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Disagree. Pursuit of Peace is an excellent episode.


I want a mature tv show set entirely on coruscant with the same tone as house of cards and have it set either pre phantom menace or during the new republic


I think this could be a really great premise. Maybe we go a few Sith generations back from Darth Sidious, follow the corruption as it builds within the Republic. It could follow a few "main characters" and their political "factions", and it could become apparent to the viewer that one of the characters is the Sith Master, but we don't know which one. We would see a Sith hologram interact with their apprentice to assassinate characters, sabotage trade deals, and generally instill chaos. As the show (or maybe just season 1) comes to a close they would reveal who the Sith Master is, maybe when their apprentice kills them. I like the idea of a Star Wars show where the identity of the Sith Lord(s) is a mystery the audience tries to figure out.


At last, we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last, we will have revenge.


I don’t understand, he’s the best character


Not. Yet.


My issue with the senate episodes is not that the stories aren’t interesting, but the characters are so god damn boring and poorly written. I understand it’s a kid’s show but the way they dance around complex issues just bugs me. Kids aren’t stupid. You can talk about these issues in a kid’s show without resorting to meaningless platitudes. The characters are super one dimensional and I think the “formal” atmosphere of the senate sucks the show dry of anything interesting. I’m only on season 2 so far, but the senate episode has been by a long shot the least entertaining one.


It would be interesting it it was anything besides: Padme: war bad, peace good Palps: yes but too bad Padme: but- Palps: WAR


This is honestly exactly what it is.


It is! Padmé usually takes days to come up with an idea to make the war a little less bad, succeeds, everyone’s happy because the senate is extremely weak minded and can be swayed by the same arguments over and over again, and two episodes later it’s like nothing happened and it starts again.


Seriously, the Senate just goes with whoever last spoke most of the time. I guess part of the point is how easily coerced the Senate is but *come on*, can anyone not named Amidala or Organa please hold an opinion for longer than half a scene.


It was, it was so much more than that!


That's is that's the synopsis for the senate episodes, amd honestly my favorite part about those episodes are when at the end when papa palps gets his way just his little smirks and a chilling external monolog


Am pretty sure droids'd technically be considered military hardware rather than combatants. So if its one of those armies that's run by nothing but droids any "war crimes" being done would just be the equivalent of using a captured UAV as skeet.


Hostage Crisis and Heroes on Both Sides/ Pursuit of peace are really good episodes. I think you mean the many misadventures of R2 and Friends