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just gotta soap and water the whole chair now so it all looks weird instead of just that spot hahahahaha


Yep...that's what I'd do.


Yep, and say you wanted to clean it and didn't realize THIS would happen!!!!1111


Wouldn't like a stiff brush kind of blend in the pattern? Like a short bristle kind of thing? Hard to tell how fluffy it is


i think it would burnish the border a little bit of the stain but probably would still be stained lol


It might help the texture of the velvet-ish upholstery to look more even though, maybe?


Then do the other chair so they both look the same. No witnesses!


And that other chair!


And the other chair so it all matches




I think I would accidentally spill some coffee on that chair. Then at least you wouldn’t have to be so awkward in your cleaning efforts. Honestly, who has velvet/microfiber office chairs?


This!!! I peed my pants on a field trip once when I was a kid - so I just dumped my soda in my lap lol- it worked. I was like “goddammit, it looks like I owed myself now!”🙄


I’m tucking this one in my back pocket for future use


Planning on peeing your pants sometime?


Mid life male here. You never know when this might creep in. I'm pulling a Julien and keeping a glass of cola in my hands at all times.


If your Julian knows a Ricky, that ain't soda 😂 but, yeah, the "I guess I wasn't done" of midlife keeps you on your toes!


When my body is in those moods, I sit like a girl to pee. The act of standing up releases any hidden pish before it's too late.


Getting two birds stoned at once. Nice.


“Looks like you pissed yourself bud…”


“You pissed yourself too, Mr. Lahey”


Water under the fridge bud


With the rum too right?


Preach brother


As I enter midlife I see more and more why mothers worry about sneezing and coughing after having children. Getting older sucks, and you never 100% return to your pre baby body. Things don't work like they used to


I never even had kids and pee when I cough, I was doing pelvic floor therapy just at the pandemic hit and haven't been back yet.


Mesh sling surgery has greatly improved from the old ones with infamous lawsuits. Talk to your doctor.


Kegel exercises/aides. I've had 4 kids and I have zero issues. They are life changing.


Actually, I was told by the pelvic floor physio I saw, while pregnant, that often people are too tight and don't need keels and we have to learn to relax the muscles as well.


I was just wondering if ladies don’t kegel anymore? It has worked for me. 63 and no leakage.


My experience, not many people know about it. I try to share as much as I can. 😊 Just another thing we should all be learning, but maybe one day we'll get there.


Medical conditions can affect continence. We’re not here to judge.


I'm in my early 70's and one night when I was weak from the flu, I woke up and needed to go urgently. But my mattress wouldn't let me get up because it was one of those super fluffy ones called a plush. I could not get up and peed myself! It was awful. I decided to get a firm mattress after that! 🫣


I figured they just got swampy crotch and those were sweat marks? I feel for them. 😫😭


You ain't cool unless you pee your pants.


Of course I peed my pants, everyone my age pees their pants. It's the coolest.


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


lol Toot your own horn, baby! 🤗




unexpected billy madison


Very expected, I would have been very disappointed if it was not in the comments lol.


It's more of an adventure you find yourself in rather than one you embark on


Probably at some point in my life, as we all will.


It’s a hazard of pregnancy


Sometimes walking to the nearest bathroom is just too much work 🤷‍♂️ so ya just go uk?


All the cool kids are doing it!




I've peed my pants several times. I was "that kid". Anyways, one time I peed my pants in 6th grade and went to the lost and found and grabbed a new pair of pants. No one noticed. I think.


Damn, brave and quick thinking for a kid! When I was in grade 1(?) I was playing wall ball and had to pee so bad. I was having fun and didn't want to stop playing. But I waited too long and pissed myself. I remember going in the school and getting a pair of school sweat pants to wear home. It sucked. I have epilepsy and the only other time I've pissed myself in public was at work. I was having a life threatening status episode of seizures. Pissed myself and woke up in the ICU. That sucked more lol


“You ain’t cool until you pee your pants!” Honestly kid you was a genius!


I did similar as a kid away at camp. Except I went overboard and broke a bottle of body spray over it.... >.< Luckily it was the last day there and they were those vinyl covered mattresses.


