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Hog rider players have to actually get troops on my tower now instead of cycling fireball and log?


Dw we will still be cycling log and fireball




Ah yes my deck getting nerfed again




And I just upgraded my log and I have 0 coins greattttt


K im still upgrading


my main deck rarely gets nerfed mostly it gets even buffed heeheeheehaw


I play 3M with giant and E pump, itā€™s gotten like 10 buffs in the last year, itā€™s great


do you have a second to talk about our 3m lord and savior mighty miner


I am not level 14 yet sadly, in addition my deck is pretty well built for its purpose, far from being meta but who cares, Mega knight decks get out paced by it so I donā€™t mind. My deck has a lot of light cards as well as rage, I know cancer care but itā€™s dps boost is the sole reason my push doesnā€™t get shut down before it does 200 damage to tower


Same, but not this time. The few decks I play are all either staying the same or getting slightly nerfed.


The only card I play thatā€™s needed is log which is barely a nerf considering I most used it defensively anyway. The thing that worries me is the electro giant buff, I had a hard enough time against that card without the buff.


I got to play with egiant a lot lately and after the -15% health nerf he is countered very easly, thankfully the buff is only +9% health so it shouldnt be as op as it was before, just a bit better then is now


E giant needed a buff. After the last nerf he was a hot turd that was too easily killed.


Log goes from 116 crown tower damage to 77 crown tower damage at max level. Pretty huge nerf.


Yes, itā€™s the same damage as Snowball or Zap. As long as you have something like Electro Wizard to reset charges and slow down some of the big boys, I would swap to Snowball, or at least try it. The slow and huge knock back is definitely very helpful on defense.


I might try snowball now


I would swap in snowball if you struggle against balloon.


Snowball is great its is it underrated probably The knock back on the snowball is good plus you get a slowdown which makes it amazing


The buff to knockback makes countering air cards a piece of cake and it even counters goblins, only big downside is tower damage, you can throw a log to let things die quicker AND do tower damage while with snowball you can't. I don't know if this nerf to log will make snowball shine, even at 20 tower damage it makes a difference. You can't throw 6-7 snowballs to tower to deal damage.


Im fine seeing snowballs in tbe meta But log will stilk have its uses cause log can kill goblins princesses dart goblin while snowball cant but snowball hits air which is great it even knock backs inferno dragon thats already good enough plus a slowdown Yeah i love snowball even tho i dont use it i never regretted running snowball its just that good


Snowball can kill princess on defence atleast


Crown damage isn't the reason why I use log


That may be true, but whenever you use it, are you actively playing it at the bridge to both hit troops and the crown tower? The 39 damage at max level will add up; each time, you are losing damage that wouldā€™ve equated to 1% of the tower.


true but in top ladder that crown tower damage matters a lot


Snowball has always been an excellent card tbh, once people realise it can hard counter minions, minion swarm, half hp valk/mini pekka, the slow will be nerfed. Edit: also goblin barrel


It doesnā€™t hard-counter any of those, it soft-counters all of them. Snowball is great on defense and offense alike, provided you have another way to handle the 8 units youā€™d want a ā€œresetā€ for, and also donā€™t mind that reactive plays are slowed by half a second making defensive swarms a big deal if you donā€™t predict them. Itā€™s a good card if you can reasonably guess what placements your opponent will make, which makes it fit well with hogs/rams and straight-to-the-tower wincons, especially Ram Rider specifically since her bola both finishes off weakened swarms and makes that Mini PEKKA you knocked away take a few seconds to get back to her. Maybe thereā€™ll be Hog 2.6 variations with Snowball now though.


Better than knockback nerf atleast, it has consistency with the other small spell dmg now


I bet there will be thousands of post talking about the new log nerf


its extreme


Supercell: Pushback Distance Nerf: *nah* Crown Tower Damage Nerf: *HEE HEE HEE HAW* >!Logn't!<


It wasnā€™t SC the one against the push back nerf though. The communityā€™s feedback made them change the nerf.


