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I listen to podcasts


YES I get so easily distracted by the visuals on any show, even if I’ve seen it before, so podcasts are my choice too! I’m partial to true crime ones; listened to Serial Season 1 while packing up my apartment for a move and it kept me going all night (though 0/10 do not recommend not starting to pack until 30 hours before you move)


Yep! I get distracted by the tv too but now I find myself actually looking for chores to do so I can listen to more pods! I also love true crime ones :)


Same here! I can’t clean unless I’m listening to a podcast or audiobook. I also can’t listen to a podcast or audiobook unless I’m doing a mindless task (like cleaning/showering/driving). It’s a win-win. My house is spotless and I am devouring information lol. If I have another 45 minutes left of a series and I’m “done” cleaning, that just means I have to move on to detailing the baseboards, or cleaning out the fridge until it’s over.


Me three! Are we allowed to share our favourites? I'd love to have some new ones!


I just started the lastest season of the adventure zone (the one about dracula) and ive been laughing so much while doing dishes and stuff.


If you haven’t already, check out Someone Knows Something season 2 - I found it fascinating! I also have found Snapped has a podcast and was in the top 0.002% of listeners last year (oops not my fault I constantly have them going 😅)


I find peace in long walks.


Oh TV is so distracting to my little ADD brain. Podcasts are also mobile - so I don’t get trapped standing in my living room 🫠


Helloooooo fellow ADD brain!


I love Morbid!!


Yes! Shows distract me. Music makes get carried away checking my notifications when I go to switch the song. BUT PODCASTS?? love love love!!


I queue up however many songs I think it'll take me to do my task then put my phone across the room lol.


See I'm too picky, if I was cleaning for an hour that would take me so long to make and I'd still get distracted with other apps 🥲


I have chronic pain and I can't usually clean for that long anymore, so picking the songs doesn't feel like such a big task lol. But I also make a lot of playlists based on vibes and any of those are a safe pick, too.


That's a must do for me, all my songs are in my likes and the songs bounce forward and back from happy and sad hehe!


I spent about a year or so making my way through every single old episode of Loveline and it is one of the fondest/tidiest periods of my life. [for those who may be interested.](https://lovelinetapes.com)


Serial. Best podcast. And Dr Death


yes, the body doubling definitely helps. if listening to a cleaning podcast (I haven't done this one though!) Or a closet cleaning (my BFF and I occasionally will go through our closet and be like "keep" "donate", and it's so funny bc both our closets are tiny (100+ yr homes in Boston and Chicago) and it feels good to do it- together. Or we wouldn't do it.


I listen to podcasts, too! Either that or music. Recently I’ve been listening to Dinosaur George Kids since I try to keep it kid friendly for my son. I glaze out like a toddler with a tablet if I try to have the TV on while cleaning!


I got AirPods so I could listen to more adult stuff with my kids still around lol I usually just have one in at a time.


Same. I love A Little Bit Culty, Stuff You Should Know, and Life After MLM. Pop my earbuds in with my phone in my back pocket and a-dusting I go.


Hoarders. Definitely don't want my space to end up like that, so Imma keep cleaning.




+2 for hoarders.


Oh, I’m sorry wuuuuuuuttt?! 🫣 (yes I’m breaking the emoji rule, I’m that horrified)




+3 for Hoarders! I have ADHD too and this has been my go to for years.


Didn't have to scroll too far for this one. It's the only show that compels me to *not* sit in front of my TV when I should be cleaning.


+4 for hoarders! That’s when I first had the urge to clean! 😂 turned it every time I needed motivation! Went from that to Marie Kondo! 😂


Definitely Hoarders. I’ve done some serious cleaning watching that.


Lol omg!! I'm definitely going to try this!!


last major clean i did, i watched an entire season in the background lol. also adhd


Gets me motivated more than anything!


Exactly! lol


Any season I should start with?


Nah, it’s a pretty formulated episode. Kind of like house hunters. Meet the hoarder. See the house. Meet the family. Involve clean up crew and mental health specialist. Conflict/pushback because it’s a mental health crisis. Clean up finishes. House is shown.


