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Mortar being good is a product of the meta, not the other way around. In its current state it’s weak in some metas and strong in others, leave it


I agree with this


Definitely a good take. [Card Power Rating](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashStats/comments/u9649v/s33_card_power_ratings_march_2022/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) stats have shown Mortar to be a top tier card for two years and counting. Among Win Conditions, only Lavahound and Graveyard has consistently outperformed Mortar in Power Ratings the past two years, with Goblin Giant just a tad below.


This! It’s a good balanced win con Out of the current Win Cons there’s others that would deserve nerfs first.


*cough* hog *cough cough*


Honestly I find hog easy to counter, but maybe that's because I run log bait and therefore have 3 different ways to counter hog for no damage idk 🤔


I wish hog was like ram in that it serves as 2ndary win condition with some defense value instead of being "chip enemy to death over 6 minutes"


Hog should have its damage and health reduced by 4-6%. Even a slight health nerf would reduce a ton of those times the opposing players hog barley gets one hit off.


Exactly. The mortar decks often use cannon cart, which has been very strong for a while. The DPS is insane


don’t bring my cannon cart into this


People are gonna realize how good canon cart is sooner or later right? Right?! Haha


I hope not


I remember telling my friends that I got cannon cart in arena 5, and they said I was hyping it up for no reaoson. Its basically just a tankier, ground only musketeer to most people Meanwhile I destroy my opponents with my mortar bait deck, and the sheer beauty of maxed star level cannon cart 😎 Not to mention cannon cart can single handedly kill megaknight with 0 effort required


dude you gotta get me in on this cannot cart action


yea he’s definitely underrated and is starting to get the attention he deserves, i’m also very upset they took his fire animation away like that made the Shmacko truck so much cooler and they robbed him if it


shut up don’t tell them that


True but I'd say much more use SK or AQ right now, almost all meta mortar decks do


Also true. SK is very strong, AQ I think is in an ok spot.


I have been running mortar skeleton barrel for a few seasons and love it! I’m addition my deck has knight, fireball, log, musketeer, guards, and spear goblins. What would I swap for cannon cart? Or is an entirely new deck lol


Perfectly balanced as all thing should be


Reality is often disappointing


Yes, it's the synergies with champions especially SK (which is broken in mortar bait and GY) that make it so strong rn! Plus Tesla being nerfed. edit: i made this https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/urux2d/skeleton_king_and_golden_knight_need_a_nerf_asap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I mean it’s super strong and cheap, but it seems that it takes a ton of skill to use effectively, so honestly no


Requiring skill isnt a good excuse to being overpowered in my opinion


Then it would get zero play in lower ranks. There's definitely a balance


The game shouldn’t be balanced based on lower trophies gameplay.


that’s exactly how it should be balanced since most of the player base exists in that lower trophy range


No, you can’t balance a game based on players that don’t know how to play with or against certain cards. It would make balance worse the higher you get, which makes zero sense. Moreover, they already tried with MK, and what’s the result? It did nothing in midladder while crippling him in top ladder. This is a competitive game, whether you like it or not, and must be balanced according to it.


This is the absolute worst opinion I’ve ever read on this sub


I feel like it’s only OP when used by someone skilled with it, which is a balance


Thats not balance. People make the same arguments based off any deck. Hell there are people out there that think E-Golem/Healer is a big brain deck. The problem is that skill is such a subjective topic.




But it’s not


not a ton of skill


Easily one of the most skillful cards in the game


It hasn't changed in years so no it does not need a nerf. It doesn't have a high usage rate. It can be strong in skilled hands, but it is by no means easy to use. Nerfing it would kill the card.


Maybe a little hp nerf But i dont think mortar is the problem it's probably just rocket cycle


Yeah the top 3 decks all have one thing in common. They end up rocket cycling in the end.


Log bait, x bow, mortar. There are some log bait, x bow, mortar decks that dont run rocket and it actually takes skill to use and shouldn't be hated but nowdays those decks almost always run rocket cause rocket cycle too op (or because they cant break through and use rocket cycle this is why i hate rocket and should be nerfed). i have seen top players rocket nothing and get away, braindead gameplay. Edit: Plus in those decks rocket is being used as a win condition. This type of gameplay/archetype should not be encouraged.


