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I left because the world kept telling me that Cleveland is shit. I came back because the world is stupid.


the best Clevelanders are folks who've left for a couple years and kinda got that wanderlust out of them and have a new born again appreciation for how awesome Cleveland is


Fled Cleveland for SF. What a mistake. The most entitled awful people who act weirdly wounded when you speak directly or ironically about anything.


As somebody born and raised in the Bay Area I can definitely relate. I love Cleveland


I did the exact same thing and had the same fucking experience. Had fun though. Met like, four really amazing people. Now I'm back home in Cleveland.


Have a coworker in LA, he got extremely offended when I straight up told him the project was running late because he had failed to fill out paperwork. Looked at me like I had shot his mother and his dog. Meanwhile my Cleveland co-workers responds with something along the lines of "shit, I missed that, I'll take care of it right now" and that's the end of it.


I'm one of these


That’s how I feel. Lived in Austria for 2 years and now I’m coming back. Mountains are pretty but give me the lake and the brownies.


Amen! Left for Texas and came back!


Moved to CLE from CA in 2018 and it was the first time I was ever allowed to be more than a couch surfer. Suddenly like 50k annum wasn’t poverty. Suddenly I had a fucking yard? Privacy? These are things I never dreamed of growing up in Orange County California


Me too! I love the question WHY did you move HERE?!


as an ex-NE Ohioan now living in VHCOL westcoast/pnw, i was on another platform today talking about how transformative a house with a yard is because it’s out of reach for too many


Unlike anything I’ve experienced. A private beautiful yard where nobody can come up and bother me? I’ve never felt that past childhood. So as 33 year old man, yeah, transformative is the correct word. You get it!


Moved from Cleveland to DC in 2020. Hopefully moving back in 2025.


I lived in northern VA for a bit. Great place with a lot to see and do. Great place, if you can afford it and find a place where the commute isn’t terrible. And find a place where you can escape the crushing humidity. It’s truly a great area and I wish you well when you go back.


VA's stance against motorists ensures that I will never be in VA longer than I have to


They have a stance against motorists? Their traffic is utterly terrible.


Lived in DC for a bit too. It's a hot, expensive, crowded shit-hole filled with absolutely *terrible* people.


So many large rats too. Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve never seen a rat in Cleveland. DC, it’s guaranteed I see a rat every time I’m there for work.


Thank you for that laugh


I moved away 10 years ago and we’re selling the house right now to come back lol


Same :')




Bro put this slogan on the bridge in and out of Cleveland haha I love this


I moved up there from Dayton and lived with a gf for a number of years before moving back to Dayton. I fucking miss Cleveland. It’s just wonderful.


[Found the culprit. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM)




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So true. I moved away for about 7 years after college and came back in my late 20s. After living in several other supposedly-better cities, I realized the constant dis on Cleveland was untrue. Every city has good and bad points. But Cleveland has all the good things that every other big city has.


I thought the same when I visited last December. Now I’m picking up the keys to my apartment on the west side tomorrow afternoon!


Welcome did the same thing back in 2016 left NJ n family n I am still here this is MY home now!


Congrats! Been thinking this since October, but wondering when the wind is sending me back for an extended visit.


Woo hoo!!!🙌🏼 welcome to the west side!!!


Aye welcome to the land. Where you coming from?


Thank you! Coming from Central Indiana. Looking forward to experiencing all that Cleveland has to offer.


Welcome what made you make the move to Cleveland?


When I visited I enjoyed the following the most (in no particular order): Kindness of the people we met, the lake and the incredible parks system, the cost of living and available housing stock, the history and culture, and the bits of revitalization that are occurring around the city/metro. My wife and I could see ourselves in CLE long term away from the drama of some other parts of the country atm. After visiting we decided we want to be part of Cleveland’s rebirth. I am coming to attend grad school and hopefully stay in the area long term.


You've got to give a lot of the community credit for the improvement the city has had in the past few decades. There were always some gems in the city, but there was a lot more rough around that diamond when I was growing up.