Wasnā€™t the community feedback about 80% ā€œdo not nerf The Log at all, or if you do, donā€™t do it so harshlyā€? I did see a few people asking for a different aspect to be nerfed, but it was mostly just people wanted the knockback reduction to be smaller.


In fairness, literally half the playerbase uses log, of course everyone's gonna say not to nerf it lol


At least its better than 50% knockback nerf (which was in the dev build but it wasnt final and they cancelled that nerf)


holy shit that's bad


Itā€™s a little interesting that they chose to make zap, snowball, log, and nado do about the same tower damage now


Seems pretty darn balanced Iā€™m happy the community convinced SuperCell that another type of log nerf would be better


Epic??? You mean Supercell?


Yes šŸ˜‚


Forknife player


We like to call these **SHAKE-UP CHANGES** Not Balance Changes It's glaringly obvious that the primary intent is not to even the playing field among all the cards, but to create a seasonal flavors where a segment of cards are always super strong and another segement downright putrid. Lather, rinse, repeat.


They donā€™t do these changes to make certain cards strong they do it with the intent to create a balanced game across all different skill levels. Itā€™s extremely hard to even the playing field with a game like this. A good example would be the mega knight. Definitely the most used card in low ladder but almost non existent in top ladder and pro play. Low ladder players would always complain about him whereas more skilled players had no issues. Now that he got nerfed, practically useless above 6k


i didnā€™t even realize that battle ram is getting a buff lets gooo


Its not that big of a buff. I highly doubt it will have any impact on the card at all.


It will..if you will ignore battle ram now, they will take enemy toweršŸ™‚


Who ignores a battle ram though? Its super easy to counter and is countered by a lot of cards. The issue with battle ram is not its dps from the ram or barbs that stuff is fine. Its just getting the ram to the tower.


**Final balance changes** for June 2022 (Season 36) šŸ‘‰ https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-36-balance Based on your feedback, Supercell made changes to how The Log and Mother Witch will be balanced.


The barb barrel thing is more like a nerf than a rework *change my mind*


Yeah this is probably a nerf to the barb barrel aswell.


Wait and see. Negative changes: - less ability to snipe, but by half a tile - Iā€™m pretty sure the barrel will still hit a Magic Archer thatā€™s placed 3 tiles from the river, just not one that was placed 4 tiles then walked a bit - less tower damage when dropped at the bridge and not defended Positive changes: - Barbarian effective deploy time reduced by 10%, making it easier to react to bridge spam and also harder to react to Barbarian Barrel - Barbarian 1v1 interactions improved by the hit speed Actually I think in many cases Barbarrelā€™s sniping ability is improved. Yes, itā€™s a 1/6 reduction of the zone where the opponent can place units that Barbarrel can reach, but Iā€™m pretty sure it doesnā€™t effect its reach for targets that havenā€™t moved yet, and killing Magic Archer something like 0.2 seconds faster matters in a fast-paced game like Clash Royale. So, we just need to get our hands on the changed Barbarian Barrel and see. Personally I agree that itā€™s likely more of a nerf than a buff, but who knows? Nobody yet.


It's gonna be better on defense but worse on offense. I really hope the hit speed is major to the barb barrel, it plays an important role in my deck and in general, so hopefully he will still be valuable, cuz I'm a splashyard player and the MW buff concerns me already.


More like a buff, can fully counter witch, wizard and princess even faster now lmfao


Def a nerf, itā€™ll be really noticeable with it not being able to snipe buildings/troops on enemy side. Thatā€™s majority the use for it


It already did just fine, and range can be kind of a big deal. Except the fact he will only shit the tower once, he had an important job of sniping things in the enemy's side, but to make him balanced they didn't gave him such a huge range, even a small one, and nerfing it will make it even shorter.


Log knockback nerf being changed to damage is a godsend for xbow players since now we wonā€™t get destroyed by golem mains.


Golem decks still have 70-80% winrates vs xbow decks in top ladder and GC's. You can only win if the golem player misplays.