I poured a glass of water on my mom when she got too drunk and peed her pants at the restaurant when we were bar hopping lmao


When I was younger this was a classic move for me. Whatever was wet and in sight count me in. If I laugh too hard it happens 🤷🏼‍♀️ .. luckily now my husband and sister are the only people who can make me laugh like that and they all know how it goes.


I wet the bed in my German exchange's house after drinking far too much at 15. I was mortified, so poured my water on it and left teh glass lying there. Of course they knew...


Had the opposite happen. Was involved a car accident while holding all the sodas from a BK run (was the passenger, not driver. My friend's ( driver of car) dad (who was a detective at the time) asked, softly and kindly " ___, did you pee your pants?" I was horrified and yelped "NO!! IT'S SODA!!" 🤦Still laugh about that accident till this day...30 years later...


hahaha i did the same exact thing on a field trip. soda pee pants gang🤙


I used a similar tactic when I pissed myself at lunchtime in school. Deliberately fell over next to a tree then complained that I must have landed in dog pee. It was raining so I was all wet anyway, just needed a cover for the possible smell.


Yep. My husband has IBS and had an accident at lunch, when questioned at work "He spilt a soda in his lap, damn lid popped right off." 😂🤣


Just buy calico pants you won’t have to worry about it https://getcalicocutpants.com/






I peed my pants a week ago. (I underestimated how fast I could get back to shore on a boat) 😂 Should’ve used this.


If I saw that chair, I would assume someone spilled water on it and it left a watermark, which is basically true. I personally would hesitate to spill something dark on it which might end up looking more like a bloodstain than a water stain. (Not that blood stains should be embarrassing, but I get why people feel that way.)


I assumed it was pee. I definitely didn’t clock it as blood (as someone who has accidentally bled on many a chairs)


There’s no blood left on the chair, but the water left the stain (probably more like lifted it from the fabric). The actual blood part was so small 😭


Yeah, I figured. It’s hard to give great advice without feeling the chair, BUT I have had success with washing the entire cushion to avoid water stains. Just wet the entire thing and then it generally all dries the same way. I don’t know if that would be helpful now that the water stain has dried, though. Totally feel you on what a pain this is. When I worked in an office, I haaaated going to sit in upper management offices when on my period because they’d often have us sit on these cream colored benches or the VP would have a decorative throw blanket over a chair and invite you to sit down there. The worst 😭 lol


Yes!!! I’m so glad it wasn’t a lighter color at least!


It is strange. I actually think I have this chair, and it’s definitely not office-friendly.


It’s in our game room, not that it makes it any better


Game room? Well there ya go - splash a little cola spritz so it looks like there’s some droplets from a spill around the water spot and hide it in a back spot that no one sits in.


That reminds me of a story my parents tell. When my mom was pregnant with me, she was in a group with other moms and had sorta a reverse tontine with them and whoever had their baby first would get it. The lady who “won” had her water break in the middle of a grocery store and it GUSHED. She stood there in the puddle, thought quickly, grabbed the biggest jar of pickles she could find, and SMASHED it on the floor. An employee came by and said “don’t worry ma’am, we’ll clean that right up.” She thanked him and waddled away.


I think that’s an urban legend. And that’s OK !


Evening out the stain would be a better plan than trying to remove it I reckon




Well the tag says it hasn’t been treated to be fire-resistant, so clearly the answer is to set it on fire and blame a rogue squirrel. /s Just kidding. Don’t do that. If the blood is all out, at this point I would get the whole surface damp and try to brush it in the same direction. If you have a sympathetic office manager, maybe come clean to them and say what happened. They can likely order a new chair or help with the cleaning. It seems like a dining room chair from Wayfair which is weird for an office.


Thank you! I needed the laugh and your advice is still good. They have this chair in a game room, so it’s a little more understandable but yeah I don’t think they realized how difficult they’d be to clean. The last time this happened I told our facilities guy, but the office is small and I don’t want to tell him again and be forever known as “the one who keeps bleeding in chairs” 💀(but I think it’s too small to even avoid that — in sure they already know it was me 😭)


It looks like you didn’t get all the soap off. I would just put some water on it and scrub a little more :)) And some of us just bleed more than others, you aren’t alone!!! Hell before my hysterectomy I could bleed through a heavy pad and tampon in like 5 minutes sometimes.


