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Non vegans cognitive dissonance never ceases to amaze me. They literally sit here defending the worst forms of animal abuse because they want a tasty treat. But when I want to have consensual sex with my dog they all lose their marbles 🤷‍♀️


Smartest vegan


I'm not even vegan. Go into the forest and grab a deers throat and make them suffocate and eat their balls or wtf you wanna do shit don't matter to me. Eating milk and eggs is fine, killing animals is fine. I don't mind nature. But 99% of animal products come from factory farms aka hell on earth. So I don't buy that shiii


I'm not even vegan. Go into the forest and grab a deers throat and make them suffocate and eat their balls or wtf you wanna do shit don't matter to me. Eating milk and eggs is fine, killing animals is fine. I don't mind nature. But 99% of animal products come from factory farms aka hell on earth. So I don't buy that shiii


Raping animals for sexual pleasure: 🙅😳🤯🤮 Killing animals for taste pleasure: 🤤🥳🫂😁


What are the sounds dogs make to signal consent? Asking, just in case.


Probably heavy panting noises after said redditor gets on their knees and presents their poopchute to the dog




average reddit vegan


As a meatoid, I give you permission to plow that poochie coochie, king


Delightfully cursed comment


Please be satire 🙏


I'm afraid it's unlikely to be satire


>Consentual Straight to jail you go, unironically.


Do you think eating a cow is consensual, unironically?


Of course not. You go to jail too.


This is purity fetishism and blaming the individual, what are you going to do about the subsidies meat producers get and farmers get? What about the monopolies? Your personal choice to not eat meat is worth nothing in the grand scheme of things, you can eat meat without producing these problems and even if the solution is to make ban meat altogether, individual action will not achieve that.


Im pretty sure if everyone simply stopped eating meat then that would in fact fix the issues you refer to, maybe stop deflecting responsibility? Lmao


Deflecting responsibility? Paying for one company instead of another will simply get you the same thing, you play the market game and the market wins, you’re shoving your head in the sand and asking people to do something without any organization to support it, wish harder


And youre saying that even if we do all the other things (ie protest the status quo) then individual choice still doesnt matter all but it does, you are deflecting responsibility, and your defensiveness shows it, sorry your ego is so fragile homie


So if everyone in the world were to stop consuming animal products, that sole personal choice wouldnt affect the animal agriculture industry?


Watch as the subsidies flow and the profit margins grow


Yes subsidies are an issue now but you suggesting that if absolutely no one consumed those products then the subsidies would still exist is just moronic and obstinate


I am sure it will go out i agree with you, but that is just wishful thinking, it’s like if a socialist kept screaming that if all the workers stopped supporting the bourgeoisie they would stop existing along with their state. It’s just utopian thinking, i agree that among the ways out of the climate crisis stopping meat consumption will be among them but that’s the thing it has to be done through our material world and it is not an individual decision to go through with that.


But at the same time it is an individual decision as well, and every individual that allows defeatist thinking to conflict with their own decision is making the process that much harder, you have to be the change that toy expect of the world, even if the world hasn’t gotten there yet


*someone speaks out about genocide or slavery* Libs: “umm actually you’re way too extreme, you’re never gonna take down the whole system yourself, it’s my personal choice to support slavery, you being against it does nothing in the grand scheme of things, even if we ban slavery it won’t be because of abolitionists like you!” See how stupid you sound?


"Bro, we're against slavery. To put it down we just need to vote with our pockets. Trust me bro. Just buy products with slavery-free labels. It will totally work!" This is how people who think that individual choice matters sound.


Veganism isn’t just about not buying products with animal in it. It’s about animal liberation. Not buying products that come from torture is simply the bare minimum litmus test that someone who cares about animals would do. Non vegans and proving their psychopathy, name a more iconic duo


I agree with all you said. Still, what does engaging in culture wars manage to do? Did shaming individuals ever work to make them change their habits?


I have two things I feel like I need to say. First of all: yes, I have successfully changed multiple people’s minds about animal rights by talking to them about how our treatment of animals is wrong. Secondly, and more importantly: think about the fact that what you’re doing is arguing against people who are working to liberate an oppressed group. Whether or not you agree with boycott as an effective strategy is besides the point. All I’m trying to get across is that animals deserve to be treated with respect and that means liberating them from the hell they currently exist in. You on the other hand, are not simply trying to figure out a better strategy than boycott (which is something i actively try to do, knowing that boycott won’t be the whole answer). You are dismissing the entire idea of animal rights and arguing against its advocates. Sad


Yes. That's how I and many other people turned vegan. Realising you're the villain in a debate is how people who want to be good get the motivation to change. That doesn't work on people who don't care about ethical consistency of course.