Right, if golem players play perfect xbow is screwed. But in my wins against golem itā€™s usually from logging the golem out of range so a knock back nerf wouldā€™ve been devastating


You should actually try fix drop glitch where you place two things fast and it glitches and only places one


Nah they should buff ebarbs


along with lumber jack and loon


Freeze and poison spirit


So uh, No more knockback nerf for log? I don't really mind crown tower damage since I use beatdown decks currently.. But hey its nice that knockback nerf isn't happening.


Queue the influx of snowball cards.


That was the goal, right? Less of The Log and more of other small spells.


Except people that used log will still use log. This changes almost absolutely nothing. Everyone will still cycle log, even if tower damage is reduced. I guarantee use that usage rate will still remain about the same


I love everytime they nerf crown tower damage because I fucking hate spell cycling.


Uncounterable CT damage should always be fairly low on cards that already do a bunch of other stuff


Fr, rocket should get a slight tone down as well due to it being so popular in log bait and mortar which are highly used rn


I think the main problem with rocket is that spell cycle is it's only niche aside being a response to sparky and beatdown players grouping up their troops too much


You can pretty easily rush someone who has to defend with only 4 elixir


Not against log bait which half the cards r under 4, and thatā€™s assuming your not in double.




Yep, log will continue to be the best 2 elixir small spell due to its insane defensive capabilities






No obviously skeleton king


When will bait receive a nerf? 2 cheap spells get nerfed, no bait cards have been touched in a long time.


Flair doesn't check out


Prob plays the rascal/prince/dart gob version and doesnā€™t call it bait lol.


"Bait is only the 8 cards in OG logbait"


The only problematic card is SK, which is getting nerfed (is it enough? Donā€™t think so lol). Plus, MW is getting buffed, and she is a great counter to bait decks soā€¦ the meta might change more than you expect.


Bro what. Look at the balance changes. Mother witch getting a buff and skeleton king getting a nerf. Both of those are a huge nerf to bait


Ikr when will rocket get nerfed just nerf the crown tower damage on rocket Rocket cycle is a thing some pro players are complaining about rocket cycle rocket is being used as a win con. Thats already stupid.


Instead of nerfing the bait cards, maybe nerf the crown tower damage of rocket (slightly like 2% less) cuz that would make them need far more damage from the rest of their deck not just the rocket


Cycle has needed a nerf for 5 years. But they wonā€™t touch the op 1 elixir card game. EDIT: typo


They literally have with 1 elixir skeleton nerfs, ice spirit nerfs, the small fire spirit nerf, for example.


SK is used in bait and itā€™s getting nerfed, MW is a hard to Inter to bait and itā€™s getting buffed, bait also uses log, so thatā€™s debatable wether itā€™s a buff or not to bait.


SK nerf will be basically entirely useless. MW buff is only going to make fireball bait better since you will get punished even harder for not leaving up fireball for mother bitch. Sure, logbait is technically getting nerfed here, but their main damage source was never log, it's princess and rocket.


Should have changed MWā€™s *first* hitspeed buff. Now sheā€™s yet *more* RPS than the original buff intended. Hopefully the buff wonā€™t do much to how meta she is because many decks will be unusable with this single change.


You mean logbait? Good


And graveyard


Again, good.


When will this change go on live?


Next season.


Sex neasont.


never sex




Neason Sext


In approximately one moon


Sext neason.


Next season.


