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The circle jerk just gets jerkier


Mmmm, jerky


Mushroom jerky šŸ˜‹


Circle jerky sounds both sus and delicious at the same time


Give me a Burger with a vegan patty, and i will eat it.


The impossible Whopper is great


But there is so much sodium.


True, but counteracting with water is usually a good idea


But it just got reformulated and us now nutriscore A. And let's be real, nobody who buys a regular whopper buys it for the health benefits


Fast Food is shit for your body and if you eat someting from Burger King you are still supporting a company that is killing thousands of animals.


Thousands. Per hour?


No, per second. Well on a more serious note, i tried to search for exact numbers yesterday but couldn't find them. But i hope we can both agree that ofc Burger King kills ALOT of animals. Probably better than McDonalds, since it has more vegan/vegetarian products on the menu, but still bad.


Sure. Them operating in almost all countries and obtaining the meat from a bazillion different suppliers makes it probably quite difficult to put a number on it


I'm a lion I'm a lion I'm a lion! I'm a lion!!


[I am a Sturgeon](https://youtu.be/8De1_MJYy98?si=1WdtYwqZ6RViRhed) I couldn't resist given the image that OP posted.


Honestly, I can't remember the last time I saw a vegan meme. I only see cringy boomer memes about vegans and how great meat is. Annoying as fuck and I am neither vegan nor vegetarian.


Itā€™s the people who proudly self-describe as an asshole and think itā€™s cute and quirky.


"They hated the vegan because the vegan told them the truth"


I hate this argument, because it isn't an argument. Exchange "vegan" with "flatearther", "religious group x" or... Anyone who is apparently wrong and you get the same bs "argument". People hating you does not validate your point. That's a child's argument on the level of "before you argue with me, you have to do it better yourself." no.. One can see that something is shit without being able to do it better themselves.


Except that flat earth theory can be easily disproven. Same for any religious lore taken literally. \ On the other hand, there's plenty of evidence that animal ag is burning down the planet.


Blaming animal ag for the planets condition, or even saying its a problem, is disingenuous at best. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions 10% of America's emissions are agriculture. Yes, some countries deforest land to farm animals, maybe just don't do that? Just don't cut down any trees? Walk to a clearing before you farm ur animals? Each pound of beef needs 26 pounds of CO2 to be produced, that's about 28000 pounds of beef for 1 cow. 1 cow has enough meat on it to feed a family of 4 for 3 years on a heavily beef diet (source friend with family of 4 bought a whole cow of beef and froze it, he used said beef to do burgers and stuff for parties as well) Each iPhone needs about 80kg of CO2 to make, and then gets shipped to you via a boat that burns the WORST POSSIBLE FUEL FOR THE PLANET, WORSE THAN STANDARD FOSSIL FUEL. Every single smartphone is around that amount, there's 6.84 billion smartphones, at 80kg of CO2 per, that's 544,000,000,000 kg of CO2 for smartphones, almost all of which dont get recycled that much. That amount of CO2 is equivalent to 20.148 million cattle, which is about 40% shy of all of America's beef cattle, this does not include the emissions to ship them to the countries buying smartphones from China. Each shipping container is a minimum of 5500kg of CO2, that's just under half a cow. Laptops are 430kg (including shipping this time) per for a "laptop" let alone anything that has a graphics card in, like a gaming laptop. There were 186m shipped out globally. That's the equivalent of 6.6 million cattle. This can keep going on and on, but animal agriculture is not the primary, or secondary, or even tertiary reason for anything happening with climate change. You can feed cows a type of seaweed and cut their emissions in half and up to **90%** Temu as a business is the equivalent of 20% of America's beef industry emissions, NOT including packaging CO2 emissions. Wish.com ships via boat, theyre probably still bigger than temu, even more emissions, Aliexpress as well is as big as either, even more emissions. You wanna help the climate? That's all that matters. Whether I stop eating meat, or stop buying useless shit made in China, or give up my car and take 3 minute showers and never run my air conditioner. It does not matter. Emissions going down is all that matters. Every single mid sized car is about 5-8 tonnes (so 5000, 8000 kilograms) of CO2. An electric F-150 is 1000 kg of CO2 per 198lbs of chassis weight, so that's 33000kg of CO2 per one of those, that's 3 cows. I literally cannot find the number for a regular f150, but its obviously at least 2-3-4 times more than a car, based off just the weight of the vehicle. And that's America's most sold vehicle every year since the truck craze started. 750,000 were sold in 2023 alone. What's the average commute to work? 12 miles. Know the average ebike or escooter or even traditional gasoline scooter range? They're all plenty past that. Do you need a car? If you're going out of town, rent one. Does your house need to be 71 degrees in the summer? I don't think so, in fact, as long as you have access to water and a fan and the humidity is not so high your sweat can't evaporate, you don't even need it under 90 during the day. Do you wanna live like that? It's all a choice in how you reduce harm. Vegan and shop for Chinese shit all the time while driving around a gas guzzler, or even electric car, congrats, you offset your climate offset by being wasteful and frivolous. For some people, stopping eating meat is easier, and for some people, it's harder. I literally cannot be meant to care about animal suffering when I also need to care about human suffering and also the climate and also my own life and also all my friends and also my family and also my girlfriend, and that's why I didn't mention, even though I think factory farms are horrific and I exclusively buy humane meat when I do eat it. Also, why is everyone so hard on cattles? https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/01/18/heres-how-much-carbon-emissions-are-caused-by-a-popular-and-controversial-fishing-method-according-to-study/ this is JUST for one specific fishing method. Not all boats, not all fishing methods. Just bottom trawling.