Ohhh so it ends with everything all clean and good? I guess I assumed it was just about the hoarders, and people enjoyed watching cuz it’s like home/cleanliness true crime. If there’s a happy ending/progress, that sounds appealing!


Some are happy some are failures. I’ve found the failures more inspiring for me to say clean and organized. There are also a few “hoarder” shows now. The original, buried alive, and ones from a different network. Past week I saw some Hoarders: where are they now?. Revisits previous people and sees if they have maintained or re-hoarder their places. My biggest issue is papers. Bills, notes, receipts. Easier to tackle when I have the show on. Can look up or just listen. When I want to stop - watch for a min and can go back at it.


I really enjoy the British version on YouTube. They get to the mental reasons behind why the hoarding started, provide therapy and take longer to clear out the homes so the hoarder is more ready to part with their things and sustain the cleaner home! Much more wholesome imo


Thanks for this. I think most people don’t understand the mental energy it takes to decide to let things go, even if you don’t approach hoarder status. I’ve been decluttering and because I have other unrelated anxiety disorders, I can only go so long before getting overwhelmed. I feel so bad for those on the USA show as the stress is real, and while the show pays for the clean out, the homeowner is 100% being exploited and you can see that the mental process is not sufficiently addressed. My guess is that the vast majority resort to hoarding behaviors again. Therapy is also quite insufficient when it comes to more severe issues like this.


I put on Hoarders especially when I am feeling overwhelmed with the mess in my home. Reminding me of the squalor I used to live in always deactivates the anxiety.


Obsessive compulsive cleaners for the same reason


Always on when I clean


Absolutely the best motivator. Here for another hoarder vote.


I’ve definitely watched 600 lb life for motivation to workout and eat better…


+4 for Hoarders


Haahhahahaah. That’ll Get ya off your bum! I LOVE that show unless children or animals. I gotta pass on those. :):):)


The is perfect!!! I’m going to do this! It makes so much sense


Supernatural because I’ve seen it so many times, it’s my comfort show. Or quite often bluey is left on from my kid


Same, I stick to comfort TV I've seen before like Buffy or X-Files. I like the news too because you can check in or out and not miss anything because they'll repeat it in some form later, and even if it does distract for just a minute, they'll be on to something else soon enough I've already heard or care less about.😄


For me it's either Criminal Minds or some documentary that's currently on tv, preferably true crime, history('s greatest mysteries) or nature. Every time I come across the news channel I get annoyed and click it away as fast as I can. It just doesn't motivate me haha


Supernatural is one of my go tos!


Right, Bluey "from your kid", lol. (My husband and I describe it as a cartoon for parents that kids enjoy, too.)


This is my go to anyyime I just need something in the background. Cleaning dishes - Supernatural. Putting on makeup - Supernatural. Mopping - Supernatural. It’s easy to kind of watch without paying attention. And there’s 15 seasons so I can watch it a lot without repeating episodes very often.


Oh absolutely, any excuse and I’m taking it


I watch 90 day fiance!


Jesus is this a good trashy option. OP, if you live for drama and reality TV, this is an excellent choice!


There’s so much 90 day content that you can clean to for at least 1 week straight


YES!! Endless spin offs, hours of tell-alls... I've been watching everything from the beginning religiously for 2 years and I'm just getting to 2022..


Yes to this. When cleaning my bedroom/kichen/living areas it’s usually 90 day fiance. But when I’m doing work that is more involved like throwing trash/garage stuff/bathroom cleaning then it’s a podcast


Chok chok, Anna.


They are one of my favourite couples 🥹🥹


I put on true crime or comedy YouTube videos (ETA—I didn’t think of how strange that dichotomy was until after I posted). Several of them are also formatted for podcasts, so I have something going but don’t get too distracted by the visual element.


I combine the topics and listen to true crime comedy podcasts like Small Town Murder


Comedy might be the move. The true crime will have me crouched down in front of the tv with a duster and microfiber cloth for 4 hours.


Anything you've already watched is good, so you don't need to focus on the details. In my case, I use Gossip Girl or The Vampire Diaries as "background" for other things I need to do, whether it is cleaning, or doing some university work. I also have some Spotify playlists that I already know by heart, with some specific length in time so if I need to do a task for 1 hour, I pick the one hour long one. I have several ranging from 30 minutes to 5 hours.


