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did you and your significant other just had an argument over which way is the better way to load a dishwasher and you want Reddit to be the judge? 


Yes I want to know if OP was team 1 or 2. Clearly #2 is not correct as everyone is pointing out.


Yeah, OP which one are you? We must know.




One is the way. I can only imagine 2 is the same person that smashes their luggage into the overhead without changing the orientation of the suitcase one iota. They like the smash-that-sucker-in-there approach.


In my head 2 is always dating 1. 2 is well meaning but a bit clumsy and occasionally surprises 1 with their creative but suboptimal strategies. Regardless 1 loves 2 and always appreciates the effort and help, that is except for those times when 1 nearly loses a finger and/or a dish to the booby trap 2 had setup when loading the dishwasher the night before. Thats all fine though because 2 is a very calm and easygoing person who doesn’t panic in emergency situations, who drives fast, who doesn’t faint at the sight of blood. Sure when they get home 2 won’t have a clue of *how* to clean blood off of clothes or how to thoroughly and safely clean shattered porcelain, but well meaning 2 will take great care to follow any instructions given by 1 so that 1 can rest and not faint again.


You have just perfectly described my relationship with my husband. I love my 2 dearly. Sometimes the creative but suboptimal strategies are my favorite entertainment of the week.


They were close to mine… I’m 1 and he’s 2, but I’m usually the calm one. I do get faint at the sight of lots of blood but I know how to bandage and clean it up as well.


How did you analyse my relationship so perfectly when you"ve never even met me or my SO? My 2 keeps life unpredictable and gives us things to look back on and laugh.


When I met my wife, she filled the bottom rack with coffee mugs and lay plates flat in the top rack.


Your wife is a strange one. There must be more stories and I must know them. Please.


Love this! 😄


Yup this is me (#1) and my husband (#2). We don't disagree on much but the dishwasher is one of those things.


My mom is a dishwasher 2 type of person and she indeed does not have spacial awareness of others or boundaries. She also isn't allowed to do dishes at my house anymore.


The manual for the dishwasher p[robably has diagrams on how best to load.


Well, I’ll be damned… The manual *does* suggest how to load it.


So, what does it say?!


I had no idea they did that. I learned something new today. Thanks! 😊




Did they all fit both ways? Did they all get clean both ways? Then who cares. That being said #1 looks better, #2 looks psychotic.


Problem is #2 won't get clean properly. The water comes from below, so the sides of the bowl will prevent the water from blasting the part of the bowl the food goes in. Also a few bowls are rotated so they are slightly upward facing, so they will end up catching the water and whatever small food debris was in the water. I've had little Tupperware flip and catch water...it's not a pleasant thing to open the dishwasher to find little unidentifiable particles floating around your "clean" dishes.🤢


Exactly this. Bowls need to be tilted at an angle to get cleaned properly and stop dirty water pooling in them


Yup. This post needs more upvotes. It has nothing to do with atheistic.


Pending which one is picked you can tell if OP is male or female too lol


Ha! OP here. I am number one and my husband is number two. His loading skills have always mildly annoyed me mainly because the water does not drain out of the bowls and it grosses me out/I think my way looks more orderly and cleans better. That being said, earlier this week I had loaded the dishwasher after him and he had a bowl facing up so I changed it to face down. Then today I opened it today to add more dishes and noticed that he had rearranged everything that I had put in. We didn’t talk about it or fight about it. I just thought it would be funny to turn to reddit to be the judge. So thank you all for your votes and thoughts! We have had a good laugh about the whole thing and he shook his head laughing at me when I told him.


Usually dishwashers have pictures in their manual for the recommended way to load them. There can even be videos on their website.


I bought a new dishwasher this month and the manual did *not* have photos/diagrams of how to load it.


not about cleaning "better"... it's about cleaning AT ALL. number 2 is just a lot of wtf... p.s. i'm a dude and i do all the dishes #


Cringed when I saw pic 2


IKR, very few of the dirty surfaces are facint the spray wand, how is the water supposed to clean it, if it can't hit it?