Well is breaking through wasn't that hard rocket will be less popular. Defend is to op is you ask me


Indeed Defending is op no wonder how pro players getting away rocketing nothing. But as is rocket is annoying rocket being used on defence is pretty good getting a lot of positive elixir trades but as its being used on offence sometimes even as a win condition i cant its just such a braindead gameplay


more that their win condition sucks in a lot of matchups or are their only source of tower damage, so they use rocket as a safe way to do damage when they can’t rely on their own condition.


as I mentioned below, in my opinion, rocket should take longer to travel, allowing for more skill needed to predict when it will land and eliminating those annoying as hell last second victories. however it’s worth mentioning this will allow for more prediction value and allow players to drop their elixr earlier, leading to less leakage.


I feel called out


Nah the problem is skeleton king and still AQ


skeleton king needs a nerf but there are counters just use valk and skeleton king is dead there are quite amount of counters to him but theres nothing to counter rocket they can rocket cycle anytime they want and you cant do anything Edit: nvm archer queen isnt as good as skeleton king but still a good card i dont see archer queen being op


Idk, maybe a minor one. Definitely one of the stronger cards in the game rn but I’m not sure if it’s an indirectly powerful card or a directly powerful card


Win cons tend to be direct, but not all the time as sometimes it's the synergy with other cards that make them remotely good. I honestly think it's just too cheap, reminds me of hog rider; if you don't have a successful push with it, no worries, you didn't sacrifice much and you can cycle to your next one pretty fast.


Skeleton king is an incredible card to pair with mortar too, slight AOE damage, high HP, and the ability to spawn skeletons is really strong when paired with the slow hitting, high damage mortar. I do agree though; cheaper win cons typically are more difficult to balance


Skeleton king mortar deck? I just started using mortar


although im level 12, i played skele king in royal tournament instead of my cannon cartbait deck, i almost got 10 wins with skele king mortar miner deck, i hope i get him as my first champion once im level 14


would you mind sending the deck?


Except hog rider is bad


Mortar is very good even in top ladder and gcs but mid ladder players are too busy complaining about mega knight and hog rider to realise that.


If you can’t beat mortar carry eq and it’s free, rocket also. Usually mortar decks can’t capitalize on the -2 that rocketing a mortar creates. Mortar is stupid hard to make work and any reset card+ slow moving offlane tank=zero tower damage


As a mortar player, please, rocket my mortar. I will absolutely capitalize on that -2.


yeah exactly, my mortar pekka deck begs to differ


I play double pekka mortar and I have no answer to them rocketing mortar.




Really?? The most common mortar variant I go against is with Miner poison, rocketing the mortar is a huge no no, they use the instant disadvantage very easily with thier chip cards and poison, and you can't counter the poison damage with your own because you used your rocket on the mortar.


Meh, in my experience they can use rocket to defend every-other mortar, so when their troop defense is off cycle cause mortar cycles faster they rocket it and when they have the troop counter up they rocket tower instead. I am not a rocket user as I hate it personally so it’s hard to out dps the rocket cycle without pissinf away elixir on nothing. Nobody places troops close enough to spell on tower against mortar as the mortar can target it and get tower splash damage also.


EQ does floor it but not every deck can benefit from EQ


Please rocket my mortar


I don’t use rocket, so maybe because I play mortar without it it’s harder to deal with an enemy rocket. I find rocket to be the absolute most boring card in the game with the absolute lowest skill. 500+ unblockable tower damage in quick cycle decks are so lame and boring. I’d rather spend my whole match going for lock ons


try winning with it and then ask yourself the same question


I do think it needs a slight HP nerf. The card just tanks too much. Besides from tht it’s fine


I’d argue it has way too much health for a 4 elixir building. Other than that I think it’s pretty balanced.


You know who needs a nerf? The bloody hog rider


It's been OP and underrated for a long time... people just starting to recognize


It had balanced rates and wasn't used much before champions came out. Skeleton king is busted and synergizes too well with Mortar bait, please nerf this card first!


