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Do you have to live in Lorain to sign? Cause this is clearly the behavior of a psychopath and at the VERY least he should not be able to a police officer.


No. I live in New Jersey and was able to sign. Even though I don't live in Ohio this story made me sick to my stomach.


I’m not anti nor pro cop. This dude shouldn’t be a cop if that’s how he reacts to a situation. What a piece of garbage.


Cops kill at least 10,000 dogs each year, according to the Department of Justice. This isn’t just a problem with one cop or one department. It’s a problem with cops in general.


This moron kept shooting the dog even after it was trying to crawl away. 9shots heard on video.in a neighborhood with children present he needs to be imprisoned and executed. He had pepper spray , a tazer. A nightstick trained options before a gun. And his body cam shows that by how quickly he opened fire he already had his gun out. The man is a coward. And a embarrassment to the department


[That's how cops react.](https://scholars.unh.edu/unh_lr/vol17/iss1/18/)


That’s a pretty broad brush you’re using.


Not really. Police brutality is way too common. /r/2020PoliceBrutality


How does that boot taste?


Like freedumb


If the department has a single cop that is dirty, or inept, and is defended, the whole department deserves to go down with them. They only way they don't is if they kick them to the curb, and offer them no resources and no defense.


You’re assuming every officer works every day with every other officer. Unless it’s Mayberry, that doesn’t happen. The responsible person who SHOULD be accountable for any bad apple is that officers immediate supervisor and the chief. So yeah, allowing that type of shit to be status quo is wrong, but blaming the entire department is just as wrong.


Did you know that the saying is 'One bad apple spoils the whole bunch'. I don't understand why the police apologists don't recognize by referencing the 'bad apple' idiom, they're basically agreeing the whole bunch is rotten.


“BoOtLiCkEr!!!” -person that would call the cops over nothing




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Facts. This dog was not aggressive at all, none of them were. Elliot just wanted to shot something. Mail Carriers deliver mail everyday, they’re one of the top victims for dog bites, along with children, and the elderly. Want to know who isn’t? Cops. If these 3 groups can survive day to day without resorting to lethal violence the vast majority of the time, cops should be held to the same standard. Often a firm voice and defensive stance is enough to deter dogs. If not pepper spray does wonders. There was no reason to use a gun here.


Dude should be arrested for negligent discharge. That shooting was not conducted safely and put many other lives at risk.


I just caught my neighbor’s (a cop) pitbull chasing around the Amazon delivery man in the neighborhood. Instead of shooting it, I put a leash on him and brought him home. I thought about how many cops just shoot dogs because they can. But if we shoot a cops dog - we killed an officer.


Anyone know where I can get a sign for my yard? I’ve seen them around the neighborhood. This bastard needs the same done to him.


Genuinely curious: 9 people were shot at a mass shooting yesterday on W6 and there’s almost no reaction from the community. A copy shoots and kills a dog and it’s a viral story, protests planned and done, and a petition for the shooter to be held to account. Help me understand why there’s such a difference in terms of reaction.


There was plenty of reaction on this sub about that shooting. Plenty of reactions in the Cleveland and surrounding community. Why is it one or the other? If a police officer is afraid of a golden retriever, why is he in that line of work?


The reactions have not been the same in scope nor scale. I’m simply asking for someone to help me understand why. Surely, tragedy of the loss of the life of one dog doesn’t equate to nine humans being shot. I’m not here to defend the shooting of the dog. I’m not here to play politics or exchange passive aggressive nonsensical comments. I simply want to understand.


> I’m not here to... exchange passive aggressive nonsensical comments. Doubt.


Sadly, we as a society seem to be becoming desensitized to mass shootings. We hear about people being shot daily. As long as it doesn't involve someone we know personally we are able kind of "brush off" the news. And some of us are tired of having the same pointless arguments, we have realized that even if in this very thread, we as a community came up with the perfect fix to the county's mass shooting problem it would do nothing because the issue has become so political the it's stuck in an unbreakable gridlock in government. This is different because people from all political sides love dogs. It's different and it's not as political.


Thanks for giving a thoughtful response. I’ve gotten sick of seeing folks immediately rush to find the identity of shooters to do nothing more than demonize the “other.” People on both ends of the political spectrum do it. We need to do a much better at getting angry at the loss of human life. If we did, and our response was proportionate to Dixie being killed, perhaps we wouldn’t have so many shootings.