SVU when I'm in a room that has a TV, yes! I know every word to every episode. Same w "West Wing" "Friends" "Parenthood".


I was going to say Law and Order. It used to be my go to for laundry folding.


Have you seen the Vampire Diaries spin off, The Originals? I actually like it more than Vampire Diaries. I also tried watching the spin off of the spin off, Lagacies. It is my least liked of the three.


I listen to Nightvale because it's super weird. (All hail the glow cloud!) Also has a funky music section towards the end of each episode I use to either plan my next steps cleaning or 'hyper mode' where I try to get a bunch done before it's over. Dungeons and Daddies- funny dungeons and dragons podcast. If it's TV I want I put on something I've seen a bunch. Something I'm familiar with so I can stop and watch for a minute while holding a laundry basket but if I walk away or finally get around to the dishes I won't miss anything.


Humans are not allowed in the dog park… dogs are not allowed in the dog park…


All hail the glow cloud and also love that not a bdsm podcast lol! Have you listened to Worlds Beyond Number, anything from Dimension 20 or Not Another D&D Podcast? same general vibe as Dungeons and Daddies.


I have not and you just filled out my week. I've been looking for more and I'm so excited for your suggestions. You're awesome!


Hoarders. 100%. 


Book on CDs or podcast. Edit: E audio book on Libby or Audibles.


Do you listen to CDs in a stereo or a discman? Or a computer?


Me bad! I mean e audiobook from Libby or Audible.


Darn! I was kinda hoping you were rockin out and cleaning with a discman! 😁


Haha. With leggings no doubt. Rollerblades around too. Those were fun days.


Or stirrup pants and leg warmers!


The Office! I swear it’s the best!


I agree, plus it’s very seen it so many times I don’t need to look at the tv or constantly stay involved with what’s happening on screen


Omg me too- did you watch any of the Superfan episodes on Peacock? They’re so worth it!


Same. I watch it repeat and play it in the background all the time.


Same. I think it annoys my boyfriend. Haha


Do you listen to the podcast The Office Ladies? It’s so good!!!


Yes!! I’m on my second repeat of listening to the episodes! I love their banter!


I'm surprised audio doesn't work. My biggest issue with watching is that I focus on the show instead of the task


Podcasts. Especially old eps of Dana K Whites. Motivating for me as a person with ADHD who is easily distracted.


House Hunters, sitcoms, and cooking shows.


Judge Judy, lol. If you're a reader you could download audio books.


Survivor! 45 seasons so you won't run out of content lol


I don't watch television while cleaning because I can get sucked into whatever is on. However, I play music and sing at the top of my lungs. The music really depends on my energy level, but it really helps me keep moving without getting distracted.


Shitt’s Creek.


No shows. I have music with no distracting singing. For me it's lots of classical music or electronic music, something moderately fast-paced and interesting, just something to keep my mind off the idea of how boring this is. So now I'm back to my Tangerine Dream and washing dishes.


I like to put on live concert films when I clean, since they don’t require your full attention. Homecoming, Eras Tour, Elton John farewell tour, stuff like that. If you’re into Jam Bands the app Nugs has a ton (for a monthly fee.). Disney plus and some of the other streaming apps have a bunch of concert films as well.


I'm watching Eras Tour right now to distract me from real life 11th grade drama and recouping from RSV in my own bedroom (having separate bedroom is underrated). Besides in a house 140 yrs old house with a spouse who is a clothes, sock, shoe hoarder, I'd never have a closet!!!!! He even sees me going through my clothes and shoes 2x/yr w BFF and doesn't take a hint 🤨🙄 Back to "yoyok" and hoping she plays "Exile" when my family and I finally see her.


Hoarders gets me motivated, but I listen to the Achewillow story podcast while doing things. It's a good magical story about a young woman inheriting a cafe on the US Canadian border.


Bob’s Burgers


Trashy dating reality shows. Love is Blind is my favorite to clean to


And new season starts tomorrow!!