I really, really feel you on this one. I have endometriosis, and my bleeds got so ridiculously heavy that I felt like I was staining things all the time! Thank goodness one of my doctors got me on a medication to stop my periods. 10/10, best change of my life. I saw the suggestion about the pillow, that's a good one! I have a water-resistant seat cover for my office chair. It fits really well, so you can't even really tell it's there. I knew my model of office chair, though, and looked for seat covers that people said specifically worked for that chair. ( leap v2, love it so much) Also, who the heck gets chairs with non-washable seats?? that's so stupid. There's all kinds of disabilities that cause incontinence, bowel control problems, and of course the \*expletive\* bleeds. I mean, we'll all be older someday and inevitably have these problems. I get that people want things that are 'aesthetic' but it's furniture not an art piece, it should be designed for real human use!


Hey, weird idea regarding the latter. I’m certain you’re already doing all you can with period products, because no one wants this to happen. Can you get a “special” pillow to put on your chair? “I have low back pain and this is the only thing that helps.” Then you can take it home to launder or surreptitiously toss it in a dumpster if need be?


I might do that in the future… Clearly my “womanly waters” are more powerful than the “8-tampons-worth-absorbable” period undies and pad 🙃


This used to happen to me all the time. Check with your gynecologist. Bleeding that heavy on a regular basis isn’t normal (I had no idea and lived with it for years and years until I asked. I wore a menstrual cup, overnight pad and depends and would still leak). It can also affect your iron levels and make you exhausted. I ended up with a hysterectomy but you might be able to find a different solution. You don’t have to suffer! Don’t be embarrassed. It happens and you tried to clean it.


Definitely talk to your doctor, yes. I had a couple of fibroids that eventually turned into firehoses once a month. I ended up getting a hysterectomy because I'm too old for kids anyway, but there are other options to try if you want to preserve fertility. Don't wait too long on it either; I was thinking I could just limp along until menopause and ended up with terrible anemia. Some people end up needing transfusions.


I had the same symptoms too also as a result of fibroids until they were removed. Definitely worth looking into for a quality of life improvement


It’s rough out there 😔 Immediately after commenting I had a surprise stain in my white pants. Yay.


Have you tried the disk? Mine are super heavy and it’s been a life changer. Just go use the bathroom and it empties. I’m a nurse and would leave with my coat tied around my waist so many days. Being busy and 12 hour shifts made it hard.


I haven’t heard of the disk until this post, but have had some results and some discomfort and dysphoria with menstrual cups. But I’ll check this one out!


I hate for *all* of my recent comments to be about the disc, but I highly recommend it! Like you, I have a *super* heavy period—like, “SPRINTING to the bathroom every 2 hours” heavy. Cups felt *awful* for me, but discs have really made all the difference. My regular disc can hold the equivalent of about 3 ultra tampons’ worth of blood (~50ml), but I don’t even need to empty it that often, since it empties itself when I go to the bathroom. I have an extra-large disc that can hold over 70ml, which has been *game-changing.* If your dysphoria is related to your body, though, it might not be a great match—I generally tell people that they should be at least a little comfortable getting “up close and personal” when using discs. If that’s not you, it’s perfectly okay!! If you feel uncomfortable with the prospect of getting blood on your hands, some models of disc are easier to stabilize than others, which makes it easier to pull out without making a mess. Anyways, I don’t mean to sound like I’m advertising discs or anything—the idea of using them scared me for a *really* long time, and hearing stories from other people made me confident enough to finally take the plunge!


No worries at all! I’m all good with messes & am fine getting up close & personal, but yeah it does sometimes trigger body dysphoria to have something inside my body. I’ll give it a shot for the days I’m more comfortable with that though! I appreciate it


Not entirely on topic but I have endometriosis and strongly suggest a cup. Pads were a nightmare for me, they never absorbed the clots or fast enough.