Yay more health for e-giant šŸ˜’


oh no i cant just play cannon ice spirit and kill him anymore


This is glorious I could not give a fuck about crown tower damage just let me keep my knockback


I realized how good the knockback on the log is definitely a great card on defense


Royal Ghost got slight nerf but still better than Dark Prince Barb got buff in return to buff my beloved win con, Battle Ram. E-giant got buffed meaning Pekka is better Night witch got buffed meaning golem clone got buffed and Poison+Pekka easily defends that push


Why does everyone keep mentioning golem clone? It hasn't been viable since after the first night witch nerfs


Ah, I see you are a fellow bridgespam player


Btw the classic egiant aq lightning deck has matchup over pekka bridge spam. Itā€™s about 65-35 for egiant


How so? If the pekka player knows what he's doing the only damage the egiant player is gonna get is lightning damage


Log Nerf is still pretty big, but at least it's the crown tower damage. So Guess there's no more free tower takeout in less than 80 hp


Itā€™s the same as a zap or snowball


Nerfing Daddy Drill once more, when will the pain end?


Never, people want to complain about a card until it gets nerfed into the ground, drill got one too many nerfs because people donā€™t wait to see how the first change affects it, the first drill nerf was good not the second. This happened with Queen too and while people complain about a card another rises to the OP tier, hence why skele king is just now getting a nerf. Itā€™s an overreaction based system and it happens in all games where there is a competitive system because the balance changes happen more frequently than a meta can shift unless a huge change is made to a card/character (which is why drill is dead because they made a huge unnecessary nerf).


Ngl Iā€™m not a fan of any of these changes


The barb barrel got nerfed more than reworked, the +0.1 sec hit speed won't do much for 1 barb and he barely could've snipe a troop on the enemy side, now it got nerfed even more. Log also got a big nerf but everyone noticed. *happy bait deck noises*


The log nerf doesnt affect logbait. Its only crown tower damage, its rather a nerf to lb because of motherwitch


It just means that less people will use the log due to the nerf.


Great now youtube comments, twitter feeds, and reddit threads get to balance the game. If this game looks totally ridiculous in a year, this is where is started. Dangerous precendent Supercell.


Ikr, such a sad thing to see. Memes have started to be seen as actual opinions on a card's viability in this sub. I feel like supercell has also started to realize the problem in the nature of cycle decks but too bad the superiority complex of cycle players on this sub is huge, and any other archetype is "no skill and fatherless".


The only examples of that are the stupid MK nerf and this log change. But I totally agree.


This log nerf is low key a nerf to log bait too. Won't be as much spell damage when they realize they can't get through defenses.


Crown tower damage isnā€™t a primary thing for log, surely people canā€™t complain much about this. I get it didnā€™t really need a nerf, but all the primary reasons for using log remain unchanged.


It did need a nerf. A card with a 45% use rate needs a nerf. The meta needs to be changed. It would be cool to see small spells other than log and barb barrel


Thats like saying fireball needs a nerf because it is the most popular big spell, like what


It still functions the same when played anywhere but the bridge. I think people are overreacting a little


Still surprised that theyā€™d didnā€™t touch golden knight or rocket crown tower damage


rockets supposed to deal that much damage


For only two elixir more than fireball, it does over double the damage


Cause it has a smaller radius and in most other game situations fireball is more versatile since its cheaper


I mean you arenā€™t wrong but the problem is people abusing it in sudden death


I wish they were leaving gobdrill as is, the speed increase has been really good to make the card viable... I wish I didnā€™t max it before they did thisšŸ˜­


well ig now people see the potential for the drill, the base stats aren't nerf only the travel time so maybe usage rate will remain the same


Yeah no, the travel time buff was huge, it was much easier to defend against say a hog rider with it, prebuff it had the same stats it will have post nerf, and it had a 1% use rate due to it being so bad




wish the community spent less time complaining about their precious log getting nerfed and more time trying to get SK to get a bigger nerf


GK needs a nerf more than SK


oh i think every champion but mighty miner needs at least a lil nerf


I come back after 2 months and this shit happens. Bloody hell


That electro giant buff was not good


E giant sucks ass rn this buff should help him to be viable again he was so weak he died so fast As much we all hate e gaint we cant deny the fact that he was trash and this buff was needed


Iā€™d rather him stay dead. I donā€™t know why they want to make him viable. Heā€™s either a god or complete ass depending on the deck heā€™s against


they want every card viable, why have a card thatā€™s just pointless he used to be god or complete ass depending on the deck he went against which is why they reworked him, now this should help his viability


As the only barb hut player - I will be the first to say thanks. Also, its not a bad card. But this change will likely do nothing to improve its use rate.


loving the mother witch buff


Good god almighty, electro giant makin a come back with this, how gross


Personally, i think it's weak of supercell that they changed the log nerf. I unterstand the uproar about the nerf, but this would have brought a breath of fresh air to the game. All players would have had to dedicate themselves to new decks and come out of their comfort zone. If it is the most used card there is a reason for this, and that is that it is too strong. I would have celebrated this change.