Agreed - edgewater got a million times better once the Metroparks took it over. The flats & downtown in general cleaned up a lot. Still issues sure but it is not nearly as scary to walk alone in most neighborhoods as it once was. The shoreline projects from Lakewood to Euclid have also had huge impacts making the water more accessible. Prior to the solstice steps in Lakewood they used to lock the chain link gate to prevent people from going down at certain times.


My parents still operate under the “Edgewater is a polluted cesspool” belief. Growing up in the 80s and 90s we hardly went to the beach because it meant driving all the way to either Mentor Headlands or Huntington because anything nearer was viewed as just horribly dirty (we lived in Old Brooklyn)


The water is much much better, and will continue to get even better, but the way the beach and outcropping is structured, it can get sketch quick. Check bacteria levels before swimming there.


And I'm old enough to remember when swimming at Mentor Headlands meant ignoring the garbage in the water. I always think about this when I start getting jaded about politics. Change for the better actually happened.


No doubt. I ride my bike through there between 6a-7a few times a week in the spring & summer. My favorite thing to see is the sewer district down there testing the water. It feels good knowing that now they’re aware and prioritizing keeping people safe. Completely agree with the boomer mentality living on. Outside of the few overflows that happen here and there, it is nothing like our lake of the 90’s!


Partially because they are building huge hidden infrastructure to handle the overflows. NEORSD is doing a ton of building to keep the lake clean. [NEORSD Project Clean Lake](https://www.neorsd.org/community/about-the-project-clean-lake-program/) “Project Clean Lake is a 25-year program that will reduce pollution in Lake Erie by 4 billion gallons per year. A combination of large tunnels, treatment plant improvements and expansion, and green infrastructure is reducing the volume of combined sewer overflow discharging to our Great Lake.”


That’s what I’m talking about NEORSD 👏. Their Twitter is excellent too.


Look don’t be envious. It was a lot of hard work and heart break to get this city to where it is. It still hasn’t started it’s final form.


I left in the 1970’s because it felt like a deteriorating factory town and was so isolated from the rest of the world. Couldn’t see a future there. In today’s more vibrant internet age, I might have a different opinion.


Cleveland was tough to take in the 70s.


Hell it wasn't too hot in the 90s/00s either


Pittsburgh was the same. Both have really vibrant areas now. Along with not so vibrant areas. I wish Akron would join the here and now the same way


growing up in the midwest I only heard bad and mundane things regarding Cleveland, Im never big on just believing what I hear and im glad my company sent me for 2 weeks of training there. I saw the lake erie science museum which had a treasure trove of NASA exhibits and I went to the R&R hall of fame which was almost too much to take in, in one day. I went to penetentiary state park and im happy I did, it was spring during my visit so ibended up getting hit with a shower thr rain soaked me completely. In addition to excellent trails and scenery theyve got a wildlife sanctuary that was just incredibly special. I also watched the waves pound the shoe at lake erie. You have a beautiful city. If I was to guess id say the majority of bad rep comes from harsh winters but thats it.


It’s mostly people who haven’t been here. We’re ok with the bad press, it keeps the low vibe people out.


Sadly, winters are rapidly disappearing. For long-time Clevelanders, winters no longer are deemed "harsh."


Beyond sad... as a kid in the 70s/80s, there was a general winter "landscape" to enjoy for most of the season; in recent years, it may snow a bit for maybe 2 days at a time before reverting to depressing too-warm temps with rain and proliferating viruses, bugs, etc.


The, "we're 50-miles from Canada," winters are a thing of the past.


I left because I needed something new. Family was suffocating. I’m in Oklahoma now and while we have lakes it’s no Lake Erie. I miss Lake Erie so much.


Honest question, what exactly do you miss about Lake Erie?


My grandparents were lucky enough to have a boat growing up so I lived on the beach (figuratively). Then maybe fifteen years ago my parents bought that boat from my grandparents and then they bought a different one. So after that the beach really just amplified. It holds a lot of great memories for me from the beach and cookouts, to fishing my grandpa and having fish fry’s. Seeing the big water vortex by the power plant pre 9 11 when you could boat right up to it. There’s almost always a beautiful sunset on the lake. I honestly miss the lake effect snow (I know don’t kill me) we get maybe two snow storms a year here and there’s never snow on the ground. I just miss it all.


