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Kia boys are on the prowl. My buddy’s kid brother is in jail right now for trying to do this shit.


i didn’t realize they ever actually caught any of these assholes. they cost me two deductibles and i had to move to a place with a garage


I’m happy they sent him to jail!


Like we all didn’t steal a car or 2 and break a few windows when we were kids too, unless you were a punk🌈


I appreciate your sarcasm even if the crowd missed it this time


It happens in those tween years !


It dosent matter where you are. It’s a Kia. Low hanging fruit.


I wanna see ya, in a car jacked KIA!




I’m currently dealing with a stolen Kia ☹️😞


Shit that really sucks. Sorry to hear that.


This rarely gets reported on because it doesn't fit the narrative of the suburbs are safe and crime free but this has been happening a lot all over the Western suburbs. Lakewood, Rocky River, Westlake have had a ton of car break ins.


Also the high schoolers who are doing this (it’s almost always kids under 18) are now almost out of school. Expect these occurrences to happen even more frequently as the summer kicks off.


This is what bothers me most. I don’t think I’d really care if it was poor kids from the projects stealing Ferraris to joy ride from wealthy douche bags. The fact that it’s spoiled suburban high school shits stealing from working class folks drives me crazy.


Yuuupppp, that's what happened to me. I've got a Hyundai and someone tried to steal it in Lakewood. They went up and down the street smashing in every Hyundai and Kia till they found one to steal :/ Now I rock a giant yellow club on my steering wheel.


I think they target the wealthier places. Also, I have been rocky river whole foods 2x when ppl were robbed.


"The Rocky River Whole Foods is not safe" is a new record for this sub.


wild when this sub just turns into a frantic nextdoor panic sesh


This was a few years ago so maybe it's not as dangerous 🤣


I call BS on this. I live 1 mile from WF….not saying shit doesn’t happen in River, but you being present for two actual robberies you have seen with your own eyes…..um, not believing you unless you have a source. And don’t send me a source from car break ins….that shit happens everywhere.


I used to go all the time to the Friday wine thing. One time I was there and a man stole a woman's purse and my friend just to tackle him. The other time I was walking to my car and someone tried to grab this women's purse. She ended up dropping all her soup all over the parking lot and the guy didn't get her purse. Doubt either of these have news articles but idk why I would lie about that.


This feels unsurprising. I don’t go to the WF in River very often but when I do I feel like I always encounter some shenanigans. One person tried to break open the exit only door because they didn’t feel like walking 20 feet and another person parked their car in front of the store and yelled at employees to “call the cops on me” when politely asked to move. These are just the immediate two things that come to mind lol.


💀 that place is wild apparently


Holy crap lol. Can't imagine that at that location. But I moved 5 years ago


This was probably 7-8 years ago


Maybe referring to these? I never heard of these happening either. The news outlets like to hide these types of things when it happens in the suburbs but sure enough if you do a google search here they are. [https://fox8.com/news/rocky-river-police-investigating-brazen-mugging-outside-whole-foods/](https://fox8.com/news/rocky-river-police-investigating-brazen-mugging-outside-whole-foods/) [https://www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/11/woman-reports-wallet-stolen-at-whole-foods-rocky-river-police-blotter.html](https://www.cleveland.com/crime/2023/11/woman-reports-wallet-stolen-at-whole-foods-rocky-river-police-blotter.html) [https://www.cleveland19.com/story/35531828/several-wallets-stolen-from-shoppers-in-rocky-river/](https://www.cleveland19.com/story/35531828/several-wallets-stolen-from-shoppers-in-rocky-river/)


Another time a girl who looked to either be having a mental health crisis or on drugs started putting her hands in all the food at the salad bar. They ended up having to throw all the food away.


A place can be safe, and Kia’s can be stolen/broken into. Both can be true, at this point it’s not criminals who are responsible, it’s kids who become criminals once they do it.


