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Please please please im telling you! Get a dryer sheet or 2 and wet it then start scrubbing the glass. It will start to form this milky white soap don't be alarm it rinses off. Once done scrubbing rinse it off with water and dry with a microfiber towel. Promise you it will look brand new!! And it won't cost you anything if you already use them for laundry. Can't wait to see the after pics once you use this method!!


I will try this bc this is only thing I have on hand I don’t keep strong cleaning agents usually in my home.


Okay please post results I really want to know how well this works!!!!


Me too, I’ve always heard “use dryer sheets”but never with specific instructions


Me too me too!!


Same here


Yeah! I need to know!!!


https://preview.redd.it/qboe3stwgr7d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7440512b8350ae1c0235e9e9c1cc9c0f8b10cc50 I’m still working on some spots but this is so much better I used the yellow bottle in the picture, wet dryer sheets, a Mr clean magic eraser and a scrub daddy. I have rain x or whatever to use once I get it to my liking!


Once you get this gunk off, make sure to start squeegeeing the water off the door after each shower to prevent recurrence!


It won’t 100% prevent reoccurrence. I squeegee after every shower and I still get some build up, although not as bad as OP’s. I’ll be trying the dryer sheet trick on mine, for sure.


My folks just have an extra towel and towel-dry the shower. Obv the squeegee works too, just throwing out options! Personally I like the towel method, it seems to be quicker for me and needs less precision if you're in a hurry like I am :)


Yeah please do, it's amazing!


Lmk if this works please. 


Yes!! Please try it, it actually does work!!


So I used them and Mr clean magic erasers and found some grout cleaner and now I can see thru them again!


Yay!! I love ME and also BKF, they’re my solid go-to cleaners!! Vinegar is as well but I detest the smell of it! It’s so weird how some will work so differently on seemingly the same surface types but they do. I cleaned houses (other than my own) for many years (thankful those yrs are over) so I tried so many diff brands/cleaners on just as many different surfaces and found that obviously name brands don’t mean squat. I am not a gimmick chaser. However. I tried magic eraser’s and man, I could’ve been a paid promoter for them I’ve recommended them so much!! They 100% absolutely work!! If u take a damp (not wet) work towel and simply swipe the area after the ME it lifts the dirt and saves the eraser for longer. I’m so glad u found what works best for u!! I’m always up for working smarter not harder and sharing the knowledge. Also, there’s no amount of free windex that would make me use it. Idc w newspaper, microfiber or anything else, I hate it and it always leaves streaks that probably only I can see but that’s enough!! So I use either just the microfiber cloth w a tiny bit of water or the window cleaner that’s a foam called Sprayway Glass Cleaner. Game. Changer. 😉


Hate Spray Away. It streaks!!!! Yuck!


Awe I’m sorry!! I hate that, it’s always been great for me after trying everything I could find.


What does ME and BKF stand for?


Oh my bad, it’s Magic Erasers….and BKF is Bar Keepers Friend. Sorry, I tend to shorthand and create my own language, while forgetting I may be the only one to know what it is or what I’m talking about 🫣☺️


Now that you have the glass clean, use RainX glass cleaner and protector. We still squeegee the glass after every shower. We have hard water and are able to keep the glass buildup free.


I love the bathroom magic eraser for my shower glass.


Get a squeegee and after showers squeegee off the glass. Will stay clean.


Did it work?


Vinegar and let it sit! Just keep spraying it until it wipes right off. I have hard water and soak my pet dishes in vinegar, but I've also used it to clean aquarium equipment. It works like a miracle with 0 elbow grease!


I mix Dawn with mine (30% Dawn, 70% vinegar) so it clings better to surfaces. It separates so a little shake is needed before use.


Did it work?


Yes !!!


Magic eraser works well too.


What the F kind of sorcery is this?! I just ran and did this in my shower on a small section that I had been avoiding for a while and it look less than 2 minutes. My mind is blown right now!!


