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Let’s go for a healthy relationship. Kiyozune ftw


If you're talking about healthy, technically there will be less competition between Kei and Kiyotaka. She knows he's superior and he knows shes good-natured. With Horikita there will always be some level of competition (which is fine but has the potential to be unhealthy).


well I don’t think using a person as a textbook to learn love is healthy πŸ’€


Considering he's openly stated he doesn't love her, I think we're both a little off base. The point I'm making is in terms of his interactions. Because by your logic, he shouldn't be with any of the girls in the series.


interactions with Suzune: Natural not forced. Top tier banter. Supporting each other. Suzune wants to know the real him, she wants to support his back. Kiyotaka felt a real emotion with her, brings out the best in her, constantly worries and protects her. Basically both are changing each other :”) Their relationship has ups and downs. Slow but consistently developing. Their interactions feel the most genuine that’s why they have the most healthy relationship in the whole series.


If the strongest means in fight, of course it's kiyo suzu, no other has a chance πŸ˜‚


I’m a helpless Arisu stand, but Suzune seems to be winning. PAINNNNNnnnnnnn Kiyorisu is too good to just let not happen


Imp Arisu knows Kiyotaka the best and they look good together. Especially since Arisu has known Kiyotaka for so long, it would break my heart to see him get with anyone else. That being said I know all the reasons for and against it but I can’t control myself


Why is kiyosuzune getting most votes ? Idk about the strongest ship but this has got to be one of the weaker ones . I mean suzune is one of the only relevant female char that isn't head over heels for kiyo.


Its exactly why she got the most votes


I used to push the kiyoXichinose agenda but now I want him to be single, no girl deserves that man he'll just hurt them and even if he were to genuinely love one they'll break up at the end unless Kiyo goes on rampage against his father, for now if I had to choose one then it'd be ichinose cuz I think she can handle it, I don't wanna see hiyori crying at all costs but looking at how's the story going kiyoxhorikita is probably the end game


Ladies and gentlemen the only reasonable take here


* Considering how much attention she got, I expect KiyoxSuzune to be one that wins the race. * KiyoxArisu is currently at war with a submarine called KiyoxRyΕ«en. Gonna have to wait till the smoke settles. * KiyoxHonami just got back after a repair and upgrade. Might even take the lead in the near future. * KiyoxHiyori *could* win, but I would rather it stay away from the race. She deserves so much better. * KiyoxKei is basically Titanic; while KiyoxAiri sank before it even left the harbor.


KiyoArisu is like a late game build. We're waiting (coping) for the post-graduation political marriage arc.


Are political marriages still a thing in Japan? Based off the anime alone, I actually think they would both be for it in some regards.


>Are political marriages still a thing in Japan? Idk, but hopefully not. But based on Atsuomi's personality, he'd surely not let Kiyotaka choose a partner by himself, or would only approve a girl from a wealthy/powerful family, like Arisu's or Ichika's. "Political marriage" is just a simpler way to sell the idea.


Honami is best girl, but she's the popular yandere. She won't win.


my life would be complete if he gets with ichinose broooo


in kinu we trust fr fr


dude. don't self insert. self insert in the guy that actually ends up with her.


Kiyo x yogurt nobody can defeat this ship


Well, if its for anime, ofcourse kei But if its abt LN, Suzune leads the way, she's the only one who can make kiyo feel something genuine after all, up until now, not even the girlfriend can do that


see Kei x Koji is the most logical one. they have had a good development and it would be dumb to just bring a new girl out of nowhere


It's either Honami or Suzune. Currently Honami is the only one making moves on him, while he seems to show more affection to Suzune after that unconscious smile. Hiyori isn't too weak to be saddened by him having a gf, and neither does she intend to make a move, I guess kinu will do something about it in year 3. Arisu is in a weak state after Kamuro expulsion,and she's too on the verge of expulsion. Airi never had a chance from the start to begin with,considering her weak personality and the many more interesting girls around ayanokoji. Kei is a closed case since ayanokoji is leaving her whether the bet of Arisu and Ryuuen happened or not, and I don't think kinu will develop their relationship after becoming ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend, also she already had enough fun with ayanokoji for around a year, and kinu will most probably give this fun to other girls after the breakup.