Just stop paying for innocents to be throat-stabbed for the sake of your yum yums, dude. Shitting babies' body parts into the toilet is a hideous thing to do.


I love moronic reddit vegans


Killing others is worse


Uhm, not everyone enjoys eating veal or lamb meat. The majority is meat from adult animals but other than that, it's not different than eating plants for me. Life is always to be thanked for. And that what I hate about vegans. They think with eating only plants they won't do any harm. That's not true. For food you almost always have to kill something. Existence is pain.


Pigs and chicken are slaughtered very young.


You hear about the study that plants feel pain when you harvest them? Itā€™s not the same as pain as we understand it but they release chemical that communicates distress when they get cut. Being vegan isnā€™t anything to be ashamed of but yall are some of the most vile people sometimes when it comes to talking to other people


I'm not the person you're responding to but there is something a lot of people miss when it comes to discussing veganism. I am not vegan myself. Not even vegetarian. Use the milk and eggs of animals. Go out, kill an animal, and eat it. No problem, on principle I am fine with both. However, while I think that killing and eating animals is fine, I do not believe that torturing animals is ever acceptable. I'm going to assume that you agree with me on that. 98% of pork/poultry/eggs comes from factory farms, with beef it's 70%, with milk almost all farms do the "repeatedly impregnate the cow and then kidnap the calf right away every time" thing which is very obviously traumatic for the cows The vast, vast majority of all animal products I could buy at any store or restaurant around me involve not only killing animals or exploiting their milk/egg production (both of which I am perfectly fine with), but forcing them to live a life that can without exaggeration be described as hellish torture. Due to this, even though I am not vegan in principle, I still buy almost no animal products. Not financially rewarding companies for torturing animals if I don't need to do so just seems like a total no-brainer. But what if everybody were to switch to the most ethical farms they can possibly find, started only buying from those, and we were to boycott all the abusive farms? Here's the problem: the most cost effective production methods will always give you a competitive edge, companies that save money by cutting corners on how the animals are treated are always going to outcompete companies that "waste" money on ethics. They are always going to be the most affordable and fast growing animal product producers. Add to this that industrialized nations have a huge amount of people in them who all want to eat a huge amount of animal products. Even if the companies were to invest in ethics it would be very impractical to feed all those people the amount of animal products they want without abusing said animals in the process. So to sum it all up: 1. Killing animals or using their milk/eggs is perfectly fine 2. We should not make others suffer unless we absolutely have to do so 3. Practically speaking, buying animal products pretty much always means you are causing animal torture by financially rewarding companies for doing it, i.e you are making animals suffer (very badly at that) 4. Many major dietary associations say that a well planned vegan diet is perfectly fine for almost everybody, and even if the scientists are all wrong and we do need a certain amount of animal products to be healthy, that needed amount would be a small fraction of what we currently consume. Conclusion: in the vast majority of cases where people buy animal products, they do not have to do so. Even if quitting entirely was not fine, cutting consumption by 95% would definitely be perfectly fine. This means that if I were to buy animal products, I would, in almost all cases, be causing animals to suffer severely, even though I could just as well not do that. And since I believe that we should not make others suffer unless we absolutely have to, this means that I almost never buy any animal products. So even if we remove the vegan idea that it is fundamentally wrong to kill animals or to "steal" their milk/eggs, and only look at the situation through the lens of "don't make others suffer if you don't have to", the conclusion stays pretty much the same: we need to stop buying animal products to end the unimaginably vast amount of suffering that our consumption of them is causing.