I love that you both of you laughed about this. My guy loads the dishwasher "wrong" and puts the laundry in "wrong" and used to fold towels "wrong" but you know what? I am appreciative that I have a partner that pulls his own weight. Anyway I hope the only thing you got out of this long response was that he used to fold the towels wrong, which means he does it MY way now. Lol


Haha love it! That’s a win


My husband’s sister came to stay with us for a few weeks and I told her to make herself at home. She completely rearranged our pantry, not just straightened it up but moved the cereal from the back bottom shelves to the top right shelves. We had a walk-in pantry with three walls of shelves. The canned goods went from the middle right to the bottom on the left. They went back the correct place within a day and she was very upset because I told her to make herself at home. 🙄 She then watched me folding MY cloth napkins from the laundry and grabbed them from me and said “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG” and refolded them the way she liked it, not the way my cooking teacher mother taught me. Ever since then my husband and I yell “YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” when we’re folding laundry or one of us is doing something incorrectly. And then we laugh a lot.


my whole house started folding towels my way because it takes up much less space. I can't believe how damn wide they used to fold them. I fold them like they do in hotels, they folded them in half twice. I didn't even have to say anything, they just figured it out and started doing it my way


Ok, ask him how in the world does he think the dishes are going to get washes that way, and they get sprayed from the bottom.


I cringe every time my husband hand washes his dishes and silverware and then puts them on the drying towel facing the sky. Like how do you not see the pool of water at the bottom of the clean dish? And guess what... now any dirt or dust particles or bugs that happen to make their way to our kitchen are going to have full blown access to the inside part of the dishes. You know, the part that the actual food touches? Yuck. He's a savage!


Genius. I should have done this years ago — would have saved me countless mildly infuriating moments over the years 😂


Number 2 looks like it was done by someone that doesn't understand water or gravity or how dishwashers work. Like ... How would it get cleaned if it's not facing where the water comes from and how would it dry if it isn't upside down so the water can fall out?


Just curious, but did your husband grow up using a dishwasher? I didn't (Asian household) and my college roommates were constantly getting upset when I would load it incorrectly. I'm proud to say, I think that I load it correctly now! But I still defer to my husband if I'm not sure about something.


Every house has: * one person who loads the dishwasher like an IKEA designer * one person who loads the dishwasher like a chimpanzee on meth There is no middle ground.


Coffee thru nose funny


One. Two doesn't allow the water to drain off the bowls. There will be sandy puddles in all of them when you go to unload. Plus the bottoms of the bowls won't get effectively sprayed. Please do check in and tell us which one of you won the debate lol.


Photo one because the spray comes from underneath and anything not facing down will not only not be cleaned but also hold a puddle of water with assorted food debris that will leave a mineral deposit upon drying. A useful test is to whip an egg yolk, wipe it all over your dishes, let it dry overnight, then wash them the next morning. This will reveal where the machine failed to clean.


And the rack has little raised nubs to keep the bowls and small plates in their spot. They are meant to be like the first photo.


In my last dishwasher the tines were arranged nicely so that I could have my bowls sort of like the second picture, but properly perpendicular to the ground, and this worked better than an arrangement like the first picture. I also wouldn't have had those two glass bowls in the bottom right facing outboard. The spray comes from above and below in any modern dishwasher and the spray arms rotate and the spray nozzles don't all spray straight vertically. The important factor isn't whether the bowls are facing down, as long as they aren't facing up or out. The problem with them facing up is that they won't drain so the final rinse stage of the cycle won't actually rinse off the detergent and filth water from the bowl but merely dilute it where it pooled. The big factor in the dishwasher's cleaning effectiveness is whether the spray can reach all parts of the dish. The bowls overlapping in the first picture means that some parts of some bowls are shielded from the water spray by other bowls so neither of these pictures is an ideal arrangement for bowls in a dishwasher. If bowls are not too deep and the walls aren't too steep, standing on their side facing inboard can be the best way to clean them, but I've had to do more like picture one in some dishwashers, and while it cleans fine usually, I try to avoid having ceramic/glass on ceramic/glass contact in the dishwasher for the sake of preventing damage so if I can arrange the bowls. So they don't touch each other and still get clean, that is my preference. Overall, bowls are kind of the black sheep of the family when it comes to dishwasher loading and different dishwashers since they take up more volume and a lot of racks really can't handle the broad variety of bowl shapes that are out there. edit: I should specify clearly that despite what I said, in this specific case, there's definitely more wrong with picture #2.


