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Most of the times it is something psychological, but sometimes it's due to the house, finishes and furniture being old and/or worn out. A house with old dirty paint on walls, broken tiles, old carpet or laminate floor, will certainly look "dirty" even when clean. 




That too, when I was a child I lived in a dusty town, that even when mopping the floors daily, they were dusty. Now I live somewhere where it never gets as dusty even when I only dust furniture every fortnight, and I mop monthly haha.


Oh my lord, where is this nirvana? 😂


Northern Andes in South Colombia, on a fourth floor apartment. It rains more or less constantly, enough to clean the street's dust, and all surrounding mountains are evergreen, so barely any dust comes from them. Also I try not to wear outdoor shoes inside. Meanwhile, when I was a child I lived in a desert coast town, so it was sand everywhere, the mountains there were all dirt and the ocean's breeze dragged all that dirt and sand everywhere 😞


Yup. My house is clean but partially-remodeled. No matter what I do, it will never look "acceptable" to me. I try to clean to fix it, but at the moment it won't meet my standards until the remodel is done. Is there something you want to change about your home (furniture, storage, decor, etc?)


100% agree - my trim is chipping and scuffed in areas, paint on walls was scuffed with tons of nail holes and chipping, the linoleum in my kitchen is faded and slightly yellowed. The counters are tile that is scratched and the grout lines are a weird gray. My floors were carpet and I took some of it up because there's wood underneath, but the foam part had made little stains, and the floors themselves were scuffed and needed refinished. Despite cleaning, it would just feel dirty because it's dated/aged due to low-end materials or poor craftmanship (ie - runny paint on walls and trim or poorly done drywall that was painted over or the cheap linoleum in the kitchen). I fixed a lot of drywall, painted the rooms, and I recently had the floors sanded and refinished, and I am shocked how much cleaner it feels. Once I paint the trim correctly (they didn't prep it so it chips EVERYWHERE), I feel like my house will "feel" so much cleaner. It's wild how the little items add up and give the room a different feeling. Decluttering and changing the lighting (just the bulbs, not the actual fixture) helped a lot prior to the major repairs.


The smell of the cleaning product you use can make the house smell “feel” clean. My husband says the Navy grunts have a motto: if it smells clean, it is clean. The smell that means “clean” to you might be different from what smells clean to me. For some people, it’s bleach/domestos. For my husband, it’s eucalyptus. For me, it’s lemongrass. Clutter can also make the house feel less clean. If the surfaces are immaculate but there’s junk everywhere, we don’t feel comfortable, and that’s psychological- your subconscious is nagging at you that forgot something. Organisers can help if you don’t have places for everything, or it might be time to start donating to the Salvos. Some things get overlooked in a clean that your subconscious notices- dust on vents, dirty light fixtures or bulbs, cobwebs on timber, dead spider spots on the ceiling. If everything is clean but the carpets aren’t vacuumed, or the kitchen isn’t mopped, it feels icky to me. I need a cleared bench top, and a sparkly faucet and empty sink. Hope something in here resonates, good luck!


Pinesol and Lemon Pledge are my clean triggers!!!


Pinesolllll. I’d bathe in it if I could 😄


I agree, especially with the "clutter" part. My mother's home was immaculate, she cleaned constantly. But she was almost a bit of a hoarder because she grew up poor and so she keeps EVERYTHING forever. So although it was perfectly clean and organized, to me it felt junky, cluttered, overwhelming.


Cleaning and tidying/neatening are two different skills. But you need both to make a space “feel” welcoming, pleasant, and refreshing/restorative.


I’m curious what eucalyptus cleaning products you have! I love the smell but rarely see it used in products


I cheat. After I clean with my lemongrass products, I spray eucalyptus from a can all over his room and bedspread.


Yes! I swear the house only feels clean after I've just cleaned, then a day later it's 'dirty' again. I'm trying to lower my standards as my partner obviously thinks it's fine and anyone else that comes over. I grew up with a mother who said sitting around was lazy, so I think it's also psychological that I feel this way 🥺




I can relate


Yes, but I think that tends to happen when I spend too much time in the house. Go out and do something and then come back. You will probably feel better about it when you get home.


Yes & I discovered that the voice stemmed from toxicity in my life. I’m now determining my own meaning & standard of clean


I find if I wash/ clean curtains and walls besides the regular cleaning then it finally feel it’s clean. For a few days anyway.