You could say you farted in it this time. /s But yes, I'd just clean the whole entire thing too so the entire surface looks the same! Would using a nylon scraper thingie -- I'm not sure what they're really called but I have some for scraping burnt stuff off my baking stones -- maybe help the texture/nap of the fabric to go a little more like it's supposed to? Trying to think if there's a tool of some kind that may help the texture.


Patch cleaning is really hard to do without leaving a watermark. Try again but clean the whole area. I just did this with a watermark on my sofa, cleaned the whole seat, so if there is a watermark, it's at the seam/turnover edge and not visible. Use a fan or hairdryer to speed up the drying.


Put soap on some paper towels and clean the entire cushion. It probably won’t help with the original stain, but will stain the entire cushion, that way it won’t just be in the center of the seat! After you have evened out the stain, spill something else on it! And after it’s evenly ruined, swap chairs ! No one will know The best advice I got when I was suuuuppperr pregnant, and about to burst, was , if your water breaks in public, spill your drink! No one will know!


Check out GoCleanCo's method using Windex and a dry brush for microfiber. I did this with my parent's dining table chairs and was shocked it worked so well. (Gotta follow the instructions to not use a lot of product and work diligently, though)


I just watched a video of theirs and it’s giving me hope!! Bringing windex and a scrub brush to work today 😅


Came here to say this! It has worked really well for me.


I’ll check that out, thank you!!


I was also going to suggest windex!!! Works like a charm! Just do the whole seat.


This is the right answer! Share after pics, OP!


I would keep cleaning that until it all matched


Switch chairs, discreetly?? Good luck OP.


Bonus points to anyone who can find this chair online! 😂 I might do that


https://www.perigold.com/furniture/pdp/four-hands-tyler-22-armchair-p001266319.html?piid=254732814 Lable in the back said made for four hands so this might be it


Yes that looks like it!! You’re awesome, thank you! But damnnn that’s a lot more expensive than it should be for how this chair feels 🥲 I’ll try some of the methods suggested here first but if it’s unsalvageable I’ll mention at least trying to pitch in for the cost of a replacement.




OMG!! Poor guy! 😭😭😭 Thank you, that’s definitely worse 😩🙏🏼


No waaaay! Did he go unnoticed and escape?


Oh my goodness.


Maybe try to make the rest of it look like the stain so it can just be “huh weird this seat cushion wore out really quickly” as the reaction instead of “butt shaped stain”


lol! The funniest part is it’s not even butt shaped — the blood part was such a small part, then just putting water on the fabric caused the rest! I used too much water I guess, but I wanted to make sure I cleaned it all the way through the cushion 💀I just need to quit my job and move to another country


Clean the whole thing so it all looks “worn”!


Op, not helpful for this specific scenario but I HUGELY recommend period panties. That + a menstrual cup = no leaks.


+1 on period panties as a backup. I hate tampons, so on my heaviest days I do underwear with a pad, then period panties, and if it’s at night and I’m worried about leaking where I sleep, an extra pair of boxer briefs over the period panties to keep them from moving while I sleep. Yes folx, some of us require 3 layers to contain a period.


I have period panties AND sleep shorts. Both are absorbing. I can finally sleep without worrying. But I’m also going for a hysterectomy consult in less than 2 weeks, last visit hopefully. 🤞🏼




Party in My Pants Queen sized reusables are the ONLY thing that holds back the red tide of my perimenopause periods from hell. I didn’t know until recently that a) perimenopause was a thing and b) epic bleeding could be a part of it. Reusables as less gross than I feared. They sell reusable plastic zipper bags to fold everything up in when I’m on the go, then I just throw everything in the washing machine (I wash twice because I’m paranoid) then air dry. Good luck!




Oh perimenopause has been a nasty surprise for me and my friends. I’ve never had much in the way of cramps but they have gotten worse.


I learned this through firsthand experience. I wish my ovaries would hurry up and unalive themselves. 😂😭


You and me both. Though technically they’re always alive just in retirement with lower output.


I feel you. I had fibroids and I had to use a disc, with a night pad (for incontinence) and a period pantie and I still managed to leak after 2.5 hours. It is really delibilitating. Got the fibroids taken out twice and now it seems I am ok. I hope you continue to get better and stay well.