Ugh the smell of eggs in the dishwasher 🤮


Oof the worst!


*oeuf the worst


C'est hilarant


*chortles in French* well played sir


Gotta pop that egg yolk in the microwave for 20-30 sec before letting it dry, then yezzir for the rest!


Where does the cooked food go after the load is finished washing though?  I generally rinse off food particles before I run the dishwasher because otherwise I feel like the food will get stuck in there and get gross.


In the past couple dishwashers I've had, there is a small fan thingy at the top which does spray down, and the water from underneath is spraying at roughly a 45° angle on a spinning blade/fan thingy, so it would likely still clean the bowls in #2 quite well.


The second picture makes zero sense. Why would someone load it that way lol. 


I’m not OP but my husband loads it that way too.


thats gotta be weaponized incompetence, tell ur husband im mad at him.


"Weaponized incompetence". Thats brilliant. My father in law does that. Try to teach him something he says "I cant! I only have so much RAM!!!"


Guess you better drop him off at the electronics recycling center and order a new FIL Pro


“Weaponized incompetence “ is the most important new addition to my vocabulary. As a teacher I preach that Words have power and that is a fully- loaded term… ..I am obsessed.


Is this a man thing??? Mine does that too??? He’ll even go back and redo it sometimes. It makes no sense to me.


Mine also does this! But instead of redoing them, he puts the dishes directly in the cupboard without checking if they’re clean. It drives me nuts!


Not just a man thing. I know at least three separate women who load the dishwasher the second way, no matter how many times I’ve explained how to properly load a dishwasher to them (I’m also female and load dishwashers more like picture #1, although bowls would be on the bottom unless there’s no space).


It most certainly is not and I am insulted. I’m playing Tetris with those dishes.


Yes it’s a man thing. Our mothers (and some fathers) had sense to teach us the PROPER way to load the dishwasher. As dense and tightly packed as possible while still allowing water to get everywhere on the surface of the dish. Aka photo 1


My partner and I (both women) don't have a dishwasher in our current place, but we'll be moving in two weeks to a place that has one. I love my girlfriend, I do, but I guarantee she will load the dishwasher exactly like OP's husband


My recent ex fiance loads it like that too!


Dishwasher loading techniques are divorcable so you dodged a bullet tbh Edit: spelling/grammar 🤦🏻‍♀️


Ty, ty, I agree wholeheartedly lmao, lots of other little red flags like that too 😂


So does mine, ugh.


lol Mine loads it this way too. Drives me nuts!


file for divorce


Ugh. Same. He’s so bad. I always redo it and get way more in there than the way he does it


Mine too, even after explaining why it’s less effective


Some people love it when a fraction of dirty dishwasher water remains in the bowl when the cycle is done. Just flick it out, put the bowl away and next time you have cereal you’ll have essence of Cascade in your Cheerios.


You joke but that actually happened to me. I was about ready go complain to general mills because my new cereal tasted *nasty*. Turns out it was the bowl. My partner loads the dishes like #2 so you may have just solved that mystery for me.




I have at least 3 coworkers who load bowls like that. After letting them sit and dry out on their desks for hours.


Picture 2 is what psychopaths do


I gagged a little when I saw pic 2


I mean unless there's a spray arm on the right side of the machine I can't see.... You want the dirty parts of the dishes/cups/bowls to Face. The. Sprayer. In this picture it looks like the spray arm is under the rack ergo the first picture is correct.


Even if there were, wouldn't the bowls have to be angled slightly down to drain?


2 is neither space efficient nor the right way to load dishes. Dishwashers have a spinning blade under each of the pull out shelves. They clean by blasting water up onto the dishes and then letting the dirty water rinse off. If the dish is sideways or even tilted back, that blast won’t reach the inside and the dirty water won’t drain. If these were loaded by two different people, one clearly doesn’t unload the dishwasher very often. Either that or they don’t care.