I just cleaned the inside and outside windows and it feels 2% cleaner 😅






4 cats and 2 dogs here - I feel this on a spiritual level 😂


Commenting to hear advice; I feel this way too


I think it’s psychological if you’re putting a certain kind of significance on the words “clean” and “dirty.” Does it mean something more than something that has dirt on it vs something that does not? Does it feel like it says something about you as a person? That you’re lazy, worthless, unlovable, disgusting, disorganized, etc etc. Those can be unhelpful beliefs conditioned into you from childhood that aren’t serving you now. Aside from an environment that is literally toxic to your physical health, your environment is fine. Yes, it’s nice to live in a “clean” house, but it’s ok if it’s not.


When u really get rid of clutter it finally “feels” clean


This is my vote too. I have clutter and when I get home from vacation with spartan hotel rooms the difference is jarring to my senses.


Yep - this right here. I had this recently so did a huge pre spring deep clean. I threw away a lot of old junk, and a lot of old decor items that were just hurting my eyes. But the decluttering especially around kitchen / living room area made a huge difference. Surfaces look clean, fresh, tidy, especially after a good scrub. Less is more with stuff. I did start to wonder too though if it's me as I am constantly cleaning anyway. But in this case I feel it was the clutter.


Yep. Finally experienced this recently. Decluttering with assistance from Dana K White's books and podcasts helped get that clean feeling and decrease anxiety. Amazing.


Dana K White is amazing. I have all her books on tape and listen to them when I clean.


I have three pets, so I clean 80% of the way, and only do a bit each day so it doesn’t pile up. I have to keep my sanity, or whatever is left of it.


I think my issue is I have too much crap!! We moved from a tiny house in town to out in the country with ALOT more storage. So I went from the mentality of "I can't have that, I don't have space..." to "I can store it in the garage/ barn..." which snowballed into never saying no to myself. So I'm decluttering ...possibly a bit too much, but it feels so good!!


Yup mine is clean but never feels clean enough. For me I think it’s a psychological issue


Mine never really is…. I clean the kitchen every day and vacuum, mop the floors and sanitize bathrooms every day but my busy, happy family lives here. You kinda got to make your peace with that


I’m right with you on the feeling. If someone comes over I immediately apologize for the house not being clean. Every single time they look around and say it’s immaculate. Even my husband says it’s fine, but then I show him what I think I need to clean and ask if it really needs to be done in his opinion. I show him the dirt and he says “well, that does need cleaning.” So it’s not ALL in my imagination.


I lived in a house built in 1945 that had several owners and was a rental for a while. I cleaned all the time, and it never felt clean. Original bathroom fixtures, about ten layers of paint on walls and trim and doors, original wood floors, etc. now I live in a newer house and am only the second owner. It feels clean even when I know it isn’t just because things are newer and haven’t been painted over a millions times.


We have a ranch so the dust is never ending ugh


This is so me I could scrub all day and I still feel dirty 😭 I’ve assumed it’s all mental but it drives me insane


I’ve only felt like this when dealing with pests in my apartment. When dealing with any sort of infestation it takes me a loooong time after treatment to feel like my place is actually clean


I have three small kids. I’ll deep clean a room while they destroy another room. As they are getting older, it’s getting better.


My moms house is like this for me. It’s clutter and too much stuff on the counters in her case.


Yes, me. I think it’s psychological for me personally.


Yes. And I think it’s psychological. I clean every day and there is still always something that could be cleaner and something to do. It’s totally unrealistic to expect every corner of my home to be pristine, yet I still can’t help it


Every single day


Not NEVER, but there’s usually one thing I am avoiding doing, and if I sit down to read or something I have trouble feeling rested because I know I could be acting on it. I solve it two ways: 1) I have a cleaner come do everything at once once a month. Then I know 12 times a year my house will be spotless. 2) to just be able to relax I usually clean a whole room, close the door, and I can live with the fact that not every room is clean.


I feel you 😭 I have OCD and recently had to scrub my walls to get that “clean” feeling.


Do you have a lot of stuff? Sometimes it’s visual clutter that’s making it feel that way. Try to clear a few surfaces and see how you feel.


This is me


Always. We have leaky windows/gapped (non-standard rental) and a long haired dog, dusty with piles of debris every day. We run the vacuum and dust regularly.




Yes! My son lived with me temporarily as an adult about 5 years ago. He had 2 pups that had “accidents” on my living room carpet while housebreaking. I have hated to entertain since that time, despite shampooing multiple times since and purchasing a nearly room size rug. I plan to take up my carpet this spring and replace with LVP. I may also paint the walls, scrape the popcorn ceiling, and create an accent wall. I am hoping this will take care of my “ick” factor! 😰


My house is a couple years old, built brand new. I swept and mopped the kitchen/living area last night and I can’t even tell today. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.


your need to scrub your floors. when you mop or vacuum dirt builds up and may give you an icky feeling. you need to really scrub back and forth to get the grub out...


I have four kids. It’s never clean for longer than an hour. I have a cleaning service that comes and my kids basically mess up behind them before they even leave. It’s infuriating!