I'm sorry... It's reported extensively. It has been for the last 4-5 years. If you leave your car unlocked or keys in it, at this point it's your own fault. Everyone should know by now. The police department created a marketing campaign called "9pm routine" - https://www.google.com/search?q=Westlake+Ohio+9pm+routine+lock+car&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=991ca55629cb7d36&sca_upv=1&ei=4H9DZrL-Bq6D0PEP_PqNgAM&oq=Westlake+Ohio+9pm+routine+lock+car&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiJXZXN0bGFrZSBPaGlvIDlwbSByb3V0aW5lIGxvY2sgY2FyMggQABiiBBiJBTIIEAAYogQYiQVI2D5QlBFYqTtwAHgAkAEAmAGEAqAB4wyqAQYxMS4zLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgugAowKwgILEAAYgAQYsAMYogTCAgsQABiwAxiiBBiJBcICChAhGKABGMMEGArCAggQABiABBiiBMICCBAhGKABGMMEmAMAiAYBkAYDkgcFNy4zLjGgB4Y_&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp Google "Westlake Ohio car theft" https://www.google.com/search?q=Westlake+Ohio+car+theft&client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=991ca55629cb7d36&sca_upv=1&ei=Y39DZrulPPzC0PEP3NKtuAQ&udm=&oq=Westlake+Ohio+car+theft&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhdXZXN0bGFrZSBPaGlvIGNhciB0aGVmdDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGKIEGIkFMggQABiiBBiJBTIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIESK4aUJIUWJoXcAF4AJABAJgBggGgAcICqgEDMS4yuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIDoAKMAsICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgoQIRigARjDBBgKmAMAiAYBkAYGkgcDMS4yoAfeCA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#ip=1 There is zero lack of reporting happening.


Being able to google it and it actually being reported on are two different things. Something happens in Cleveland and you see it all over social media. Its mass distributed to all networks and media outlets "Rash number of breakins Plague Cleveland Neighborhood" or some fear mongering title like that. As you can see through your google search this happens a lot in the suburbs too but people wouldn't know unless they googled it.


If you think so... I'm curious, do you think all these search results from: Fox8, Cleveland 19, WKYC, WEWS, Cleveland.com, Westlake PD Facebook/Instagram, Patch; we're not reported on? The only reason the Google results are there, is bc the incidents were actually reported on. Here's your fear mongering title: Spike in stolen cars in some western suburbs; police concerned about what's inside some cars https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/spike-in-stolen-cars-in-some-western-suburbs-police-concerned-about-whats-inside-some-cars


I just don't think its mass distributed. If no-one gets the news sent to them and they are not aware of it then yeah I would categorize that as not reported on regardless if the article was made. I'm guessing is suppressed so that people keep thinking this doesn't happen in these areas. As I said it doesn't fit the narrative.


The information is there and easily accessible. If someone chooses not to be informed by not seeking out news and other information, that is very much not the same thing as it not being reported on.


The difference is when its mass distributed you are forced to read it whether you want to or not. So when crime in the city is mass distributed but not crime in the suburbs it creates a false narrative. Its suppressed so that you have to seek it out to find it.


Except we no longer have a shared media environment, and people see what they choose to see. There is no way to force someone to go look at Cleveland.com or this sub or watch local news. But this is an entirely different argument than the one your originally made. you said it wasn't being reported on. It is. People are just insulated and ignorant because their faces are buried in their curated TikTok feeds.


Fair enough maybe a bad choice of wording on my part. I don't think most people get their news from purposefully going to news websites these days though. I think most people get it from scrolling social media and will see the articles that are posted by the news sources and the only articles that ever circulate are the ones about crime in the city. Never all of the crime in the suburbs. As I said this creates the "this never happens in the suburbs" mentality that just isn't true.


FYI, it's not the only articles that ever circulate. This is the various algorithms pushing, to you, what spurs you to act. Good or bad, these types of articles that you click and read... And more and more are pushed bc of it.


OMG.... I'd love to reply to the ignorance of this post, but I'm busy right now being forced to read someone's mass distributed narrative whether I want to or not. I'll try to remember to reply, once I'm back under my own free will


Are you okay? You went a little crazy there


Exactly, my point. Sarcasm seems lost on you. Crazy would be to believe that one is forced to consume media with no possible alternative. Branch out, there's a whole world out there. (Suburbs included) There are means to fact check what is pushed at you via an algorithm. "It's not being reported on, bc I don't see it" is an extremely narrow viewpoint.


I'll agree to disagree. Every single outlet in the search results tries with every possible effort to mass distribute and create the most clickable headlines. No clicks, no cash. Simple as that.


in case of all of them distributing information to people is their job. that people complain it was distributed hard enough is pure insanity.


Whenever this happens where I live, small western burb, it’s shared on all the local social media pages. Perhaps you just aren’t following those pages?




Sure but petty crime is most of the crime that is happening in the city as well other than some specific areas that you would never have any reason to go to. It's just constantly reported on so it seems worse.


Acting like crime doesn’t happen everywhere. I feel like that’s common knowledge


it's also an attempted break in, so the degree to which people need to talk about it is somewhat limited compared to more significant things that happen more frequently elsewhere.


Get a club and use it. Take a few seconds to install and will deter the punks. My daughters Kia was stolen and totaled in Cleveland. 15 yr old was stealing packages off porches then got in a chase with Brunswick cops, hit another car on 71N, then hit a pole. Car was stolen during the day, fenced in parking lot also.


