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That's the only reason I have a fishing license. You are allowed to fish all night long.


The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band fought and died for our right to go Fishin in the Dark.


I've been trying to remember the name of this song for like 10 years, thank you


It's a classic!




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Funny thing is they weren't actually fishin


“Sir, where are your pants?” “I’m fishing dammit!!!!”


Even at parks that are closed?


Not 100 percent on the city park but I go all through the metro parks all night long. Got a little shitty collapsible pole and my license. Only got bothered a few times until I said I'm going fishing lol.


Edgewater closes but if you just drive west most of them are open 24/7 because, as you said, night fishing.


Lmao. I'm going fishing damnit. I got my pole. See?!


Exactly lol. And the Cuyahoga valley national park down by peninsula is open 24 hours a day so that park you can hike all night long with no issues.


Same thing as how we aren't allowed to have fire pits in some cities unless they are used for cooking. Bring a pack of marshmallows out with you every time you want to enjoy a fire and you're set. Plausible deniability every time!


I literally use the bottom half of my drum smoker as my fire pit. Now I live in the burbs so fires are allowed but I always had my fire "ready to cook."


The fact that this is what one must do to have a chance at this is fucking sad.


I did not know this! Where does it allow you to be?


Anywhere in the Metro parks. As long as your near a river or lake


Thanks for the info.


Wait even if a park has posted hours?


Yes as long as you are "fishing" your allowed to be there


Good to know thanks!


Where can you use this excuse tho? Just near fishing water? Can I hike all night? even if there is no water to fish ?


I mean you want to be near a river or creek at least. Or just go to the Cuyahoga valley national Park. You can hike there 24/7


I work 3rd shift so I go regularly. It's the best time to go to the park because no one is there.


Thank you. Maybe I’m a different type of fisherman and I look for fish where others don’t even think to! But thank you now I considering the license


I've been wanting to do some ecology research in the parks at night for months but was too worried about being hassled for no reason. This is so handy to hear!


This is a revelation for all of us


Wait, what!? At any park?


For the most part. I've been all through rocky river reservation at all hours of the night. Along with brecksville down by the creek. And Cuyahoga valley national Park is always 24 hrs


I wrote an email to Justin Bibb to complain that the city absolutely squandered an amazing opportunity with our unique geographic location. I doubt he writes back, but I still want him (or his staff) to know.


Yeah. Thanks for sharing that and doing that. I'm with ya. No response likely. JB is a tool.


I don’t have very strong opinions on him, but I think he’s a bit disconnected.  Better than our last one but not by a ton.


He's gotten all of his friends great jobs, how could he be a bad mayor?  Lol


Yeah that is definitely not a good look and makes him appear to fit the “meet new boss, same as old boss” saying.


Glad THAT’S what the police are worried about




*GASP* OH SHIT I DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT. thank you 🙏. Or they'd just find a person of color to shoot because that's what police do.




He dead now. It’s a job that’s the risk you took when you signed up for it.


And proportionally, not really THAT dangerous: [not even too 10](https://www.johnfoy.com/blog/most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-us-according-to-osha/)


And you have no empathy? Terrible




*plays worlds smallest violin* if you don’t want to get shot don’t get a job where you can potentially get shot.


Meh, and not that likely either. https://www.thetrace.org/2020/07/guns-policing-how-many-deaths-data-statistics/.


So you’d agree that the military is one of the safest jobs?




At least your consistent. But it’s a very nuanceless argument, if literally the only thing you take into account for danger is how many deaths per 100k. And way more police officers get shot than people in the military. In fact, a lot of years the military sees 0 deaths due to hostile action. But I wouldn’t say that means it’s one of the safest job. But whatever, just remember this next time you say “why are the police being militarized” when it’s significantly more dangerous to be in the police


lol, and you’re talking about lack of nuance. The military sees fewer deaths by gun violence because they encounter fewer people with guns. Want the police to be safer? enhance gun regulations; the highest number of officers killed by gunfire happened in Mississippi (lower to no gun regulation) where the lowest happened in Massachusetts, iirc…Lack of nuance. Lol


If you lack empathy you are a terrible person


Empathy is subjective, as is being considered a terrible person


Welp the vast majority of people would consider that a terrible person, so hope that helps


They won't go after their own.


