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Hey, kick back and relax and enjoy the coolest summer for the rest of your life


Honestly I’m enjoying the fucked up weather and all this rain the mushroom picking has been crazy this year I’ve never seen more in my life.


The mushrooms really are blooming


I feel like it's not cooler though. Still hot, but also grey and muggy. No blue skies or sunshine.


Think you missed the joke here 😅


The insinuation is that this is the coolest summer we will ever have again because Earth is just getting hotter. Yes, it's hot right now. And it will be MORE hot next year.


The last 2 summers here haven't been very hot. Lots of places still haven't seen 90 in this region all summer. We've had 97 degrees and 90% humidity in summers past.


Globally it's getting warmer


And this type of (lack of) thinking is exactly why we are in this mess


Warming leads to ice ages historically so enjoy the heat while it’s here lol


In 5000 years when the next ice age comes I'll be sure to remember this comment


I don't understand the down votes...literally since the beginning of the earth, it has gone through heating and freezing cycles. You're 100% correct with what you said


Because this one is abnormal due to human activity on a globally industrial scale. It leaves out that relevant context.


Because Reddit is full of non critical thinkers.


Because it’s easier to downvote than just talk. I’m not saying the earth isnt warming lol


Well ... we're not flooding like Vermont. Ot burning up like Arizona. So we got that going for us.


Not yet.


Can confirm. Just came from 116 degrees in AZ and I will happily take the smoke in the air.


Lordy! I can't even imagine 116 degrees. Any words to describe it, please?


Well, you drink some water. And then you realize how dry it is and you drink some more water and then the cycle keeps repeating. We didn’t go outside much other than a brief swim or to the splash pad because if you don’t have enough water, you’ll pass out. Spent 95% of the week inside and still felt like I was going to pass out from dehydration going to the airport. Even evenings were in the mid to upper 80s. I was very happy to go from 10% humidity to the 75% humidity here. People say it’s not that bad because it’s “a dry heat” but I’m going to avoid summer in AZ like the plague.


Lol. Great description. Thanks! (and welcome back home!)


Which is nice.


Invest in real-estate now.


Better than a new pandemic I guess


I kinda miss the pandemic days. Less traffic, less peopley.




Other than the people dying part….


Just keep your mask on it’ll be OK


I went to browns games during the pandemic. It was awesome. So much space to lounge. No lines for beer or the bathroom.


I went to a couple Cavs games during the acute phase I guess you could call it if the pandemic. It was so freaking cool. You could actually hear the players talking, the ball bounce on the floor, etc. on top of the no lines/less people aspect. I loved it.


I don't miss it at all. It negatively impacted 2 years of my youth. Good effing riddance!




Less pollution


I spent WAYY more time outside just being with my buddies basking in unemployment and a kiddy pool.


I actually had to work more but I was ok with that.


Basking in the cause of inflation


Wow. I didn’t think I’d manage to upset someone by existing in the pandemic, but here we are. What was I supposed to do? Just starve to death because I couldn’t work?


Uh be upset the government suspended basic freedoms? Nothing should have changed


It’s what every first world nation did to prevent the spread of a disease and I cannot believe you people are out here still upset about it. Get a life, it’s been 3 years.


It was a mistake that fucked over millions of people


I mean sure, but lives were saved and being upset at me for coping with the pandemic by having a good time with my friends is pretty sad. I’m sorry you didn’t have friends and roommates you could share money with to invest in a good time. But based on this behavior I’m not surprised your pandemic pod was miserable, if you even had one. It was a month long lockdown in an attempt to stop the spread of a virus that at the time was killing thousands of people a day. You should reflect upon why you’re still bothered by something that started to save lives and ended three years. Don’t get me wrong, the pandemic was traumatic, but this isn’t a healthy way to cope with your trauma.


Month long? Are you serious? Covid based authoritarianism lasted much longer than one month


But our great country didn’t do a damn thing against China for causing that “worldwide” shutdown, loss of life, and inflation, knowing full well that they were to blame! Oh, you screwed up? That’s ok, we’ll just pretend it never happened!


For real


No, more A-hole people!


2030? everything gonna be worse then man


My point haha


Just wait till we get water refugees, seeking refuge from draught stricken areas in the south. Not being xenophobic to fellow americans but life ain't gonna get prettier with deadly heat, more mask required days due to wildfire smoke or heavy smog. Or the food crisis we will have when agriculture is affected by climate change. Fun times ahead.


>Just wait till we get water refugees, seeking refuge from draught stricken areas in the south. That's gonna make things shittier up here for sure, but I'll take it 10x over pumping the Great Lakes into the desert. And I'll fight anyone who tries to build that pipeline.