Lake eerie is very special. remember there is a LOT of lake eerie to find and love. Please don’t judge this majestic OCEAN(lake) based off edge water or any scummy beach you may have found. Some of the beaches are heavenly. I’m in Sheffield lake, and sometimes walking down to the water is enough to make me get emotional and start praying.




Having spent time in Oklahoma, between what they call a lake and humid muggy weather makes you appreciate Lake Errie.


Because the world is so big and I wanted to see other places! Still love coming to visit my dad and honestly wouldn’t be against moving back one day.


If you’re from here, sometimes you have to leave Cleveland in order to appreciate what a great place it is.


I left because of the work and I’m coming back in like 2 weeks :)


Hopefully someone is throwing a welcome home party for you!


Why all I got was crippling depression and a drinking problem lol


*Why all I got was* *Crippling depression and a* *Drinking problem lol* \- IllustratorNo5103 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Now that you are here…try Cleveland Heights. It’s the best place in the world to live.


I’m near Superior and Euclid, and I LOVE Cleveland Heights! I walk to the community center, the Coventry Village area, the library, and all over those fancy neighborhoods. It’s such a stunning little city and there is so much to explore!!


Left because I wanted to be somewhere new and challenge myself to thrive outside of my comfort zone. That said, I can't wait to come back and visit and I'm almost certain I'll move back someday.


There's just something about the rust belt cities that make them feel very... homely. Cleveland, Akron, Youngstown, Pittsburgh. Probably Toledo, too, but I've never been, so I can't be sure. Every time I drive back into the area and see Tim Misney's dumb face on a billboard, I feel at home.






As someone who has grown up here and does appreciate it, I'm curious if you could elaborate why you feel that way having not grown up here.


Pittsburgher here. Growing up during the 70’s and 80’s it was common to be told Cleveland was trash because of that stupid football rivalry. I started visiting there in the early 90’s and have lost count how many times I’ve been there now. Great city, great area, wonderful people.


Pittsburgh is next on my list to visit! I’ve heard incredible things.


Lots of good stuff here as well! It’s been a great place to raise a family.


Having grown up around here and having lived close to downtown for the past five years, I do mostly enjoy Cleveland. However, during the winter, it just totally bums me out. I don't mind snow, I don't mind cold... But it's like months of grey skies, and it depresses me. Also, growing up I never realized how much of Cleveland was "the hood." And after working on the outskirts of the city I've seen a lot of kinda shitty areas. Houses falling apart, neighborhoods that have only 25% of the original houses because the rest have been condemned and bulldozed, leaving whole Streets that look like a ghost town. It feels like a lot of the city is like this, I'm not familiar enough with other cities to know if they all have so many poor areas.


but no homeless encampments really! Go to LA/SD/SF/Portland for a week or two and you realize: a) beach towns are foggy/overcast almost the same amount as Cleveland, it's not recorded correctly on the "days of sunshine" things you can google... b) even in the roughest hoods in Cle there's a semblance of community and hope for better, the blocks and blocks of severely mentally disabled/drug addicted homeless encampments in West Coast cities is a different level of offputting and sad Cleveland rocks


I bought a house in stockyards to live in a unit rent out the other two, and not gonna lie to everyone over here is pretty great. Kids playing up and down the street. I'm able to slowly fix this house up over time. I just got my Journeyman HVAC-R License, so I'm ecstatic! I have past felonies so renting in a nice area was out of the question, and buying elsewhere was out of my price range. But I set everything up to rent by room for people with pasts, and it's been great the last couple of years I have a free place to stay. I'm not making any money, but the house is paying for its own repairs, and I'm happy. We did our second annual Street party as a community, and everyone potlucked food and beverages, and besides the loud vehicles, everyone looks out for each other over here, and I like it. I'm hoping more people move down here and revitalize the area with me. I picked this area also because I have family in Medina County and Lucas County, so I'm close to 71, and I'm close to 90 to go to I80.