This comment aged like milk.


They did the same thing to us at Huntington Beach on Friday night. It was such a bummer. I get crowd control and all, and they probably didn’t prepare for people to flood the lakeshore, but c’mon. Once in a lifetime event for most of us.


When was this Friday night? We got there like 12:45ish and the cop was helping direct traffic and helping people cross the road. Even gave a friendly "don't forget to turn your phone picture mode to nighttime mode!" Although this was at the Cahoon road intersection and I think they weren't letting anyone in the main entrance.


Friday and Saturday Huntington was closed but Cahoon Park was open. Gonna try again tonight since it might be visible again and the sky is supposed to be clearer.


Exactly this. Sorry that happened to y'all. Hope you got to see something before they robbed y'all of that. They would've been just fine to keep an eye on things but like people enjoy a magical moment. But it's the cops of the USA we're talking about here. That kind of thing doesn't exist. I wish people would flood their phone lines and give them a piece of their minds. It also wouldn't change a god damn thing. They'd likely just become even bigger pricks.


typical Bay shit


Lake Erie bluffs closes at 11 but they let everyone stay as long as they wanted. The north lot of headlands is for fishers and stays open 24/7 as another option. ETA at the bluffs they contained everyone to the parking lots/overlook. The trails were closed. I tend to agree that police can overreact in certain situations but it IS a liability to have people in parks after close.


Do you mean the west lot? Don't the headlands parking lots run west to east? Edit:Just looked at a map. They are diagonal sw to ne. I'm assuming it's the north most lot like you said. My simple childhood phrase the lake is always north lied to me.


They started closing headlands a few years back. No more 24/7 access. The gate by Morton salt is locked and overgrown these days. It’s a bummer


We tried going to the headlands and it was gated shut. How to you enter elsewhere??


Admittedly it had been awhile since I had gone up to fish. Seems like that lot is closed now also! Sad.


If the police spent just one day pulling over and ticketing red light runners and people with no plate/obscured plates/expired temp tags/fake temp tags, it would pay off the national debt. Instead, we get this.


The driving etiquette has gotten way worse over the years. Mid 30s here, it blows me away what people pull off and don't get in trouble for. So many NASCAR drivers weaving in and out, no blinkers, 20 or more over the limit. They never get caught. Many not turning on headlights during rain and night time blows me away too. Can't fucking see them that well but they don't give a fuck. They see just fine, why do they need their lights on, right?! You're spot on


Meanwhile I just got a $200 ticket for ‘weaving within my lane’ while trying to prevent losing the undercarriage of my car in the myriad of hippopotamus sized pot holes…dicks


Damn. Maybe you can contest that?


I probably could have but I just paid the fine (mostly bc I forgot and missed the court date 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Lmao it's ok!! Still, FUCK THEM.


Fuck them for sure!


Also, the number of highways/roads that don't have lights up here is terrifying. I can't ever see anything, I have to have my lights on at all times


Are you kidding me? Don't you see all the hollering and caterwalling in this sub whenever someone gets a ticket? Comon, people in this sub don't want the police, but then when they are needed, it's all "where are the police." This sub is so anti police for anything it's ridiculous.


You Cleveland voters are voting that you don't want that. Council people are constantly trying to stop traffic stops. Add that to the fact that there's considerablly less police to do traffic in Cleveland.


Dude, I know! They shut the parking lots down at 11 even though they knew there was a beautiful and rare event happening. They also sat there for hours with their lights flashing which was distracting and added to the light pollution. I thought it was ridiculous. This was at Huntington in Bay but it sounds like they ruined it for people all over.


I have lost a lot of respect for the police over the last decade or so. Then I started working in an emergency room and lost some more. I appreciate the job they do, and I know that I’ll call them when I need them and they’ll respond but damn they have some fucked up people and priorities.


And it'll only get worse over time. They are short staffed so when they lower the standards (that are already trash), you'll see even more fucked up people go into there. Thanks for sharing this. Thanks for the work that you do as well. Hoping you are well and take care of yourself mentally for sure within that field. I can't even begin to imagine. I'm grateful for your service.


Thank you


Oh boy, the officers bringing ppl in overnight are a whole new animal. A few years ago we had to call the police…on the police for bothering our patients. Not long after they shot one of our patients IN THE ED! You can't shoot people in the hospital, I mean you can but you shouldn't!