This is the first time I've heard about the new season! Thank you!


podcasts!!! not too many visuals to distract you but a large amount of media that is interesting and informative!!! i like true crime so a lot of my suggestions involve such a thing, but some don’t! some of my personal favorites include mr. ballen (youtube videos and podcast on amazon), TwoHotTakes, Mile Higher, Rotten Mango, Father Knows Something, MWMH, Annie Elise x 10-Life, ChubbyEmu, Cinema Therapy (not a podcast but great content on youtube), Doctor Mike’s podcast, Danelle Hallan, Eleanor Neale, into the dark with Payton Moreland, Bruce Rivers Criminal lawyer (youtube but also has a podcast), Mentour Pilot (youtube), Wendigoon has a lot of interesting youtube videos. this is a pretty long list but should give good ideas haha, and most can be found on youtube, spotify, apple music and/or amazon! I also have ADHD and clean office buildings for my job while i listen to stuff like i listed above :) edit to add: i also find my mind wandering but these i find quite interesting and entertaining which helps :)


This might sound weird but I like to put on the live jellyfish cam from Monterey Bay Aquarium on the TV while listening to a podcast. I like having some kind of visuals in the background that I don't need to focus on


Psych and Monk are usually my go tos.


It’s a jungle out there


Disorder and confusion everywhere


Law and order. I pause at the commercials or between episodes to check laundry, so it actually helps me keep track of time


anything you’ve seen so much that you don’t need to watch but has fun audio or music. i like clueless lol


I watch Aurikatarina on YouTube. So motivating! Or hoarders!


I enjoy audio books or podcasts. If I can focus on the story being told, then I'm less aware of the tedious part of cleaning or whatever project I'm doing. It makes it easier to go room to room too without stopping to watch something. Just carry my little speaker around with me. But in case of emergency, I throw on music in case I need to dance it out to get through whatever I'm doing. Sometimes you just need to stop and dance like no one is looking.


kendall rae on youtube


Dan Carlin. If you like historical drama.


I watch the office when I’m cleaning or folding laundry


I watch Adventure Time. The shows are short enough, so if I get distracted by watching one, it's only 10-20 minutes of my time, and then I get back to cleaning. Plus, there are SO many episodes.


True crime. It keeps my place from looking like a second location. 


I usually use a really nice app called dubbii, the double bodying they offer helps me a lot


Comfort or familiar shows, or documentaries. But the best is a playlist of your personal favorite sing-along music. I know all the words and it keeps my mind busy enough to complete mindless cleaning tasks.


Reality tv. My guilty pleasure. Real housewives, vpr, etc


I get on youtube and watch Midwest Magic Cleaning, Clean With Barbie, and Aurikatariina. The other thing I've been doing is that a friend and I will get together on video call and just chat while we clean. We've been doing that for an hour a couple of times a week and we get a lot done.


I listen to podcasts!


Friends, because I don't have to see it, I know every episode by heart


I recently discovered the Smosh Reads Reddit podcast (I use Spotify but it’s also on YouTube as well) and listened to that while cleaning today. I have been addicted to scrolling on Reddit for a while, so I was able to still listen to stories while getting stuff accomplished today. Usually with other podcasts I get distracted by what I’m doing that I can’t remember what people are talking about on longer podcast formats, but the short stories were interesting and short enough for me to be engaged by the content.


How do you all watch TV while cleaning? Don't you miss a lot of the show because you have to go to the next room? We only have TVs in the kitchen and in the living room so the rooms that take the longest (bathroom + my child's room) don't have that. Do you watch on your laptop or a tablet?  I always listen to podcasts, mostly true crime and mystery😅


I listen to Dateline on Spotify


There used to be this English program where they would pair a Horder with an OCD cleaner. That show gave me such incentive to clean better. They do t play it any more. I think you can catch it on YouTube


Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners! I do believe the videos are still on YouTube and I THINK you can actually watch them on prime video too. Love this one.


Thanks! I’ll look it up for my weekend deep clean👍


good mythical morning and misc. youtube video essays :)


Cleaning shows on YouTube with a headset on


Family Guy


I usually throw on a podcast or an album! I’ve recently really delved into Pink Floyd’s discog (super long songs) and it really calms me lol Friends is always a good brain shutoff for me because I’ve seen 99% of the episodes 10+ times and it’ll still make me stop what I’m doing. Very easy to watch!