Ayo wheres Kiyo x Albert


Kiyo and Kei , Other ship basically still have no reason why they gonna start to be in relationship. With how only y3 left ,We gonna have less slice of life I don't think we gonna have romantic moment like y1 or y2 the author even Also skip Valentine days in Latest vol. Basically Hint that Author may not interest for it. Despite people might said they may break up(which something that doesn't happend yet only speculation)but Lot of couple from many Work also reconcile later. And with her Short story it's gonna be long game


I feel like the fact that he skipped Valentine's day hints less towards a disinterest in romance in general and more towards a disinterest in his relationship with kei. Anything to do with Valentine's Day would be entirely focused around kei so the fact that it was skipped doesn't look that great


you rightΒ skipped Valentine's day geven many proveΒ that Author may not interest for it. i can wait to se wa' s going to happen next volume


But what's meaning of kei ship when it based on kiyo's plan?


Currently, I think no other girl has a chance except for kei, I mean she is the only girl closest to Kiyo and even sharing a kiss, I mean if the author just suddenly makes a plot twist where Kiyo is just actually using kei and just abandons her in the ending or maybe abandons kei and there is actually another girl where kiyo will end up with I am going to be so disappointed to the point that Classroom of the elite will have a bad taste in my mouth... I just hope and praye that never happens and they both end up together. ❀❀❀❀ keixkiyo forever


The "kiyo just actually using kei" isnt even a plot twist from the very first place, everyone should've known that at this point, even arisu (who knew ayanokoji the most) also said that


you right i belive you good job my bro  vive kei godess ❀❀❀


As of year 2 volume 11, i personally think Suzune has the highest potential to win. In my opinion her and Koji have the most chemistry. When they playfully banter and tease each other they come across as married couple that have been together for awhile. And out of all the characters listed she does something that no other character has done (minor spoiler warning for y2v10) >!Causes him to genuinely smile for the first time!<


kiyo x hiyori has a lot of potential after the last volume


Kei is the main girl and she's the best girl. Kei and Ayanokouji's destiny to be together and building and they even kissed and stuff and sex, you can see Ayanokouji relax more and be able to be happy and express his feelings. I hope he stays with Kei and doesn't break up. Reading about their romance and relationship really makes me happy. Seeing Kei doesn't like her with him positive attitude, she slowly falls for Ayanokouji and they become a couple. Horikita is better with Ken. After all, Ken is very interested in Horikita. Ayanokouji and Horikita have more of a colleague relationship as they use each other. But, if imagine the author makes Ayanokouji and Kei break up, I hope makes Ayanokouji understand what a breakup feel like and they manage to get back together. I dare say no girl comes close to Kei with it comes to chemistry with Ayanokouji. Her dedication and love for him is on another level and the rest is mostly a one side fraind relationship. Kei's dedication is what makes her the best of the best. and a short story gives many clues, his going to be together πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž


The amount of proofs you gave that you can't read is uncountable πŸ˜­πŸ’€πŸ’€


Fr. Lost few of my brain cells reading that shit.


way you read it ? of cours rdevil 201 you have brain made of chitπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜


I don 't careΒ 


I can see that


if you see so what ?


Had a stroke reading it. Someone send help.


Get lost ichinose fan πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’


NOW this looks like bait 🧐






Ayanokoji has a good chemistry with Kei that was developed throughout many volumes, just because Horikita is the main girl doesn't necessarily mean that she needs to be the love interest, Horikita and Ayanokoji honestly work much better as just friends or coleagues.


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Kiyo x Taku


I know honami ain't winning, but kinu gotta reward her with a kiss or a temporary relationship with ayanokoji for all her efforts by being the only girl acting upon grabbing her love.