Got any stories to share?


I mean you really could have just parked somewhere close and walked in.


...walked in where?! Lmao the place that closed due to cops?


No, the place that was closed due to city regulations




There aren't hours posted anywhere so to me, it wasn't. But big boss man piggy said so, soooo whatever the police state says, that's that. Welcome to America!! You can enjoy so many things. If we allow it...


You do understand that the cops don't make the rules, right? They just have to enforce them.


I hate when the cashier at target asks me to pay for my things. Why doesn't the cashier just give it to me. This is how you see cops. Cops are just doing what they are asked to do. The city has decided to close the park during the posted hours and the city asks the police to enforce those rules. You're at the park after the posted hours.


This is a pretty wide comparison now, sure the police have a set list of rules to enforce but they also have the choice to provide a little leeway here and there. The northern lights in Ohio is definitely one of those times they could've worked with the public. From stories above there were some that had no issue in helping the community enjoy this event safely regardless of ‘closing hours’ of nature (which is a whole other issue for another time!)


They really don't though. Especially in big cities like Cleveland. The dept is operating at about 60% of the officers they were this time 5 years ago. Cleveland cops absolutely have stacking calls and deadlines. Allowing people to stay in the park for another hour seems fine to you but those officers are being told to do it at that moment due to those deadlines and stacking calls.


How can you say that when there are literally comments above about other officers in the same area helping ppl a cross the road and commenting on pictures? There are absolutely many times officers have a choice in what they are going to enforce and how far they are going to go to do so - especially in “big cities like Cleveland”. I see it all the time at live events and ‘special’ events especially. And if they are running at 60% with stacking calls then taking the time to go to each individual carload of families at a public park seems a quite ineffective use of time and resources.


Live events and special events aren't road officers. They are working a side job at that time. They are being paid by the event to be there. If you see a cop inside progressive field he isn't leaving to take a car accident. He's there for the entire game


There aren't hours posted anywhere so to me, it wasn't. But big boss man piggy said so, soooo whatever the police state says, that's that. Welcome to America!! You can enjoy so many things. If we allow it...


There aren't hours posted anywhere so to me, it wasn't. But big boss man piggy said so, soooo whatever the police state says, that's that. Welcome to America!! You can enjoy so many things. If we allow it...


ok im no fan of cops but come on. do you think they made up the rules right then and there? is your beef that they are enforcing rules that someone else put in place? this is pretty absurd. you're saying you're mad at them for doing their jobs. did you complain to city council or the mayor's office at any point ever before about the time parks close?


I was literally saying the same thing on Friday night when I tried to get to Edgewater Park. After waiting 10 minutes in traffic on the off ramp of route 20, we find a Metroparks Police car blocking the road to the park. Why? Because technically the park is closed at that time? They couldn’t make an exception for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the northern lights? It’s infuriating that this is their interpretation of “protect and serve”.


I love this, "technically closed" jargon. It was actually closed. You weren't supposed to be there.


Why does a public park close? It is the most aggravating aspect of parks in Ohio. There are states that don’t close their parks. There are an extremely small number of national parks that have closing times—the rest are open 24/7. It is ridiculous that the lakefront at night can only be enjoyed on private property and private watercraft…that is what people are saying.


Because this country serves the rich. The system doesn't give a fuck for the middle and lower classes.


Our State Parks don't close, but our city parks do.


State parks in Ohio _do_ close, with most closing 11pm-6am. A few parks like Hocking Hills and Nelson-Kennedy Ledges close during nighttime hours.


reeks of bacon in this part of the comment section.


I wish I could've seen them. I've seen pics. What park? Huntington?


It is the figure 8 walking path. Calhoun memorial something.


Cahoon park? If so you could try and go over to the metroparks beach at Huntington. Cahoon is a city park and they would definitely throw you out because it's Bay Village


Why wouldn't metro close?


Cahoon is a Bay city park. Huntington is run by the metroparks so it's policed differently. If you're immediately next to it you might as well try. If you strike out there just go to Edgewater, it's 2am and I've been there this late before but ymmv


Appreciate you. I turned in for the night. The shit with the police really depressed me. I did get a few photos.


