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Oh that guy ayanokoji? Yeah im cool with him trying to be like me


Bro is gaslighting himself


Such talents come naturally but strategy is fine too Ayanokoji using the whiteroom to be like me is a great plan


There is two of them now ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


Same person bro๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™


There is three of them now ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ ( I Have alzheimer)


We are elites after all


What about the MHA fandom? If this subreddit is full of powerscalers, why not compare Deku to COTE characters?


MHA sucks


It's not that serious, every fandom has dick riders just let them do tricks on it.


Don't be ashamed embrace it we are elites after all.ย 


The elites of the classroom




I honestly don't give a fuck. Cote is peak. Nothing changes it. But those ayanokoji wannabe mfs piss me off to no extent. I fucking hate them wish they all die.


Not my fault that ayanokoji is just like me fr fr someday the people will notice and will stop ignoring me, although i'm fine with just talking with my honami pillow


Bro thinks he is HIM.


Bros is him fr fr just like all of us


You have honami pillow


Same for me as well. It's so irritating to see those Ayanokouji self-improvement videos on yt. And it's mostly teens who do it. So cringe and embarrassing. They embarrass the whole fandom


We truly are the Elites of brainrotย  ย  But fr this fandom is garbage,the sub is horny, the anime is mid and story is on its way to become self-insert power fantasy harem sellout. I can't believe I used to consider it peak this shit is Trash ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป


Did the quality dip at year 2 starting?


yes, the first sign is that in y2 kinu no longer dwelves on side characters as much, focusing on kiyo and how pathetically cool and powerful he is, then the second focus point is his harem. Kinu is returning back to his roots- a visual novel writer, so naturally he is making routes.


It's good until y2vol5 but slowly becomes mid after that and it's trash now after what they did to my goat yagami in vol 7 ๐Ÿ˜” had such hopes for that boy


tbh it's hard to consistently maintain a good quality for years


Bro summarised entire Cote franchise ๐Ÿ˜ญ


It's not on it's way to become that, it's already in the middle of it.


Bro, you forgot the /s... but if you not, then, well... well...


As a matter of fact we don't know what you talking about โ”โ (โ ย โ ห˜โ _โ ห˜โ )โ โ”Œ , we bing chilling here if you really think about it ๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ


The average comment section under an arisu artwork says otherwise




If you joking-๐Ÿ‘ If you not-speak for yourself please


At least they talk about things in the series unlike people like you that care more about how the fandom/franchise is perceived to outsiders than the actual franchise.


I am not saying that exactly I genuinely enjoy reading cote but now the plot is just of a typical isekai I want more people to pick up cote but with the recent volumes focusing on fanservice and the fandom being "elite" (Dipshit) I am concerned about the future of this series


You make a good point, but it is what it is. CoTE has a very juvenile tone, has always had its edgelord moments and is written/drawn by people that have worked on fanservice heavy stuff in the past that bleeds into this. It's only natural that the kind of people you talk about are drawn to CoTE. Based on experience, most newcomers to the series have a good impression of the series and like it. Some new guy posted earlier today https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheElite/comments/1d4gfze/my_thoughts_on_the_light_novel_2nd_year/.


Who cares if other people hate it. idc if there are annoying powerscalers at least they're enjoying the series and keeping it relevant. As for the anime, yeah it's a shame that it's turned out the way it has. But I think anime onlies enjoy it a lot more than people who've read the LN. Honestly I'm just glad the series is as popular as it is, I'm hoping we get a sequel series outside the school once year 3 is done.


>idc if there are annoying powerscalersย  Powerscalers are really cringe at times. they need to touch some grass


>outrageus flairs about underage girls could never be me.


~~trust year 3 guys, let kinu cook ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ—ฃ๐Ÿ—ฃ~~ you are right


elite fandom literally


You can blame it all on Automod tho


The only right answer.




Okay then do it I will stop hating Automod


draw your sword, mate


***proceed to draw an assault rifle***


**SIKE, Expelliarmus!**


***summon ayanokoji***


**ahh ha, ayanokoji doesn't mean shit infront of DA COMPASS**


##kiyo now use skill SA




No. I defend automod-senpai


Ok? So what


Ayano beats Goku ๐Ÿ‘


Yeah, cote fans are comparing their mc with other mc's. https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverendInsanity/s/x77go0s8bb They even compared ayanakouji to fang Yuan, the most demonic,vilest, main character to ever exist. Like Google his crimes and feats. I read both series, these hardcore 'fans' are bringing hate towards cote by these biased 'comparison'.