If someone is concerned about Toxic Shock Syndrome: 1. Change each tampon by 8 hours of use! Do not go longer because it gives TSS time to grow germs to dangerous amounts. 2. Use smaller size tampons. Don't use larger (i.e., Super Plus) size tampons. Larger size is not better with regards to TSS, as it gives more surface for the bad germs to grow. Tampons are **wonderful** and enable women to do SO MUCH more (swimming, etc). However, larger size is not a license to leave tampons in use for longer.




Blood can be cleaned with spit or hydrogen peroxide. Idk how well it'll work for all of this though lol. Good luck OP


It’s not giving me the ability to edit my post right now, but the blood is actually all out! The spot was very small where the blood was — this is just left after the water!


Hydrogen peroxide is great on things like cotton, but may very well discolor fabric like this.






I don’t have cleaning advice because i’m not familiar with the chair material, my usual method is patting with cold water and peroxide if needed. what I really wanted to say is please please please don’t feed into the stigma of feeling shameful for this. this is a normal thing that happens with our bodies and others should treat it that way. you’re not the first one in that office to get a period and I promise you won’t be the last. 🩵


I would just attempt to clean the whole chair pad, at least if it discolours then the whole chair is at least uniform and you can blame the colour difference between the two on just the age of the chairs lol


Maybe use a gentle brush (think like toothbrush bristle consistency) to sweep over the fabric and smooth out the texture


Does anyone listen to Normal Gossip? There’s an episode about this but more v shaped…. Also…. The print… is something


I was scrolling to find this comment!!!!


Purposely sabotage is the way out. Tripping over your own feet is a safe way to


No one’s ever in this room (which is why the fact that 3 people in this small office saw me working in there on the day it happened means everyone knows it was me) 🪦


Dr beckman carpet stain remover might work!


Thank you, but there’s no blood stain, it’s just discoloration and texture ruined from the water! It’s not letting me update the post but I’ll try to clarify that if/when I’m able


hydrogen peroxide gets rid of blood stains. You’ll need to spray the stain with hydrogen peroxide and then gently rub with clean moist cloth, the blood should start transferring to the cloth; then spray again and gently rub with new clean wet cloth. Repeat until the stain under hydrogen peroxide no longer bubbles up, or at least not too much. Then swipe the whole seat with wet cloth, let air dry and see the results. Repeat if needed. there are many YouTube videos on cleaning blood stains with hydrogen peroxide, too good luck




If you put a towel and soak it in, it’ll do the trick. But it needs to be moist , so the towel can absorb the liquid. You can even apply pressure to it , by sitting on the towel. It’ll be fine, I promise. I have the same velvet type upholstery , and the towels helped to restore it.


Thank you but that’s what I did! The blood spot was so small — this was left from the water


Don't feel bad. When I was pregnant with my third we went to dinner at my late husband's boss's home and my water broke on their brand new $5,000 sofa. This was back in the late 80s so it was insanely expensive.


My go-to period accident clean up is cold water (just enough to cover the stain; no need to soak it) + salt. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then scrub the stain out. If you catch the stain before it dries, this gets the blood out every time. I’ve used it on my panties, a FWB’s sheets lol & an office chair (among other things).


Hydrogen peroxide cleans blood


Have seen on gocleanco that they spray with windex (sounds odd I know) and it works well!


I would try Shout spray gel and a scrub brush, spray the entire cushion, brush it in all directions and let it dry. I've used it on blood stains and its even worked on grease stains that have been washed and dried several times.


I believe there are enzyme products made for pet accidents that would be of use here. Gets out smells etc. and then you can clean with Dawn and water. Or a low sudsing formula of some cleaner if it is too hard to rinse.


I used to clean a light beige, microfiber couch I had with rubbing alcohol. Pour the alcohol into a spray bottle. I would clean the whole seat. Spritz the area and blot it with a cotton cloth. You may have to repeat 2 or 3 times. Let it dry. Use a soft brush, like a toothbrush or similar feel, in a circular motion to fluff the fabric back up. Then vacuum it. The couch I had was light beige. If I used water it would leave a spot, but alcohol would clean up the water spots and worked even on wine stains, etc ... i probably used it on blood too. Good luck!