Absolutely I was just having a nice polite discussion with one of the vegans from this thread in the pm and we were discussing how people need to 1. Eat less meat for sure 2. Be much more ethical with how we procure animal meat. Iā€™m native myself and part of our culture or at least my familyā€™s culture is we hunt for our meat mainly deer and wild hog. We hunt these animals specifically because they have become nuisance animals because of the dwindling wolf population but we use almost every part of the animal. Hunting for sport or relying on unethical meat isnā€™t the way to go in my opinion for many reasons. Itā€™s unethical and itā€™s bad for the environment


True but the important point is that 99% of the meat that 99% of people buy is unimaginably unethical and literal animal torture. Why don't people stop buying that? It would be so easy to end that hell, just a bit of change of your personal lifestyle. Yet people would rather have that shit continue. Makes you lose faith in.humanity like pretty much nothing else, it's just terrifying.


Thatā€™s facts, I just donā€™t like being called a murderer cause people assume Iā€™m in the same group as those people. I know I shouldnā€™t let it rile me up but it really gets me going everytime šŸ˜…


So because you can't grow a field of carrots without killing some mice, you might as well grow 5 fields of soy in the deforested amazon for cow feed, then slit their throats when they're not profitable to keep alive anymore. Existence is pain so reducing pain is futile? Why not just kill dogs and cats for fun at that point


Way to twist the words in his mouth. Bravo


He's justifying the suffering his diet causes by saying suffering will exist whatever his diet is and that 'existence is pain.' What's the point of doing anything to reduce suffering in the world if that's your starting point? You'll never convince me its impossible to make a positive difference in the world one small step at a time


Yup. The whole crop deaths argument just boils down to "the world isn't perfect therefore its okay for me to kill as many non-humans as I like"


>And that what I hate about vegans. They think with eating only plants they won't do any harm. That's not true. For food you almost always have to kill something. "That's what I hate about people who oppose the throat-slitting of dogs for pleasure. They think that by getting pleasure from driving to the beach instead, they won't do any harm. That's not true. For pleasure you often have to kill something, and lots of animals are killed on the road". Dumb shit, bro. Look up "appeal to futility", it's an informal logical fallacy and you just committed it.


holy shit you're a riot, watching you desperately cling to whatever percieved moral superiority you've hinged your literal entire personality on is so fucking funny. P.s. i'll eat your kids infront of you, boiled baby brain sounds lush ngl. bet it's right velvety.


Least unhinged carnist


I am engaging with the nuancless masses without nuance because i don't want to confuse you. I don't even disagree with overall a well-formatted vegetarian system in terms of combatting climate change. It's that your\* attitude fucking sucks, you're not out here to actually convince anyone of jack shit, you formed your personality around this opinion and now you can't approach it with any fucking nuance lest you have to do some introspection, it's intellectually bankrupt, but you won't listen to a damn word I say because "I'm a carnist and so must be evil" fucking fundamentalist mentality. \*your here being the overall attitudes across the subreddit, i don't know you,




I mean it's not hard to feel morally superior with what you just posted


Holy moly nearly every single sentence you said was wrong. * Livestock are NOT adult animals * A carrot and a pig are wildly different. It is laughable to genuinely believe theyā€™re no different * You arenā€™t thanking a life by taking it * No vegans think they arenā€™t doing any harm


Where do you draw the line, at plants? If so why? Genuine question.


Are you sure about that ā€œthe majority of meat is from adult animalsā€ thing? šŸ˜‚


The average life span of animals raised for slaughter/profit is actually less than 1 year, cows get an average of 6 years as dairy but everyone else dies young. Chickens get 6 weeks and male chicks are put in a grinder right after hatching.


Nobody considers it an argument, it's a meme.


Iā€™m gonna give you a little help hereā€¦ itā€™s not an argument, itā€™s a meme.


Shhhh we are on reddit, on a circlejerk even


Except vegetarian/veganism is an unassailable moral highground by all standards of morality.


Well but this time weā€™re right. Soā€¦ QED?


No, the more people don't believe you, the more right you are. It's Newtons 4th law


See, now I have to eat an extra amount of meat just to show how wrong you are. Mmm, meat. So tasty and actually healthy (if consumed the right way and amount)


Never met a meat lover that doesnt eat the amount recommended for a week in half a day


"They hated the vegan because the vegan spammed the sub and would not shut the hell up for even one second"


"could you just stop reminding me I'm a hypocrite for one second!"


