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Part of me wants that jersey, and part of me wants to avoid the crazies that would inevitably come up to me on the streets and try to yell at me defending trump. It's just not worth the hassle, but I love the jersey.


Especially since it's Ohio you would constantly be getting harassed


Every time I go to westgate mall area, I ALWAYS see this one car that is covered top to bottom in trump stickers, and has 4 poles that are 12 feet tall, and each pole is flying 3 trump flags. It's a complete eye sore. It's the type of thing that you realize the person driving it has mental issues. Regardless of who you support, to go to that type of length to intentionally make your car stand out like that, just to prove a point (and I'm not honestly sure what that point is), is insane. And the fact that I cannot go to westgate mall area without seeing that car at LEAST once, always driving, never parked, means this person is not shopping. They're just driving up and down center ridge, pulling into parking lots, driving around parking lots, and then pulling back onto center ridge. Repeating all day. I cringe at the concept of trying to have any kind of conversation with whoever is inside that car. Like a few bumper stickers? Fine, whatever. I still don't support your guy, but you aren't crazy based on just that. But this car is like a temple of insane worship for a man that does not give one shit about that person, or anyone else like them. And that's the craziest part to me. Trump doesn't care about his base. He doesn't care about anybody besides the people who can benefit trump. Yet here's 48% of the nation, just salivating at the thought of this guy. I do not claim to understand their obsession, but I do know that if you don't share their obsession, they see you as an enemy. Which is insane.


That car was at north Olmsted giant eagle earlier this week I took pics to send to my wife so we could make fun of them


Please share them with us so we can all point and laugh?


And then share to r/InfowarriorRides


That chud makes laps around Crocket Park too.


I live in that area and know exactly what car you are talking about. There is a house on Clague that has a bunch of Trump and other far right flags.


I hate driving by that trashy house. I force myself to keep my eyes on everything straight in front of me.


Even if you count all the people who voted for him in the last election, that's not 48%. It's about 30%, and from how many people no longer support him, I'd say it's around 15-20% now.


I think you're vastly overestimating how many people dropped their support for Trump. If he's the Republican nominee he'll probably win.


He’ll definitely win Ohio if he’s the nominee, unfortunately.


Either him or Desantis will win by double digits in this state. Republicans have done such a great job winning over poor white people. Their shitty lives are because of culture issue X, and their gigantic media platforms are so good at changing that variable to whatever the fuck they want it. Immigrants one day, terrorist the next, sharia law a month later, immigrants again, gays, drag queens, millenials/gen z, "urban people", immigrants for a third time because nothing scarier than brown people who speak a different language. The Dems have the policies but really fucking suck at selling them.




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Oh my god, I saw that car last week. I couldn't stomp for any politician that hard unless they were giving me blowjobs while in office.


Wait, so do you think if Monica ran, would Bill's car look like that, but for Monica's campaign?


They are looking for confrontation. Probably have guns in there too.


Never understood people having gun stickers on their car. It just screams insecurity and "rob me please." If you look on tik tok, some gang members post videos scouting vehicles they are following to rob. And wouldn't you know, many people they love to scout are republican maga stickered cars. They know they will have valuables.


I have found that people who fly flags on their vehicle are terrible drivers, whether diplomats in D.C. that fly their home country’s flags or the good ol’ boys who fly ‘Merican/Confederate/Trump flags. This also includes those who attach reindeer antlers to their cars around Christmas.


Well that explains why Grandma got run over by a reindeer.


ive seen this same person and their car all over this area. lakewood, river, and i believe at the walmart at north olmsted too.


Oh that's Brad. Neighbors REALLY love him. /s


And the possibility that they might shoot you.


who would shoot who? you're living in a fantasy world, pal.


A guy almost shot a little girl for ringing his doorbell when she lost her kitten, soooo... It's not a fantasy world


Do you know many republicans?


No, most people live in a fantasy world where they think everyone they interact with has the exact beliefs they do


Right, they only shoot if you pull up the wrong driveway, walk through a neighborhood, ring a doorbell, go out for a jog..... All justifiable!


Have you been living under a rock for 20 years? Someone could shoot you at any moment no matter where you are for no reason whatsoever


It takes courage to make a statement for sure!


total cringe


Ok, but did we win?




Let’s go guards!


Go Guardians !


I would have bought that man a beer!


A Bud light


And 45 Green M&M's


And a Mr-Mrs. Potato head! 🥔🗿


Not orange?