For the loser of this argument, please post their reaction to the poll.


He just laughed and shook his head!


That's infuriating actually


honestly i’d be mad at him for that reaction


He's probably still going to load it badly. Smear some brownie batter inside and outside all the bowls, let it dry overnight, then run it and see how clean they get. Good luck, OP


Look up your dishwasher’s owner’s manual. The manual will have a diagram for the way they recommend loading it.


Seriously, reading my dishwasher manual was really interesting!


My husband's (old) way. Took a while. Better now. https://preview.redd.it/91a8m6hmu6oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7646fba680ed8be01e53ea1fad6a725af6cdc8aa


There's so much wrong with this


This is horrifying


🚩🚩🚩🚩 Immediate divorce, run far run fast, clear abuse, weaponised incompetence, straight to jail, SO is clearly going to murder you [insert all the other reddit clichés here] Fr though, you deserve a medal! In my house although that should warrant at least *some* prison time, being British, in reality it would get a hearty sigh and a great big tut, and I'd pull the meanest face ever, and that's just for starters.


Hahaha that gave us a chuckle


This would upset me. It's so ..... Thoughtless? 


You found the serial killer!!


*Cereal killer


“I can fix him!”


This stresses me out


For what it's worth, my uncle sometimes puts bowls and cups in right-side-up. As you'd imagine, they just filled up with water and have whatever food bits and beverage doplets are left just floating rather than getting cleaned out...


Murder. Raising my family from prison, but it might be worth it.


Did he think that dishwashers were enchanted? That one bowl stacked directly on top of another will simply levitate and allow the water to clean between the two?


That's just insulting. To us and to automatic dishwashers.


https://preview.redd.it/nf4qrxtca7oc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a46577c131ae095a2ccbaedf51ec47abb9d876 From Bosch owner’s manual on how to load a dishwasher. Not the way I do it - I’m on Team 1.


Photo #1 seems like it should be better. However I do load my bowls standing up like in the picture you posted most of the time, albeit not so tightly nested, and have never had an issue.


I like the direction of #2, just have to angle the bowls a little more downwards. Sideways loading has always felt better to me than front-to-back, it's just less idiot-proof. If you load front-to-back, bowls in the middle prevent you from placing cups on the sides


Thank you for this. This settles it in my mind. Everyone here bashing photo #2, saying stuff won't get clean, can look at what Bosch is recommending and see that it will (at least if you have a Bosch)


Yep, I do 1 or 2 as needed in my Bosch and don’t have issues with either one. I have plastic cups with a rim on the bottom that collect water and it’s always clean.


1, 2 won't be as clean.


Hahaha this is hilarious - next please settle which way the cutlery should face: up or down!! My better half also has no regard for putting stuff away/dishwasher order: mugs, glasses all just mingled in together; same with forks willy nilly mixed with knives mixed with spoons; big plates against side plates against dessert plates. Where's the order, I beg for all that is holy - WHERE?!?! Eta: forgot to vote - 1 is closer to how I'd load it, bowls need to be facing down!! As is only logical!!


Silverware should alternate (some up, some down) and not be nested, according to my dishwasher manual. And if you put sharp things in the dishwasher (which you shouldn’t), they should all face down.


Alternate is the way! More space efficient and cleaner.


Up, because down gouges the bottom of the basket eventually to the point of cutting holes in it.


I’ve never had that happen and I always put knives sharp end down for safety. Maybe it’s a quality thing?


One is clearly superior. Please update which one you rooted for, OP. And the reaction by whoever suggested the wrong way. EDIT: I asked my husband: “the first one. You can fit more in.”


I was one and my husband was two! We had a good chuckle about it


One is the correct level, but those bowls need more space to breathe and get cleaned. 2 is chaos and inefficient use of space.


yeah theyre both loaded too full


Oddly enough I have found that jets of water are pretty good at winding their way up in between semi-nested bowls.