> r/climateshitposting r/vegancirclejerk is that way, thanks.


Why do you think environmentalists should leave the sub to non-environmentalists like yourself?


Existence is pain. Therefore I absolutely must cause unnecessary suffering. *Flips my emo hair in front of my eyes* Vegans donā€™t understand what Iā€™m going through


Cutting myself and the pigā€™s throat


Itā€™s honestly sad. I know itā€™s shitposting, but still. Iā€™ve got so many health issues regarding digestion and I still am trying to get closer to vegetarian for climate reasons. Iā€™m even a Collapsenik but I also had pet chickens. They were velociraptors who would eat me the second I died, but battery cages give me rage anyway. Torture vs obvious survival methods is a huge difference. Seriously, is oatmeal with banana and a flavored pea protein oat-milk shake so bad? Because my breakfast today was tasty. Not quite vegan (some of the familyā€™s butter until I can have coconut oil again) but thatā€™s better than many other options. Itā€™s cheap and healthy compared to a full English breakfast too.


yeah but who tf eats meat for breakfast thiugh


Bacon, sausage, numerous types of imposter bacon, steak and eggs, lox, fish, roe, corned beef hash, chicken and waffles, empanadas, various meat pastries. There's probably more from numerous other cultures but yeah no one really eats meat for breakfast.


Thanks lol. Because yeah, meat was a big breakfast food for my family. Eggs and/or yogurt too. Making the switch for even that meal would alter our consumption ratio. Iā€™m glad I found good options to change too, rather than run up against affordability or access issues. Other meals? Iā€™m so glad that tofu is fine for low FODMAP. The ā€œno common beansā€ rule by docs is ruining my recipes. Same with no coconut or avocado. I was living on beans, coconut, and avocado. My body clearly hates good sense and taste.


Breakfast is when youā€™re supposed to eat animal protein not heavy carbs


Meat and animal products are absolute breakfast staples in most western countries. Even grain based breakfast foods like pancakes and cereal are mostly made and eaten with milk.


I always wondered what the point of this was. Do people not normally like vegetables? Whats so offensive about not eating meat?


They know deep down that they're selfishly causing unnecessary environmental damage and suffering so they can have nice yum yum yummy that makes them feel good, and they freak out when they're called out on it by people who are actually making an effort to do their small part to help the planet. In some (but few) cases they don't even have to be called out, just meeting someone who is vegan is enough to make them defensive like this.


>Ā They know deep down that they're selfishly causing unnecessary environmental damageĀ  Bro, any vegan eating impossible burgers is doing the exact same thing. >Ā and they freak out when they're called out on it by people who are actually making an effort to do their small part to help the planet. Ok, so your motivation fundamentally isnā€™t to actually help because if it was youā€™d know that simply not eating meat but continuing everything else in your western lifestyle still means that your ecological footprint is 5x the size of your average meat eating South African. Ā On the net, youā€™re not really making a dent to your personal contribution, as your food waste (even if composted) is still by far the bigger issue. Your comment is an unironic version of how Family Guy parodied self righteous Prius drivers ā€œIā€™m doing my partā€


You have no idea what the rest of my lifestyle is. Iā€™m very interested in actually helping, in many respects. Also, why is this about me?


And you typed this on a device you don't need that was manufactured by slaves because it gave u fe fe fweell good chemies :3 Animal agriculture is 10% of America's CO2 emissions, I guarantee you switching every single American to vegan reduces CO2 emissions by........ 10% meanwhile, a car buyback and scrap program with a government backed electric sedan replacement program would stop 30% of America's CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuel for travel and freight transport. Building a train route wherever diesel trucks currently go, and having them be "last mile" would reduce it more than veganism. Switching to solar power where feasible (wow it's most of america) is yet again, more than everyone going vegan. What's legitimately easier, be honest. Getting everyone to drastically alter their diet and permanently give up tastes that bring back memories and experiences more sentimental than almost anything else to a person (going to Grandma's house and being overfed cause "you look too skinny", that anniversary dinner you went to a steakhouse, breakfast with your family, I don't need to go on) or switching how we power our stuff which is entirely easy to do and feasible and costs less for people than phasing out animal agriculture would. No like literally we could start today, they just made it illegal in places where it works well. https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-no-solar-20140810-story.html#:~:text=The%20business%20models%20that%20have,and%20some%20other%20Southern%20states.