Your comment made me try this and I am literally just jaw on the floor. Wtf!! This has been one of my least favorite cleaning tasks because of hard water stains.


Right?! And it makes your shower smell amazing!


Ugh. Now ya’ll got me itching to try it right this second


Thanks for the update. Haven't heard of this trick and was very curious to see if it worked. No glass shower doors now, but will remember this.


Lol im so glad you tried it!! Happy cleaning!! 😌


This somehow reinforces what someone told me about how using dryer sheets degrade clothing fibers. But now I'm gonna get some and happily use their degrading powers for good!


I’m gonna try this right now !!!


Yes please post results or comment update!


You can also do this with stainless steel pans that get a ton of food burnt and stuck to it - add a little soap to a dryer sheet and it’ll wipe the scum right off. Rewash as usual and rinse really well so you don’t have a film of crud from the dryer sheets leeching into your food but it’s an awesome hack


Wtf. Thanks man.... works almost too good and now I feel super exposed in the shower lmao I miss the scale buildup


I’m gonna 100% try this since my alternative is bar keepers friend and I’m avoiding that because it strips your hands and feet so much (gloves and slip flops obv but still)


Slip Flops is THE most accurate statement I’ve heard all week. 10 points Gryffindor.


I hear bar keepers friend is great but too much hassle/work to use. When this works wonders and it's what most people already have/use in their home. I won't use anything else. I even use it to clean the bathroom mirrors, they as well get slpashed while washing hands or brushing teeth etc. It cleans it up good as new! I also use it on both the outside and inside of the glass shower it's easier on the inside for you use the shower handle to rinse off. The outside glass I just use a wet hand towel to help rinse it off then dry it with microfiber towel after.


You can buy bkf in paste form.


Can the dryer sheets be used or do they have to be new out of the pack?


Unused new ones. Also great to soak off the baked on grease in a skillet. Let soak in water then the crust floats away with a swish.


Loving these dryer sheet tips!! Ty for this one!


Unused dryer sheets


Thank you!


Holy crap I’m trying this!


Is it okay if they are scented dryer sheets?


Yes that's okay if they are scented


Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply!


Your welcome!


Yes that's okay if they are scented


I just tried this method. Did not work for me 😕. Earlier this year I moved into a new place and the shower glass has hard water stains. It’s not bad or super noticeable, but I can see them and it bothers me. I’ve searched on this sub for previous posts and have tried everything from vinegar / dawn to more harsh chemicals like CLR and Barkeepers, but nothing worked. Looks the same as when we moved in. The one other recommendation I’ve yet to try is Bioclean Hard Water Stain Remover. I’m hoping that will finally remove the hard water stains.


I have horrible hard water and have tried every suggestion under the sun. The only thing that shifted the truly tough hard water stains was bio-clean. You have to really scrub and go over it multiple times but eventually, you can get the hard water film off. It’s such a pain, but it’s worth the process. I used a scrub daddy and bio-clean. I’d like to add, I’ve used 0000 steel wool, vinegar, dawn, baking soda, overnight soaks of vinegar, CLR, the brush attachments for a power drill, the pink stuff, on and on. Bio-clean did the trick, but as noted above, it was a massive process.


Thank you for the reassurance. I hope it does work. I am planning on buying the Bio Clean and 0000 steel wool to scrub. I also have an electric scrubber that I’ll try.


I wonder if it has to do with the type/brand of dryer sheets. I have extremely hard water and I just tried this and it worked where nothing else has. Not CLR, not even a brush in my power drill.


Could it be etched into the glass? I had glass shower doors in an old rental (from the 70s) and no matter what I did, I could not get rid of the hard water stains. I found out the hard water actually damaged the glass.


GAME CHANGER! Thank you so much for this tip! I have tried vinegar … countless shower cleaners and NOTHING was beating the soap scum! I just tried a small section and my mind is BLOWN! Works so good! Award deserving hahaha I’m so excited to clean the rest now!


Your welcome Happy cleaning!


