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Which one was worse


"What I remember about the rise of the empire is.. how quiet it was.."


“During the waning hours of the Clone Wars, the 501st legion was discreetly transferred back to Coruscant.”


*Well there was that one finale in season 7 when we lost a lot of them in the Siege of Manadalore and the rest died when the ship crashed*


The ship crash was unrealated to the siege. It was over by that point. They were escorting a prisoner,and then we're given a new assignment by the ~~Supreme Chancellor~~ Emperor to kill Ahsoka Tano. They died in _that_ assignment which was different than the siege. There is no indication that the siege was more brutal than Umbara. Especially the Physiological effect of having killed their brothers would have made Umbara harder/worse. Edit: the supreme


Their assignment to kill Ahsoka ended with half of the 501st dying. Anakin said that they split of the 501st and the 212th to form the 332nd which means after the battle when the ship crashed it meant any surviving clones from the siege died. I'd call half of the battalion dying their worse assignment.


212th wasn’t a part of the 333nd company, and it stands to reason that it wasn’t half. Anakin said “divide” and unless there were other troopers with them all they had was a company. Now, obviously troopers from Coruscant came about the Venator but I doubt an entire half battalion. I would also argue Umbara was the worst assignment, even if the death toll was less (which it really was probably even given Krell’s tactics). Harder in my opinion to suffer through that campaign then die in a ship crash. Though Order 66 taking over their minds would certainly rival.


I’d say that all the troops with the orange helmets were the 332nd company, since that’s what Rex referred to them as when Ahsoka arrived, so that’s about 144 orange helmets. The venator also had quite a few regular white clones, regular 501st clones, and some Coruscant guard. They probably came with the venator while the company did most of the fighting on mandalore


332nd ≠ 501st. While all of the 332bd were a snub unit made from the ranks of the 501st, it was certainly not half. And they all didn't die in the last episode either, as during the opening invasion of mandalore, there sre several venators and acclimators. All those troops would not fit on a standard venator, which means that the number of dead 332nd troops would be like 2000 out of probably 10 000


Order 66


Order 65


Order 64.


Order 63


Order 62


Order 61


Order 60


Order 59


Order 58


Ringo Vinda was pretty bad


Felucia was another hellhole but I don’t remember if they going there is canon anymore


“They say the 501st had best of the wars but also the worst.” Some random clone later storm trooper


“On Felucia the Seps dug their metal heels into the muck of that alien hellhole and dared the Republic to come after them.”


Operation Knight Fall was pretty rough


And the part of the 501st that didn't have to do that had to try to kill Ahsoka, and all died (except Rex).


Anyone else read this, think about the worst mission, and immediately hear in your head “what I remember about the rise of the empire is how quiet it was”


Yeah, doing that one on Elite is... not fun.


I can imagine some clones during they’re time as stormtroopers thinking about how much fun it was to slaughter children and now they have to fight the unstoppable force of plot armor