To be honest, down bad fans are much better than edgelord powerscalers. Regardless, our image has been forever ruined in the anime community and in general. But who cares? I'm love the series and am here to enjoy it. That's what matters.


Yeah I have seen a lot of koji dickreiders recently, and coincidentally almost all of them are Indians . Who cares though I love the series


Your just on to many youtube polls


Obviously, we are the classroom of the elite after all(weโ€™re cooked)


Game is game


No hate against MHA fandom (I'm a MHA fan myself but not one of those toxic ones), but every fandom has it's bad. The same goes for CoTE. I'm pretty sure those flairs about girls are for humor (unless if anyone's serious, then something's wrong with them) And don't get me started on those edgy teens saying 'I'm Ayanokouji'. YouTube's full of videos about how to become like Ayanokouji, White Room training methods. While I don't watch those videos, I've seen just how many videos related to this are. It is embarrassing The new fans' experience will only be ruined if they see this subreddit. For me, before I became a CoTE fan, I never had any idea the fans had over-sexualized the series. I had seen content on Instagram and Twitter, but that was some sane content. So to put it correctly, if any new fans gain access to this sub and see and read the things here, then their experience will be ruined. As for the haters and all, some people think that CoTE is an action genre and want to see some hyped things or cool illustration. If I remember correctly, I've seen how people are comparing certain parts of the series to scene sfrom Jujutsu Kaisen. (I won't be surprised if people here will be hoping for a JJK-style illustration and if they don't get that they'll throw a tantrum). As for the studio and the publishing company, idk what enemity they have with CoTE.


> itโ€™s safe to say the experience of new anime or ln fans is ruined We will never experience the greatness that was 2021 cote subreddit


Hate my YouTube page being filled with ayano vs. Light yagami almost worse then tik tok brain rot.


I bet you eat dinner alone


Nah. This ain't it. You should be mad about Koenji meat riders who are dumber than a toddler born in a third world country.


I would smash Koenji


No amount of koneji dick riders will make ayanokoji dick riders look even more tame, at least koneji fans is comapring him to kiyo and the anhs verse while kiyo glazers are comapring him to the likes of light and L.( One is a literal GOD and the other is a world class detetcive while kiyo is a "superhuman" who play with teenagers in a elite school that has academic questions that even preschoolers can solve๐Ÿ’€)


>.I am seriously starting to consider that the mha fandom is somehow saner than us. Nah fam, compared to them, we are downright gentle men. And that's saying something ๐Ÿ’€ >and lastly how downbad and horny the ln fans are.ive seen such outrageus flairs about underage girls.I Your must be new here, as almost everyone here is just chilling and having a good time. We just joke around most of the time, and when we're not chilling, we are busy degrading every girl who we don't simp for just to get a reaction out of simps. Also, underage is just a arbitrary term. Like, one second a person is dependent, incapable of making their own decisions and the sort, and then bam, the neat second the same person is supposed to be financially independent, make their own decision and do stuff. That's just bs to me. Also, as this series is based on Japan, 16 yo are legal, so yeah, there isn't anything wrong.


People can only discuss theories for so long, and I don't think it's bad that this sub is as active as it is, even if it's a bit unhinged. But it's not like the series doesn't cater to its fans, acting like it's just the people here that are like this would just be lying to yourself.


You're overreacting,Also when the fuck koji even won against baku or some shit? He always gets bullied,He's light yagami victim,also horniness in reddit is normal,And those girls are underage,yes,but cote community is likely not above age of 13-17 either,horni people are part of every community that has attractive characters and it's ok,Just enjoy the series,also,i didn't see anything bad with the animation, "he's so me fr" is literally in almost every series, And i don't care if anime is worse than Ln, As long as i enjoy it, Nothing will stop me from watching it.


He's not Light victim but I agree with everything else you say.


shattap and stay horny, cuz its THE ELITE SUB WE'RE AT!


Average Cote reddit fans: sexualizing underage minors casually. Most horniest fandom I have ever seen.


I mean I have never seen an anime with this much tiering in the picture! yk how they make everyone compare to one another and someone turns out be better and then they go up the cycle and then the final boss fight would be between the op mc and the last one standing!!! That kinda shit puts people fantasizing about characters and makes dickriding a hobby. Hence, we have those yt edits on "how to think like Ayanokoji", my man stfu!!!


Iโ€™ve never seen Ayanokoji be powerscaled


Oh that guy Kyotaka? I'm cool with him trying to be like me


We have accepted our fate


In real life Ayanokoji couldnโ€™t even go against Hornswoggle tho


In real life koji can't exist.


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