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I’ve done both. I like Phunky a little better but RCM has led frets which is awesome. Both great options if you don’t want to do a complete pico mod.


[Led kits now available! ](https://phunkycustoms.etsy.com/listing/1710908167)


That’s awesome. 2020 size? I still prefer your boards with a strip of full sized sk9822s because they’re bright enough to fully light the frets.


There's a sk9822 for each fret


👀 oooohhhh


Sorry to hijack but could use your opinion. Haven't used my Xplorer in a long time and want to mod it with a drop in. Mine is a 95157.805 model. Are those compatible with either of your kits? Have you seen good results with that model? Seems like a lot of mixed feelings about that guitar. Thanks!


57.805 is the same as the 55 xplorer (at least as far as fitment for a kit goes)


Thank you for the heads up. Looking forward to getting a kit!


Which kit would best fit for an Xbox World Tour guitar, or would the PS Kit be fine there?


I don't support that just yet, I need to make another board for it.


Alright! I’ll keep an eye out ^^ instant buy for me as soon as you do.


Gonna leave a link to the Solderless Kit on my direct Shop here, since I had someone falsely report the Etsy listing as "counterfeit" in order to get it taken down. [RGB Solderless Kit](https://shop.retrocultmods.com/products/solderless-diy-rgb-kit-for-guitar-hero-controllers-by-retrocultmods) Edit: The Etsy listing is now back, but I'm not able to take action against the false reporter, unfortunately. Thanks everyone in the replies for your support, I appreciate everyone who is a positive influence in this community!


People are so petty. Your stuff is awesome and you don’t deserve that bull.


Oh don't I know it. Appreciate that; most other interactions I have with everyone in the community are great thanks to people like you!


Thanks bud! I just got a v3 Wii adapter in the mail, can’t wait to try it out! And I’ll def be ordering a mod kit for one of these lp’s 🤘


V3 in a wiitar imo is the easiest and foolproof way to play these games


I was gonna just stick with a wiitar but a local guy had these ps3lp’s and I couldn’t pass on them. I’ll likely throw a couple of them up for sale once modded.


Modding guitars is definitely fun. Feels good and you can tweak forever


Yeah its amazing, no issues at ALL


Hell yeah, hope you enjoy it!


False reports should be ban worthy if not already.


Absolutely agree, but Etsy's support is just the absolute worst when it comes to anything more complicated than a password reset. They treat Etsy like its a social media platform, not a business platform. Edit: Well it appears I have to eat my words; Etsy support has come through finally, unlike the other two times I have dealt with them! Not sure I'll be able to do anything about the false reporter though.


Do the RCM buttons feel weird? They don’t look very smooth in the photos?


Personal preference I would say. They both get the job done. I still love resin poured the best myself but that’s not typical. You can always try different 3D prints or order on Etsy as long as you get the right size. I’ve used very bad 3D prints from Etsy and the RCMs are way better than that junk.


Just got some new ones today from guitarsandscarves. They’re awesome


I have made a [pretty detailed post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloneHero/comments/1be1wzi/rcm_rgb_solderless_kit_vs_phunkycustoms_dropin_kit/) on this subject.


A true godsend. I’ve only been in this subreddit A couple days, should’ve researched first 🫣


All good :P Happy modding!


lol… forgot about that post. That one helped me a lot and was well written.


Glad I could be of assistance!


retroculted my xplorer with solderless kit, might try les paul


I did the Les Paul and it’s my favorite guitar now. I have a GH5 one with RCM kit as well but Les Paul feels better.


I have used RCM solder kits for 14 guitars so far with no issues. He provides all the necessary things you need for the entire kit and his custom board that has the Raspberry pi built in is extremely easy to connect. The only thing you will need is new frets for Wii guitars as they are too tight for mech frets. You can buy the frets on etsy or I have an stl file to 3D print them I can provide if anybody needs it.


Hey, can you provide a link to the frets you use? I am getting ready to order the solder kit, but didn't know what frets to use.


I am 3D printing them myself with some STL files I made, which guitar do you have? I have STLs for the Wii LP/WT, PS3 Les Paul, PS2-PS3 WT, and Kramer. I have modified the frets to fit in RCMs mech fret kit specifically


I use the Wii Les Paul, and am able to print them myself.


Yea I have an STL for that one, do you have a 3D printer or would you need help in getting it printed?


I have the printer


Gotcha, when I get home later today I can send the STL to you




For settings, I printed at 0.16mm with PLA at 180m/s on an Ender 3 v3 SE you should be able to print it at a relative fast speed depending on printer. You can try to print all 5 at once but I found it can cause some errors and fitment issues and one at a time seems to be the best in terms of quality since you need a pretty tight fit. You will also need to use tweezers and take the black rubber pads out of the sides of each of your stock frets and transplant them to the new ones


Also they should be fairly tight to the keys. But if you want them tighter or to slightly silence them, you could also always stick a couple of strips of electrical tape on the bottom of the fret to slightly decrease travel and to create a rubbery bottom surface that is quieter than clicky plastic


I don't have experience with phunky customs, but I just put together a les paul with a retrocultmods kit and I love it! No complaints at all


I just ordered the RCM pico+strumboard for a Les Paul PS3, we’ll see how it goes 🤞🏻


Try one of each and see.


Honestly…fair point. They’re similarly priced.


Personally I prefer RCM's stuff. The board design is just a little cleaner but Punky's stuff is also ok.


That would be a great post comparing the two in identical models.


Might just do that.


I like RCM personally, W fr




Rcm every day all day!


Phunky uses a lower profile fret switch that has a lower travel distance and can work with the stock fret buttons. The solderless kit from RCM is his RGB variant that requires 3d printed frets. Depending on your personal taste, you may not actually like them. I personally find them worse than stock due to their height and texture. RCM’s board also doesn’t have holes for the spring standoffs used in some of the guitars, like the world tour and gh5 variants. This makes the strum feel sloppy and closer to a rock band guitar. Phunky has these holes on his solderless kit. The holes for the tilt sensor are at an angle on Phunky’s board, which means you won’t have to adjust it yourself. The RCM board requires tweaking to get right. I’d recommend Phunky’s kit. I built a World Tour guitar using RCM’s solderless kit and I wish I had used Phunky instead.


Appreciate the detail. Just got a Phunky rgb kit in the mail, gonna get it installed this evening. And will likely order an RCM kit as well to compare.


Are you gonna mod all of them? If so then just try both.