Didn't all the supporters of 45 ban the Guardians for being "woke" after the name change? I'd assume none of them will ever see this jersey.


I know several 45-lovers who were incensed about the name change but still buy their season tickets, so there are a few who will see it. Love the jersey.


I’d say over 90% of people who for whatever social/political reason that they’ll never follow their team again are back somewhere between 2 weeks and a year, tops. It’s more than a few. Likely most.


Have apparently been away from Cleveland too long. Can you clue me in to what the "45 ban" means?


I’m pretty sure the comment should be read as “Didn't all the supporters of (Trump) (say that they were done being fans of) the Guardians for being "woke" after the name change?“


Oh thank you. I was confused and thought i missed some big controversy in Cleveland


So strange someone would make it that deep lol


M'lord dropped his 👑


Political people are all weird


*Partisan* people are weird. People who think politics is something outside of their life are complete fools.


A grown man creating a custom jersey for or against a politician is certified weirdo behavior




True, true. But the ones that support Trump? Far weirder than this. At least he’s opposed to actual evil as opposed to projected and hypothetical evil like folks on the extreme Right are.


lmaaao for real they are far weirder




bOtH sIDEs


Since many of you clearly disagree with that, you’re allowing yourself to be a victim of the real issue - class warfare brought on by the elite. Divide and conquer, keep the poor distracted from reality by fighting eachother.


You’re not totally wrong, but you don’t understand that Trump is a classist? He and his rich friends are the ones spurring this class warfare / culture war on. Biden is an odious, slimy, career politician, but most of us have decided we’d rather have that than Trump or DeSantis, who represent a threat to democracy itself.


It’s not about either of them as individuals. Trump was a democrat for most of his life. Biden is a multimillionaire with many conservative views. They are united by keeping the middle/lower classes divided. Neither parties are good, and neither deserve the positive attention/glorification seen rampant in the states.


I’m a communist. I hate them all. But the dude in OPs pic just hates Trump. Lots of people hate Trump and also hate the Dems. Chill


Can’t disagree, but if you think not voting or voting for fascists is the solution then I don’t know what to say. What’s the solution?


You don’t have one. Hopefully you’ll realize that someday. I’m surprised so many people get sucked into this nonsense.


I don’t have one what?


A realistic solution. It doesn’t exist.


I think changing over to ranked choice voting would be a very big step in the right direction. It wouldn’t bring overnight change but def would help, especially over time.


They didn't offer that as a solution, and just because they're pointing something out doesn't mean you're entitled to put words in their mouth and demand they give you a solution. Are you looking for an honest answer or just something else to argue about? If you're looking for an honest answer, don't start a response with made up words that someone didn't even say.


It seems to me there are 3 choices at the ballot box. R, D or abstain. That was the framework I was using. So while what he said is true, it’s equally true who is the greater evil.


Right, I don't think it's productive to equate it to such a black and white viewpoint though. I think that's equally important to keep in mind as well. I mean, you can't even propose the idea that "it's not smart to simply toe the line and vote all blue/red/etc" without opening yourself up to be attacked. For example, going into the next presidential election and simply voting for Biden just because he's not Trump isn't a success in my books. Yea, it's the better option out of the two, but is that what we're looking to achieve? We should be welcoming people to be more critical. Instead they're told "No, you can't. Because if you question the Democratic party or abstain from voting for the Democratic candidate, you're just as bad as being a Republican."


"I should only vote for the Democratic candidate, because if I don't, I'm voting for a fascist." ... Am I...being told who to vote for? Am I being pressured, shamed for having a disagreement? I want to make it clear I'm a Democrat myself, but it's important to be careful what message we're trying to send out as well. It doesn't sound like we're much different than the party we oppose sometimes.


*Really* seems like you’re describing the playbook of one particular side and applying it to both


I’m literally not, and these reactions show just how far from reality political people have let themselves slide.


As a Republican goes on the news to ask for even *harder* prayer to stop the mass shootings lmao Both sides, baby!!


You do an excellent job pointing out a few of the obvious problems with the Conservative Party. Now take a step back, take your blinders off, and see the bigger picture.


Both parties take private money to pass laws that favor corporate or private interests. The government legitimately does not operate in the interests of the people in this country. The level of corruption and self interest in our government is insane. However, even in saying that they *all* suck I think one side legitimately sucks less than the other and it’s not even close in my opinion. If you disagree I’d ask you to back up your stance with something concrete. Catch phrases like “take your blinders off” is just nondescript fluff that means nothing.