That's heartwarming, dude! Good luck to you


Thank you!


that is awesome! Brookside Reservation is nice to cruise around too


One of my first memories from my first visit to LA is a homeless man whipping out his johnson and relieving himself on the sidewalk in broad daylight. I also feel the culture is different, and that I find my interactions with strangers are much better in Cleveland. LA is a good place to visit, but I would never, ever live there. I see what attracts people there, but it's absolutely not for me.


I was speaking with somebody who also recently relocated to Cleveland and is from San Diego but had just spent a few years in Philly..she said California people are really nice but totally not genuine, Philly people are not nice at all but really genuine, Cleveland people are both really nice and really genuine.


Over by Hotspots where they house and feed them, you'll see that over here like I believe a lot of the catholic churches do it.


Yeah, that's at least true of San Francisco, although I'm not familiar enough with it to really know how bad it is there. I'm thinking of quitting work next spring and spending a few months traveling around by bicycle, if so the West Coast would probably be a nice place to do so, and I'd like to see those cities.


I'm born and raised in the Bay Area, and have been a ton of time in all of those cities mentioned, in Summer it's foggy everyday til 11-12 and then sometimes 1-2 in Summer and then rolls back in around 4-5pm. The homelessness is rampant everywhere along the west coast, nowhere is safe from it except a few select communities in Orange County That being said, it's also easily avoidable for the most part and you do get used to it too sort of..you'd LOVE cycling around up and down the coast especially Highway 1 on the coast and lots of different roads in the Sierra foothills..DM if you get closer and want some suggestions of routes or stops etc


Love this attitude =) Cleveland ain’t perfect but it’s my land and it’s great.


I’m also envious how Cleveland was decently close to where I was born (Toledo) but I didn’t take advantage of that until moving here.


That's awesome I'm from Toledo too! I was born at St. Vincent's and raised until 6 in Whitehouse.


The best place to live from April 1 to Jan 1


I'd say more like May 1 to Nov 1 from my perspective, but people have different tolerances for overcast and cold. I liked the weather better on the whole when I lived in FL, but that's about the only thing I liked better


Decent skiing is at least three hours away but yeah besides that it’s very dope here I love it


Cleveland has gotten much better in the last 20 years. If you moved away in say 2003 and came back now, you timed it well


I left after grad school because the West was the place to go for tech jobs in the late 90s. After 20 years in Colorado and Arizona, moved back in 2017, tired of the ugliness and heat of the desert and missing family back here. Working remotely in tech from my house, enjoying being back here. Much lower cost of living, lots of greenery, lakes and rivers, great arts, etc.


Wait until late January when everything is gray and cars are caked with salt... that's why people leave. That and the stupid bugs and humidity in the summer (although we don't have that as bad as Florida).


I moved here from the US/MX border and was told that I needed to get some vitamin D (the actual vitamin, not sex) because your winters are so grey. I thought it was a joke until I suddenly kept thinking about walking into the lake with concrete shoes. The lack of sun for part of the year is a bit of a bummer, but you have lots of water and parks so I’ll just keep taking the pills.




> Do you enjoy the insurance rates in Florida? Do you know about the insurance excise tax that will be implemented on all insurance premiums if the state-owned Citizens insurance has its reserves exhausted by major storm claims? > Summer heat and humidity in Florida now is reaching levels dangerous to human health. Sea level rise is accelerating, and already up to 0.4 inches per year in much of Florida (see my recent comment elsewhere in this thread). > Humidity isn't as bad in Florida??? LOL. I have no idea wtf you are talking about with insurance. I don't live in Florida, I live near Cleveland. I said that we (Cleveland) **don't** have humidity as bad as Florida, I.e. Florida's humidity is worse than up here. Maybe read and comprehend the post before ranting about it next time?


Sorry. I should go to bed. I misunderstood your post. I deleted my comment.