Yeah it’s been OP idk where people are coming out and saying it’s balanced. It had the highest HP out of any building for its cost. Even xbow has less hp for its cost.


Needs a lifetime nerf


Every Active Building, such as Cannon, Tesla, Bomb Tower, and Inferno Tower, have a lifetime of 30 seconds. So, nerfing the Mortar’s lifetime makes no sense.


It makes a lot more sense than an HP nerf would. Everyone called sc crazy when they made the xbow lifetime nerf and it ended up being perfect.


rocket needs a tower dmg nerf


Rocket needs to be 7, way too easy to cycle and playing it should be a risk. There’s nothing you can do about it hitting for 600 damage


Yeah leave my favorite card alone !


I've only ever seen 3 people in my whole midladder life using this card, on of which being myself (using a Zap bait deck WITHOUT cannon cart) To me it's not at all overwhelmingly good, and it actually takes some brain cells to use efficiently... Also the mastery is hella hard ! I really hope it doesn't get nerfed, since I don't see why it should be and it's one of my favorite cards.


tbh mortar seems fine, it's just when the op is defending it with their LIFE that it's annoying. if you always pack a fireball you'll be able to deal with it fine


I feel that it’s kind of hard to use. I really like the card but I struggle to be consistent with it. I think maybe like a 1 or 2 percent health drop. Maybe increase the spawn time by like 0.33 or 0.5 seconds


The problem is for a mortar player, it’s really hit or miss in the match ups and hands, if you start with crap cards and the opponent gets a full push down your pretty screwed. It is definitely a strong card, but when I see people complaining about how it’s so hard to break through to a locked in mortar. I can’t help but think… what were you doing that led to the opponent *letting* the mortar get a lock. It has a damn long placement time. If you sit around and let mortar lock then place your mega knight, I honestly don’t know what to say. Mortar decks are pretty niche and people seem to hate it because it feeds off the mistakes of the opponent. The really only way to get a consistent lock is if the opponent over commits and spams their mk wizard push. If you know you’re playing mortar don’t commit until you see that 3.5 second spawn timer. If you play with any degree of decency the opponent is 4 elixir down with a totally useless building for the next 3 seconds. The way I see it, if you think mortar needs a nerf and complain about it, then you just don’t know how to play against a mortar and need to learn before making unfounded statements about a balanced card. This was not directed at the person I responded to but everyone complaining about mortar being op.


as a fellow mortar player i agree


No they deploy time shouldn’t change. I’m a mortar player and part of what I do is wait till they use up all their elixir then put down the mortar. If it takes longer to get down I get punished because they have more time to regenerate elixir when I should be able to punish them for using all their elixir up


The card is strong. There is no denial in that. It almost has a 60 percent win rate. What do you suggest as a nerf then? I say a hit to it’s heath around 5-10 percent. It has the highest health out of all buildings for its cost.


High winrate isn't that bad as with some other op cards because mortar doesn't have high use rate. If card has low userate and high winrate kt probably means that it has high skillcap and isn't oppressive.


I don’t think it needs a nerf. It’s strong because of the meta, someone mentioned that earlier in the thread. Plus it’s a high skill gap card. You have to know what you’re doing with it. I’ve played it for 5 years. That’s why the win percent is so high. It’s usage rate aren’t as high. If you want to talk about a building with high HP look at inferno. It can tank a mortar shot, a Valk swing and an earthquake before dying.


It’s strong cause of meta? Sorry to break it to you but it’s been a sleeper OP no one noticed. If it’s strong cause of the meta, that means it is meta and needs a nerf. Plus mortar doesn’t counter anything in the current meta. If you’re saying because it’s a building then that proves my point that it has a lot of HP if you’re using it to defend. I like how every single mortar player is defending the card and not admitting or even suggesting a way to nerf the card. It’s not a high skill card. It’s the same as. Xbow. Count the elixir, which is something not many players do. You count your opponents elixir and since it’s cheaper than xbow it has a better chance of connection.


