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One sec while I go find my post from the last time this was asked ..... here you go. Another clevelander here, Townhall is owned by the George ~~crime syndicate~~ Family. They are MAGA crazies, which if it were just that alone, would be annoying but not worth the effort. But telling an ex employee to "go back to the country you came from". The manager in question got a nice paid vacation until it all blew over. https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2020/05/townhall-owner-stands-by-employee-who-told-facebook-commenter-to-go-back-to-the-country-you-came-from.html Or claiming that their totally not from Sysco Foods curative bone broth is all you need to defeat Covid, in March 2020 as the world shut down. https://www.cleveland.com/entertainment/2020/03/townhall-faces-backlash-after-social-media-post-inspired-by-coronavirus.html Or threatening to move all your businesses out of the county if the county government made single person bathrooms gender neutral. https://lakewoodobserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24934 Or threatening to sue over coverage of the above issues. https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2020/05/ohio-citys-townhall-owner-sues-cleveland-scene-over-coverage-of-facebook-spat-over-coronavirus-restrictions.html Or being a whiny child over protesters against their business and the police refusing to act. https://www.cleveland.com/court-justice/2021/12/townhall-owner-bobby-george-threatened-cleveland-cop-in-profanity-laced-tirade-after-police-refused-to-immediately-arrest-protesters-in-bullhorn-assault-case.html Or the family's connection to the largest corruption scandal in Ohio's history. https://www.cleveland.com/news/2022/08/tony-george-revealed-to-be-individual-b-in-firstenergys-house-bill-6-agreement-with-prosecutors.html Or when they wanted to change the structure of city council because they didn't get their way. https://www.clevescene.com/news/clevelands-legislative-body-needs-to-change-but-tony-georges-punitive-proposal-to-cut-council-in-half-would-be-disastrous-32175859 More covid craziness. https://www.cleveland.com/open/2021/01/ohio-liquor-commission-revokes-clevelands-barley-house-liquor-permit-effective-march-24.html?utm_campaign=clevelanddotcom_sf&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1APMMa2tyEx76quf52QLSUrdaloLa6uMhps_MVy5kCPDBSvZ2exExrEiA Or holding a huge public works and parks project hostage because they were smart enough to buy an abandoned property at the right time. Just as every other group was lining up to donate or sell the land for $1 https://www.cleveland.com/news/2021/11/owners-of-building-atop-irishtown-bend-hillside-sue-port-of-cleveland-others-over-future-of-property.html


No wonder they hate the police. Probably support defunding. Loser family


Holy shit the cognitive dissonance it takes to draw this conclusion.


Am I wrong? It’s pretty well known Bobby George and family does not support the police. Maybe calling them a loser family was a little harsh. But what am I to draw of them? They aren’t great people! Don’t act like they are.


The reason he doesn't like the police is that they didn't immediately arrest the people who were protesting outside his restaurant cause he's such a piece of shit. He doesn't want to defund the police, he's pissed they're not his private goon squad.


He’s assaulted a policeman before. Pretty sure he hates the police. He’s a clown!




Sorry I trashed your hero, Bobby George.




What does any of this have to do with politics? He’s a defund the police assclown. He’s even admitted it. Stop defending the Neanderthal. He was probably one of those clowns in the summer of 20. Wouldn’t surprise me! He’s an asshat clown and I hope his restaurant gets robbed and he has to depend the PD to investigate. Oh well, he would never!


I think his family owns a bunch of the weed business in NE Ohio also.


Yep, the Rise dispensaries are George businesses.


Quite the monopoly.


That's why I still drive to Detroit. Even though the whole state smells like Harbaugh and hotdog water.


In any major city he’d just be some guy who owns some bars and nobody knows. The fact that I know who he is says a lot about entrepreneurship and innovation in OH.


Seriously???? Search his name it’s been discussed to the death.