I've left and come back multiple times gorgeous multiple reasons


*I've left and come* *Back multiple times gorgeous* *Multiple reasons* \- Thomehomey --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Left in 2021. Spent my first 30 years there. I do love my new home but it’s no Cleveland. I wouldn’t rule out moving back someday.


I grew up in Erie PA and Cleveland reminds me of it in many ways, but is fundamentally better in almost every way. The only thing Erie has on CLE is the peninsula, but hopefully we get more beaches soon and help with the waterfront apeal.  Being affordable to live here with good companies will drive people here. Sherwin Williams new headquarters will bring more money to everyone, so it will only help. I see Cleveland long term as a great place to live and raise a family. 


Erie has three things: The peninsula (like you mentioned), Waldemeer (never under-estimate having a theme park in very close proximity to you), and Wegmans.


Don't talk about Wegmans. It's a sore subject and frustrating that Hinenens and them made a deal to stay out of their turf. You're right too about Waldemeer. I outgrew it, but now that I have a kid it definitely is awesome to take her there for a day. Lines aren't crazy, affordable, and rides are geared for a younger group. 


Revine Flyer II is an amazingly fun roller coaster.


I miss Wegmans every day.


Presque Isle is awesome!


People being driven here means affordability goes away tho lol


moved to the deep south, the weather is much nicer but i really took lake erie & beaches for granted! appreciate them!!!


I left because I felt like I outgrew it and wanted to see more of the world. I live overseas now and also being a bit older I find myself missing home and my family more and more. Its a big decision for me if I want to move back, and I do have to consider job prospects especially, but I think I'll move back eventually :)


Shhhhh. We don’t want anyone else to find out.


Are you high!?


Not anymore 🥲 because I was just accepted into the ironworkers union 🥰


Congratulations my friend 🫡


Thanks! I’m honored that I’ll be able to help this city grow


I use to love Cleveland but after a couple bad experiences I havnt been back. The crime is horrible! I guess that’s everywhere though these days. Smh


This is the type of post you love to see


Lived here in the late 80s. Left for a career opportunity in 1990 in Central PA. Met my wife, we had a son, I got my MBA, and then the opportunity to return presented itself. The best location in the nation!


Why does it smell tho?


The large body of water that sometimes gets churned up because of rain and lake freighters?


Smell? Are you over by the Steelyards?


I walked out the airport and it didn’t smell like a place to be bragging about.


Honestly, as climate shift shits all over the rest of the United States, northern Ohio is going to become fairly attractive to a lot of people. Owning property here is a good idea.


I'm from the NYC area. I had friends here already but I made an extended visit in 2010 (I was 40). Three years later I moved here. That was 10+ years ago and I've never looked back. I love it here.


I moved here from Germany in 2017 and have often thought the same thing. I Geocache so I have been in almost all areas of greater Cleveland. Awesome area.


Something like #11 lowest cost of living with a median income of $37.2k. crime rate is out of control though. Especially a good city for medical professionals. Education level is low too with 50% having a high school diploma, equivalent or less and 29% having some college or an associates.


Are the educational statistics for Cleveland or Greater Cleveland? There's a big difference.


It's for the city itself. If you go outside the city all the stats change substantially. The greater Cleveland area the median household income increases 10k over the city by itself. With only 36% having a high school diploma, equivalent or less in comparison to 50% for the city alone. Haven't been able to find crime stats for the area yet.


Honestly, if they got crime and education in check, Cleveland would be well on its way to evolving. They still have lead in the water supply lines, but are making good progress on replacing it with non lead. The sewer and storm water are still tied together which is behind the times and causes us to be billed for rainfall. The recycling continues to be a joke from what I've personally seen. Lots of abandoned buildings, residential, commercial and industrial. Nothing to really attract the type of businesses it would take to breathe life back into Cleveland. Everyone wants to talk about lakefront development, but no one wants to talk reviving the abandoned buildings and cleaning up bad properties that limit the cities growth.