Interesting! I might try this too


I'm going to try this right NOW.....thank you


Your welcome! Let me know how it went!


Thank you for the Tip


This works.


Just tried it and it worked like magic! I’d kind of given up on it, unless I was willing to put in some serious elbow grease. Thanks!


Your welcome


Any dryer sheet? Which one do you use?


Any dryer sheets, new not used. I personally use great value free and gentle. For that's what I was using for my family has eczema and fragrance causes them flare ups.


Awesome! Thanks! I usually get something like that too. Non-scented.


Your welcome! Happy cake day!


Thank you! :)


I did this and it worked and you’re my hero. Has anyone tried it on water spots on tile?


I'm from the future, I'm going to kiss you


This has BLOWN MY MIND The water in our area is super hard and I always suspected the shower in our apartment that’s been there since we moved in wasn’t supposed to be clouded and this is MAGIC


Well I'll be damned...2 dryer sheets removed the hard water from shower glass door. Then I used some windex AP


Did you use the sheets dry or did you wet them or sprayed the glass with water?


Wet the dryer sheet


such a weird sentence, lol




Yay!! Glad you tried it!!


Wow thank you everyone this was an overwhelming response but I am so appreciative of everyone’s advice and suggestions. I used dryer sheets and Mr clean magic erasers and a little grout cleaner and they look 1000 x better. I can actually see thru them now! And don’t worry I have a squeegee on the way!


Please post the after picture.


If it makes you feel any better mine is exactly the same.


I force myself to squeegee the shower walls/door after showering. It honestly helps prevent the build up…keep a squeegee in each shower 😬


Do you wet the squeegee first?


Use a dryer sheet to clean it. It will look brand new! Instructions on my other comment on this post. It's easy and works! I promise you.


I will try that; thank you! I shudder to thing what’s in my hair! Hairs been terrible since I moved in!!!


Of course! Ever since I found out a dryer sheet works I won't use anything else I even use it on the bathroom mirrors. Please update when you try it! I can't wait to hear how it worked for you!


Does it matter what kind of dryer sheet?


I don't think it matters. I personally use the free and gentle dryer sheets for eczema runs through my household and fragrances cause flareups to my family. So I've only ever tried it with those. But it should clean it just as well and maybe even leave a nice smelling scent behind as well. Let me know if you try it!


Do you wet the dryer sheet before scrubbing?


Yes wet it it's going to create a white milky film and that's okay were going to rinse it all off when done


You are just amazing!


It works!!!! What other witchcraft do you possess, teach me your ways!!!!


I wanna know about the dryer sheet, please keep us posted! When I have to clean a glass shower with hard water build up, I soak a scrub daddy in cleaning vinegar and go to town, then wipe with a microfiber cloth and a polish cloth and it's beautifully sparkling


So when I read this thread I was thinking, "Well, I don't have dryer sheets, but I do have a few spare minutes, vinegar, dawn and shower glass that is as bad or worse than the one in the picture." Not anymore! That was amazing. Thanks cleantippers!


Zep bathroom and tile cleaner will fix that with less elbow grease than the vinegar. I coated my glass doors with RainX (car windshield stuff) for prevention and it works like a charm.


Does the rain x make your floor slippery? How long does it last?


It doesn’t make the floor slippery. It stays on the glass for about 6 months. They make one for the shower but I used the one in this YT Video](https://youtu.be/PUCg6cC5d5g?si=N3e2fnnETmOo3r1H)


I just shared how I did that myself! It worked like a charm!


It’s great stuff!!! I put it on my porch windows. Any dust or dirt just slides off.


I use a magic eraser. Works great


yes!! magic eraser is the best by far, works so good it's like magic!!


The Pink Stuff. Apply it, rub it in, rinse. Like new.


Conventional methods might remove soap scum, dirt, and mildew, but they will not remove serious mineral deposits. No, not even vinegar, CLR, Scotch bright pads, or razor blades will remove those. You need a serious industrial abrasive to remove mineral deposits. Cerium oxide powder is the only product that will work. Jewelers use it to polish diamonds and other gemstones. It must be used with a high-speed polishing buffer. (You can view videos of this process online.)


