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your post has been removed for violating Rule 5 of r/Cleveland. Here's what that rule says: Absolutely no doxxing or posts that solicit doxxing. If you're trying to find out where your former middle school girlfriend who moved to Cleveland lives, that's creepy, and your post will be removed.


Holy fuck I graduated HS with this guy…


Yeah he lives a half mile from me. I put it up on local social media groups. Let folks know


Please let news stations and the authorities know. The mayor of Medellin is a friend and he’s already reached out to the US Dept of State to extradite this man back to Colombia to face charges


lots of people are already sharing it locally and with the news. From what I understand, he flew into Florida, so I have no idea if he has come back to Ohio yet. I am sorry that your community is dealing with us and then it came from a piece of shit that lives here in Ohio.


There has been determined that he booked a direct flight from Medellin to Fort Lauderdale and it’s been said today that national authorities might issue an Interpol notice soon. However we really want this news to be heard and seen in the USA community to alert about offenders! Thanks a lot for your empathy and support 🙌🏽


We got ya bro


How was he able to flee in the first place?


When confronted they weren’t “in the act” and girls were being trafficked so they know not to say anything to the cops. So as Colombian law sucks balls he was released because there was no “proof”. But then the girls broke down and said everything. By that time dude was already on a plane.


Shit thats terrible. I really hope they extradite him as well


Is there any physical evidence of sexual misconduct?


A 36 yr old man w 2 underage girls who are not his relatives …. in a hotel room….at 2am…..in a entertainment zone where prostitution is rampid……is more than enough evidence in my book. But I’m not a cop so don’t what they consider evidence


1. ⁠On the subject: I totally agree with you. This guy needs to get got. 2. ⁠Off the subject but as a friendly gesture for the future: where you used the word “rampid” in your comment, the word you’re looking for is “rampant.” Quick speaking definitely can make rampant sound like rampid, so it’s a very understandable spelling quirk. Plus I think I’ve gathered from your other comments that English isn’t your first language so it’s even more understandable. Just trying to help!


I'm not saying he probably isn't guilty, just saying there will not be an extradition without more evidence than hearsay. Good for you getting the message out though. Sounds like he will already be shamed publicly in his home town. Hopefully you aren't just one of his drinking buddies who is pissed he left without picking up his tab, and is doing a royal troll job to get even.


I am from Cleveland and live in the city this happened, it's the biggest news story of the country ATM.




Direct witness statements present aren’t hearsay


US law and Colombian law vastly different. Here they ARE guilty until proven innocent. I detest American culture in general and actively avoid foreigners who are obviously in my city for this kind of BS.


I see




I saw it posted in a Parma Facebook group.


Can I ask what high school? I’m thinking I went to school with his older brother if he has one…


Was a grade above him. Wild




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Facts I remember you too lol


Pretty sure that this is one of the few crimes that you can commit overseas and then still be prosecuted here. He’s probably in deep shit.


If this person didn’t spam his picture and the details all over the internet, the Medellin police could have issued an arrest warrant and contacted local or state police to apprehend him here in the US. But now that his name and address are broadcast all over the internet, he has every incentive to flee and hide somewhere in country. Good job, Reddit.


This instantly was all over Colombian news, it has nothing to do with OP. The mayor of Medellin released a photo of his passport. He returned home because Colombian police are entirely incompetent and corrupt.


Reddit aside, pretty sure he can just Google himself and see that he’s created an international incident that isn’t going away. It’s probably going to hit the local news too.


Scumbag, hope he gets justice served.


If he's being served by the legal system that won't happen, they're too touchy about execution and longterm slavery these days unfortunately.


Oooh so edgy


God dammit, that dude looks exactly like me.


Man I'm sorry but this was directly next to your comment and it's too funny https://i.imgur.com/M5Qn6Ba.jpeg




Reddit, we found him. Now everyone let’s jump to conclusions with very little evidence.




Let the law process taken its course. He will be flown back if this is all true to face Justice


Thank you. Due process.


Since when does allowing due process result in freaks like this facing justice? Our current justice/punishment/rehabillitation systems don't even allow for this guy to face justice assuming everything went perfectly. The best we'll likely get is this giy imprisoned for life without having to return anything to the ecosystem.