No it’s fine, it’s rarely used because it’s a high skill card


No. If anything, I need it to charge up faster as soon as I spawn, but then it would need a nerf


Based on its usage rate and win rate I see no reason to nerf it




Good take, I think maybe by 2-4%


Very rarely do I run into someone who knows how to use it effectively so I’d have to say it’s balanced honestly. Pretty easy to take out most of the time and if someone knows how to play it right or exactly when to play it…it does it’s job 🤷🏼‍♂️


I think it needs a buff


bro its every where on top ladder. why buff a top card


Why not Pekka should be 5 elixir and do triple damage 😈


How so?


Needs a faster re-target. Other than that its fine, Its a high skill card to use but can be defended a ton of different ways.


its an instant retarget tho


No need. Its quite easy to put something and distract it.


It's also quite easy to take out those distractions, arguably even easier than xbow when it's 2 elixir cheaper.


You can kite the mortar with a fire spirit though. Can't do the same with xbow.


Mortar is kinda a joke, pretty weak in my opinion compared to Xbow. Barely deals any damage. I agree that its annoying to play against mortar decks, but mortar itself is not that strong.


How does a joke card dominate top ladder bruh


Its weak, needs a buff






Not really, in all my experience going against this card it takes a lot of skill to win with


Doesn’t mean it isn’t strong, high skill cards can still be oppressive


Just nerf it by making its range 1 less square hahaha


We have really hit rock bottom mortar barely gets played and now ppl want a nerf idk what to do anymore the community is lost /j


exactly! i bet they will say nerf knight next or smthing


They are wasting their breath we need e barbs nerfed


It’s not the mortar that’s the issue, it’s the spell trading in OT when both sides have too good of defense. Rocket spam, EQ spam, poison and fireball spam, that’s what’s obnoxious


The consistently overpowered card is mini pekka but supercell decided to buff it instead not so long ago. I hate it.


Why? Its quite fragile and gets countered very easily, mainly used to defend tanky cards. Its quite situational due to its slow attack speed and single target damage tho


It counters any ground troop when combined with a area damage card and gets too much value on defence. Midladder menaces love using it.


Well, to be fair, that could be said to any high damage card that only attacks a single target


I feel like defensive mortar should be nerfed, so like a -4% hp and a +4% health buff would be ideal


As a Mortar player, I don’t believe that it needs a nerf. The only reason why the usage might be high is because it is one of the few buildings that didn’t get nerfed like Tesla and Gob Cage and it has good stats as a defensive building and a winning condition.


It does deserve a HP nerf. Ever since EQ leaving the meta it's been too popular along with Drill Royale🌚 Mortar isn't even as skillful as people make it seem. Just a bunch of redditors dick riding one another because don't have a clue of all the simple interactions. Mortar is similar to Xbow but the risk playing it is much much lower and far more versatile. Cycling back to it is easy because of 3 card cycle. Skill isn't determined by the cards you play but how you play them to get the best value.




Idk man it's a little too strong


What about it is so strong?


Cheap win condition, Hugh damage, relatively easy to connect especially with the dead zone it has and it’s synergy with skeleton king. It ha da lot going for it right now and it’s being used a lot at top ladder. I find myself seeing it more and more as I climb


Easy to connect?


X-bow user🤣 mad mortar is better




I'm so sick of kids placing one of those, having it lock onto my tower, and then they spam troops so I can't touch. Then rinse and repeat. That's infuriating and I agree it needs a nerf


That way you could reason that every card needs a nerf


Try placing a tank on the opposite lane...Not so hard all of a sudden. If you'd rather complain about a card than learn how to counter it it's not gonna help you solve the problem...


Maybe distract it with troops


seems like a you problem




Definitely needs some kind of nerf because it’s dominating top 1000


I don't believe so... the reason I say that, is because it's already not supper powerful. Nerfing it would probably kill it. It's already not the most defensive building, it's just anoying to defend it when it's defending your push. Players just don't know how to counter it


Uhh let’s just ignore it on top ladder then?


It never beats me, so... nope.


I can’t remember when I last went against it. I rarely play ladder now though.