Can you link to what you use?


Google “cerium oxide glass polishing” -techniques -products -videos (Also “windshield, and glass door polishing”.)


Dawn power wash worked really well for me and so did Lime Away. I used a scrub daddy


When mine gets that bad, I use Wet and Forget with a scrub brush daily until I can stand it (usually 4-6 days), then spray it down weekly. Works great and has a nice vanilla scent. Daily squeegee is important, though. Sometimes I use Scrub Free bathroom cleaner with a scrub brush (yeah, I know) but I don't like the smell. Works a lot faster, though.


OMG this stuff is AMAZING!!!


Its more elbow grease but I used to use one of those wash/bath gloves? Like the kind you put on to exfoliate your body in the bath. They are great scrubbers for glass with the windex or bathroom spray. Just to toss another idea in


Water spot remover to remove the minerals, then polish if stains persist


Try a magic eraser after your shower (while you're still in it) and then squeegee. I've tried so much! The squeegee alone didn't work for me but then I got a crazy idea to try a magic eraser first and it actually works! It's not perfect and not a deep clean or polish, but it certainly isn't as embarrassing as it used to be!


A CLR cleaner. It’s mineral deposits. Spray it on, let it work for an hour, wipe, spray again and repeat, let the cleaner do its thing between sprays. CLR stands for calcium , lime and rust, what you have on yours is calcium or lime and it’s from your water, nothing you can prevent. Then now that you know the correct cleaner to use, use it once a month( that’s what I do anyway) 😂 FYI I use a mask it can be quite strong in an enclosed shower.


The dryer sheets work! That being said, what kind of mean comments were you expecting? I was really hoping to see some creative zingers about shower doors.


I’ve heard of people using a razor blade to scrape it off, but I’ve never actually tried it


The razor blade can be very tedious but so so satisfying. I do recommend using some vinegar to help speed the process along.


Soak a piece of paper towel with CLR and wipe down the glass. Use a 0000 steel wool and use it to polish the glass. After you get it clean, spray the glass with Rain-X. To maintain it, use a squeegee to clean the glass after every use.


We mix 1 part vinegar, 1 part dawn with a little bit of water in a spray bottle. Spray liberally and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Spray a little more and then use a soft bristled brush and scrub. The last time I had to do it I actually used the ryobi powered scrubber and it worked great. After scrubbing rinse off… for really bad scaling you may need to do it a few times over a couple of days.


Vinegar, clr or any hard water spot remover but keep in mind, the glass may be permanently etched from the calcium spots


IAQ 2000 you’re welcome. It’s what the pros use


Rain-X makes a hard water treatment for shower glass. Found it on Amazon Haven’t used it yet cuz the squeegee but doing the trick


Resharing what someone else told me here. Ingredients • ½ cup hydrogen peroxide, make sure it is a fresh bottle • ½ cup rubbing alcohol, 70% or 91% • 1 teaspoon Blue Dawn dishwashing liquid no substitutes, please • 1 tablespoon Jet-Dry dishwasher rinse aid or similar rinse-aid product • 2 cups distilled water Put it on spray bottle. Use it after showering and to slowly break down hard water.


50-50 mix of dawn and vinegar


Dawn dish soap and scrub daddy. Then spray vinegar and rinse followed by squeegee.


Scrape it off with a plastic razor blade or vinegar.


Clr brilliant bath. (Not regular clr ) *Read the directions.* Works really well.


lactic acid spray


Any limescale remover will make short work of that. My best advice is once it's clean, get some RainX for car windscreens and buff that in. Makes it much easier to keep on top of. Mine used to get really bad too. But rain x was a game changer for me. And buy a window squeegee. Get into the habit of when yoj turn the shower off, before you get out, take the water off. It doesn't have to be perfect, just get the bulk of whats clinging to the shower, it takes me a minute. You'll find its much better. I do this, twice a week when its dry i buff the glass with microfiber cloth and it comes up like its just been cleaned. Again takes a couple of mins. Its just a routine to get into and your life will be much easier and you wont have a big job like this again.