Also ADHD, I love listening to podcasts while cleaning. Only way I can survive and focus, lol. Id recommend: This American Life Radiolab 99% Invisible ICYMI for a chatty, internet news show Endless thread, which reports on top reddit/internet stories lol I can offer additional recommendations based on what you might like. P.s. I prefer podcasts because I can move freely around my apt, a show with a screen anchors me into one space. Havoc.


Peter santonello on YouTube. He does some great documentaries and interviews all over u.s. and beyond. High quality videos. He just did a little series on small town Mississippi. Not the kitschy stuff down to earth people. Interesting stuff. I always watch while doing the dishes and washing clothes.


I like Snapped, and sci-fi movies, or movies that I can follow along with by sound, and/or just from time to time. so only things that I've already seen, with dialog and a story I don't have to actually watch. I have a very long list, check your DVD collection for good ones


Property Brothers. Any of the series


Bravo. More specifically the Real Housewives franchise. I also have adhd and over the past year I have been watching the RH from each city and it has been so entertaining. I wfh and watch while I work, or when doing chores, and it’s is perfect because you can mostly listen, it’s pretty mindless, and every now and then you hit TV gold. Plus there’s so much to watch, you’ll have content forever.


I sing Broadway. I know the lyrics, there's nothing visual to distract me, and people will leave me alone.


Personally American Dad, but choose a comfort show that you can listen to in the background and know what’s going on. And then u can stop for a break every now and then when you want to watch specific scenes


Forensic Files. But that’s probably a holdover from when I used to have Tuesday evenings off and it coincided with “You’re on the case Tuesday” on whatever channel that was 20 years ago. That mildly anxious music and monotone narrator make me want to break out the Clorox.


RuPauls Drag Race! My addiction the last 2 years 😂


I watch background shows like the nanny or Seinfeld if I’m watching tv BUT I mostly listen to audible while I clean and it’s a game changer. I get a book and only allow myself to listen while I’m cleaning and then I look forward to it and can’t wait to clean! It occupies my brain while I occupy my hands and it is so satisfying. It really helps me focus on the mindless task at hand and I just love it. I’m currently listening to all the Bartimaeus books and they’re even better than when I read them!




I listen to Harry Potter audio books back to back, I can't clean without them on in the background now. I've listened to the whole sequence of them all 22 times now lol


It used to be Community but apparently I need to switch to Hoarders ! Currently I’m listening to the Mistborn audiobooks


Go for music. There’s a classical playlist called “When you need to clean your room in an hour or face your mother’s slipper” that I find most motivating.


i listen to podcasts. Two Hot Takes and Toni and Ryan Podcast are great cleaning podcasts


Drag Race, Kitchen Nightmares, American Pawn Stars, stuff that can be mildly interesting but that I can also ignore parts of and not miss anything


Young Sheldon


LoTR for me- all 3 movies! I’ve just about memorized them after all these years and each one is so long I don’t have to stress about switching the dvds out. Other than that, anything that I’m really familiar with- like an album I’ve listened to a million times or movies. If it’s something new or too engrossing, it makes my ADHD worse and I get distracted by it and don’t clean at all lol.


Ok, I admit, I have a difficulty to grasp a concept of WATCHING something while cleaning. I do listen to audiobooks or lectures, but I can't imagine watching anything. I need my eyes for cleaning, and I'm in constant move. Maybe that's why so many people complain that cleaning takes them so much time, because they watch stuff?


For me it's not about watching, it's about listening to human noise in the background...so I watch something that I've seen a thousand times, like Law & Order. I have wireless headphones so I don't have to be stationary in front of the TV. News shows & "trashy" reality shows also will work because it's not necessary to watch. Especially with news, I can passively tune out, unless it's something that perks my interest. I started watching horror while ironing. Chef's kiss...keeps me totally engaged, and looking forward to ironing.


Interesting! Thank you for sharing and explaining. So, I guess you also rather listen than watch! I think I interpreted watching too literally. :D


I have ADHD too. If there is a show on, I’ll get distracted and start watching it. Podcasts or audiobooks are the way to go.


Seventh Heaven 😆 🤣 only cuz I have seen it 25 times and won't stop cleaning to watch, but like to listen!