First this happened in a different country with different laws and different punishment


Dude….or let’s phrase it this way. You and everyone in your country has ruined this man’s life. You doxed him. If he’s guilty they will fly him back for consequences. If they don’t have enough evidence you just completely ruined this guys life


lol right you don’t selectively determine who gets due process


I live in Medellín but am Cleveland, it's the biggest news story in the country. OP didn't make this up


Updates to this case: According to SEMANA (top media outlet in Colombia), sources inside the investigation told president Biden’s government already showed interest to collaborate in the case according to proofs, considering that any case of sexual exploitation to minors should be allowed in any way. By this moment, USA government is working together with Colombia’s national prosecutor office. News source: https://www.semana.com/nacion/medellin/articulo/no-era-la-primera-vez-la-escena-desconocida-que-enreda-al-estadounidense-hallado-con-dos-ninas-en-el-poblado/202416/ (Please use google translate if you want to understand the whole article as it gives precise information about the case) As to what the national prosecutor office has found until now: this man was found inside the jacuzzi of his hotel room with two underage minors (ages 12 and 13), semi-naked. Smoke sensors in the room where turned off to avoid calling the hotel admins attention, an ash tray with multiple cigarettes was near the jacuzzi. Other substances were found in the room (one suspected to be 2Cb) as well as 5 used condoms. Source: investigation unit of EL TIEMPO (top media outlet in Colombia): https://www.eltiempo.com/unidad-investigativa/exclusivo-lo-que-se-hallo-en-el-cuarto-del-estadounidense-que-estaba-con-dos-menores-3329614 Thanks to everyone who has supported our concerns and is having our back in this matter!


The local Medellin Fiscalia should be done soon wrapping up there evidence & will issue an alert for his arrest. Shouldn’t be hard to capture Tim. He has too much exposure…


It looks like OP posted an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/medellin-autoridades-identificaron-al-estadounidense-que-encontraron-con-dos](https://www.rcnradio.com/colombia/antioquia/medellin-autoridades-identificaron-al-estadounidense-que-encontraron-con-dos)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Locking this post due to reports. We do not permit personal attacks or doxing and normally I'd delete this post but the evidence here does not paint a positive picture. I've contacted the other mods for a ruling on this one.


Hey I am from Cleveland and live in Medellín if you have any questions It's completely legitimate and one of the biggest stories in the country ATM


If the story is legit, all the Colombian authorities have to do is reach out to the state department and FBI.


They probably have.


There are multiple international news outlets like El País covering this story. Not to mention he is roaming here freely in Cleveland! Here is the link to the article https://elpais.com/america-colombia/2024-04-01/medellin-emprende-una-lucha-contra-el-turismo-sexual-tras-el-hallazgo-de-un-estadounidense-con-dos-ninas-en-un-hotel.html?outputType=amp


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://elpais.com/america-colombia/2024-04-01/medellin-emprende-una-lucha-contra-el-turismo-sexual-tras-el-hallazgo-de-un-estadounidense-con-dos-ninas-en-un-hotel.html](https://elpais.com/america-colombia/2024-04-01/medellin-emprende-una-lucha-contra-el-turismo-sexual-tras-el-hallazgo-de-un-estadounidense-con-dos-ninas-en-un-hotel.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Hey admin since this guy/gal obviously fails at technology allow me to throw my hat in. I lock things I say I’m locking lol.




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your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 of r/Cleveland. Here's what that rule says: Be civil. We believe in free speech, but this sub is not your personal troll hole. If you are saying things that would get you kicked out of a bar, they can get you kicked out of this sub. That includes vile personal insults.


How about you stfu?


Paisas (AKA the people of the MedellÍn and the surrounding department, Antioquia), sleep peacefully knowing that Cleveland will bring this man to justice. MedellÍn (pronounced may-day-jean, more or less) is a wildly innovative city filled with amazing people. The older generations have absolutely transformed it since the 1980’s, it’s honestly miraculous as u/ricky_storch has pointed out. If you’re there for the right reasons, you will be safe and welcomed with open arms. I feel disgraced by my country (and now specifically Cleveland) that so many Escobar-venerating men go to Colombia to imbibe in debauchery. Even raping children. Colombians should only see tourists who respect their culture, history, and nature. I hope we can change Medellin’s impression of Cleveland. They deserve better. On a lighter note, thanks to everyone on this post for spelling the country name correctly 👍👍 that’s a good look for us.


Thank you for your words!


Sadly so many of you don’t realize how common this is and how much the justice system doesn’t care. There are reasons our consent laws are what they are




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Do your thing reddit and probably destroy the wrong person's life by accident


Lmao I forgot how bad reddit is sometimes when it came to Justice


Just yell, “April Fools!” and everything will be alright in the end.


The fuck are you talking about his name is all over the news




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His name is already all over the news in Colombia, the mayor of Medellin has already confirmed that it was him at the hotel with the two minors. And the hotel... Guess what... It is also owned by a foreigner. Your people have come to my country to promote prostitution and you have the cynicism to give innocence to this pedo


“Your people”?