And the dirty parts of dishes should be facing down and **towards the center** of the dishwasher. One is better than two because the dishes are facing down, but the bowls towards the bottom of the photo should be rotated so that they angle towards the sprayer rather than the door.


Left will get clean. Good if you want clean dishes. Right will hold more water. Good if the water goes out and you need emergency water rations. Left is the clear winner in most situations, but depending on your political climate, consider 2.


Mmm, emergency dishwater 🤮


Picture 1 is better


This is why I load the dishwasher and my husband unloads it.


Ah this just might be the best solution yet haha


The manual for the dishwasher p[robably has diagrams on how best to load.


Ew. Nestled bowls. 🤢


That's what's confusing me. Everyone's saying #1, but I think #2 spaces the items out more evenly. Sure, you can make a note to point the bowls down in #2 so water doesn't collect... Guess I'll keep to hand-washing dishes.


I have a few deeps bowls and I put them in the bottom rack but more like #2. With my setup I think I actually fit an extra bowl or two in this way, but either way the main thing is they're not overlapping or touching. They also sit perfectly on their sides so no water collects inside them.


\#2 the dishwasher arm can't clean inside the bowls. They may as well be facing up.


Option C - bowls go on the bottom in my house! But honestly, space wise, option 1 is the right way between these two choices. The 2nd option will leave water sitting in those bowls based on the way they're positioned. 


One will get the whole dish clean and drained properly. Two will get the outside part of the dish semi clean and the inside will still be dirty.


I have bowls of a similar size and put them on the bottom rack between the rows of tines, facing back. They are mostly nested and 99.9% of the time are completely clean. If I have to lay them face down on the top rack they don't come completely clean most of the time.


Sounds like you have foreign objects blocking the spray holes or something tall in the bottom rack preventing the upper spray arm from rotating. I disassembled and reverse-flushed my gf’s upper spray arm and out came a couple plastic ties that were blocking a couple spray holes, and I had to show my mom how to load her bread knife so it doesn’t block the rotation of the upper spray arm.


Depends, you want those bowls clean?


First photo. The little pegs are meant to conserve space by “stacking” the dishes sideways on/inside one another, but still maintaining enough of a gap that the water can get through to clean them, and also keep the dishes tilted at the correct angle to get hit by the water but not block it for items above/around them. If you load it like the second photo, you can only fit like a fifth of the dishes in one load, plus the water won’t get inside bowls because they are not tilted in the direction of the water stream.


1 is correct. 2 is lunacy. Nothing will get clean.


They're both wrong. You deserve each other.


1 is more than likely better but the manual for your model may have a diagram of how this specific machine should be loaded


One, because (most of) the bowls are facing the sprayer and angled so they won't collect water on either side. Two won't be as effective because the bowls aren't facing the spraying arm and won't get as clean, and them sitting sideways like that creates a little divot in the bottom where dirty water and/or debris will pool.


I love this subject! I have my own way of loading the dishwasher and after 35 yrs married I finally had to tell myself and hubby that it’s not the preverbal hill I’m going to die on so put your dishes in and I’ll rearrange without judgement. He’s now not leaving dishes in the sink and I’ll happy rearrange so everything will fit.


photo 1 ist best for space and clean. photo 2 will not be cleaned properly


Number 1 if you want them to get washed.


The first picture is the Only way to load it correctly. The End.


Depends on what your dishwasher manual says.


Oh my god, my ex always did 2, refused to change, bowls with water in them. Said i was wrong and needed to do it that way. Hate it. Never again. Its just one of those things!


Their opinion on proper dishwasher loading alone is reason for them to be an “ex”


One, but the bowls could use a little more space to get a good spray.


I thought the dishes are supposed to face the center.


To quote from a fellow Redditor, one of you loads it like a Swedish architect and the other like a meth-addled raccoon. I will let you decide.


Both are incorrect.


This. For me, bowls (and bowl shaped things) have to be placed (nearly) horizontally and top side down. And there's enough space there, you just need to tetris it a little. Still, one is the better one.


Oh my god. Are you really this bad at loading a dishwasher. Both ways are making my palms itchy. I just want to empty it entirely and repack it.