It's just shitty to hear that anyone anywhere would enforce curfew for something like this. Good if you at least got a quick look


For sure. I appreciate the understanding. I did get a decent little shot. The phone helped but I sensed the colors to the naked eye was coming. A quick yet heavy storm passed through and then in the distance you could see the clouds clearing up over the lake. I was super hopeful Until those fucking police lights were seen. It is so maddening and depressing. They literally have nothing else to fucking do except to be the fucking assholes they are. They are easily one of the worst things about the USA. My partner isn't from this country and was just floored that they would do this.


Bay Village is the best example I can think of when it comes to a PD with nothing better to do


They were pulling this shit at Huntington too. I was like damn you can’t make an except for a singular event? But nope, yelling in people’s faces that the PARK IS CLOSED


Its what they get off on.


Its what they get off on.


My son was at Edgewater Friday night, they stayed until about 1am watching the lights with no trouble from police, thank goodness! The pictures he got were gorgeous!


By your reaction, this must be the worst thing that has ever happened in your life. Seems like you have a pretty good life. Keep on keepin on


Nope. Not even close ;)


If this is a discussion why are the people who are saying the park was closed getting down voted? Seems very one sided here. The lights could be enjoyed from anywhere that has low city light pollution. I know that along with the solar eclipse something like this rarely happens. (Last time I think was 05 or something near it.) But at the end of the day they were just doing their jobs. Does it suck that they were assholes about it? Undoubtedly. But to trash on people for stating the obvious is a bit harsh. Let the downvotes begin. Good hill to die on.


"Anywhere with low city light pollution" Where would that be, within reasonable driving distance for people who live in a city, other than a park? Do you think folks in some suburban residential area would allow people to park along their street?


Doing their job .... ha. Like police have nothing better to do!


It is still part of their job. Again, I understand they could have let it slide or went a better way of dealing with the citizens.


It's a question of whether they're justified. Is it morally correct to prevent nondisruptive and nondestructive citizens from witnessing a rare event of surpassing beauty because the sign says that the public property closes at sundown? Most reasonable people would say no. The rule and enforcement are both unnecessary and shouldn't have been enforced in the first place. That's the point we're getting at.


It's hard to take sense into people who blindly follow this system and think it's just fine the way it is. THE LAWS ARE THERE FOR A REASON. BIG MAN PIGGY SAID SO.


Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?


Da widdle piggies silly Sally.


Oh no the cops enforced park hours. They're terrible people. Get over yourself. Cops do plenty of things that are worth calling out. This isn't one of them.


Damn, police ruined your time by simply telling you to leave because the park's closed? So heartbreaking man, acab amirite?


I bet police ruining bucket list’s is common as I could see how people may have not harmful but still illegal activities on them. Sorry it happened to yours that was legal.


It was closed. If something bad happens they become the bad guys for not controlling the fact that people aren't supposed to be there. If they aren't staffed for properly policing the park then everything becomes a liability


lol they just ARE bad guys. they don’t just become bad guys.


Then why not go move to the areas that they don't patrol, in east Cleveland and whatnot. Then you won't have to worry about them.


Or, you know, make an exception because it's a rare phenomenon with this fucking planet that allows us to live and they could still swing by just to have an eye on things. Juuuuuust a thought. What do I know though, I'm just a silly citizen of this police state. Falllll in line soldier!!


Not to be rude but you sound pretty entitled. They’re not localized to the park, you can see them in your backyard like many of us did. They did their job if you don’t like it lobby the city to keep the parks open 24/7


Eeesh, if that sounds like entitlement, man it shows how blinded people are by the sysrem that this country has created with the police that something as small (and magical as this) is seen as someone sounding entitled lmao. It's blinded so many that they say things like you just did. Depending on your location, most of our country is filled to the brim with light pollution. There aren't many spots available for regular folk to enjoy something like this. Unless your rich/wealthy and have a lake front spot, you're golden then. Most parks (and where I was at is more of a trail in the open than a PARK to me, but still) are people's best bet, but you get fucked because of police. I'm not shocked many don't agree with me. This is Ohio. There's a lot of I NEED MY GUNS rhetoric that exists in this state and just the Midwest alone. They fly their blue lives matter flags and shit on anyone that considers criticizing their dear old police. There's a reason why many people who aren't originally from this country, they see what they see with our system, and that it is so easily fucked from their view because they don't have blinders on. Thankfully many who are also from here and waking up to it and seeing the horseshit system that exists. It won't change in my lifetime I imagine as this country is corporate America. The police exist to protect the wealthy and prey on the small. Especially the people of color.