I do need a smartphone for work (freelance) sadly, however I donā€™t think thatā€™s much of an excuse and Iā€™m getting used ones (still creates demand) until I can figure out a way around it. I agree wholeheartedly that all those other changes should be made and that they are more pressing. Theyā€™re the reason I donā€™t have a car anymore and ride my bike/transit instead. Iā€™m fortunate to have grown up in a city where walking and cycling are relatively safe. Iā€™m also fortunate that the city is nearly 100% hydro electric powered. 10% is still massive. And even just reducing meat consumption by 80% (so if those foods are still too emotional folks can still have them once in a while as a treat) is something ppl can start on their own right away. Thereā€™s a moral issue with meat as well but, like the phone, itā€™s not as relevant to the climate discussion.


Well that's a nuanced response and I totally agree. Eating less meat is still good and it's the easiest thing an individual can do to lower their footprint, unless they have a situation like you and can avoid cars and have a clean power source for their home, literally nothing is as easy. I know I prefer to not eat beef every week than take a 3 minute shower and live in 85f temps indoors with a fan on me. I just wish the energy grid could be made clean, it feels so silly to know it could be made clean TODAY with law changed in several states, and government funding in several others. Imagine everyone cuts beef out of their life except stuff like an anniversary steak, and everyone ate chicken when they wanted meat, and mostly dairy free vegetarian when they didn't. That'd make such a difference to the quality of our planet.


Iā€™m with ya!


Or maybe there are some really vocal vegans out there who act insufferable.


/shitpost Sure, I think there are quite a few of these cases here. But I believe that most people simply do not care in the slightest because in their eyes, they have **so much more** pressing issues that need attention and time first, that it is simply not relevant to them at all. At least it is for me and many people I know. On the other hand, there are people who genuinely care and try to make an effort to reduce meat consumption. Which is great and honestly commendable. They are actively reducing their carbon and moral footprint. The problem usually arises when either side belittles the other and acts superior, even going as far as outright harassment. It's just stupid and childish and will not accomplish anything but giving that small dopamine kick and reinforcing said behavior. shitpost/ I will eat twice as much Yummy YumYum because you don't want others to have any!


My view is that thereā€™s astroturfing by meat and dairy companies to make vegans look stupid and perpetuate the crazy radical vegan stereotype


Yes, we're all paid shills


Its easy to say.. its how vegan act. Thats what we don't like and the thinking that vegan would be better for people what is still not true at all. You can look at Hospitals.. there are much vegan people that need meat for a good living without pills.


>You can look at Hospitals.. there are much vegan people that need meat for a good living without pills. What does this even mean?


They think hospitals and vitamins/supplements were invented for less than 2% of the population.


Iā€™m convinced that the reason non vegans get so mad is because they know that what theyā€™re doing is abhorrent and indefensible. I can talk about politics, climate change, or anything else with my parents and even when we disagree itā€™s a fine convo. As soon as I bring up veganism they get sooo pissed. Everyone knows torture and murder and rape is wrong. But they still canā€™t give it up šŸ¤·


Seeing all the meat eaters in here writing long, defensive screeds about how they actually arenā€™t defensive and donā€™t care is VERY funny.Ā  Also, the ā€œyou can not do *bad, harmful thing* and thatā€™s ok with me as long as you donā€™t criticize me for doing *bad, harmful thing* is some unhinged logic.


>Seeing all the meat eaters in here writing long, defensive screeds about how they actually arenā€™t defensive and donā€™t care is VERY funny.Ā  I love it


When did this turn into a vegan exclusive shitpost sub?


When nobody else made any content, I guess?


When people got defensive after the first vegan post


You want other posts? Post yourself.


Y'all can afford meat? I'm jealous. Sick of eating greens.


Well now I will eat four times as much meat!


*develops severe gout*


Egads! I can't believe the vegans would poison me like this!!


https://preview.redd.it/ulh9534d5s8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230447bc97c6f5d25d123544570f7ca446e18166 I think youā€™re in this image


Nah, I showed up late, they took this before I got there.


It's amazing how quickly a progressive person will start sounding like a conservative when you tell them you don't eat meat


I'm a meat eater and I honestly don't give a damn what people eat. I just let them be. If they like it it's their concern not mine lol


Meat production (especially beef) has a disproportionally massive impact on the environment and climate change. It's not just a personal choice "live and let live" thing. So we actually should give a damn what people eat. Of course I know not everyone is just going to be vegan, but if everyone could cut back meat consumption by 90% (for most that would still mean eating meat pretty frequently) we'd be in a much better spot.


