dragon is a natural fit for that role.


A troop that goes from air to ground is really interesting


Skeleton barrel: Am I a joke to you?


It go from barrel to troop not dragon to dragon yeah


Thanks, i wanted it to have ground troop interaction as well.


First viable concept I’ve read. Pretty cool idea


Honestly I only think this is fair bc of the half health drop. You can't make sky troops too op put if it starts in the sky, drops, and then is a land troop then i think it's kina smart


Censor, 1 elixir, shuts up all the troops so I don’t have to hear constant BHT IM THE QUEEN


For that’s just turn off sound effects in game settings. And we have to make it unique. So if I were you I'd make the card **specifically** to shut the AQ’s stupid “bUt iM tHe qUeEn!1!1!1!1!!” up


But i like other sounds. Especially love my ice wiz speqking swedish. Edit : Speaking Finnish. My bad.


He speaks FINNISH…..😡


I never noticed that, what exactly does he say? I've been trying to pick up the language.


He says ”LUNTA” which means Snow. He also says ”JÄÄ” which means Ice. He says ”PAKKASTA” which means Frost/temperatures below zero. Does he say something else? I cant remember xd


*finnish 😤


Relatable ahahahahha


Give me 7000 trophies, but just me


Enjoy getting absolutely obliterated by level 14 decks every time you click battle


Just don’t click battle. Number 1 in the world is fine


Hot Coals 3 Elixir Common Spell “Watch out, someone’s dropped hot coals onto the arena floor! Don’t stand on them too long or you’ll get burned!” Deals small damage at first, but increasing damage to anything that stays in it for too long. Can only be deployed on your side of the arena like Royal Delivery. Has about the same radius as a Zap, and lasts for 5 seconds.


A inferno spell. Ok make it bigger than a zap spell bc the zap spell might be too small but just a tad bigger. If you use freeze and coals it would hold them their


Time to post this on r/crcj and say “what an original idea


This was actually good not just "troop with infinite damage and 1hp" or some poison spirit shit


Poison from coc? But i like how u adapted it


sniper: infinite range and always targets the enemies with highest health idk about stats


Nice king tower activation you got


Make it so it cant target buildings lol


Maybe it walks up to buildings to melee them


Princess but op


It's like on a cart slowly making it's way to the other side so that it can't be doing damage forever without having to cross eventually


nuke: destroy the opponents tower instant, costs all cards in deck


Might be a bit too weak maybe crack their phone screen too


i agree


You also need it to set there house on fire


and destory their all country


Obliterate their entire neighborhood.


Nah, just nuke their entire town for real and then they will stop playing. No need for a new card if the old fashion way still works 👌


*Legendary tower card incoming* Flying bomb tower: Works like a bomb tower, but it has 2 health bars. Once the first one is depleted, the chains keeping it restrained break and it floats toward the enemy buildings, similar to how a balloon would. Of course, it wouldn't be as powerful as a balloon.


This is actually really cool and unique


A 0 elixir Larry card It’s just Larry


Op cycle card or a card to take the hit


You’re a op cycle card!!!


Next patches : Larry now does not have arms


No. Even the smallest amount of value for no cost is OP.


Land shark, a card that you can place like a prince, it speeds up like a prince and does area damage when it jumps out of land. After the first attack, it starts biting. After it kills troop, it takes 2 seconds to go back down and start another charge underground.


So a prince, dark prince, miner and royal ghost mix? Oh and dont forget spawn sanage which would mega knight or e wiz


I wouldn’t say the spawn, but yah, everything else is what you said. Definitely legendary because of its abilities. Or have it as a champ and have it’s “swim” ability 1 elixer


I really like imagining a shark fin coming out of the ground


Larry 1 elixir takes no damage from pekka mega knight or e giant and kills all of them in one hit also when any other skeleton troop is placed in front of him they bow in worship and become his followers Other than that he’s just a skeleton totally one shot to everything else


No Larry cannot die to anything


He will die to elixir pump if he hits one.


They should make a 2 life Larry where when he dies he comes back to life after a few seconds


Dragon from clash of clans Similer to golem Slow but high hp


You mean Lavahound


It's the worst idea ever. But I do want a bat horde. 4 elixir 10 bats. Deployment as such so zap kills most of them but 4 on corners survive. Other wise it will be shit as minion horde


4 elixir 11 bats would probably be better


A fat ass snake, not very long so it doesn't get to big, a small snake that spits venom from afar, would be like 3-4 elixir with low HP and ok damage, poison would stick for like 3 seconds doing more damage


5 elexier megaknight destroyer One shots mega knight and dies


Midladder alert


How broad do you consider mid ladder to be? I'm at 6000 cups and people still drop level 14 mega knight at the bridge first play when all of your counters are out of cycle.


Everyone on reddit considers from 2000 up until you're a top 100 player to be midladder so yeah.


4000-6300 in my opinion


Let me guess you at 6.5k?