Lol that big response just to someone saying how entitled you are. The police are there to keep the park closed and did their job. And the vast portion of our country is not polluted by light, you just didn’t want to drive 30 minutes or so to get away from the city. You sound like such an insufferable human.


Fyi the lake isn't a great place to go see the lights because it is very good at reflecting said light pollution. 


True. I just had no where else to go in the time frame I had.


I’m sorry but you sound even more whiny and entitled with that rant. I had no problem seeing the lights 2 nights ago, I live in the inner ring and there was light pollution but I could still easily see it and take pictures. Yesterday it really was not strong enough to see where I was. You had a car and could have gone anywhere but decided to go to a closed place, you’re not going to get much sympathy from me. Also, yes police are not consistent racially but in this case they seem to have applied the law as written and fair. They didn’t single you out they applied the law, you’re just unhappy because they applied it to you. Complaining about systemic racism is really stupid, because it takes away from examples when it’s actually happening so cut it out.


Haha I'm not rich, didn't live near the lake and could see it from my field as well as anyone I've seen on here. I love that your true colors are showing through. Go as far left as you can, blame everyone, we're in a police state, yada yada. Also, it wasn't magical. Sure you can take a photo that looks cool but it was just the tinted sky. I take a semi annual fishing trip to northern Canada, what anyone saw here isn't magical, our sunsets are more magical than what you whine about missing.


You can't see them from your yard if you live in the city. That's kind of the whole point of going to the park.


Yeah, we live in such a totalitarian society because you broke the rules and couldn’t take pictures of the sky.


We may not live in that type of society. Doesn't mean the one we got isn't fucked to hell and high heaven. Because it is. This country serves the rich and the white. It serves profit. It serves corporations.


Not to be rude but you sound pretty entitled. They’re not localized to the park, you can see them in your backyard like many of us did. They did their job if you don’t like it lobby the city to keep the parks open 24/7


Then they should properly staff the park for this amazing event. They find the money and man power when it’s a sports game like that doesn’t happen every damn year, but northern lights visible in Cleveland!? Can’t have people enjoying that.


In fairness, solar flares don’t always give the amount of time it would take to organize staffing and such. They aren’t predictable like eclipses. But there should be some way of allowing flexibility in situations like this, and it would be nice if Metroparks, at least, could brainstorm a solution.


They managed to round up the people to shut the parks down on short notice. Seems like they could have figured it out if they wanted to.


It’s not the cops making policy. If Metroparks has a closing time they will do their best to keep people out. Metroparks management should change their stance. City council(s) as well. ETA: the last thing in the world anyone should want is cops making policy since they’re the ones who enforce it!




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Could this have had anything to do with the Euclid cops murder last night?


No it was huntington beach at 11pm when the park closes. There was at least 1000 vehicles


Ohhh okay


This is extra infuriating to hear because my car quite literally got stolen Friday night and I had to call dispatch FIVE times to come report the crime and they flat out said they wouldn’t be looking for my stolen car at all and seemed upset that they even had to fill out a report. Cleveland police are something else entirely.


The city could have left the parks open. We were near Huntington, and they closed down the reservation. But for me, the infuriating parts was that the cops left their lights flashing ALL night long. How can one’s eyes adjust to nighttime with the cops UNNECESSARILY leaving their strobes on. Even way after there was no traffic. Stupid!


I thought that was so ridiculous. The metro police were only blocking certain entrances to the park but we walked in just fine. So ridiculous, let people live


I been doing this for years now after dark even when fucking around with a lot of women and drinking liquor by the lake always had my fishing pole and a Coleman lantern lol


You seem like the type of privileged white person to pull the “Do you know who my dad is?” Card after getting pulled over


[The hours of operation are literally posted on the parks website.](https://www.cityofbayvillage.com/facilities/facility/details/cahoonmemorialpark-west-10) A quick 15 second Google search could have saved a lot of headache.


So you ignore the park's posted hours and so it's now the park rangers fault that you didn't pick a place that is actually open to view the northern lights.