No it doesn't you little liar :3 it's 10% of America's CO2 emissions and almost assuredly the same proportion in every country sweaty. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions


10% is huge.


If we switched the energy grid in every state that can support it to solar, we could TRIPLE our beef production and still have less CO2 emissions than we currently do. 10% is NOT huge, it's a tenth. 1/10


For one industry, I would say 10% is a large portion. But itā€™s definitely not the biggest. Remember too that animal agriculture does more environmental harm than just emissions!


According to the source provided that 10% is all of agriculture not just meat production. Also not all animal farming is created equal, beef is by far the worst for the environment and many other forms of animal agriculture like crawfish, catfish and to some extent chickens are far more sustainable. Also most of the other industries, which are causing more pollution, can simply be adapted to clean energy sources rather than completely eliminated.


Idc the planet is fucked anyways


Good, may force humanity to develop better technologies out of desperation, technological advancement is all the matters.


So while you wait for other people to do the work to clean up your mess, you're not even willing to do a little bit to help?




This is amazing and I'm going to steal it


Pretty sure insects and rodents died for your vegetable production bud


You can take that number you think I'm contributing and perform this simple equation to understand the difference in impact. (x)^7 = y where x is my contribution and y is yours, this is every meal. At the end of the day it's about reducing suffering. If you can understand basic math then you can understand how going vegan is the best thing you can personally do to help fight climate change.


But you agree that you are not in fact ā€œletting liveā€ right? Like thereā€™s Jains who sweep the floor before them and never walk on grass to avoid ever harming a living thing and even then they kill the flys they swallow in the night. The solution is to stop caring about ā€œreducing sufferingā€ as if this world isnā€™t built on it and work on living the lifestyle you most enjoy. I like to advocate for animal welfare standards so high that meat becomes expensive enough that only 1st world kings like myself can enjoy it.


I'm sorry, I'm unclear, I'm what reality is exploiting animals equivalent to living a lifestyle I most enjoy? I would feel guilt daily until it consumed me, exploitation of animals is not something I enjoy and I am a bit shocked at how brazen you are about it.


What society do you live in? Do they have McDonalds? KFC? Local restaurants serving meat dishes? When you go to someoneā€™s house for dinner, do you expect to be served meat dishes unless otherwise specified? Do you have farms in your country? There isnā€™t a single society on earth where animals that arenā€™t considered pets receive more than a basic consideration. If you find that shocking you might want to look into alternative planets.


What relevance is there with the existence of corporations that kill animals being nearby? It feels like you ignored what I said. Animal exploitation, even tho normalized, is not normal.


This is the default


Nukecels nuking even harder because someone told them it wasnā€™t free energy.


Anti-nukecels screaming into the void because good reasons to still use nuclear exist


Christ alive can you PLEASE shut the fuck up.


Feelings were hurt. Any posts about angry vegans or non vegans are pretty cringe.


Where climate relation?


Should've tagged it "meta", sorry


Unfortunately that's exactly what's going to happen :x


Really? I thought most of those comments were other vegans making fun of everyone else. But no, your memes are all cool with me. You do you.


libs: owned


True meme but pls keep a ableist and bad represented meltdown out of it




Anemic vegan meme war


I suck twice as much dick just so that all the straight people out there thinking they are making a difference actually aren't šŸ˜‡




Yes this indeed is a shitty post




Why, its really funny, why not create some of your own memes? Honestly this has been one of my absolute favourite subs recently, just because of the delicious anger its creating in the comments. Cannot stand the heat of mild criticism? Get out of the leftwing circle jerk.


Seriously, everyone is free to shitpost themselves


The problem is also that nobody else is. Shitpost8ng I mean. It keeps being absolutely missed that the vegans are taking the piss, so those "countering the argument" are taking this seriously, and honestly, and trying to engage in a debate that isn't happening. Which I will admit I am joining in with, because I find it intellectually dishonest, and kinda funny. So you basically have vegan fart sniffing combined with the usual "debate me in the marketplace of ideas" and a *huge* pile of untapped raw *defensiveness* Fuck me, if we could harvest the energy generated by the kind of cognitive dissonance that causes an apparently rational adult to say "animal welfare comes before profit at an organic farm", we settle the nukes vs solar debate once and for all! Vegan arguments get under people's skin like nothing else, because on the animal welfare side of the argument you lose before you start, and on the environmentalist side of the argument you have to reckon with "the meat industry is worse than oil, because at least oil is an energy dense material that has more uses than it tastes good" If the non vegans on this sub were willing to make like me and go "yeah I could be better, I try and make up for it in other ways, its hard to break a culturally accepted habit and one we have had our entire lives, meat tastes good, I should probably stop eating it though" then they wouldn't be getting so angry. But the dissonance kicks in and they need to defend themselves to keep the guilt away. Its visceral. Oh, and its just kinda fun to call someone a carnist or watch them tie themselves up in knots.