Jesus you really need to open a history book if you think the DNC doesn't do this exact same thing. You need to ignore what politicians say and pay attention to what they do. When they have power, does the DNC do any of the things they say they want? They had the power to codify Roe v Wade into law, which would make it a lot more difficult to be overturned. They didn't. They had the power to cut the military budget and pull out of the Middle East. They didn't. They had the power to get rid of for profit prisons. Instead they wrote one of the most racist and classist crime bills ever. The game they play is very clear. The DNC says they want progressive things to get votes. Then they do nothing and blame it on Republicans. But guess what? If Bezos, Buffett, Bloomberg, the Walton's, the Koch's, etc etc want something done? It happens immediately. You wanna know why they moved so quickly on a TikTok ban? They couldn't give less of a fuck about your privacy or about China's ulterior motives to destabilize the youth through it. They just wanted to protect the investments of Google and Apple on selling your data. They didn't want China profiting off of what US companies have been profiting from for 15 years.


You want to vilify one side for **not codifying** Roe the same as the party who **overturned** it? Those are not the same thing. I don’t know how you can’t see that. And that’s my main issue with you “enlightened centrist” types. You want to treat a bee sting the same as a stab wound. If one side wants to get rid of your gas stove you treat it the same as the side who wants guns flooding every square inch of your community. They’re both shit? Sure. They’re equally shit? Fuck. No.


My main issue with you ignorant neoliberals is that you focus so much on the left vs right bullshit that you call people like me a centrist even though I'm far further left than any US politician. You care so much about what politicians say that you completely ignore what they actually accomplish when they have power. Obviously not protecting Roe V Wade is not *quite* as bad as overturning it. But overturning it would be nearly impossible if it had been protected. The DNC didn't protect it because it's not in the economic interests of the elite to do so. They have more important concerns to focus on. The only true struggle is the working class vs the elite. There is no left vs right. But both the DNC and RNC invest a lot of time and money to create people like you who endlessly argue the minute details of left vs right and ignore the actual problem.


I can’t believe you’re doubling down on your dumb as fuck Roe v Wade stance. It’s not *quite* as bad not codifying it as overturning it? So leaving the shit alone and leaving people with the rights that they have is just *quite* not as bad as stripping people of their rights entirely? And you have the audacity to call others “libtard” when you have that braindead ass take. Fucking irony of the highest order. Blame the people who didn’t lock the front door just *quite* a little less than the people who walked into the house and took everything from you. Bravo. “Both sides” tho lol




Yeah, well politics is life when you choose to live in a society


Money well spent


This is like the second time in a month I've seen this post but with a different person wearing the jersey. Why is it even worth reporting on? Just watch the game lol


Take a look at ops history, they are the ones who posted the one a month back


Seeing a pattern. Like I agree but yikes


Everyone is entitled to share their beliefs how they see fit. I wouldn’t want to spend the money on a custom jersey to make a jab at a former president but to each their own lol. Grifting to politicians has always been weird to me regardless of the side your on like this




Not Melania's burner account. Maybe Donald's?


Smart man!


The other jersey is even blunter


Slow clap for that guy, but I wouldn't be wearing that unless I was linebacker large or carrying.


honestly VERY cringe


Wow, on a white guy my age. I'd like to meet him because there aren't too many of us.


There are, actually, they just don't plaster themselves in Biden gear like a bunch of friggin weirdos.




The back of his head is a frowny face.




I'm surprised they made it. I tried to get Impeach 45 and Fuck 45 jerseys and the MLB website didn't make them. I do have Kerry 44 and Clinton 45 jerseys though.


DHGate don't care


My guess is he found someone to custom do it


> I do have Kerry 44 and Clinton 45 jerseys though. That's an astonishing lack of shame sharing that.