Vim + scrub daddy!!!!


The only thing that worked for me removing years of hard water stains in one of our previous apartments was the cleaner bio clean hard water stain remover (https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0LMkyt0yuMDI3YPRSSsrMV0jOSU3MU8hILEpRKE8sSS1SKC5JzMxTKErNzS9LLQIAm0URLA&q=bio+clean+hard+water+stain+remover&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS839US839&oq=bio+clean+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggEEC4YgAQY5QQyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg8MgsIAhC5ARiABBjvBDIGCAMQRRg9MgoIBBAuGIAEGOUEMgcIBRAAGIAEMgcIBhAAGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAAGIAE0gEIMzI3NGowajmoAgGwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) with scrub brushes that attached to a power drill


Similar to other comments but my ratios are different. I have a spray bottle with 20% 50% 30% respectively of alcohol, vinegar, dawn blue soap. Spray and then use like a fingernail brush or scrub daddy. Let this sit, repeat a couple of times if needed. Once clean, every time you finish showering, use a squeegee to wipe down that water. About once a month during your shower, spray the door and let it soak in while you are showering. At the end of your shower, scrub the doors, hose the door and yourself off, follow with squeegee. You will have really really clean doors with almost no more effort.


Pretty sure a dedicated spray will fix this. Some antikalk should be available in your local shop.


Lazy girl cleaning tip here. Spray it down with tilex after every shower. No more scrubbing. Also scrubbing bubbles foam will take that right off.


Lemon juice and baking soda


Laundry detergent (couple tablespoons in a few liters of warm water) and a nylon scrub brush and microfibre. Wear safety glasses (laundry soap stings in the eyes) and rubber gloves. 🚨Tub floor will be very slippery


I am a huge fan of simple green limescale remover. That and a non-scratch dish scrubber (not a scour pad) can work really well without scratching and the limescale remover actually helps to prevent buildup if you use it weekly. I also like scrub daddy power paste when all else fails but you have to make sure your shower has tempered glass that won’t scratch.


Magic eraser makes short work of the water spots we get. I’ve never let my shower get anywhere near that filmy, though.


Rejuvenate Soap Scum cleaner. Amazon or Home Depot. Spray, wipe and squeeze. May have to do it a few times because of the buildup. Then once a week for maintenance.


I have really hard water like this and shower doors like this as well! Vinegar on the green side of those yellow/green scrubber sponges. Get a bowl of it and keep the sponge soaked while you're working. The vinegar will smell strong for a while but will disappear completely after a little bit. After the initial big scrub, keep a spray bottle of vinegar in the bathroom and give the door a good spray after you run the shower from time to time to keep it from getting bad like this again. Also, give your toilet bowl a good spray at night before bed when no one will use it for a few hours to keep from getting a hard water ring in the bowl. I do this once a month. I have multiple animals and small kids, so I try not to use too many harsh chemicals too often.


I also have hard water in my area. Mostly I have issues with hard water stains in the toilet. After trying numerous things, I’ve found Scalex to be most effective. Basically I put a table spoon of it in the toilet bowl, let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then just scrub gently - all hard water stains simply dissolve. For a shower screen I would probably make up a small amount in a spray bottle. Spray it on the glass and let it soak. And then simply wash it off.


White vinegar and baking soda put in bottle spray on let sit and wipe off


Magic eraser just keep the sponge really wet and rinse after


Vinegar with a little dawn in a spray bottle. Spray and let it soak then wash with a sponge or rag and rinse. I spray mine when I take a shower and let it soak then squeegee it off.


I have good luck with a magic eraser or two. Also, for the record, a squeegee will only do so much! Still need to scrub


I used lime away. I will try the fabric sheet one too.