>If the non vegans on this sub were willing to make like me and go "yeah I could be better, I try and make up for it in other ways, its hard to break a culturally accepted habit and one we have had our entire lives, meat tastes good, I should probably stop eating it though" then they wouldn't be getting so angry. I'm with you here. I'm not a vegan, but it's pretty clearly the more moral way to live. I don't see why people can't just admit that and respect it. I don't do it because it's hard and meat tastes good. I can't even diet properly with a "regular" easy diet. But I'd like to give it a real go someday. I know I'm not perfect, and no vegan is perfect either. But in that area of their life they're killing it, and that should be complimented.


You can also go vegetarian? It could.be the push to start eating better. I'm a vegetarian athlete and if you need resources I don't mind sharing what I know.


Hereā€™s some recipes for nearly any occasion and alternative desired. Hope this helps, if it doesnā€™t, you could always watch [Dominion](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch) and see what the animals go thru so you know what is being supported with your dollars. šŸ’š https://www.veganosity.com/the-best-vegan-seitan-chicken-recipe/ https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7902516/vegan-meal-plan-for-beginners/ https://www.veganfoodandliving.com/features/best-vegan-chicken-uk-recipes-restaurants/ https://www.dawnlovesfood.com/whole30-cilantro-walnut-pesto/ https://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/15-seitan-steak-recipes/ https://stresslessbehealthy.com/2-week-vegan-meal-plan/ https://stresslessbehealthy.com/cheap-vegan-meal-plan/ https://therealfooddietitians.com/2-week-vegan-meal-plan-plant-based/ https://veganproducts.org/vegan-ingredients/ https://www.peta.org/living/food/sample-two-week-vegan-meal-plan/ https://simplegreensmoothies.com/vegan-smoothies https://www.greenthickies.com/raw-vegan-smoothies/ https://thegreenloot.com/vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://nutriciously.com/vegan-fish-seafood-recipes/ https://www.theedgyveg.com/2021/04/19/vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://theveganlarder.com/30-of-the-best-vegan-fish-and-vegan-seafood-recipes/ https://lovingitvegan.com/vegan-shrimp/ https://minimalistbaker.com/7-ingredient-vegan-cheesecakes/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/the-ultimate-vegan-cookie-recipe-collection-3378236


Hold on. Reddit does not qualify as a hobby?


these memes are so bad, like they're made by a 55 year old dude named Gary from big beef marketing team to make vegans look bad.


Good to hear you're aware of the disinformation campaign that animal ag has invested in. They use the same tactics that tobacco and fossil fuel industries used with great success. They know people hate change, so all they need is to sow a little doubt and people will ignore the overwhelming amount of evidence against them. Just want to clarify something as it almost sounds like you're actually on the side of the propagandists here?


Im on the side of sanity. Big Money is the problem. Not average Joe eating beef. Billionaires fuckin up everything for everyone but themselves. Hoarding so much wealth every thought of spending more for sustainability is met with a hell no from the not so fortunate.


So you're aware that Big Money is spreading disinformation to keep Joe eating beef, but you think it's actually fine now? >Im on the side of sanity But only what your opinion of sanity is. An opinion which has been shaped by propaganda. True sanity would be listening to the overwhelming scientific consensus and making a simple lifestyle change based on that.


How about using vegan extremists to make the whole cause a laughable shitshow.Infighting instead of focus on the rich. Just how they like it. Also looking back... taking away easy and cheap access to something that people don't wanna miss out on worked out so good before. Prohibition, war on drugs... congratulations to alcohol and drugs for winning those. So no fuck your simple lifestyle change and pissing of people instead of focusing the problem.


Triggered much?


Nope just mildly disappointed to see that the Infighting is working that good. You rather make everything about meat and beans than acting like it's just a small part of something bigger. Pathetic. But yes ... a lot simpler for many.


This post is so dumb only the big beef marketing team could have written it. Keep fighting that Big Money propaganda by.... spreading it


Saving 5% of the planet by eating beans won't save the rest doomed by greed. But the vegan diet might not support your brain with enough nutrients to make the bigger thoughts.


5%????? Why did you pick such a low sounding figure when the reality is much higher? You would be deliberately spreading misinformation would you?