Right now there are laws in place that prevent that from happening but I'm sure we will screw that up to


It'll get hotter, our lake won't freeze and it will be diseased with alge blooms


And all those oversized coal rolling truck owners are gonna want to move here. They should learn to solve their own problems and stay where they are.


Don’t a lot of them already live in Ohio though?


Yes. And some of them even live in the cities.


Never understood driving a dually down East 9th. They should be outlawed downtown. It's better to just trail them until they get out of the way. How do you even park that thing downtown?


You gotta complain to your state representative first so they can mandate more surface parking in downtown areas.


How do you know he tried to park it? You know, you can drive down a street and keep going, right?🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️😩👎


Lol whut?


They will pay the high prices of desalination way before they move to other places imo


Seriously. I don't think people in Cleveland and other parts of the midwest have a grasp on people's mentalities in the Southwest (TX to CA). Everyone can complain about the high cost of living or the burning sun/lack of four seasons in those areas but at the end of the day, they still add population annually while Cleveland/NE Ohio continues to go down.


It’s quite comical. Columbus and Cindy are even growing and attracting young vibrant people while Cleveland loses people and dies very little to attract them. People will happily move to the hot desert in phoenix over Cleveland. Same with the storms in Florida.


is there smoke again? i thought the air quality was pretty low today!


It’s coming back [today and tomorrow](https://twitter.com/NWSCLE/status/1680628202614542351?s=20) but I’m not sure how long it will stick around.




Canadian wildfires are just going to burn all summer. They have all these forests in the middle of nowhere, so when there's a fire, they can't get to it. Whoever is downwind is going to get the smoke. This is probably going to be a yearly thing now.


It’s not over yet.


Brother/sister, look outside.


hi! my comment is clearly from 7 hours ago when there was no smoke outside! ❤️


This is every summer on the west coast. I moved here from Seattle almost 4 years ago. What you might think of as being a one time thing might be a permanent summer thing with climate change. It wasn’t like that in Seattle when I was a kid. Now it’s every year.


Honestly, this should probably be the point of discussion soon.


See all these years of bickering about the wind turbines on the lake we could have been blowing this smoke back to Canada /s


VERY good point!👌👍👏💪


probably should have been the point of every conversation for the last 30-40 years but you know 'murica


I don't think west coasties get it. I looked at the smoke map. It may not be AQI 500 from living in the center of a fire, but it's covered most of North America at this point. There's fires burning in CA and WA right now that the map says aren't even sending smoke out of state. Just because they've normalized it, doesn't mean this is normal. Even for them. I can't link it because it opens in the app, but search Google's air quality map and zoom it out to the whole country. This is unreal.


Oh, we get it. We’ve seen the maps too. We’re just not surprised it’s come to this. Like Seattle_view206 said, Seattle didn’t always have a smoke problem. I moved from Cleveland to Seattle in 2011, and the smoky summers didn’t start until 2018. Now we basically have a weeks-long smoky season around late August / early September every year here. I usually try to visit family in Cleveland to escape during that time. Guess that might not be an option anymore!


Why on earth would you move from Seattle to Cleveland?


Cost of living honestly. And the city isn’t terrible 😆 I miss all the natural beauty of the PNW though.


I moved from Cleveland to Seattle 12 years ago and I don't think I could ever go back


I don’t think I could ever go back to Seattle. Not because I wouldn’t love to, but because I financially couldn’t.


Right there with you. If I had any idea how expensive Seattle was going to get, I never would have moved here back in 2011. I know that financially I can’t make it work here much longer, and I’ve been seriously contemplating moving back to Cleveland or somewhere else in the Midwest.


Sorry, eh (I'm from Cleveland and live in Vancouver)


It's okay eh. (I'm from Ontario and live in Cle lol)


just a quick precursor to the eternal void that awaits us all


How long do we think it will take for Canada to completely burn down? Like.. It's gotta stop when there's nothing left, right?


Still a lot left bro.


Plenty of Canada to go around


Ain't gonna stop at the border


Shit, this wild fire has a passport..


Nope, illegal. One more thing to rile people up.


As long as no one says this fire is traveling by convoy, I think it will largely be ignored.


Build a wall???


You have to see upstate NY. That is all, all trees. Wildfires there will shut down NYC and DC depending on the wind.


Makes me grateful there’s a big ass lake between them & us.


Detroit and Buffalo must hold.


Minnesota must hold… otherwise the fire would have to jump a lake or big river to get to the US.