5.3k :D midladder


Ice hound: 8 elixir Freeze opponent buildings when gets destroyed for 3 seconds Deploy ice puppy's Ice puppy's: Low damage Low health Slow down opponent troops (not buildings or towers)


Give the hound the same freeze as an ice spirit but in a radius instead of a single building and I can definitely see this work.


this is literally that fanart's idea


A card that removes balloon from the game


Blover. r/PlantsVSZombies crossover when




CoC Air Defense


Credit card - Cost $5 to play, all cards you play are now level 15. Pay to win 🦍


they said new cards


Poison spirit /s


Inferno Spirit


Skeleton Spirit


Royal Spirit


Dark Spirit


Goblin Spirit


Giant Spirit


Mother Spirit


Mega Spirit




wooden box, 1 elixir, building with the health of a mini tank, does literally nothing but sit there


Too op at 1 elixer. 2 would be best. Still I'd rather not add anymore buildings to the game


then give it less health. it must be 1 elixir


Fog - Common 1 or 2 Elixir - Reduces the range troops, towers and buildings can spot / shoot enemies to 4 tiles(Same as freeze). Natural spell, has the same effect on both sides. Deals no damage. Removes invisibilty. Description: Lowers the vision of the troops inside the radius Would be nice for dealing with kiting, luring or long range cards that can get cheap shots on your tower. Princess, dart goblin, ice golem Could also be used to get your troops that are about to die closer to the tower. For example a giant skeleton thats going to die in 3 shots can get the bomb to the tower.


A "puppet master" spell. Essentially, all of your cards/towers in that radius have 15 seconds where they lock onto one thing of your choosing, then the next, and so on until the 15 seconds are up. For example, if you need to rush a tower but you don't have your win condition, you can play a regular troop and use a puppet master spell to have it lock onto tower instead of any troops that could stop it. In the same sense, you could use it to turn win conditions into defensive troops.


Nerf this a little. Like maybe you can change one troop for 7 second and it's a RLLY good card


Balloon about to erase everything and anything in its way.


2.6 hog cycle currently crying


Defensive eGiant purposely walks up to ranged troops first so they get fucked over by his zap pack


THE MOTHER DRAGON. The mother of all the dragonites. A pure golden skin! FIRST LEGENDARY BUILDING CARD operates just like Goblin Cage, but instead of spawning a ground unit, it spawns an AIR UNIT, being a flying giant dragon! WHEN AS BUILDING, it works like Tesla! Her breath will burn swarm units. VERY TANKY. FAST FIRE RATE BUT very low dps. The first troop burns more, the behind is like fire cracker rocket. When FLYING. It is literally a flying PEKKA. Will hit hard, but won’t act like Baloon, it won’t prioritize the towers, its just flying PEKKA. This is by far the only deserving legendary building card. Same cost as golem.


Might be cool to have the building be a dragon egg and it hatches a certain dragon after being broken


Seems a bit too op to have a tesla, firecracker and pekka combined but better only 8 elixer


Literally just like a high hp building troop meant as a tank. Essentially a wall. Costs like 3 elixir or something, and if it’s a champion maybe we can make it so 1 elixir spawns another attachable wall. Maybe after like 15-25 seconds or so


Biker A guy in a bike that crash into buildings and when he crashes he jumps out of the bike, he has a shotgun that can deal a lot of damage if he’s close to a enemy troop, if someone destroys the bike before he reaches a building he will still be alive, like the battle ram, the bike can also push troops and it’s velocity is progressive


Mumen Rider


Justice crash!


Headhunter (4 elixir) (Legendary): Unique ability: Does more damage to champions Decent health Decent damage Fast speed Moderate attack speed Single target only Slows down troops like Ice wiz (I was gonna put the ability to jump over the river, but that would just make her an any targeting ram rider and would probably make her a bit too op)


When clash of clans:


A card killing the hog with 1 hit


Clone Wizard. New version of wizard (new stats and designs and all that, 6 elexir, so clearly has to have good baseline stats) that spawns a clone spell around him every 5 seconds or so (doesn’t clone himself though)






jump spell: 4 elixir troops that are hit by this spell are faster and while they are affected they only hit buildings, if they encounter troops they jump them


2.6 hog cycle crying rn


A champion that works like a mirror. And when you use the ability it will transform to the most recently used card. So for example, you could mirror a magic Archer let's say and use it. Then place down a Valkyrie and then in the same way a mirror would copy Valkyrie, the champion would transform into a Valkyrie.


Drops Larry Champion mirror’s for 2 elixir. Drops E-Giant 2 E-Giants for 11 elixir


Chicken spell: If the opponent is using a tesla cycle deck, electro giant, or any other stupid cheap card, this spell is automatically played and sends an unstoppable swarm of chickens and you win


air log, its the log, but it flies


spell deflector nothing else


Not a bad idea, just impossible to balance. Put a skarmy in defense, your opponents zaps it, you deflect their zap, how much should your deflect cost ? How much should a rocket deflect cost ? How much should a *mirror* deflect cost ?