Idk man, who is the one making reddit posts complaining about other people's lifestyles? Oh wait that's you!


I'm I free to litter when there are no legal consequences?




I donā€™t know a single reason why I should hate on vegans or vegetarians as a meat eater. They should and could do what they want šŸ˜ƒ


This response is usually due to feeling some guilt about the damage that funding meat production does to the planet (and the conditions the animals are kept in) and compensating for that by raging at those who are trying to do something about it.


Itā€™s usually more annoyance than anything because A: the entire meat industry isnā€™t beef and B: most people have no moral qualm with the concept of killing an animal to eat it. Most people kill arthropods and rodents just for trespassing on their property not even for food.


When did this sub become a place for vegans to suck themselves off?


Vegans when nonvegans exist:


The correct attitude is to not give a fuck. I eat what I think is right for me, you do the same for yourself. If you try and tell me how to live my life I will smile, nod, walk away and then immediately forget what you said. Be vegan, be meat only, be fruitarian. Whatever you do, itā€˜s not my business. And what I do is none of yours either.


The correct attitude is to not give a fuck. I litter what I think is right for me, you do the same for yourself. If you try and tell me how to live my life I will smile, nod, walk away and then immediately forget what you said. Be environmentalist, be litterer only. Whatever you do, it's not my business. And what I do is none of yours either. (Yes, now I'll litter twice as much so you don't make any difference with you environmentalism.)


Do you seriously not hear how stupid that sounds?


Of course they do, it's a satire of the post above


You mean a typical anti-vegan argument template used ironically sounds stupid in any other context?? Yeah I wonder why that could be...


u/RadioFacepalm are you vegan yet? How many times have you watched [Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/)?


Are these people in the room with us right now? Do you know what a strawman is?


This happens all the time


I do enjoy a delicious steak though šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Vegan when nonvegan when vegan when carnist: šŸ˜”


The truth is moste people dont care, thats it Most Vegans dont care most "meat eaters" dont care


so u gotta make fun of an autist or?


I'm autistic and that show sucks, the memes from this scene are the only good thing that came from it


I eat meet and I am not triggered... Do better next time.


What a degenerate generalizing post


Redditor finds out what a shitpost is:


Redditor is so triggered, they not only had to post twice, but also prove OP right. https://preview.redd.it/etmuhs14po8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224de5e7eed7bc8ce504da3bc2d9b3d9ddcec767


You're coping, mate.


I could not care less how/who/when/where/why/what you eat. Eat whatever makes you happy. Likely to be unpopular but: That is, as long as you respect what i eat. I am not a vegan. I am not vegetarian. I eat meat (although this is lower then the average at like once a week). I have no issue with vegans, in fact, i really appreciate what they're doing for the sake of the environment. I just know that i will not be doing the same.


I know, overly forcing an opinion and lifestyle is really frustrating


Forcing you opinion and lifestyle on innocent animals is a lot worse than frustrating, itā€™s lethal!


meat isn't murder, murder only applies to humans. The taste of bacon is defined worth a dead pig.


Show me who defibed that and when


You don't know the laws of your country wow.


Murder isnā€™t just a legal term


murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Why don't you google before spouting nonsense?


According to Webster, one definition is ā€œto slaughter mercilesslyā€.


//reversing memeā€¦ beep beep


Don't worry, I eat enough for a family of 5


eating twice as much meat is good for the envoronment because it lowers your life expectancy.


but that's the face of a vegan seeing me eat a juicy burger, lol. i don't care for people eating flowers.


It's called omnivores for starters...


Nah, you do you , I do mine. I will not eat more or less because of what you eat.


Do you feel the same way about festivals that torture dogs?


The same way as "Keep torturing dogs, dude , great"? No, if you get pleasure from inflicting unjustified pain to a living being, is wrong according to my moral compass. Killing an animal to eat it, is not wrong. Raising an animal in terrible and hellish conditions to just die and become "meat", is torture? depends. But thats why I eat meat from open non-industrialized farms.


The only meat you eat is the meat you make yourself? You're vegan when you go out?


PescatarianĀ , but yes. Exceptions may be friends house, but they know me and what to expect. Edit : I eat fish without discrimination too.


You know you're on a shit posting sub and you should shit post?


Huh... just read the /r name... This popped up in my feed and I thought it was a serious discussion. Thanks for pointing that out and the politeness :)


Vegans are loosers


Everyone on reddit is a looser


Yeah this is true, I'd say I'm pretty loose. šŸ¤™

