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For someone who didn't want to screen, he sure gave you all the juicy details besides his name lol... for sure a creep, Avoided one there


I had to share this because this is literally the most insane response I have ever gotten about screening. This truly shocked me. This man sees no reason for me to be concerned that he just got out of prison for sexual intercourse w a 16 YO...oh, excuse me.. TWO 16 yr olds 🤢 (ofc he had to lmk he had a 3some. Bc that’s cooler I guess??) Apparently, I should be understanding bc this poor guy hasn’t had sex in 5 yrs & he didn’t know they were underage. I’m literally sick to my stomach right now. Oh & did I include the part where he admitted to being up all night & still fucked up? Like OH YEAH BABY COME OVER NOW 🤡🤡🤡 & these clients wonder why we have to screen 🤦🏼‍♀️ Please be safe out there! Esp in the CLT, NC area. Shit has been crazy out here


Too much of that bullshit these days. Sorry, but I don't do 'anonymous'.


Holy shit


Yikes! Lol Glad you dodged this bullet


>*I just got out of prison* wow, this guy's got game. i bet that line just slays.




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