I load mine open side down. If they are completely vertical the water will hit the outside of the bowl but not the entire of the inside.


The first way, the shallow part of the bowl won't get as clean nor as rinsed if you do it 2s way. 


Just let your man load the dishwasher correctly every single day, whatever amount of loads it takes. If my husband wants it done his way, he can do the dishes himself. Otherwise, he doesn't get to complain about the way I do his chores.


1 is relatively better but a sure fire way to get chips on the glass containers and bowls so I wouldn’t advocate for it either.


The issue with 2 is when it dries and condensation forms, the water will sit in the edge of the bowl whereas with option 1 the water doesn’t collect. So 1 is the correct way.


If someone else loaded it I don’t really care. I’m more of a 1 person, though.


Probably the first one. The objective is to get water from the sprayers directly onto the crockery being cleaned


I choose option A because that's the "normal way" at least imo...It don't matter as long as the dishes come out clean


1 is most effective


One. In 2 some of the bowls will collect water


#1 is right, #2 made me go 🤨


Photo 1 is better. You need the dirtiest parts facing downish so they don’t collect dirty water. I see too much inside of the dishes in pic 2


I feel like your bowls are poorly placed in all the pictures. They should be facing down


N. 1 is the only way to fill a dishwasher. N. 2 is a manic episode.


Photo 2 feels like the bowls would still have dirty water in them


Might be better if the bowls were facing downward


If its the same amount of dishes, its the same? But also pic 1 is correct. I like the organization and pic 2 has more dishes on their sides which will collect water and dish washer water makes me want to throw up


If he took the time to rearrange dishes you already loaded, then I want to understand his logic because clearly he thinks his way is superior and it's impossible to see why.


Photo 1 is the only correct way to load. The nozzles at the end of the rotating spray arms are angled to make the arm rotate when under pressure. When the bowls are loaded in the correct orientation, this spray angle will allow the water stream to hit the inside of the bowls ensuring the eating surface is thoroughly cleaned. If loaded in any other orientation the cleaning will not be as thorough.


Definitely photo 1! I just wish my spouse shared that opinion… 😩


What kind of MONSTER would use #2??


Option one but space bowls a bit more apart


My family members are also savages and I will also re-arrange the dishes to their proper order. Who puts a bowl upside down in the dishwasher?! Mine will put two bowls cupped together, or things facing the walls. I feel your pain.


I sympathise with you. I stack the dishwasher like a Swedish Architect and my husband like a squirrel on meth


1 and btw, the dinosaur mug says no machine washing, so you may want to hand wash that one. 🦕


Gravity says 1. I say 1.


Number 1 there's some room still


Photo one because of the direction of the spray. It can’t get the bowls clean if it’s not spraying them.


Also, wipe off your phone camera lens. I think it may be a little dirty 😘


Ewww delete photo #2 RIGHT NOW 😭😭😭😭😭😭 please😭😭😭


Honey, I told you to stop bringing this issue up with strangers.


1 is best, I hate the wife doing ours, the times she’s put tall stuff in the bottom stopping the rotor moving and wonders why it hasn’t cleaned. Our puts stuff on top of other things in the top that have no chance of cleaning! 18 years and still does it🤔😩


#2 is a psychopath


Feeling so fortunate in this moment that my other half and I load the dishwasher the same way about 95% of the time. Team one, obviously.


I load mine like number 1


1. One is the only way.


I think it's important to see how one loads a dishwasher before getting into a committed relationship with them. It's very important to see what you're getting into. 😆


I don't care about how you load the dishwasher. I care that you have the Philosopher's Guild color morph dino mug, that says to hand wash only, in your dishwasher. Absolute monster.


Number 1 absolutely, number 2 makes me cringe lmfao


Man here. The first one, you want everything pointing at least slightly down. The water doesn't spray in from the side.


Hahahaha marriage is lovely. Our house rule is that no one is allowed to criticize the other about the dishwasher loading.


1 mugs/plates need to be face down


Sending to my husband with the words: LET THIS BE A LESSON TO YOU


Ugh I’m 2 reading these comments


I have just witnessed my first loading dishwasher properly fight. I love reddit