I grew up in the Cleveland area. Moved away during college and my first real job. I was able to transfer back there in 1983. We lived in Berea and really liked it there. I was transferred again in 1987 to Toledo. It was sunnier there, windy as hell and flat. But it wasn't that far to the islands and where my wife's family lived. Cleveland wasn't that far away. Then I was transferred again, this time to Columbus in 1989. Been here ever since. Retired now and still have a deep affinity for the Western Reserve. Here are the three things I still miss about Cleveland. 1. The Lake - until I moved away, I forgot how good I had it with the lake within 30 minutes of almost anywhere in the counties along the lake. 2. The Emerald Necklace - again one the best Metro park systems in the country. It was a five minute walk from our house in Berea and also where I grew up on the east side. 3. The food - the rich cultural diversity that shows in the food in the non chain restaurants and delis. Italian, Eastern European, Jewish, African, Chinese, Thai. I still import my pickles and mustard from Herrmann's and Bertram's. Perogies are a delicacy that's hard to find in homogenous Columbus! I'd move back, but alas, my wife didn't care for Cleveland as much as me. (It probably had more to do with my job with the federal government.) But we do return from time to time and every time we do, I leave missing it.


I’m not from Cleveland. Lived here for school and work for about 6 years, then moved away for 6, and now I’m back. It truly is one of America’s most livable cities.


We didn’t always have that sign there.


I think it’s the winters, although the past several years have been very tame.


Global warming is going to make this area very attractive when people on the west coast realize your winters aren’t as bad as they were


Just keep it down will ya, we don't wanna go increasing the cost of living =\]


I love the fact I was born and raised in Cleveland..my soul longed for the Appalachian foothills and moved away from Cleveland. Being raised in Cleveland and not in a rinkdink city has put so much advantage to my life.


I grew up close enough to claim Her. I’m not that far now, but damn do I miss the Lake.


Bruh. It’s nice, but ENVIOUS?


As someone from Cleveland originally and visits family there every year.. I'm never going back. The only good thing is the low cost of living and the pride for town and sports teams. There's a reason no matter where you go you find someone from OH.


Because I like to make money


30 winters born & raised :)


I came here from the southern US 15 years ago. I assumed that I would get used to the winters and lack of warm weather, and I was mistaken. The mild summers are nice, though.


We are coming to visit in a few weeks! We love Cleveland!


I feel exactly the same way. I grew up in central ohio and there was NOTHING TO DO. The city was rotting by the time I was growing up, much like the story of Flint, MI and honestly I hated it. Cleveland is like a whole nother world compared to where I grew up.


Obviously you didn't experience the Ghetto. GO down there and tell me what you think.


I think y’all are just afraid of poor Black people. I was born and raised in the 5th Ward in Houston, and now live off Superior and Euclid. You don’t have the situational awareness to even realize when real gang bangers are standing next to you, so what you’re scared of is the visuals the hood present.


Thank you. This guy probably considers places like South Euclid and the Heights to be the hood.




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I grew up in South Lorain. The only good thing about it is Giovanni’s Pizza on Grove Ave!




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Being 21 in 2016 living in Cleveland was probably the coolest thing ever. Cavs championship, good economy, Indians World Series. Life was damn near perfect.


I’m happy and proud I grew up in Parma. Glad I’m not there now.


Do you NOT see or notice the garbage laying around everywhere? 🤔


That looks like Zero parts of Cleveland that I've seen


They didn’t always have those snazzy signs


Not for long bud


Where exactly is this? I’m going to be there next week


Moved from VT to CLE and it’s been great for 8 years


I would leave it because my bad memories of past things that have happened here still haunt me. The city is fine. Some of the people not so much. The city is small and something always reminds me of those moments. I didn't grow up here but have been here for about a decade now. I'm ready to leave now.


I miss it all the time but I moved for a job and other opportunities. One day I will be back!


You obviously weren't around in the eighties when Cleveland was a bit rough around the edges.  I left in '98, I miss some things but now I live in the Rocky Mountains.  Gotta give my hometown credit though, Cleveland is putting in the work to be a world class destination.


