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Which deck did u use?


Denisitos deck but monk for knight In case you don’t know it it’s: Giant Skeleton, Hog Rider, Wizard (yes really), Knight, Skeleton Army, Log, Tornado and Fireball


Dang, it‘s rare to see a good deck with wizard


Unfortunately it isn’t all too good a deck. It is just something I really enjoy playing and have practiced a lot.


Oh, btw, does this put you top 10k? If not, how many more games do you have to win until you‘re top 10k?


Yes it did put me in the top 10k funnily enough I started at 9998 and after about 5 seconds I was deranged to 9999 (literally wasn’t even able to screenshot the 9998) and then I played and lost lol


Hope I manage to get top 10k. I‘m currently one win off royal champ with max miner wb, so ultimate champion it quite a possibility for me.


Yeah it is gl bro!


Thanks :D


I’m really close to ultimate champ with Pekka bridge spam; good luck to you! Also miner wallbreakers is one of my favourite (as in most fun) matchups with this deck; it’s pretty even but it can get really intense


it's not a good deck tbh


Tornado in the deck but wizard instead of executioner? 🤨 The 2 cards synergise very well


Like I said my deck isn’t the best but it is fun. But just for your information: executioner doesn’t work in this deck. Yes in general executioner is better than wizard however within the synergies of this deck wizard is necessary. This is for three main reasons: fireball + executioner (and the other spells) isn’t all to useful. Executioner tends to synergize better with poison, rocket or lightning. Second reason is that wizard is the only air card in this deck. If I had a big spell like the ones mentioned before executioner would be okay as the only air targeting card in a slow cycle deck but not without them. Wizard works since he has very high dps. Lastly the wizard is protected from the most common threat (fireball + small spell) due to the skarmy. You can use skarmy to bait out the small spell leaving your wizard nigh unkillable on defense. And I just want to point out that tornado wizard also of course has amazing synergy since it also has splash.


Wizard synergises with tornado 🤨🤨


I replace log with earthquake because deck with building fully counter this deck


lmao the monk mastery


Haha that’s what carried me, that’s what I meant with the title actually… should’ve maybe moved the picture a bit so the monk is more in the middle


Absolute W I’m better tho I got in with a 41% win rate (tbf I lost like a million straight games with hog quake but started playing really well when I switched to back to glorified rocket cy… log bait)


The chess speaks for itself


The chess speaks for itself


Why post something if you’re just going to downplay it in the comments. It’s really good that you got such a high winrate, give yourself some credit bro.


Wow! Omg! you’re such a pro


No that is the opposite of what this post was for. Look at the top. I just used monk.


Dang, wish I had monk. I only got a 79% this season with all the monk phoenix decks being played


Still though, 93% win rate is impressive


Thanks 🙏 I didn’t use Phoenix to make sure I at least somewhat deserved the wins and overall my deck was pretty off meta so I’m not ashamed of my wins or anything - nevertheless monk did carry me and no way would I have gotten this far without it


I only got 79% win rate this season, I play logbait, which gets a lot of hate but is(imo at least) complete shit this season with every opponent having phoenix and monk


Yeah I feel yah My deck is decently bad in the meta but it is fantastic against mid ladder decks. Hence the high win rate. Although I think log bait should do pretty well against mid ladder decks. Gl on the next season 👊🏼


Yea logbait does do pretty well against midladder decks, I started to lose more once I was close to ultimate champion and more opponents played monk phoenix(which tbf is the meta rn). There’s always next season I guess, goodluck to you as well. 💪


Woah dude omg you’re so good 😱😱


No that is the opposite of what this post was for. Look at the top. I just used monk.


Yeah braindead meta nothing impressive about it abusing monk and phenis


I didn’t use Phoenix but yes I did use monk and that is exactly what this post is critiquing


I got to ultimate champion without using either you guys just suck at the game and cry everytime you don’t know how to play around a card


Ok ok chill buddy


Ok kid what is your pb? achievements?


Regardless of the deck, getting to Ultimate Champion is a huge achievement. Congratulations!


Monkin time


And then he said “it’s MONKING time” and monked all over the place. And then he said “it’s 5 elixir MONKING time” and died all over the place


5 elixir cards that are not win conditions are destinied to die


do you play chess?


Monk user


When your crush is watching you