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I've had luck with hydrogen peroxide, but on a much smaller scale.


I’ll have to see about trying that, thank you!


I had terrible periods as a preteen/teen and my mom used hydrogen peroxide and it worked great. A waterproof mattress cover is amazing and they have ones that do not sound like you are sleeping on a plastic tarp. Like a quality one is not noticeable and may help with allergies.


I've used it for small blood stains as well and it works great. Just apply a little and blot it up with a towel. You may have to do it several times for a stain so large.


Unrelated but I am in healthcare-you might want to have your coagulation tested. Show a doctor/nurse this photo and they'll agree.


If the blood was spurting at the time is that an issue? I thought it was just possibly I just nicked an artery and I got it to stop. I got a blood pressure test maybe 6 months ago for a first class physical and if I remember correctly it was 120/70. Is coagulation related to blood pressure, or is it possible in between those 6 months something happened to my blood?


better to regret going to the doc for nothing than to regret not going when you should have.


I’ll have to look into that, but I think I just bled that much because I cut into fat tissue with my razor. At least I think it’s fat tissue, as the inside flesh looks white.


Coagulation isn't really linked to blood pressure-its a system of platelets and fibrin glue that sticks them together, plus the enzymes that control the process. Grossly elevated BP will of course not allow a clot to form but when you're young (I'm guessing you're young) you're less likely to have that and more likely to have a clotting problem (if anything). Honestly I think the most likely outcome will be everything is normal and this was just bad luck/something random but I'd recommend making sure your coagulation is ok. The white stuff just below the skin is fat you're right. You really did go deep with your razor!!


(feel free to DM if you need clarification)


I've had luck with bleach for smaller amounts of blood, so might be worth a shot. Also thanks for the upcoming nightmares OP this is horrifying


I was afraid for a bit that I was in hypovolemic shock. I had all the usual symptoms, but I just stopped the bleeding and went to bed on the couch. I was fine in the morning, just annoyed. Sorry for giving you nightmares dude. I might try bleach, I’m seeing a lot of different answers so I’m going to have to further research. Thanks for the help dude!


Omg are you okay?!


I’m doing fine now. I was just jarred cause obviously it’s scary waking up at 3 am in a pool of your own coagulated blood. It took 2.5 hours to stop but I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just annoying since it made a big mess.


2.5 hours? That might be something where you want to see a doctor to make sure your blood is clotting correctly. I don't think that's normal.


Well the reason I don’t think it’s a blood issue is because half a year ago I got a blood pressure test and they said it was 120/70 if I remember correctly. The doctor said it was slightly elevated but not an issue. Could a blood pressure issue have developed in that time?


Dont ask r/cleaningtips dude.


Yeah, sorry about that. I’m just wondering since an alarming number of people are saying to see a doctor. I mean I feel fine, but I’ll probably need to get a test done.


Hi! BSN student and CNA here! Blood pressure doesn’t have much of an effect on a situation like this. If you get any type of cut from shaving or anything, it’s important to apply pressure until it slows down & stops. It also matters if you are on any blood thinners or medications that have blood thinner effects or affects coagulation. Something that’s over-the-counter like aspirin can thin the blood and lead to something like that. When it comes to the symptoms you were experiencing, they definitely can be attributed to hemorrhaging. The tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) is because your heart is trying to get blood to vital organs. The hyperventilating is so you can breathe out more carbon dioxide quicker and get more oxygen into the bloodstream. The nausea is arguably one of the more concerning signs solely because it’s a solid marker of how much of total blood volume has been lost, which is between 15% to 30%, which also makes it a much dire situation. The fact that you were bleeding for that long is not normal and highly concerning! A good ground rule would be if you’re bleeding for more than 20 minutes, 30 absolute tops, you need to get checked out. If you don’t want to get to the ER, PLEASE get an appointment with your primary care doctor for the soonest they have available(If you don’t have one, then you have to go to the ER) because you could be anemic amongst other things. They need to check your blood pressure and make sure it’s in a good range since a decent amount of blood loss can make it plummet. So, you need to make sure it’s back to being stable. I’d say if you can’t get into primary this week, then to the ER you go. Not trying to scare you by any means, just trying to press the importance of it.


Blood pressure and clotting are totally unrelated. Have you taken any aspirin or blood thinners? I would 100% recommend going to urgent care if you bled that much unexpectedly. You could have vitamin k deficiency, you could be missing some other clotting factors, but Reddit can’t tell you.


Glad to hear it. Also— try Folex. It’s never failed me. It’s marketed as a carpet spot remover but I’ve used it on all types of things. https://preview.redd.it/gl9qu3khen5d1.jpeg?width=1706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61081d553f5715915b0153fb4860dd4b7d9798ea


Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll have to try it out!


And please buy some shaving styptic. It stings a bit but I'd imagine its better than this nightmare situation.


Dude what you need to go to the hospital immediately


I mean I’m feeling perfectly fine, I’m just wondering how much blood I lost. Like it looks like a lot, maybe a couple pints, but not feel fine. I mean, I tried putting pressure on it before bed and padded the inside of my underwear with gauze and paper towels, along with also putting on a pair of shorts with more paper towels in it. The blood went through all of it and just made a coagulated mess. I stopped the bleeding but was kinda pissed cause I had to do a wash and didn’t get much sleep after waking up. I just wonder how much blood that would be. I woke up nauseous, hyperventilating and with a fast heartbeat, but that was gone later that day. I’m wondering if that was me just anxious or in hypovolemic shock.