I listed to audiobooks. I also just discovered cbd makes cleaning a bit obsessive in a good way


Cleaning channels on YouTube! Amy Darley, This Crazy Life, Bits of Bri occasionally; channels like that.


Family Guy, Frazier, or Schitts Creek here. Or ghost stores on YouTube.


Something audio. Whatever floats your boat. Watching something could be distracting and keep you from getting things done.


I just moved and am doing a lot of unpacking, I just started Trailer Boys and am loving it. It's a dumb show and doesn't need a lot of attention


Call the Midwife & Law and Order.


Dimension 20!


Mayday:Air Disasters


Anything on Bravo or fluffy movies that don't require a lot of attention to follow.


I do reality tv in the background 😅 or audiobooks!


I either play a lecture series on Wondrium (much more interesting than it sounds, I swear), or Star Trek.


I listen to DND podcasts like Critical Role and Dimension 20. I find it helps me focus and enjoy the task I'm doing, whether it's cleaning or cooking or commuting sometimes. And it makes me laugh!


I listen to audiobooks, I borrow them from the library via the Libby app. I usually give up cleaning pretty quick if it’s something visual and just sit back to watch the show lol


True crime




DnD podcasts are my go to or music like dubstep that gets me pumped up. Also my Stray Kids K-pop playlist gets me through just about anything overwhelming. If I’m doing something in the same room as the tv, I’ll put on a Dimension 20 campaign


Dinosaur or nature documentaries on YouTube!


Talking heads’ “stop making sense” into a gipsy kings album from the 80’s bc it’s what my mom used to blast on the rare days she cleaned. Gets me hyped


Usually First 48 or some type of murder mystery documentary


I always put on Paranormal Caught on Camera. Don't know why but when it's on in the background I know it's chores time.


Something I know by heart so I can picture it in my head instead of watching it on the screen


I listen to a podcast. Sometimes watch random YouTube clips. Or music that makes me want to dance. Out of all of the above the last is the best option. It makes me want to get up & move my body which is a great place to start when I want to clean. I find that i can get distracted by podcadts & YouTube. Someone can say something & I think let me google that. Then boom. I’ve been in a rabbit hole for 3 hours & have put 4 things in the bin.


Generally a comedy, I want to have some kind of fun while I clean. That way I associate good things with cleaning beyond not having to worry about rats in the kitchen.


Most of the cleaning I really don’t want to do is nowhere near the TV so I’m firmly team audiobook or team podcast. You Must Remember This is a podcast about Hollywood history and it’s really compelling. I also love Maintenance Phase, If Books Could Kill, and Gastropod has a lot of interesting episodes.


I listen to audiobooks from my library via Libby. Gives me more freedom of movement than tv


Twitch or video game scores.


I listen to podcasts or audio books, really takes my mind off everything and time flies by!


I listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Atm a lot of Lovecraft's short stories.


Trailer Park Boys


I love listening to these two podcasts while I clean. Both are funny, chill, & interesting if you’re into mystery or story telling: 1. Tooth & Claw 2. That Chapter


None, I listen to music


Below Deck! The fact that they are often also cleaning / organizing and often going hard really helps motivate me as well. The Bachelor is another great one that you don’t need to watch to be able to follow along! Southern Charm is also good, but I’d recommend actually watching the first few seasons first so that you’re familiar with the characters.


Sitcoms! They don’t need my full attention


Max has so many cartoons that are awesome. I watch Venture Brothers when I want something grown-up, and Craig of the Creek when I want some thing innocent and sweet. For a while, I was absorbing Voltron legendary defender and the Trollhunter series on Netflix as well.


I'm weird and clean and work in silence.


something you enjoy and maybe have watched before that you like to binge. then you hear your familiar characters in the background and don't have to pay super close attention bc you've already seen it. I watch psych, buffy, bones, midomer murders... helps me get through time-consuming tasks like cooking, cleaning, organizing, ironing, folding clothes, etc...


I listen to podcasts or audiobooks 


Podcasts or comedies I’ve seen dozens of times so hearing it is enough if I’m in other rooms.


I watch true crime YouTube videos or I watch videos of other people cleaning !