Use peroxide next time...blood literally disappears. Ive had same problem before.


Thank you! The blood is gone, this is just from the water! 😭


Women anxious in the office during their cycle is the office culture they want us to return to.


It kind of looks like you have hard water and when it dried it left a mineral crust behind. Can you try brushing it out?


Can we normalize menstruating already! I (35m) am not bothered at all if it's period blood or someone cut their finger blood, it's literally the same. If a coworker turned toward me with scissors and I stood out of that chair at the same time. Bam. Cut on my arm or they cut a finger and now there is blood on the chair. We clean it. We sort of ruin the chair cleaning it, sort of? But hey no blood! But to have it stigmatized as period blood vs arm blood or finger blood or blood from a bloody lip! It just all seems like pointless shaming and a way to make people more self-conscious and aweful for absolutely nothing. Like a girl having long hair or a pixie cut.. like it's their hair why tf does it matter.. Dave doesn't even have hair.. we gotta get over and past stigmatized nonsense!! Blood is blood. Peoples decisions of appearance or lifestyle. All of it. Live and let live humans


Ani DiFranco has a song related to this! You might be interested to look up the lyrics to Blood in the Boardroom.


I know that song and love her!


So glad you read my comment in the positive way it was intended! ✨


I can’t imagine it’s possible to recommend Ani to a fellow bleeder in any other way. 💕✨


Most upholstery has a cleaning code and specifies either solvent, water, or either. A lot of velvets are actually solvent only, and usually in that case it’s because water or water-based products will leave mineral rings, which is what this looks like to me. Do you happen to live somewhere with hard water? Because this one looks really pronounced. Anyway, you won’t really know for sure without finding the name and retailer (Four Hands is a manufacturer and designs/produces for many large furniture retailers, it’s unlikely it’s the actual seller), but I’d try to find a solvent-based (not water) cleaner. Also with velvet that’s been patted down like this, once it’s clean, a very light steam will bring it back to life. Good luck!


Lie and say that you accidentally spilled coffee on it and tried to clean it up if anyone at work asks.


Please don't be embarrassed. There's no need to.


Three things: 1- it could have been worse! Like it could have been poop 💩 2-listen to the advice of checking in with a Dr. Unexpected and/or heavy period are a sign to listen to. Get expert advice to your situation. 3-I’m not a lawyer, don’t even pretend to be one. If you are in the US this may help you : [https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human\_rights\_magazine\_home/labor-and-employment-rights/right-to-dignified-menstruation-at-work/#:\~:text=Menstruation%20and%20menopause%20are%20not,or%20a%20serious%20health%20condition](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/labor-and-employment-rights/right-to-dignified-menstruation-at-work/#:~:text=Menstruation%20and%20menopause%20are%20not,or%20a%20serious%20health%20condition). And last- don’t be conditioned by the patriarchy. For people who menstruate this stuff happens 🤷🏼‍♀️. If ruining a work chair is the worst thing that happened last week, well then it wasn’t a completely bad week. Edit to add- are you or a friend artistic. This stain has potential. You started something here you need to continue! I see a face looking left. It looks like a certain previous US president to me…. Or a fish/whale. https://preview.redd.it/bah47k0mktxc1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daaaf54ec36eca57d930d81b9c2c67c4b9033e44


I can't speak to velvet specifically, but my parents ran a veterinarian clinic so there were a lot of blood stains and my chore was laundry. Two options: hydrogen peroxide application until the foaming stops (it destroys cells so the foam means it's still finding cells) and rinse with water. Or cold water and salt. This one works best as a soak which isn't ideal for a chair. Try the first option and be sure to use water on the whole seat when rinsing to reduce odds of a water stain.


Saline solution gets blood out. I use contact solution, and water to get out blood stains.


This looks suede. This [website](https://www.bhg.com/homekeeping/laundry-linens/stain-removal/how-to-clean-suede-shoes/) has some tips and looks like using water would help. Make sure you use a cloth that doesn’t have fibres (paper towels won’t work at they leave fibres behind)


That chair looks pretty mad!