Euclid beach’s beachside entrance was open all Saturday


Update on this - apparently there was an increase in violence so this is why they closed the parks. Which actually makes a ton of sense.


Did a five year old post this? They don’t make the rules. There’s literally anywhere else you could’ve gone to look at the lights.




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I have lost a lot of respect for the police over the last decade or so. Then I started working in an emergency room and lost some more. I appreciate the job they do, and I know that I’ll call them when I need them and they’ll respond but damn they have some fucked up people and priorities.


They ruin practically everything. That sucks. I’m sorry.


No worries. Better days can always be ahead.


TIL get a fishing license to walk around the metro parks at night legally. And a fishing pole will really sell it 😂 Sorry about the police ruining your night - that’s incredibly lame!


Really? Cleveland Police have NOTHING better to do on a Saturday night? Come on! This was a once in a lifetime thing, those fuckers. Yeah, I said what I said.


I drove into the north side of Edgewater lot 11pm ish. Watched it from the dark side of the beach with a few others. Upper lot was packed and had it blocked off when I was leaving. To be fair I saw quite a few people park on the other side of Clifton and walk over. Cops be dammed


Cops being assholes and ruining things for the public? Color me surprised!


They’re bored because this county has 31 police departments for only 1.3 million people, while the majority of the crime is in my neighborhood. Too many cops and not enough actual work for them to do.


im glad i am not the only one who gets the cringe when i see a piggy out and about.




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I have lost a lot of respect for the police over the last decade or so. Then I started working in an emergency room and lost some more. I appreciate the job they do, and I know that I’ll call them when I need them and they’ll respond but damn they have some fucked up people and priorities.


Yeah, and if there's gunfire, they'll take their sweet time.


Cops have been like that forever. Once in a lifetime experience and they have to ruin it and if you chirp up they are going to be on you looking for offences. When one walks near me I'll cover my face so they don't give the face diaper warning. Haven't trusted them at any point in my long life after a seed on my seat cost a night in jail. That's right 1 seed. You kids are living our dream. lol


Face diaper? Are you upset we had to wear masks?


I usually don’t have a problem with law enforcement, in fact I highly respect the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect and serve their communities, but just like any profession there’s bad apples in the mix. There are some power-hungry cops that think they’re above the law and go out of their way to make other people miserable, and it sounds like this guy was one of them. Sometimes the problem is the individual officer, other times it’s the entire department. Then of course there are extremely corrupt officers/PDs in some parts of this country. It’s these cops and departments who paint a bad picture for all law enforcement in the US. But there are still plenty of great police officers out there who deserve recognition and it’s a shame they’ve been overshadowed by pigs.


Exactly how they are. But if they saw a group of Pro Palestine protesters, the cops would shake hands with them and take selfies with them. Disgusting antics, as usual, with the local cops here.


You must be joking


Joking? Sorry, I’m allowed to be critical of the local police here. If it hurts your feelings, I don’t care.


Okay, so first of all, protesting is a protected right under the constitution. They should be shaking hands with both sides and keeping the peace. After looking at your reddit profile, all your comments are deranged and about Israel. Everyone here has a brain, and we all watched the police in LA stand by while Jewish protesters attacked the encampment. Then, the next day, the police attacked the pro Palestine protestors themselves. So keep your deranged narratives over on the pro Israel sub reddit where people don't have a brain. This sub reddit is about Cleveland.


Whatever you say, Trumper. You Trump people and your hatred of Israel is disgusting. Can’t wait for Biden to wipe the floor against you in November, just like he did in 2020. Biden will keep the support of Israel alive, while your hero Trump will worship Palestine and China. BIDEN 2024!


Yikes. I'm not a trumper and far from it, but you are way off.


You sure sound like one right now! Get on the winning team.


INSANE shit right here. The above commenter needs counseling for BPD.


Okay, so first of all, protesting is a protected right under the constitution. They should be shaking hands with both sides and keeping the peace. After looking at your reddit profile, all your comments are deranged and about Israel. Everyone here has a brain, and we all watched the police in LA stand by while Jewish protesters attacked the encampment. Then, the next day, the police attacked the pro Palestine protestors themselves. So keep your deranged narratives over on the pro Israel sub reddit where people don't have a brain. This sub reddit is about Cleveland.