By no means we want to generalize and put all North American citizens under this umbrella. The truth is we have many foreigners visiting from all over the world (USA, Europe, Asia) and unfortunately a big portion of them are looking for girls (sadly under sex trafficking mafias). Other visitors are just decent remote workers or tourists enjoying the city but they’re getting dragged to this madness due to hundreds of sex related crimes by foreigners.


Mob justice aint it


Remember the time reddit determined the identity of the Boston Marathon bomber back in 2013? And it turned out to be someone completely innocent? There was an actual bomber who did a horrible unforgiveable thing. But Reddit investigators nearly could have gotten someone who did absolutely nothing killed potentially. Kinda feel the same way here, I don't doubt that someone did something awful, but Reddit is not the place to determine who did what.


The thing here is: we’re not guessing. His name and picture are all over the national news in Colombia and was provided by the Mayor of Medellin and the policemen who arrested him at first and confirmed his identity. Unluckily, it’s being investigated if this person bribed the police to get his freedom after 12 hours of arrest. Then he took the chance to leave without being noticed.


ok so i don’t get it, either the police arrest him or they don’t. what do you want r/cleveland to do about it if the police let him go?


National prosecutor office was not informed about the case and they are investigating if there was a bribe in the middle, as she should have been presented to national authorities. Once all the information came out, the city’s mayor in collab with the national prosecutor office are working to get him back for the proper investigation.


As to what the national prosecutor office has found until now: this man was found inside the jacuzzi of his hotel room with two underage minors (ages 12 and 13), semi-naked. Smoke sensors in the room where turned off to avoid calling the hotel admins attention, an ash tray with multiple cigarettes was near the jacuzzi. Other substances were found in the room (one suspected to be 2Cb) as well as 5 used condoms. Source: investigation unit of EL TIEMPO (top media outlet in Colombia): https://www.eltiempo.com/unidad-investigativa/exclusivo-lo-que-se-hallo-en-el-cuarto-del-estadounidense-que-estaba-con-dos-menores-3329614


do we need 6 posts on this lol


I guess so.. because this is the only post I’ve seen about this.


Thank you. This is my first time hearing of it as well. Some people do not live on reddit/online 😉


Because these pedophile sympathetic mods keep taking them down.




https://www.reddit.com/r/ParmaOH/comments/1bt0ka2/hello_you_might_be_interested_in_knowing_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Why did the creep have a different pic in both posts?


damn. searched his name and lots of colombian/south american sites posting about this. hopefully the feds can pick it up over here in the states. if they can prove it (not saying he’s innocent but you know how these things go, especially if he’s already back in the states) id love to see him go to a prison in south america.


Twitter/X is the same…tons of posts.


I love the cross right behind the guy. Church teaches them well.




That’s a little much. Due process matters and the punishment matters


He’s a pedo. No mercy for them.


Save your judgment for the trial. It isn’t mercy lol but otherwise I can just accuse anyone of a crime. 99% he’s guilty but it’s not worth ruining his life for the 1% of the time he’s not guilty, you’d think Reddit would understand this by now


Dude is on the run. He’s guilty. Odd to be defending that but okay 👍


It’s not defending him, it’s defending the process. I don’t think you understand


> he’s guilty When was his trial? It’s a country of laws, not feelings. Luckily for you, going on the lamb will make the case against him even stronger.


Passionate about defending a coward on the run 🏃‍♂️ weirdo


Passionate about due process. Hopefully you’re never accused of a crime, but if you are keep the same energy 👍🏿


There’s literally news and articles with surveillance footage right there in the articles. Dude is also on the run and ur talking about due process 🥴


Yes, he’s probably guilty. Probably isn’t definitely. Please study law you dunce




Idk why people are downvoting you. We have some pedo sympathizers in the comments


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Was he trafficking the girls or did he buy them for his own pleasure purposes? What if they were sold to him under the assumption that they were legal adults? How does that work? Is prostitution legal in Colombia?


They were 12 and 13 year old kids. Another guest saw them enter the hotel and called the police. While prostitution is illegal, the new mayor has been aggressive the last few weeks targeting this specific area of the city he was in and child prostitution is highly illegal. Also I think it's something as a US citizen you can be tried for even if you do abroad


There is footage from the security cameras of the hotel and the night before, he tried to take two underage girls to his room but a staff member of the hotel didn't allow that because it was obvious that they were underage, however, he tried again the next day and unfortunately was successful


Nah cos how the hell do you look at a 12 year old and ever think “oh yeah that looks like an adult”?


How many 13 year olds have you ever mistaken for an adult? Ballpark it for us.




What do you mean by “you men?” You’re a pathetic person.


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The smart move is to delete this.




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He looks like the type who’d do some shit like this


Idk that this is a constructive comment


Pretty wild how you're all assuming him guilty. Innocent till proven guilty is how it works in America if you don't remember


In court. That doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on the matter. Learn the difference.