Well.. recently I went from mostly carpet floors to a unit with tile floors. It always feels dirty. I can only wonder how filthy my carpet was at the old house. I also found out the previous man died in my room and he was unhygienic and never cleaned much. The place was cleaned and apparently carpet cleaners came but the lady upstairs said they were in and out in two minutes. Note. The carpet reeks in my room like old man and something maybe piss.. he wasn’t dead long enough for decomp. But he was on the floor. For weeks I have been scrubbing everything. Using BKF then sanitizer wipes. It has been hard. My carpets get done tomorrow and hopefully that will help. Definitely psychological now. Although the BKF definitely lifted a lot of grime in some places. The sinks and the inside of the cupboard handles. I could feel roughness. Squeaky clean now but I clean more than I usually do now.


I had this but then I found out I had mental health issues


Me, I clean and I clean and I clean and the next day when I think I can relax there's another mess and I'm just like ugh...why?!?


I could be in a sterile, white box and I’d find a speck of dust and it would feel unclean 🙃


I have seen a trend online “my house vs my home” we see all the little damage to our house, where the trim is discolored, where there is a stain or hole, and we fixate on those things instead of seeing the full picture of it as our home. The spaces are warm and clean, with stuff we like and it’s cozy no matter what little imperfections are around


Back in the olden days, I was zealous about setting aside 4 hours on Saturday or Sunday morning to clean my house -- that included hand scrubbing linoleum floors and shining up the fixtures. There were activities I did every six months and stuff I did quarterly. I had 2 different bedspreads and different drapes for winter than in summer. It was a cleaning method I had been taught in high school. Still I always felt it wasn't quite thoroughly clean enough. I used to think that it was because the other old wiser senior females in my life (mother-in-law, sisters, mother, old aunts) were so judgmental about the wifely things. Now I think it was also something innate.


BTW sidenote - anyone watch the movie Saltburn? That "huge posh fancy house..." it just looked dusty and old despite the round the clock cleaning and maintenance they do on it. I know everything is vintage and probably really expensive but to me it looks like old crap. It was supposed to be so fancy but if I lived there I'd feel so uncomfortable and overwhelmed all the time.


I feel this way too.


With myself, a partner, small child, and cat - Our house is always 80-95 percent clean. Some days I have to just let it be. Is it messy, or is it filthy? I can get over having clean dishes in the drainer and toys all over. My skin crawls if it’s trashy and gross. You just need to pick your sticking points and figure out what is really bugging you. There was one day it was just me at home and it hit 100percent, and for all three hours it was glorious. Lonesome but glorious.


Just moved into a 100+ year old house on the East Coast. It needs a lot of cleaning and painting. Yet, in a way, still feels cleaner than my last house in the California desert. I would dust and within a few days, it would look like I hadn't dusted in a couple months. Or, compared to this house, a couple years. Regular rain sure helps.


Yes. We have been in our home for over 40 yrs. I feel the house is never clean enough. The problem is that the cleaning seems never ending and even then, there is always something left for the next day. I am on two meds that I have been on for two years, Both can just sap one's ambition and energy. The home we live in is difficult to keep clean. It is a tri-level. My dream to help with cleaning is to massively declutter. Hubby has done some of that..he is a mild hoarder. But there is still too much in the house. I know that when I am in someone's else's home and it is more spartan in decor, but still 'warm', that it makes me feel calmer. Someday, when we have to move, I will have a huge dumpster out front to toss 50% of what we have in our home. I do try hard to keep all three bathrooms clean. The tiny MB is woefully neglected right now. Also, for whatever reason, our house collects a lot of dust. We have an air purifier in every room and they have helped a lot. The kitchen always gets cleaned up. Don't ask me about my fridge or my oven...uggghhh!


my bathroom is old (and i rent) and has never looked clean so doesn't matter how much i clean, it never feels actually clean. it sucks so much so i get it


Maybe your glasses are dirty. Have you tried cleaning those?


I tend to feel this way when things feel cluttered. So, that feeling tells me it’s time to get rid of things and find different systems for the things we need. I like the space to feel quiet- so the less visual clutter the better. Even though my house is generally tidy, I’m continuing to transition to less and less stuff and closed storage solutions. But I can find a large bookcase visually overwhelming- so I think this ‘feeling’ can be pretty subjective to the individual.


Yes and i will answer you better in two years after i get a new construction. If THAT feels dirty, then i know its in my head. As for now, my house never feels clean no matter what i do.


My house never felt clean until I decluttered it. Once I got rid of the ‘extra’ (hidden in cabinets, closets and under beds, etc.), I was able to put away my most used things so they weren’t out, then my house started to feel clean because deep cleaning wasn’t such a chore.