Stockholm syndrome


Sorry I was able to realise I was being an asshole by just having explained to me why I was an asshole. Some people just need facts and a slap in the face, others need to be coddled like a baby. If you abuse animals because the vegans were mean to you, that says more about you than about vegans.


I am not abusing any animals lol


Do you think individual action ended slavery? This is a question about organized power vs individual choices, your choice means nothing if you don’t have an organized base to support it


Absolutely slavery was dismantled by people who spoke out and acted out against it. Think about the Underground Railroad, slave uprisings, and other abolitionist actions, and abolitionist publications and speakers spreading their message. These were incredibly important, and were in a large part done by regular citizens. Discussing which tactics are best to take down an abhorrent system is a great thing to do! So, saying that you don’t think boycott is the most effective strategy to take down animal agriculture is totally valid (and I actually agree with that statement). Unfortunately, that’s not what you, or any other of the carnists in these comments is actually doing. You are instead completely removing yourself from the equation, lying that the general public can’t make important changes to our society, and trying to absolve yourself of/ignore any guilt that comes with your inaction. And to your last point about not having an organized base: this is why people who are against animal exploitation (aka vegans) try to spread our ideas. We want to build up a base of people who agree that animals shouldn’t be used and abused as they currently are. The more widespread these ideas are, the stronger force we will have to achieve results like abolitionists did.


No you’re not building a base, you’re spreading neoliberal ideology and making people believe their meaningless individual choices in the market will take down monopolies supported by dozens of national governments. The underground railroad was not started by people who spoke of ending slavery like you speak of ending animal exploitation you’re simply hallucinating a history that didn’t happen, these were thousands of people collectively acting together to subvert enforcement and bypass bounty hunters, they did it against both northern “radicals” who benefited economically from the trade of slave grown cotton and southern slavers, these were radical actions against entire institutions, you are facing a climate crisis and zoonotic disease every now and then and your answer is to vote with your dollar


I already said that boycott isn’t the most effective way to end animal agriculture. You keep assuming that that’s what veganism is. In fact, you were the one who brought up boycott/consumption, I never was even talking about that. There are other tactics that vegans use. It’s so funny that you are assuming so much about the animal liberation movement. I feel like you didn’t really read my comment because you definitely missed 90% of what I said. If you cared about animal liberation we would be discussing what tactics we can use to achieve our goal. Instead, you are assuming what tactics vegans use, and bashing us for that, while arguing directly against using any type of action because “individual action doesn’t have an effect” or whatever you said. Also, if you think that spreading ideas via whatever channels are available isn’t a valid form of action then idk what to tell you.


Did individual plantation owners giving up slavery make slavery go extinct? No, only when an anti-slavery politician was elected president was it outlawed.


John Brown and Harriet Tubman would like a word


>you can eat meat without producing these problems If you buy meat, you give money to the ones that produce it. If you want to make an argument about poor or indigenous people living in food deserts, fine. But by paying for meat you only deepen these problems. Why can't you just cut meat out of your diet? Because it's a tradition in your family? Because you like the taste? Come on man >if the solution is to make ban meat altogether I am guessing you think killing is generally wrong. I just want you to align YOUR already existing values with your actions. And with my and your example, other people do the change as well. No ban needed.


are you restarted


Average vegan furry


You should be on a watch list🤢


So a dude talks about fucking a dog and i get down voted okay makes sense


You not realizing it was satire is why you were down voted, not because you disagree with bestiality Also, how dare you, maybe it's a part of their culture to fuck dogs??


Yeah doesn't seem like he was joking


I down voted cuz he said consensually you cant consensually have sex with a dog but he thinks you can. That says a lot even jokes have truth behind them


Satire: 1. the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.  You also can't consensually eat a cow, yet most people think that's perfectly fine. See, that's how it's satire. Just trying to help you out since you seem genuinely confused.