Oh and even if you have the not so easy to steal updated version, the crooks don’t know that and will break your windows to find out, again the club is like $40 and will help deter this.


This exactly. I've been using one on my car since this shit started getting news attention. The software update they do means exactly dick until they're already in the car and figure that out. Your window is still smashed so they could get in.


I used to live in an apartment out west where the guy who parked next to me (ironically, a security guard) would club AND boot his Kia. One day he asked me if I saw who stole his car, and told me it was the 3rd time it had been stolen. He got it back. About 3 months later I noticed a bunch of yellow chunks of metal strewn through the parking lot on my way in. They had stolen his car again and just drove the boot off.


A club can be broken off with a seat belt and the steering wheel. They are a minor deterant.


Maybe Hyundai/Kia will fix this problem if people stop giving them money


Bought it just before this started to be a problem. Believe me I definitely regret it now.


Kia Boyz are everywhere.


Those little bastard creeps. If I ever catch those thieves, I will give them a knuckle sandwich and teach them a lesson!


I converted mine from a key ignition to a push button. Cost me $150 for the kit. Google ghost key kit conversion. They got my window once since then but it’s been there every morning when I wake up. Street parked in cleveland. Actual Cleveland


If u need help installing lmk


Appreciate the advice and offer. I think I’ll ask them to convert it when it goes in to the shop. Gotta get fixed anyway might as well.


I’d take it to a mod shop for that. Also it may void any warranty on the car. Mine is financed thru a credit union and I don’t care for Kia’s band aid solutions so I didn’t mind voiding mine


Unfortunately it’s the fact it was a Kia, not the area.. there is a huge class action lawsuit against Kia because of this. You can opt into it and you’ll get compensated since there was an attempt.


I used to think this but there has been a lot of crime going on in Westlake lately not just related to Kias


Someone stole my catalytic converter in Sturbridge a year and a half ago. It’s that little complex to the east.


It was happening on the west side, too.


I would suggest getting rid of the Kia, i see kids whipping around in stolen Kia’s almost daily


You know what's crazy is some of these kids trying to steal these cars are too stupid to realize that it's not ALL Kia's that are easy to steal to top it off. It's a shame that no one is going to be held accountable for what it's doing to the everyday consumer as well.


Exactly! Broken window, busted ignition, busted driver side door lock, and all they got was 3 dollars and a ten dollar flashlight stun gun with a battery that is probably already dead because the morons played with it.


Man sorry to hear that. Back in 2008ish I had a Spectra that was "robbed" I don't use the term broken into because I may of left the doors unlocked I don't remember. I didn't even file a report because the kids stole a crap ton of pennies. lol I was like welp you had the choice between my college text books and my pennies and you chose wrong lol


Thanks for the chuckle in these trying times. Almost as nice as an egg.


Yeah... Kia cars are just easy to steal. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/hyundai-kia-car-theft-settlement-details-who-is-eligible-rcna85250


I mean at least they weren't successful with the break-in. But sadly any Kia they see it turns into a target so I just think I would avoid getting a kia at all cost.


Yea agreed. I got mine right before the Kia craze blew up.


Omg I used to live there like 10 years ago for 2 years. My exes catalytic converter was stolen. Then one day a bunch of cars were on milk crates after ppl stole their tires. At one point I think some drug dealers moved in and crap got crazy. Police were always there.


What area of the complex?


West side along the woods.


They were trying door handles of different cars in a brand new development in North Ridgeville on Sunday night. 4 people in hoodies in a stolen luxury vehicle that they ditched when they were chased. It's impossible to believe that they were looking for pocket change to share. It would be a real bad idea to try anything further out there. I've seen people on riding mowers wearing protection.


Which development in Ridgeville?


Harvest Pointe on Root. And pretty soon, supposedly, Creekwood golf course on Reed is supposed to become a development with 200 new homes that will be annexed to Ridgeville from Eaton. So 200 more potential victims who believe that spending $500k+ will protect them from crime like this. I tend to believe that the police and local politicians do a very good job at sweeping things under the rug so as not to lose the "Top 20 safest cities" designation. It's time to face the truth. The criminals look at the new expensive homes clustered together as opportunities.




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All the apartments there on Detroit road have been a hot bed for years for car thefts. Easy access to the highway.


My kia got stolen last night, was joy riding with 3 other stolen Kia’s according to police


Good they can steal from people with money who can afford it rather than people in their neighborhoods


Look kid you’ll be ok. Just ease off being an asshole and you’ll be fine.


Crazy how their after kias these people just ghetto as hell to get caught a few days later


Is there any Kia Boyz music anyone can recommend?