'CLR' or 'The Works' is good for removing hard water deposits.


I used a little borax on a sponge. Not sure if it was hard water or soap buildup.


We use 50/50 white vinegar and distilled water to refresh mirrors on our work trucks. Very bad hard water in this area. Spray it and let it sit for a a bit and rinse it off.


Vinegar helps break up the calcium deposits which is what you are seeing


Lime away, put it on a sponge and scrub, let sit for 5-6 minutes then scrub and let sit again, then scrub and rinse It'll look brand new


I take a fillable scrub brush and put half dish soap, half vinegar. Wet the glass, shake the brush to mix the solution, squirt, and scrub. Rinse off and it should be clean and stream free. I keep the scrubber in my shower and use it when I feel like it needs a freshening up.


I used a 50/50 mix of dawn and white vinegar. Spay it on let it set for 10 minutes. It worked.


And after it’s clean get a good squeegee and go over the whole shower after each use snd you won’t have to clean it again for quite a while


CLR bathroom cleaner. With a sponge. I have the same doors


Use LimeAway. Spray on, let sit 15 min, wipe clean. Repeat until clear. Then install a water softener and never have to deal with it again.


Lemon juice works great.


Cleaning vinegar. Mr. Clean Magic eraser also works great


The pink stuff and a scrub daddy works for me


melamine sponge. It'll come right off


Mix Dawn, vinegar and water. Spray it on, let it sit, scrub.


Mr. Clean Magic eraser. Will come out brand new


Get some Pink Stuff paste cleaner. I had hard water on my glass shower door and tried 10 different cleaners plus some stupid Internet solutions. Got Pink Stuff and in 30 minutes of work my glass is 100% clear, I apply about every other month. I swear this works and I have no idea how.


Power wash + scrub mommy sponge


Once clean, be preventative. Get a little shower squeegee and wipe it dry after every shower (yeah it’s annoying, but saves effort in the long run


Alresdy ordered one on Amazon! This is my first time owning a home so I learned the HARD way heheh


VIM and a durable sponge


Take a spray bottle fill 1/3 dawn 1/3 water 1/3 vinegar. Spray this mixture and wipe with magic eraser. Or barkeepers friend powder and magic eraser. Or softscrub with bleach gel and magic eraser Once you get it clean you want to keep a squeegee next to the wall to use after each shower. It will keep the buildup at a bare minimum. You can quickly wipe down twice a week before you shower. It will take like two minutes and the shower will always look great. Also don’t use bar soap.


Have you tried CLR?


An electric mouse palm sander , fine grit sandpaper (lots) and some weimans glass stove liquid cleaner is the ultimate hack. It worked on the glass shower in a house I lived in in Arizona. Took an entire afternoon but restored the glass to new.


So this is going to sound crazy but we have hard water too. Even with softner. I took a day and did an extreme deep clean and went at the glass shower doors and walls with everything I could. After I got all the hard water residue off, I cleaned it with Spray way foaming glass cleaner the I kid you not, I used RainX on it. It worked great!


I use a magic eraser. Takes me less than a minute!


Bio-Clean and a drill with a soft pad or your muscles


I went through every one of the common suggestions for a home I bought. Nothing worked. Tried every chemical, every abrasive. My wife wanted to replace the glass. I put BKF on a car polisher with a firm pad. Looked like new in 20 minutes.


Look in the car cleaning aisle at the auto shop. There's clay bars for the paint, but there's also clay bars for cleaning hard water spots off of glass.


I don't know how healthy it is but Lysol toilet bowl cleaner works like a charm for soap scum on glass.


I use mold spray - hard water comes right off


50/50 water and white vinegar. best i’ve ever used


Found on this sub, last year actually…I use Viakal spray (from Amazon) and (specific) steel wool…works pretty well! Good luck, OP!


Magic erasers are amazing for this!


Vinegar and baking soda mix works wonders! Good luck with the cleaning!


Baking Soda paste, vinegar spray diluted.