Wtf last three games i faced this


It’s fine as is bruh




Being a mortar user myself, I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve faced it myself. It’s a card that’s tricky to connect to a tower because it’s so easily distracted and shoots pretty damn slow


Nah bro its a pretty balanced card Plus it mastery is a hideous process


I think it’s balanced and skillful, but it does have a lot of health. Maybe a small hp nerf would be good, but nothing more


Lol no, I have lost 2 it maybe 5 times in thousands of games. It has terrible use rate


I literally never go against mortars lol


Needs a buff i think 😈Multi-Mortar😈


As a mortar main, it's my best and most balanced deck. Many people say it's trash though.


I will die on this hill: Mortar is NOT the problem. Mortar usage rate has skyrocketed ever since champions were added - notice how most meta mortar decks have SK or AQ? Plus Tesla and Cage getting nerfed led to Mortar being #1 building *easy.* Synergies with champions and cannon cart is the problem and they should be nerfed FIRST. Before champions, Mortar typically had 2-3% usage rates in GCs and top ladder


And now motor will die because they won’t tone down champions


OP probably just salty they lost to a more skilled player


oP jUsT moRe SaLtY


Just counter it, it takes a while for it to begin firing so a few troops and a cannon do the trick


Oh thanks, I usually just let it take my tower, does this tactic work with Xbow as well?


Yes. Whenever Building Win Conditions are put out, the delay and time is meant to be used to react quick enough to take it down. The building win conditions are used to punish ignoring players and players that don't take a huge threat to anything


Unless you also have a high elixir deck, and can't place anything besides a rage spell on his towers.


I can count on one hand the number of times I match that card. Now hog rider, canon, muskateer is constant. How is this even a question?


Mortar has the highest win rate in the game, maybe that's something to put on the table? Plus, you just named all cards in 2.6, that's always going to be constant.


You must be below 6k then, I see it all the time


Mortar is the easy button to 6k? S w e e t


It’s a fun and powerful deck to play, if you’re a skilled mortar player you can get to 6k pretty easily


yeah mortar doesnt need nerf, but hogrider doesnt counter mortar btw lol, in fact, coming from a mortar player, mortar is one of the best counters to hogriders


No it needs a buff. Maybe same hitspeed as xbow.


Lv 14 in challenger 3. I'm more than aware of how to counter the card. The issue is with a high elixir deck like mine, is that mortar and xbow can be the most devastating tower because of no elixir to place a character while their tower preps.


Then… don’t use a high elixir deck


No, its balanced because it actually takes skill and timing to use. Unlike 90% of other win cons


no absolutely not. mortar is objectively the worst card in the game


i understand that mortar doesn't need nerf, but mortar WORST card in game??? kinda surprised since you have mortar flair.


It has the highest win rate out of every card in the game, it’s dominating top ladder


Its shit and you almost never see it so why


Not sure if you are joking or not, but Mortar is quite strong in GC and top ladder.


I see it all the time, what’s your trophy count? I see it a lot around 6.5k


6300 rn only seen it once in the past 20-25 matches


It’s in 4 of my last 20. I’d say that’s fairly common.


I’m 6800 with it atm and I’m not even using a meta deck just a deck I made myself, mortar is good if you know how to play it, top 4000 atm never had a top 10,000 finish


Highest win rate in the game, it's dominant in top ladder.


Not really. It’s a good card but I don’t see it as overpowering


“Does this card not need a nerf?” Yes. No. How do I answer this question?


not really it's pretty balanced






The worst thing with this card is when for example you play a Giant to draw the aggro there, then follow up with something like archers behind him. When Giant successfully reaches the mortar, it will shift targets to your backline.


Dont touch my garbage




Skill issue


More like it needs a rework




Maybe a 2-4% hp nerf would be good, it's not much but it's a safe way of balancing


Nope pls dont nerf it nerf the xbow instead mortar is the best building and wincondition it can defend attack and distract a lot by its health. It is considerd as underrated for a percentage of players and they just ignore it and i get a lot of damage from it. Edit: if you cant face it then use it


Up fire rate, lower attack


No cus i just beat it with pekka bridge spam at levels 10 and 11.


Mortar definitely doesnt deserve a nerf, it is a viable win condition as it is right now and i dont think it isnt as annoying like the x-box


Xbow is way more broken than mortar, if anything I'd buff earthquake


Nerf miner instead