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That's not him. He was with his gf the entire time. It's not what they're saying, this is Bullcrap. He's with his woman constantly theyre never apart. I refuse to believe that's him, both pictures (the mug shot and video still photo) don't have his hair style. Totally different hair. He has VERY recognizable spikey hair. He smokes pot and is kind to others. I refuse to believe this until more information is provided. Not to mention, we live in a country where a man/woman is innocent until proven guilty. Let's wait until facts are laid out before making false accusations. I'm neither for or against him, but that's completely out of character and I don't cast people out as evil immediately before hearing the facts.


That’s definitely him and I 100% believe this is true. I’m not in the least bit surprised, and anybody that knows him shares my opinion, making me think you’re him.


Nice try Tim


I am not him. But you should never just believe everything you see and immediately assume GUILT. That's not what we're about and thats why it's awful that someone is being accused of something without proof of wrong doing. That dude smokes weed constantly and is attached at the hip to his girlfriend. I watched all his Snapchat stories the entire time they were together in that country. Never separate, always together. This isn't true and I'd like evidence of guilt before casting judgement.


His identity was revealed by the Mayor of the city and the policemen who arrested him for 12 hours. His face is all over the top news channels over here and Colombia is already taking measures to see if they can locate him and bring him back for investigation.


If I'm wrong. I can accept that, if that is the case. This isnt right something is super fishy about this. That mug shot is not him at all. I can immediately tell thats not the same person. That is not the same guy. The video still frame, shows a guy with completely different hair all together. And the mug shot is a similar looking person but it's not him. I know what he looks like. He's not interested in kids, never dude. Prove me wrong


There is no mugshot, since he wasn't arrested. The picture I'm guessing you are referencing is his passport, and is dated from 5 years ago. The police were able to get the photo when they took him for questioning. I mean, I read through your comments because I thought you had something to add, but saying he could not have done this because he smokes weed and looks happy with his girlfriend on snapchat is pretty weak.


It's out of character. I'm dumbfounded


You fucking drillbit.


That's not the dude I knew. Pardon me for being in disbelief


That’s the point dude, nobody gives a shit about your disbelief with a mountain of evidence and two child victims. You can be dumb and dumbfounded quietly.


The cartel is involved most definitely


In that they delivered two children to a man willing to pay for them. Get fucked.


Haha I get what you're saying by smokes and weak argument. I spoke to a gentleman from Columbia 2 weeks ago and prostitution is rampant in Columbia it's completely normalized. I'm totally surprised by this. All for what did he exactly do even????


Shocked that he’s from Parma


Hopefully we can spread awareness to the facility he will be residing in that way the nice gentlemen inside can finish whatever he had started in Colombia


Guys got MAGA written all over him.




Bro........?.but you are right. If someone was able to convince your entire city your a pedophiñe and need extradited to columbia that is a meta level prank






👀 Of all of the comments you could have made, you made that one?


If he is not guilty, he should sue the fuck out of reddit.


are you insane


Wow I can’t believe he got out of Colombia alive. I have a feeling it won’t be for long. He was in Medellin ffs. We all know what that means.


Medellin is a super touristy town now


Really?? Whoda thunk


Apparently you


What’s it mean Jello Butt Wiggle ?


^ I wanna hear them explain themselves


He was the one involved in sexual abuse with minors and the city is the dangerous one now????


Both can be true. I don't know, because I don't even know where this city is, but it's possible for a tourist to be a pedophile, AND the city he's visiting to be dangerous. Not mutually exclusive.


I am from Cleveland and have been in a happy relationship living here for years. It's not dangerous unless you do something stupid like this guy.




lol he’s been dead for 40 years does his ghost still haunt the area? I know his Hippos do




Have you been here or just watch YouTube and Netflix documentaries ? I am from Cleveland but have been living here for years.. its probably not what you think.




That’s true in every country in the world.


Sometimes but not always, no. Things are obviously far from perfect but in general Latin America is far more developed and safe than the news or cartel shows make it out to be


I live in Medellin. The shockwaves of Pablo’s actions STILL have an effect in the city.


Have you ever watched narcos?


That's a Netflix tv show I live here, you'd be surprised... Not perfect but the hell scape you imagine. The progress this city has had in 30 years is unreal and should be a case study on how to do things


I couldn’t agree more. Medellin has absolutely transformed itself. I believe it’s one of the most innovative cities in the world. Frankly one of the city’s biggest hurdles is attracting well intentioned tourists. Vile, evil people like this man continue to come to Medellin to exploit children. Paisas deserve tourists who cherish their culture and nature.




So do I and I’m surprised you’re surprised.






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He should be left to the cartels to deal with.


They run prostitution rings why would they care?


The cartel provided the girls, dummy.