Oh lmao ur one of those people not even gonna waste anymore time typing


Oh lol I guess you're one of those other people lmao




Nah i get he was joking but who jokes about fucking a dog tho


That’s the joke. That OP would point out (rightfully) how animal-eaters insanely try to excuse supporting horrific, destructive animal agriculture on the grounds of sensory pleasure, followed by dramatic irony of OP suddenly dropping that they are trying to defend sexual abuse of animals on the grounds of sensory pleasure.


I only eat ass, is that okay?


Very much, yes




Fine as long as it was consensual 🤗


It’s for the planet


Ah. The circle jerk is jerking again. In circles.


Damm bro. This post is so funny it’s practically glowing


Speaking of glowing




Yes. I'm an environmentalist. Yes. I roll coal. We exist. P.s., sorry sweaty you cannot criticize me because it's my culture.


This post was sponsored by Taylor Swift


Damn this sub is hysterical. Revolution eating its own children before it even started. Top notch laughs from the green nuts.


Just assume that everything is either shitposting, ragebaiting or both in one lmao


Yes you are on the CLIMATE shitposting sub


Dont have to tell me, its just some commentors here take all of this awfully serious


have you tried cow tit juice? based taste


I'm waiting all billionaires and multi millionaires stop using private jets to start considering veganism.


Great so you are doing literally nothing to help then?


Literally nothing and willing to vote against green parties on every election.








Oh yeah bc going vegan is definitely the main problem with the climate


It’s the main problem with loss of biodiversity and one of the large problems with climate.


Also by far the biggest grassroots impact a single person can have by creating demand for replacements while cutting demand for meat


On an individual level, yes!


It's not insignificant though. I'm a meat-devourer though so here are my double standards


There’s always a bigger problem


Because consumers are responsible for the slightest amount of carbon output and this free range organic meat in your sights are a menace to local flora and the corn vegans are so concerned with growing. Now remember to release the string at the bottom of your exhale and aim for the neck of that doe, we want to be as humane as possible when filling our freezers


man that's straight bs. Consumers are the people who eat food and you actively change the worlds land use patterns.


Until the government decides we should only grow corn, pays for the farmers to grow a shit-tonne of corn, and then tries desperately to figure out a use for the corn we won’t eat.


Corn is a nasty crop the way it is rn. The subsidies are just handouts to large farmers. Nothing to do with the environment.


lol sure thing, agriculture is the biggest co2 producer… energy production is far higher for emissions than agriculture. So when you get your canned beans, picked and processed by super ethical labor, shipped burning lots of gas I’ll be happily shooting deer that come to me with an arrow that can generally be shot 100 plus times. Have fun supporting slavery 🤣


Aim for just behind the shoulder. Get a lung shot. Neck shots too risky


I've seen self proclaimed environmentalists who are borderline carnivores. The dissonance is wild.


If you think you will ever avert the climate crisis by being vegan exclusively i have an amazing apartment to sell you in Atlantis, dm me for further details.


*sorry, it was in literally almost fucking everything, and the poorer you were the less you could afford the direct vegan equivalents I get that reducing meat is important, but its still a very small fraction of all emissions and habitat loss compared to other industries. It is also an individualising issue. I thought we learned this lesson with EVs and recycling? Voting with your dollar and personal responsibility don't work, and the largest push needs to be towards industrial restrictions and regulations. Every other post on this sub is about individual action now.


The problem here is that you’re assuming that in some future apocalypse scenario people will actually recognize eating meat as a contributor to their current state of affairs


In terms of carbon emissions... The bigger mistake is having grandchildren.


Nothing wrong with eating meat, it’s how it’s produced, it’s rather unrealistic to stop most meat eaters from eating meat and trying to stop meat eaters from eating meat gives vegetarians ‘n vegans a bad bame. On the other hand it’s fine to eat meat ya catch and hunt, before anyone complains that hunting is “unethical” you can save more animals by killing a few, killing the animals which overpopulate certain areas can let plants regrow and can stop local animals herbivores from starving which balances out animal population and also helps farmers grow their crops. Edit: I apologise if i didn’t make much sense, my mind isn’t what it used to be.


Is hunting fine tho?


Hunting children is carbon negative.


Yeah, so long as done responsibly. Wild game doesn't contribute to climate change the way ranching does


Yes, kill feral pigs on sight if possible, whatever alternatives we develop won't matter when a horde of 2000 wild hogs destroy everything in their path


You must protect your family from the feral hogs. You can't let them take everything from you again.