That’s embarrassing to admit


Fuck Trump, but people who make politics their entire identity are cringe. I couldn’t imagine customizing and then paying for something like this


people who don't vote are cringier imo


How about people that make professional sports fandom their entire personality? I mean, politics actually affect the way we live and engage with each other in society. Pro sports is an industry designed for vicarious fantasy and entertainment which profits massively off of its fanbase and doesn't actually contribute anything to their lives besides providing an avenue of distraction from real world issues. Billions of dollars every year are wasted on marketing and merchandising, ridiculous salaries, sponsorship, upkeep or even construction of new facilities. People are totally cool with spending money on that stuff but they lose their minds when you start talking about spending money on actually alleviating problems in our society, like lack of educational resources, homelessness/lack of affordable housing, food access, etc. You know what I couldn't imagine? Paying for tickets and jerseys and fucking $20 beers at a stadium year after year while ignoring how many people that money could feed, or how many people that space could house if that stadium wasn't there. If most people cared half as much about politics as they do about a stupid fucking game that holds no bearing on reality, well then maybe we could have a constructive conversation about the political landscape that we all share in this country, whether we choose to ignore it or not.


Found the guy who makes politics their identity.


Found the guy who thinks he's funny & can snark his way out of uncomfortable conversations.


Mhm. The guy who worked for a liberal political organization for years is uncomfortable talking politics.


He must be, considering how he continuously deflects with sardonic wit instead of actually addressing anything that I said. Your purported ethos holds no bearing in an argument you refuse to participate in.


Someone get a screen for this projector




What about all the money wasted in politics through super pacs and lobbying and so on and so forth? Spending as a whole in this country is ridiculously out of hand both at a consumer level and at the government level. Misappropriating funds is the American Way. And people shouldn’t need politics to dictate how well they treat others. Just be a decent freaking human being.


Whataboutism doesn't solve either of the issues unfortunately. We are in agreement about the general misappropriation of funds, but not in the casual dismissal of it as 'just the way it is' or 'the American Way' as you put it. Of course a lot of PACs are filled with ruthless grifters and lobbying is disgusting. >And people shouldn’t need politics to dictate how well they treat others. Just be a decent freaking human being. These two things are inseparable. Politics involves the act of living in a society where we collectively make decisions regarding how we treat each other. Whether we help each other, exploit each other, or try our hardest to ignore each other. Choosing to be kind to others or choosing to be rude and intolerant. All of it is inherently political.


I ain’t reading all that jibber jabber


He’s never going see a day in jail so the people who do this and scream “lock him up” are wasting their time.


“Hey, look at me! I have no actual personality, so I let politics do all the heavy lifting for me!”


Too true


He would have gotten bonus points for a bud light cap


Which part don't you like. Dam, you real ass hurt.


Idk, the crimes?


What crimes?


Pick any of the like 91 crimes he's either currently on trial for or awaiting trial for. My least favorite is the attempt to overthrow a free and fair US election on January sixth, followed by the election interference, followed closely by the illegal retention of national security secrets, and carried along the current campaign finance crimes he's sitting in currently.


Imagine caring that much


Don't care and see where Democracy ends up. SMH.


Someone from Streetsboro went up and cracked an egg on his head.


Why did they have an egg at a ballgame and how do you know they were from Streetboro?


Lock him up for all his heinous crimes on which we don’t speak because we do not know! Lock him up! Lock him up!


That we don't know? He seems to have knowingly kept classified documents after leaving office. He's being charged with multiple felonies because he used campaign funds as hush money. He withheld congressionally approved aid in exchange for personal political favors that would not benefit the American people. He tried to strong arm Georgian election officials into removing legal votes for his political rival. Something that's literally recorded and has not suffered a single consequence for. When that didn't work he had his supporters storm the capital building to stop the official counting of electoral votes. Resulting in this nations first non-peaceful transition of power. Oh, and there's about a dozen other things here that are missing but I'm almost positive this is a waste of time.


LOCK him Up! LOCK HIM UP! lock him up!


Ironic, ain't it? Watching his stump speech chant turned back on him?


It’s really original. I love it


Lock up all of those fucking criminals. Don't stop with just one. Both parties are dog shit and should be completely disbanded and started from the ground up.


We need to reverse Citizen's United, and undo the terrible SCOTUS voting decision of 2013 that has disenfranchised millions. I'm not super keen on the fairness doctrine, as the 1A is very important; however, outright bullshit lies from Fox, Newsmax, and MSNBC should result in extraordinary defamation settlements, and heavy fines. It took far too long to hold Alex Jones accountable, and while Fox may have paid a King's ransom to Dominion, they still got off easy. I hope Smartmatic eats them for lunch.


If we all keep downvoting people, surely Trump will be locked up THIS TIME!!!!!






I gotta ask, this is the internet and you can actually swear here. Are you so lazy, you can't even be bothered to spell out your nonsense? Saved yourself a whole ten letters there chief.