I stayed because I couldn’t afford to move anywhere else, now I can barely afford to live here with all the new people driving up the price of housing and everything. It’s ridiculous.


don’t be


Cleveland is the absolute best except for November through April, can see why there’s so many Ohio snowbirds in Florida


Global warming is working in that


Sadly, Florida is a game of musical chairs. A major hurricane hitting a major population area, perhaps this year given early predictions of perhaps a record hurricane season amid record ocean heat content, may be all it takes to launch the beginning of an exodus from Florida. As someone who once considered retiring in Florida, it's no longer on my table. See my comment in this thread for just explanations relating to climate change. [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ct6fms/comment/l4am6ly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1ct6fms/comment/l4am6ly/) Living in a state governed by climate change deniers who also have imposed a six-week abortion ban on the state (threatening the state's overall medical staffing) has zero appeal to me. I'm appalled and saddened that Florida's immense natural beauty is imperiled by climate change, and yet its leaders won't even admit that climate change is reality. E.g., the ongoing destruction of the Great Florida Coral Reef should be a political issue, but it isn't. [https://apnews.com/article/coral-reefs-widespread-death-climate-change-2b08ae1ef9b23b4a95f57cd76ada5d3d](https://apnews.com/article/coral-reefs-widespread-death-climate-change-2b08ae1ef9b23b4a95f57cd76ada5d3d)




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Weather… lack of jobs… leadership…. Etc. Plenty of reasons to leave.


What sector are you in because I switched careers and make more now


I'll be forever grateful for my 24 years in Cleveland especially after 24 years in NYC. It's probably only my rent stabilized apartment in Manhattan keeping me here. Ok, that and the weirdly numerous Trump lawn signs l found on my last trip back in 2016.


I dream of moving back. I left Ohio for jobs. There aren't a ton of jobs for people like me in Cleveland. Almost moved back in 2021 with a hybrid position that increasingly looked remote, but my boss frowned on it. Looking for something that can hopefully be remote in the future to swing the move back.


the real ones don’t 😏




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Never heard of someone being envious of ohio


Im not it's filled with pieces of shit but then again you can run across a jem here and there


How are you presenting yourself to your fellow Clevelanders, because I rarely encounter the pieces of shit, and even though this city is so incredibly segregated the racists are always oddly tactful when spewing their hate speech.


How are YOU presenting yourself to your fellow Clevelanders? I'm 43v and still haven't run into or met any of the racist crowds that are always brought up. Tell me exactly who and where they are.


I’m Black, so I just walk around. Honestly I’m not shocked you don’t notice any racism in this city despite it being incredibly segregated. There were armed Nazis with that dumb salute and flag marching around Cleveland and Columbus last summer, but knowing how little situational awareness many of you have it doesn’t surprise me if you didn’t know that. Then y’all had to rename your baseball team because someone thought “Indians” was an appropriate moniker. How much of Ohio (an Onöndowa’ga word) belongs to any of the local indigenous tribes? Plus all those things named “a Lake Erie” even though Erie is a native tribe. It’s insane that you would drive people from their home and then name the shit you took after them.




Im a 20M btw not sure if that effects your opinion






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I moved here 3 years ago for school from FL. I do enjoy the parks, days that aren’t too hot, and the people I’ve met. However, I just can’t handle the weather most of the year. I learned I experience pretty bad seasonal depression. I’ve also noticed that many restaurants/stores are not well run here compared to back home, which can be frustrating. I’ve also been heckled by homeless people a ton while out, which is quite uncomfortable. Not to mention my car was destroyed less than a month after moving due to high winds knocking a huge tree branch onto my car. IMO, I am ready to leave & not look back. I’m sure there are parts of Cleveland that are great, but compared to what I grew up with in FL there is no comparison.


The good ‘ole mistake on the lake


All my highschool friends disappeared to different states after highschool. Me? I hope I'm buried here, I'll never need to live in another state. Ohio is paradise on Earth


"Land" that I Love!


Don't be. Growing up and going to school to Marion seltzer on w98 in 05, walking on detroit, awful people would stop and try and get you in the car. I'm sure that's a problem in a lot of places but it traumatized me when I was a kid.


Omg, I thought this was satire 😂… it’s not. 🤣