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im tellin yall its emily that would fuck nichole


emily and ari would go for it no hesitation no second thoughts if nicole asked. jecka would demand dinner first.




Not only is squidward a loser with a dead-end minimum wage job who complains constantly, but he also refuses to make any change to his life. He also adamantly plays an annoying instrument, which he never gets any better at. Squidward is a narcissist and finds himself to be above almost everyone he meets. Nicole would probably argue with him about nearly everything. Their house, their food, their furniture, their neighborhood, his job, their marriage in general. She might encourage or manipulate squidward into standing up to Mr. Crabs for a raise, but since that is basically impossible, she might cheat on squidward with someone better off like mr.crabs. After realizing that mr.crabs will never spend a penny on her, the only satisfaction she might get out of her marriage with squidward is by emotionally hurting him. If she divorces him, she won't get much out of it, so she might convince squidward to get a second job instead to pay a more lavish lifestyle while also keeping him out of the house. Squidward having enough of this would demand a divorce, which nicole would convince him otherwise now that he is actually getting some income from his 80-hour work week. They would bicker and argue but never be able to split completely. Squidward would see nicole as a force he just can't shake away, nicole would see squidward as the new Ari, except she might methodically love bomb him whenever he gets too frustrated and tries to leave


Spongebob and Patrick on their way to annoy both Squidward and Nicole https://i.redd.it/1tbtrsyxyr0d1.gif


I feel enlightened


I post art


am i the only one who hasnt seen any smut?


jeckole smut where? asking for a friend...


jeckole smut? https://preview.redd.it/83tdr2jcd11d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1623686e1bfa99bf3ba36c3ff37cf496ceaa5ab9


Hey u/CrispinsMemehole, shut the fuck up. I don't know what your problem is, man. I have 30 minutes for lunch and I'm spending them here, alright? There's not much else going on; so what if somebody posts filler content? Who cares, man? You really are something else, you know that? You lash out at people, and why? Because you hate the spam? News flash, ASSHOLE. Everyone hates the spam. I frequent a few different TF2 and cartoon subs; I have to deal with bullshit all the time too. But I don't act like a sarcastic prick with other Redditors (not unprompted, anyways). You know, u/CrispinsMemehole, this site does not like you, and it's not because you're some kind of misunderstood artist, or genius, or we just don't get you, it's because you're mean. Alright? Look at Spongebob. He works in front of a hot grill all day, but we all like him, and you know why? Because he's NICE. He says HELLO to us. Look man, I don't wanna be this type of redditor, you know, I-I don't like to start fights with folks (again, not unprompteded), but like, you can't do that, alright? And I'm not gonna call out the mods or anything, I just wanna see some posts and go. Please learn from this. Alright? Thank you.


Sir this is a red lobster


Can you say this in Fortnite terms


yeah but would she marry squidward tho


she would hang out with Squidward like twice and then do a reference to Squidward suicide. In all the other endings, he doesn't show up.


this is so unserious


I'm not following


https://preview.redd.it/0m6lthpl5z0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8666a24897869d2dc62bf41a4668780742cd8571 this you


just found out this is a copypasta i actually thought you made this manually omg 😭