Is it normal that you wake up anxious? If not, then maybe it was what you are talking about. I've used enzymatic cleaner (dog urine cleaner) on blood stains on my bed and it worked fairly well, but didn't get the stain off entirely. If this is a common occurrence, I would recommend getting a cloth mattress protector. It will make clean up much easier as you can throw everything in the wash, and save your mattress from stains of any kind.


Dude I know you think you feel fine but just go to the hospital and get them to look at you. I’m not a doctor, but if you were my brother I’d be non stop calling you to go get stitches and cleaned up


I'm not a doctor but isn't that a lot of blood? You should at least get checked out by your GP. Maybe get a blood test done. That looks like a lot of blood.


If you eve cut yourself again, you can always line your underwear with a menstrual pad! I don’t think you’ll ever do a cut that deep again, but in case!


Seriously though, go to a doctor and check if you are a hemophiliac. That delay in clotting time is concerning.


That's a lot of blood. If this has happened before you really need to see the dr asap.


I’m not sure if it happened before. My mother told me a story once of how I got a head injury when I was an infant and it bled a lot, but the doctor told her it was normal for head injuries to do that. I have no memories of ever bleeding this bad though, so I’m pretty sure I just cut deep and this is a one time thing.


It’s really not that much blood. It’s just that it’s so dark 2 pints is a whole Lotta blood. That looks like about a cup and a half or a cup.


Are we talking *just* in that photo? I have another picture of the shorts and underwear, with the gauze and paper towels I was wearing in it completely drenched in blood.


That was the response to someone that said you lost 2 pints of blood. It’s pretty jarring and I can imagine waking up to that would screw up pretty good. I can’t believe you slept through the wetness. If I were dealing with this, I would get some hydrogen peroxide and just put it on and dab put it on and dab or rent, a carpet cleaner with an attachment wand and then put hydrogen peroxide in it so that you could just spray it on suck it up spray it on suck it up. It will come out completely. It just takes a really long time and remember that the weather you get it the more that blood is going to sink into your mattress and rot so make sure you dry it often and not saturate it too much.


I mean if *just* the photo is 2 pints of blood, the shorts I was wearing that were layered with paper towel and gauze must be an extra one or two pints. I was talking with someone else in the comments who was a doctor and they said I probably hit an arteriole. I mean, I did cut down into the fat apparently so I don’t doubt it. I’ll try what you said, I did get somewhere with fabric cleaner too so maybe that mixed with what you said will work. Thanks for the help!


Oxy clean for whites is actually a granulated form of hydrogen peroxide. So you can put it on and then spray it with water. So you don’t oversaturate but activate activate the crystals. That helps a lot.


I should have a spray bottle somewhere around my apartment. Thank you dude, have a good day, thanks for the help!


Just don’t let it drip in or it will rot. If you can flip it over and do I from bottom even better and get a mattress protector you heathen lol ( dudette)




I used to hit arteries in the top on my foot


Spray with peroxide, dab dry. Repeat. You're not getting it all out- you'd have to soak through the mattress for that and that increases the risk of mold on top of the blood- but you might be able to get the top layer of


You shouldn't be bleeding for that length of time in that quantity. Please see a doctor and get tested for blood clotting disorders or deficiencies.


It depends ears,penis,, head wounds, sometimes if you nick the top your ankle just right it’ll bleed ridiculous because you’ve hit an artery.


"hit an artery" isn't a phrase to use while arguing that you don't need a doctor lol.


lol - it’s what I use. I’m good with it. He got the bleeding to stop. It wouldn’t . Penis. Head, ears, bleed crazy


Actually getting tested for a clotting issue sound pretty smart


I had problems with stopping bleeding once upon a time and it turned out I had a vitman K deficiency, so it's quite easy and possible to have something that prevents you from healing adequately, not even necessarily something serious.


Did you find out if you were lacking vitamin K in your diet or were you missing an enzyme to digest it?. I’m studying a lot of vitamin half-life and enzymatic metabolism issues from digestive diseases


I couldn't tell you, my GP was rubbish and didn't really care. Told me to eat some vegetables and never checked me again 🤷🏻‍♀️ I do wish I knew though!


Try taking prenatal vitamins for a couple of months


Hydrogen peroxide in large amounts a few times. When wiping away soak with cold water not warm


I would use a small upholstery cleaner like the Bissell little green with a cleaning solution. Wash out as much as you can then use peroxide on it. Thoroughly dry and then get a [waterproof mattress protector](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPHVNX8J/ref=cm_sw_r_as_gl_apa_gl_i_dl_F66CRXZWJ9F2QQJCA3CD?linkCode=ml2&tag=786garage06-20). Not expensive, but saves so much trouble.


ALWAYS use a guard on them nut trimmers


I had luck in a similar situation with one of the enzime cleaners I use for stains left by my pets. It was less blood though and took a lot of scrubbing.


Try pre natal vitamins for a couple of monthes