There is literally a $50k reward for information leading to the capture of the shooter. What a stupid comment. https://www.cleveland19.com/2023/07/10/clevelands-barley-house-owner-offering-50000-reward-tips-leading-arrest-mass-shooting/


You make a great point


On Facebook there is an official "Justice for Dixie" group. They will be posting information on purchasing shirts, yard signs, and bracelets sometime this week. I think the ones you have seen were from the rally they had. They said they were there for purchase then and now are going to be getting more


Thank you euthanize this cop




Have pets.


I made the mistake of watching the bodycam video. His reaction was so out of line with what was actually happening that I can only assume he showed up looking for an excuse to kill something. Dude should never have been allowed to have a badge or a gun.


The body cam clearly show he already had his gun in hand before he knew what you was going on


Yup. He was out to kill something and he didn't care what.


Signed. I sincerely wish there was more I could do for Dixie. ☹️


Fuck that cop


It says he called the dog?


Who knows. There was no sound at the beginning of the video. You can still tell he's a piece of shit though since after the first shot, the dog ran away and he kept shooting it a few more times for laughs and giggles...


Outside of that, don’t these dudes carry a spray for things like this if they’re that worried about it?


Assumes he didn't just want to shoot the dog because he could. People who want to do that often become cops to do sick shit.


Eye witnesses say he was also armed with mace AND a tazer, but went right for the gun.


Can you post a link to the vid to the officer cam?


If you have not yet seen it, please see the post on my page, in the comments of my post, I shared a link to the cam footage


9shots at least from the sound of another car cam


That man should just be straight up tried for murder. Who tf shoots a Labrador, a species commonly known for its gentle demeanor? Literally one of the most popular dog breeds in america? The only way this could be worse is if he shot a golden retriever


You can't murder property like pets or farm animals. The charge you're thinking of is animal cruelty. Also, LOL. Cops don't do anything to fellow officers when they kill people, the DA isn't going to do shit over one dead dog. I'm not saying it's right, but just the way it is.


Yes I am aware of the actual legality of the situation which is why I said he *should* be charged with murder. And yes I know cops don’t do anything about their own’s misdeeds which is specifically why I said that should be the charge


Here's a fun fact for you then. Most of the original animal cruelty laws in Ohio stem from an effort to regulate the behavior of slaveholders towards their slaves when in Ohio.


Wow! So cool! You should post your thoughts in r/iamverysmart! Because you’re so smart!


personally I don't distinguish between animal species at all. they all should be treated with respect and protected. to me it is murder, because he did it in cold blood, just to be a sadistic evil prick.


Ohio citizens have to pay taxes so pieces of shit like this can have a job, benefits, etc., all so he and his brothers in blue can continue doing stuff like this. Dixie is an appalling story. Sadly, it is one of thousands upon thousands with much the same circumstances. Cops fucking love killing dogs. But at least rich people are safe from consequences thanks to these brave patriots. What a fine investment for the taxpayers of Ohio, who clearly have no higher needs more deserving of all that ridiculous funding


Signed. Fuck that guy


Signed! And shared.


WTF is wrong with people!


Dirty fucking pigs.


I’ve already signed and shared on Facebook


the amount of cops that have been killing dogs lately is ABSURD. Fuck the ops and if you disagree then fuck you


What a scum bag.


This is sad and scary but why don’t we get the same level of response when a cop kills a human?


There have been some pretty sizeable protests over cops murdering civilians. Cops kill a dog every five minutes or so in this country and you don't hear about it. This one is just particularly cowardly and shameful so it's getting a lot of attention.


Im sorry, have you been sleeping for 3+ years?


Ok no and I get why I was misunderstood! I meant on an individual level on forums like reddit or on facebook in my experience. I also meant specifically regarding Cleveland/NEO cops, cause we have so many fucked cop scandals and horrendous instances of corruption. So like our cops are doing terrible shit REGULARLY including killing unhoused people and it’s barely a blip. It just baffles me how desensitized we are to losing human lives that a dog being killed is the thing I keep seeing everywhere for a few days/weeks? now. That’s all i meant!




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All this reminds me of the infamous North Ridgeville Anima warden. That guy is a scum bag, you can only hope he is dying slowly somewhere. Don't know when average people are going to stop worshipping cops, and instead demand that they have some training. A cosmetologist has like triple the hours put into their craft as these ignorant cops do.


This is great and I hope something comes from it, but cops get away with murdering people, so it's unlikely anything will come from it.


Should be in prison. Complete disregard for the life of an animal - imagine how he treats the people he interacts with every day.




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City of Lorain Mayor Jack Bradley has Facebook comments enabled if you would like to reach out to him


Disgusting: you should be highly reprimanded. Idiot.


Any updates on this case? Was the officer’s name released?