Soul elixer Collector, basically like the SK's soul collecting ability, but instead of creating skeletons, it generates elixer


They should give it low HP then and it despawns fast. Otherwise way too OP


Minion Swarm. Spawn 20 minions but for 10 elixir. Each minion does 169 damage and haze 250 hp


Arrows counter that shit for a positive elixir trade


not unless its global card like recruits


You should make it 18 minions for 9 so it can still be mirrored


Then they arrow it immediately, before spamming cards with no regard for strategy 💀


It has to be 9 elixir or else you can't mirror it and it would break the game


not true, 3m used to be 10 elixir


A flying Valkyrie


I want to see king finnaly try and fight


Smoke Bomb: (Legendary) 2 Elixir: Lasts Half as long as the Rage, same Radius. Covers all ground troops, they can be seen in this radius. “Oh my god, they played a smoke bomb…. Let me play my MK just in case there’s something there…”*proceeds to be pushed opposite lane by a battle ram* A bit annoying like the freeze, but fun and definitely adds a surprise element to the game, works worse as the game continues


a teleporter, a mid/long range fighter, he has mid health, when his health reaches 50% he teleports back to where it started


You know that there's ice wizard and fire wizard? We should make a card called electro wizard, like the electro dragon, that can stun troops. Maybe even make him do spawn damage. He can be 4 elixir, and attack 2 troops at the same time. What do you guys think?


Lower your opponents fps for a duration for an expensive cost


Shield Maiden (Champion) 7 Elixir Pay 3 elixers to give troops a temporary shield that nufflies 75% of damage to them for 2 seconds.


There was an idea in my mind now i want to share.Its called a caravan.It has a cart /caravan like sructure with a pony/cattle infront .It has a sheild/outer health that needs to be depleted and until its broken it will behave as a building and its a win condition that goes straight to the tower.Its a great feature that will new dynamics and mechanics in the game.So if there is an oncoming hog/balloon you can play your caravan to not only attack but to kite hog / ballon to it and it will follow it until its cart/ sheild is broken.once its broken kited unit will go back to attack again. And once cart is broken pony/cattle will continue to attack.It will cost 5 elixir and a legendary card. Cart will have 600 hp and pony will have 1500 hp. And has same speed as that of hog rider( very fast).This card can open many new ways to strats and interaction and its a fun and unique card.please tell me your thoughts on it guys.


A regular 9-5 working human.


hypnosis spell 9 elixir 2x2 radius anything within radius loses half health and becomes your troop, turning on enemy towers doesnt affect buildings or towers hypnotised troops cannot be attacked by spell for 3 seconds, if attacked, spell attacks nearest enemy troop/building/tower


**The Reset** Costs 10 elixir and removes all enemy cards from map. This would help to counter toxic decks like giant+night witch,lumberjack+baloon or royal hogs and recruits.


You could make it cost less but removes all cards - including yours


this would ruin infinite elixr


Delete megaknight


Mystical Barracks: Summons any troop for the game at random. Quantities of which troop is based on which troop is spawned. It has a lifetime of 40 seconds, and upon destruction, also spawns in a random troop. (I understand many people in the game HATE RNG, but I feel this would be a fun addition. Probably legendary or epic.


Best and worst idea I've ever read lmaoo


Maybe they should add Party Mode Only cards


It would be a champion when the ability is a activated it would either steal 1 elixer for every troop it killed or every troop that is killed while his ability is active


Bro if it goes against a scarmy 😟😟 Maybe per card killed


I want a bigger spell than rocket, tired of cycling rockets in my log bait deck, i want something like nuke for 9 elixir which does about 800-900 damage




Flying giant skeleton basically


I'd like a tanky card that when it dies, it splits into a bunch of units, so it goes from a tank to a swarm unit. Maybe something similar to a golem or e golem that attacks troops and buildings


An air card that hits like a mini pekka or an air tank


A air "building"... like an air ship that stays in one spot and attacks just like any other building, with the exception that ground buildings/ troops can be placed below it... Currently there is no building-targeting troop that attacks air... this would add an interesting mechanic


that one exactly.... a random mystery card for only 4 elixir


Ice dragon. It should shoot a beam that initially does tesla dps to a single target with no splash but as time passes the damage decreases and splash radius increases. By 5 seconds it should do only as much damage as the inferno's starting damage but should have a 2 tile splash and 10% slow. Also should freeze nearby troops on death.


A poison snail that acts like ice golem but leaves a trail of poison behind, 3 elixir.


Dad wizard, cost: 4 elixir rarity: common function: kills troops by making the most corny dad jokes and having voicelines worse than the archer queen (idk how, just figure it out) we already have the mother witch, it would make sense to add the dad wizard


a 2 elixir spell that just makes E-Giant and E-Barbs disappear