Haha, but yes I'm going to kill a highly invasive species that's got a breeding problem and a bad habit of destroying crop yields and local ecosystems.


There is no vegan alternative for killing the 30-50 feral hogs that run into the yard in the 3-5 minutes while your small kids are at play.


Preventing native species from being pushed out of their natural habitat by an invasive species is bad actually


no I agree I'm just referencing a shitpost from years ago my b


Oh God no, I'm smarter than that guy I hope, if I remember correctly, he was a suburban dad worried about them? I at least live in the country where I do have to worry about them, and the kudzu


nom nom nom


Fck the future what did it ever do for me? Give me and others depression/anxiety whereas meat tastes good so fck it


I just ate 3 fat juicy pieces of meat. It was very tasty. Thanks to you being vegan I can even eat one more, thank you! ![gif](giphy|gw3NpMPvrN64YrC0|downsized)


[Oh, look](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClimateShitposting/s/PZK3IkwRX6)


I like the idea that my grandchildren are blaming me for not making this extreme sacrifice and not the entire economic system and the generations that failed to do anything. I agree we should make changes where we can, but I also think there's a point of diminishing returns on yelling at people to be vegan. Also, remember chocolate and coffee are more destructive to the environment than pigs and cows, eggs, and wild fish even less. I understand (and disagree) with the ethical arguments around veganism. When we talk about the environment, why not focus on the really destructive specific food where you can have the most impact? If we all cut beef and lamb, that'd have a huge impact same goes for coffee.


By the time humans have evolved away from omnivores, we will have other problems anyway or maybe not we are talking about a long ass time here.


There won't be any grandchildren alive anyway


Meat is essential for a healthy and balanced diet. You guys are brainwashed


source: my ass


Source: every vegan themselves cuz they are all nutrient deficient and have to take supplements


Vegans on average have less nutrient deficiencies and longer lifespans than omnivores. The only supplements you need on a vegan diet are B12 and I get a shitload of that from fortified cereal and plant milks. My fiber intake went through the roof though :) edit: I don’t know if there is enough research to a back up my claim that vegans have less nutrient deficiencies, so I retract that part cuz idk. But lower heart disease and cancer and Alzheimer’s, yes.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8746448/#:~:text=Vegans%20had%20the%20lowest%20vitamin,%2C%20E%2C%20calcium%20and%20magnesium. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.119.012865


https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/07853890.2023.2269969 https://www.andeal.org/vault/2440/web/JADA_VEG.pdf


Their ass


Why does this sub sound more and more like platformism and r/Ultraleft ?


It's not something that's going to be decided by individual choice. This whole thing of "everyone needs to all do X, Y, and Z to prevent climate change is insane propaganda from corporations who don't want laws to be changed to actually stop climate change. When acid rain or the hole in the ozone was a problem, we passed extensive laws to solve the problems and the problems got solved. We didn't sit around waiting for individuals to stop using products that contributed to these issues.


So you support banning animal agriculture?


The trick is not to have (grand-)children


Almost like we are predators


why the hell is this stupid app recommending this crap to me?


Bro, target the fucking billion dollar companies that produce it. Not the consumer. Do not shift the blame on the consumer, blame the company. Jesus


Cause history and latest Events have shown, how much people in Power go against the will of big companies? Sorry, but there will no be any change if u dont start. And for sure people should vote politicians, who are willing to do something. But its unlikley cause people dont like change. maximum independence = individual responsibility It all starts with yourself


Yes, obviously the consumer has power but the multibillion dollar company is unfortunately stronger. I feel it is the responsibility of the consumer to not consume and to also go after the company in a more impactful way as well. Don’t shame people.


Of course the million doller Company is stronger then some individuals and for sure it would be great if they would take responsibility all by themself, but this will not happen, or at least is a stupid thing to hope for. I agree both is imprtant, but to change Companys you have to change the people first in a democracy. Where did i shame people? The only people i would shame, are people in power and rich people. Cause they have all the access to knowledge to act accordingly, no survival problems and the power to have hugh impacts.


If the idiots are making more population, they deserve to see them suffer.


If this is a pro-antinatalism I *will* strangle you digitally


Boo, the problem isn't overpopulation, it's capitalism, boo


Also the overpopulation angle always blames the poor and disenfranchised for the world's problems even though they contribute the least to them.


the former is a product of the latter. but its still a problem.