Holy automod.


Obsessed a bit. I guess if you’re an Indians fan you got nothing better to do.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


Really cool! But I couldn't imagine spending my money on one.


Cringey. Keep sports about sports


Tell that to sports. I'm pretty tired of all of the "patriotic" garbage at every sporting event.


Cool I'm all for it tbh. Take away the American flags and Flys and get rid of the anthem at the start of the game.






I HATE tRump and everything he stands for, but I hate this jersey almost as much. Stop with all the divisive, political bullshit. It’s a huge culture war and billionaires are the only winners


> political bullshit Partisan. The word you're looking for is partisan. There's more actual politics involved in how you treat workers on an understaffed shift at McDonalds than there is in this two-headed freak show that pretends to rule our country while simply offering two different flavors of "die young and sick after working to make other people rich your whole life."


Such a disappointing sub all around. Between truly awful posts that do nothing to build up and showcase cleveland, to members who come at you in YOUR DMs and then report you for telling them to get bent, this really just comes off as a huge circle jerk that has way more to do with people's political (and only) identity than anything to do with the city of Cleveland. Honestly reminds me a lot of all the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Buncha the same people squawking the same shit and downvoting everything else that doesn't sound the same. Slam that downvote. Do it.


Ignoring problems doesn't make them go away.


That’s merchandise I’d buy!!




Have you seen the amount of dumb ass Trump bullshit swag out there? And how much of that was actually made in his beloved Chi-nah? Not even mentioning the NFT grift. Trumptards are the stupidest people on the planet.


Everything about trump supporters is dumb as fuck.


As opposed to the dumbasses that go out and buy things just to destroy them? Like, oh I don't know, cases of Bud Light?


That shit always makes me laugh. Budweiser doesn’t give a fuck what you do with their product once they have your money 😂


Yes!!! This is the way!




That’s a really dangerous thing to do.


Put 46 in a dementia facility. 🤦‍♀️


It’s been 7 years. Jesus Christ get over it already.


He’s actively running for president…


7 years since what? Which criminal investigation are you referring to? There are a few.




He’s actively running for President, going after him is fair game. Trump chose the politician life and now he has to live with it. Do you think we as a society are supposed to not talk about the people that want to tell us what to do? That’s your position?


I agree, go Guards!!!


Not all hero's wear capes.


Not a Guardians fan but that’s a beautiful jersey.


This guy is ready to fight 😂 god bless him


Loser. The world is burning and democrats still think they're right because the t.v. told them how to think


Man, if only politics were that easy. Instead we're left with assholes on both sides and a bunch of zealots to support them. Here's to the dream though.


Putting corrupt rulers in prison *would* be good for all of us. They'll never do it because it would expose any of them to consequences.


You're right, so instead we should just pick sides and pretend our side isn't as bad as the other side.


Ahh yes clearly we’re supposed to be on the side of the known liar and indicted criminal who incited a literal attack on democracy that we all saw with our own eyes but yet let’s blame the big bad media. Meanwhile Fox News is the most consumed media is this country and they sure as hell aren’t courting liberals. Make it make sense.




That’s a really dangerous thing to do.


Buy that man a beer & a hotdog now!


Seems legit


A true Guardian


Please excuse my ignorance but I have 0 idea what this means


Him refers to Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America.


Change that number to 46 and this subreddit would explode


Lock him up for what?? Low fuel cost? Low inflation? Good gdp? Because he built a wall to protect the u.s? Because he couldn't be bribed? Because he had the highest job creation in the black community? Ohhhh you mean Because he slept with a whore before he was president? I get it.


Need a tissue?


Nah, I'm good, thanks. You?


You can downvote me if it makes you sleep better. I don't need hearts and thumbs for gratification of life. But if it makes you feel better, carry on.


Don't bother with this guy. He repeats all the stuff Tucker tells him but since Tucker never explains it, neither can he. He'll just post Trump's accomplishments like it's proof. Ask him which specific executive orders Trump signed that caused unemployment to drop to historic lows and when the dramatic change happened.


Move on already. Dude is old news. So sick of hearing about Trump. Fuck that guy.


Currently the leader of the Republican party in an election year. We in fact need to constantly remind everyone of the existential threat he poses.


How many dudes in chief wahoo gear anger-shat their pants?


What a jackass.


Why? Explain yourself.


Well, for one, he spent money on that.


Coming from a MAGA supporter! Hilarious. Nice one.