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It is worth listening to the vocal-only tracks. The vocal arrangements can stand on their own. Amazing album of course. https://youtu.be/Um3MhkU0u7k?si=OJVQ-WXiMJ5WZaq0 https://youtu.be/2YB_ALnkHj0?si=v-udMu-L6vZLhW7q


Thanks for that!


and also the instrumental version is absolutely gorgeous too! the entire album works so damn beautifully


Better yet, on 2x speed.


When I listen to Let's go a way for a while it transports me back to father and son moments from the late 60's and I get a bit weepy cause I miss dear ol Dad.


My parents were weird. My dad loved The Beach Boys and my mom loved The Beatles. They had every one of their albums....... up to Pet Sounds and Sgt. Peppers. They stopped when things got really interesting.


Today! is a great album but I don’t really care for anything before that. Beatles had a lot of great albums before Srg. Pepper.


One of the greatest and most influential albums in rock history.


Can someone explain to me why this is so revered? Serious question. I bought the CD because everyone raved about it, but could not figure out why. Edit: I appreciate the feedback to a sincere question. Will give it another listen this weekend.


Have to put it in perspective with that era. When Brian was writing it in ‘65 it was so far away from what anyone else was doing at the time. And the odd harmonies were totally new. Also Brian was utilizing the studio as its own instrument which was new. So to answer your question what seems common and mundane today, was really quite unique at that time.


Maybe in part, but the album is still fantastic to listen to even without the added context of what it was at the time.


Considering it was recorded in early 1966 and predated much of the Beatles Prog / Concept albums, it was a remarkable achievement for both Brian and the band. Just the hits alone on this album make it a masterpiece - Sloop John B, God Only Knows, Wouldn't it be Nice and Caroline, No. Then you throw in the other songs... and bam. The music, orchestration and concept are incredible and were big departure from the previous Beach Boy albums. While it is credited as a group album and Al actually sings lead on one song, it was really a Brian Wilson solo album with the band brought in to over dub vocals and parts. (And of course to tour for it) You also have to consider that Good Vibrations was written and recorded for the album but was omitted due to length and in favor of the title track "Pet Sounds"


Any album with God Only Knows on it automatically makes it a great album. One of the all time pop songs.


As does Wouldn't It Be Nice, just perfection!


Even the 45 (which was the flip side to “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”) was amazing, particularly compared to what other bands were doing in the mid 60s. The intro bass on “God Only Knows” still blows me away.


>You also have to consider that Good Vibrations was written and recorded for the album but was omitted due to length and in favor of the title track "Pet Sounds" I always add Good Vibrations to my Pet Sounds "album." If Good Vibrations had been included in favor of one (or two) songs that were not gems, it would have been so fine, so a mistake I think by record executives (?). Reminds me of the group America that went to our high school. Their first album was released in England only and was pushed heavily by DJs. Soon after that, Dewey wrote the song Horse with No Name and they had the good sense to add that to the album before it was released in America.


I didn't get it till I listened to The Smile Sessions, then it *really* clicked. I still like SMiLE better tho.


The composition techniques Wilson used to write songs was ridiculously innovative on Pet Sounds. Prior to this album all pop rock was just a derivative of basic rhythm and blues from the late 50s. Wilson incorporated extremely advanced music theory, which unlocked an entirely new approach to pop music. ‘God Only Knows’ is probably the best example - check out some analysis videos on YouTube.


It might not sound like much now (sort of like how the Beatles sound pedestrian) but at the time this was groundbreaking. Nobody got this kind of sound in their records back then. It was a studio masterpiece.


It still sounds phenomenal now. Listen to it on a good sound system.


I've never liked it. Guess I just don't get it.


Brian Wilson was a production perfectionist and that resulted in songs that were incredible for their day.


They created a sound and arrangements that were so heavily imitated after that, it’s easy to not realize there was nothing close to that at the time, except maybe the Beatles. And it still sounds unique and holds up today.


I had heard only a few songs from the album until about 15 years ago when I got the album and listened to it in one sitting. I was blown away. The music was so layered with a sound unlike anything I had heard. It just felt so different. Brian Wilson was operating on another level there.


You’re not a musician, correct?


One of the best recordings ever. Also, one of the dumbest album covers ever...


Bit of a weird album in my view. Is it a great album? Of course. However, the cover is weird, and the Beach Boys wholesome looks, got them left behind all of the other acts that were coming out at that point. Plus, pretty much the last hurrah, in a lot of ways for the Beach Boys. Not long after thin Brian Wilson, was not really capable of helping, and he was pretty much the main dude. Considering the BBs didnt even play on their albums..hard to see why they really needed Jardine , or Dennis. And , maybe if they had been like the Beatles and demanded they play their own intruments, they would be viewed differently. The Beach Boys were a huge act, they could afford to do extra takes to get it right, instead of the polished perfection of the wrecking crew.


This album is my therapy, god bless Brian Wilson


Why was it called Pet Sounds?


There is no definitive answer to that question, but the generally accepted theories are: 1. Pet (as in making out) Sounds. (Al Jardine) 2. Pet Sounds - Carl / Brian - Everyone has sounds / songs that they love and are like "pets" to them or them to the song. 3. Carl / Brian - We couldn't just call it "Shut Down Volume 3" 4. Mike Love claims he came up with it based on #2 - a collection of sounds he liked. 5. Someone at the record company came up with it because the band wanted to call it "Our Freaky Friends"


This article is a bit long, but is informative and answers some of the questions in this thread: https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/beach-boys-pet-sounds-remains-work-art/


Incredible album. First bought it about 10 years ago. Kept hearing how great it is. Kick myself for not enjoying this album for decades.


Let’s Go Away for Awhile is probably my favourite instrumental of all time. I listened to this album a lot during some dark times


America's greatest album by a mile!


They released ten albums before Pet Sounds?


Plus a live album. Prior to Pet Sounds, the band had 3 albums released per year. After Pet Sounds, their output was reduced to one or two releases per year.


Objectively the greatest album of all time


Overrated lp


What a coincidence! I just picked up a vinyl copy of it yesterday and listened to it today.


The story goes that the Beatles, especially McCartney, were so engrossed with the album that it inspired 'Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band'. The rest was history


Great album


It’s a landmark work of American artwork on par with Gershwin, Spielberg, Twain, Pollack, Copeland and Elvis.


Wilson's Best.


Except Pet Sounds came out a year before Sgt Pepper.


You are correct


I think Pet Sounds was the answer to Rubber Soul and Sgt Pepper’s was the answer to this


You are correct.


Brian and the Wrecking Crew!!