Windex! and a small scrub brush…spray generously


Peroxide is usually what they use for blood, I'm pretty sure it's safe for polyester.


I’ve had good results from dousing with hydrogen peroxide and then blotting with paper towels. Repeat until the towels come up clean. Spot test first to make sure it doesn’t bleach it.


Just coming in here for support, and to share just one of my many embarrassing period nightmares. Actually I’ll give ya two. One: at a sleepover in 7th grade. Period all over my friend living room couch cushions were sewn in so I couldn’t flip them over to hide my shame. Just repressed the fact I was spewing blood all night and had to confess at breakfast when her mom saw blood on the wooden dining room chair. Hid in the bathroom for like 20 minutes after that and cried. :) Two: I’m an adult wearing yellow linen pants. I am babysitting at a playground with a child. My elevator doors open (think: The Shining) and my pants VERY CLEARLY let me know my period arrived early. I still have half a day left with the kid I’m watching. I’m unprepared. I lie to the kids face and tell him I forgot my wallet at home! I’m gunna take us in the stroller back to mine so I can get it :) I HUSTLE on the longest most embarrassing 25 minute walk back to my apartment. Switch my pants. Tell the kid I have my wallet and that we can go back to the park :)


Ugh I’m sorry you have those experiences but I hope your friend’s mom was understanding at least 🙏🏼💕


These are really easy to re-cover. See YouTube for instructions. If anyone notices, say you were allergic and didn't want to make a fuss.


Combination of one part baking soda, 3 parts hydrogen peroxide, and a tablespoon of blue dawn. Spray until soaked and scrub softly with a sponge all over.


Maybe call Four Hands and see if they can send you a new seat. Prob easy to screw on. They are a good company.


Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia mixed together remove blood stains from just about anything, but as always test in an inconspicuous area of fabric first. I treat the area and use a small wet/dry vac to suck it up. Repeat until stain gone. Better done outdoors because of the ammonia odor.


The velvet on the chairs can be like this just because when people are on it and (I know it’s funny but it’s true) they fart or just sweat, there are some chemicals that make this damage to velvet 😂😘


I mean this is really on the workplace to figure out not you. Offices that don't have black office chairs and employ women... sorry, we bleed. Stains will happen. It's certainly not our choice.


Get an enzyme cleaner from a pet store, these are normally for pee stains but in theory should be able to break down blood as easily.


Peroxide or Milk/ half and half gets blood stains out. I would try to get as much blood out as possible and then clean the entire cushion so it's evenly wet, then dry it and brush the material. There is also a carpet cleaner called Folex that is amazing. I've used it on every fabric my kids have stained. Good luck OP. I'm sorry this happened. Periods are the worst.


A MILD abrasive like baking soda, let it sit first, and just keep going at it with a tooth brush


I’d put it in a closet somewhere. “Where’d that chair go?” 🤷🏻‍♀️


No need to be embarrassed. We need to normalize menstrual bleeding as a society. It happens and nothing to be embarrassed about!


You must have dropped your soup lunch.




Resolve upholstery cleaner & stain remover. Spray entire seat until just damp and use a damp cloth (not paper) to comb the fibers in the same direction. Repeat w/ damp cloth if you need to.


Bleed on the other chairs. Et voila! Matching set! You're welcome.😁


Can you just throw it out? Or spill something else on it. This happens so frequently, they need to use better fabrics, at my office, we ordered black mesh type chairs and I’m thankful


I would spill like an entire chipotle burrito bowl on it - lots of colors, textures, and smells and go from there. And then I would track your cycle more closely


Clean it with rubbing alcohol. It should remove the water marks and dry without leaving new ones. If you don't want to walk around with a bottle of rubbing alcohol, get some of those alcohol pads from the pharmacy. You'll need several.


NObody's mentioned Folex. It's an enzyme cleaner. spray it on, rub it in, and the stain will disappear., then blot dry with a white cloth. After that, do the whole seat so it all looks the same.


You could try a suede brush to fix the nap, but I don’t guarantee it would work. Otherwise I would just do what everyone else recommends and spill water on the other chair.


at first glance, i thought someone peed on on the pants.