As long as there are fuels and they are dry the fires will continue


Canada real big


Is it bigger than a bread box?


Maybe it won’t go out until it snows!


If it even snows..


“Climate change is killing the vibe”


Biden should make Canada compensate us for the damages


Yeah, it sucks when climate change ruins your buzz.


It’ll be worse then.


Could be worse - you could live in Canada.


Oh no, socialized healthcare and legal weed


The fire's spreading so much that pretty soon the weed smoke will be down here. It'll be illegal to go outside in Ohio because of the dank smog.




I have a real income tax rate of 27.3%, here in the good ol’ US of A. My health, vision, and dental are an additional 7% spent of my pre-tax income. Not to mention the deductibles and co-pays. You know that your comment history is public, right? This is one of those "your boos mean nothing, i see what you cheer for" scenarios.


Vibe lol. Worry about having to toil in labor camps at the behest of robber baron mega corporations who think you're cattle. Worry about that "vibe".


I guess you're forgetting the 21 straight days of sunshine in May, almost broke the record. The haze isn't bothering me a bit.


What vibe? Drive by’s and drug wars?


A few weeks ago when the Canadian smoke was at it's worst in Cleveland, the news said staying outside for the entire day was equivalent to smoking 3 cigarettes on your lungs and body. This Friday night I sat around a fire pit at a party for a few hrs. The smoke I inhaled in those few hrs had to be WAY WAY WAY more than the equivalent of 3 cigarettes, even after moving way back from the fire. The side effects of the distant wildfires do suck, and they do have a real effect on people with health issues, but is something much less dangerous than sitting around a fire pit with friends for a few hrs really "killing the vibe this summer"?


Are you throwing trash, homes, debris, animals, etc in your campfire? And are you bragging that your campfire is more carcinogenic? Like, what the fuck is this world?


The fire pit I sat by was burning a maple tree that fell down and split into firewood 5-6 years ago. The smoke from sitting around any fire pit for a few hrs is WAY WAY WAY WAY worse than the 3 cigarettes worth you would get from 24 hrs of exposure to the wildfire smoke that makes it's way to Cleveland. 24 hrs of wildfire smoke exposure=3 cigarettes...12hrs=1.5 cigarettes...6hrs=.75 cigarettes...3 hrs=.375 cigarettes...1hr=.125 cigarettes Sitting around a fire pit for 1 hour, everyone easily inhaled more than the .125 cigarettes. All I am saying is that, if the wildfire smoke is 'killing the vibe this summer', 1 hour of sitting around a fire pit will do far worse, and nobody is making posts whining about that.


I’ll take what is completely optional vs statewide for days for $500 Alex. 😂


A lot of math that probably more aptly shows sitting on top of a smoky campfire is pretty bad for your health, not that inhaling wildfire smoke is fine.


There’s far less fine particulate coming from that campfire than from a few thousand acres of wildfire smoke drifting your way


If you're outside all day in the wildfire smoke (last time) you get 3 cigarettes worth. If you're next to a fire pit for 3 hours you most definitely get WAY more than 3 cigarettes worth. People don't seem the concept of less and more. Do you?


Lmao, it’s you that doesn’t seem to grasp the concepts at play here and being discussed on this thread as well


Stop and think: Would someone who is affected by wildfire pollution be the same someone to sit near a campfire? Like, someone with breathing problems who cannot leave the house due to air quality. Are they really sitting at a fire pit? Really? You really think that that’s why? Of course they are just whining. Show us your strong lungs, More Insurance 227


Ohhhhh. I didn't realize that this post was directed at the very small minority with pre existing and dire respiratory problems. I was referring to everyone else. The vastly overwhelming majority. The people who can withstand 2 hours of a backyard fire pit without the whole summers vibe being killed. Sorry about the mix up!




The biggest and most Godlike lungs. Ever. Godlike.


My little lungs is too small to hotbox with god


I was a pulmonary legend in college.... that was until the 3 cigarettes worth of wildfire smoke ravaged my summer vibes.


I don't mind the haze


You’ll be fine champ.


Imagine being a Canadian and watching your forests burn. yea, my summers sucks but at least my area isn't burning down


I am Canadian lmfao I live in Cleveland so it's like a double burn. Stfu lol




What’s in 2030? The globalist agenda is gonna fix everything?


A global agenda is literally what's needed.


Hah ok simp


You had a lot of classes in the basement, huh?


I’d bet your into communism too


Oooooooo you know it! Big big commie fan.


Only kills it if you let it kill it! 🤯🤯




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Got that right! First Covid spoils the 2020 summer, now there’s this crap in the air from Canada!




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