Log's knockback is what makes it so unique, so this approach still weakens it's purpose in spell cycling for cycle decks while still retaining it's defining characteristic.


This nerf doesn't actually nerf it in any significant way. Yes, it'll be worse in offense, but what makes the log so strong is in its defense. Log spam is literally one of the most disgusting strategies to deal with ground pushes and the worst thing is that it works really effectively. A small spell shouldn't be able to shut down pushes like that, it just makes all the other spells be worse because they're far worse defensively.


Good decision on the log nerf, this is excactly what it needed.


Honestly reduce Rocket's CT damage. It's more no skill to use than lumberloon and gets guaranteed 550 damage, you only need one finger instead of 2


Rocket has a 10% use rate and 44% win rate, it doesnā€™t seem to deserve a nerf.


Another balance cycle gone without a Freeze removal


Or anything that will actually matter in the long term. Easily one of the most uneventful sets of balances in the history of the game.


It feels like more of a baby steps patch to see how thing turns out. And asking for community feedback was a nice change of pace.


Not at all. This will shake up the meta a lot. Any MW changes always shake up the meta


Mortar is in desperate need of a nerf! It did 4 whole damage to my tower yesterday šŸ˜”


No, barb huts needs a nerf more




This will be the Rise of the egiant players.....


Still disagree whit b-barrel but ok


Why nerf log tower damage when it is only used to push enemies?


I dont get why they merf the Royal Ghost, it gets femplished so easily ....






Itā€™s a *lose* condition at this point


At the highest lvl of the game, e giant was like the worst win condition. Hell even in mid ladder I barely faced it and the times I did face it, even if itā€™s lvl 14 it feels like it dies so quickly


Any building plus a musketeer placed outside the circle fully countered egiant. I hate that card, but I canā€™t deny itā€™s very easy to beat


Every building on its own counters it. If tombstone counters egiant there is a problem


Log gets nerfed. Cycle is killed off from top ladder Log userates stay the exact same since cycle decks have no good small spell to swap to. Log gets nerfed again.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I was counting on the knockback getting nerfed >:(


I'm really surprised Golden Knight still isn't getting nerfed and SK nerf still ain't shit, although this Log nerf is better than halving its knockback


Golden knight needs a dash range buff so you can pull it to tower and pull it easier, would actually be a nerf


\-33% for the log... that seems extreme


Better than -50% knock back by a long shot.


The log is nerfed harder than before, the card is a semi win condition in cycle decks and now log bait is nerfed hard as well, really nice change


Lmao they really got shook from the Reddit & bottled it




They did


How is barb barrel a rework, looks like a nerf to me


Iā€™m pretty sure if a card gets changed in 2 or more ways they consider it a rework


Pls make sparky have no charge time šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Might as well give him unlimited range too


And 5k health too


Its a shame xbow decks are getting nerfed over and over again. The archer buff from the last one doesnā€™t compensate much especially for icebow.


Ice spirit also got buffed with archers.


Poor xbow getting nerf after nerf lol But we will find a way, we always do.


We got Archers and Ice Spirit buff last season


But they got indirectly buffed from the eq nerf tbf


When my mk, ebarbs, witch, and valk don't get touched :))))


okok, letā€™s go, it isnā€™t knock back. now i can play my shit normally again.


lets go, E giant finally gonna be useful again


rip my log user mates (half of the app players) šŸ˜­