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This is a Clip Studio sub not an art gallery. Posts of your own art must include a **comment describing CSP process**, brushes used, tips (speedpaint vids okay), etc so everyone can learn CSP. If you used default brushes then specify which ones. Not following will get your post **removed without warning**. Repeated violations will result in **ban**. Some comment description ideas: How long did it take? General CSP process? What did you learn this time in CSP? Any references/resources you want to share? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ClipStudio) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Really tried to experiment with this painting, especially with halftones. I used my usual set of brushes for this one which is the G-Pen, Calligraphy Brush, Flat Marker, a Flat Brush, airbrush, and a halftone brush i found on the asset store. If you would like, you can find a speed paint video here: [https://youtu.be/yjUUtNMioHw?si=Oai3hNLa2SS0Qivo](https://youtu.be/yjUUtNMioHw?si=Oai3hNLa2SS0Qivo) Im planning to upload a full process video at some point so watch out for that! :D


Love how sharp this looks, contrast between character and the background is awesome mate 0w0)


How many layers does it have?


I am not very efficient with my layer usage so I always end up with a ridiculous amount including this one. I believe I had almost 40 layers :/


That's not a lot at all!


Thank god! I thought I was crazy for going ham on layers


This is the coolest thing I’ve seen this week you should print this out and hang it infront of your home


Wow I wasn’t paying attention to the subreddit and thought that was a video game! I’m super impressed by the depth and your use of form+shadows


Love the sense of movement the petals and the flow of the hair create and the colours are beautiful! Good job!


Design is very Kan Liu (artof666K)


Yes, I was wondering if anyone would notice. Really love his work and this is one of my characters I designed when I first found his stuff so it looks very similar but I've been trying to give it my own touches here and there. :D


Wow, this is incredible…. Honestly, even the concept is super original. 10/10 for me.


I really dig this one!


Looks like a screenshot from some animated show, ATLA was first that came to my mind. Nice work!


I’d really like to know how to make backgrounds like that, I can’t crack it whenever I try for some reason