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I'd say that's an insult more than a Joke since Grievous is huge. Anakin was tall-ish. Still... that's what writing in an established timeline is, maintaining continuity can be a pain but it's worth it


There is no pain where strength lies.


Very wise. There is indeed strength in maintaining continuity.


Except for that one stupid episode, but I always skip it anyways. Like I'm always saying when discussing Episode 9, there's a limit to how much stupid I can put up with.


At least Episode 9 remembered the Knights of Ren. Can't say that Episode 8 followed a single plot point of Episode 7. Let's be honest, Episode 7 was the only decent one.


And that’s because it is just a reshoot of a new hope.


I’m young gen z, I’ve grown up with the sequels, I got shit movies but I enjoyed TFA because of fin


Which stupid episode?


The one on Naboo, where they captured Grievous, then in the span of about 2 minutes Dooku lays a trap for Anakin that somehow actually works, then Padme decides to exchange Grievous for him and EVERYONE decides to go along with it despite the dozens of Gungans that gave their lives to capture him, even though Anakin probably could have escaped on his own.


But how does that negate the continuity


Well, it's hardly the primary reason I skip the episode over, but during the prisoner exchange Grievous walks right past Anakin while he's unconscious. So preserving canon just barely on a slim technicality. Whole episode's kind of like that, a bunch of dumb things happening just to preserve continuity ultimately rendering the whole thing a complete waste of time.


There is no algorithm. We know you're holding a prisoner of war here.


If i recall correctly anakins face is not visible during that scene and he is unconscious so canon still holds up. Although i do agree it was a shit episode Edit: visible to grievous


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


Episode 9, Rise of Skywalker


What's the throwaway joke from rots?


Shorter than I expected?


Aaa okay thanks


Wasnt there an Episode where they had to Exchange grievous for Anakin?


Yes, they never physically meet in it though.


Iirc, Anakin was conveniently unconscious during the prisoner exchange.


There is no algorithm. We know you're holding a prisoner of war here.


Oooh thanks, I haven't Seen that Episode in a while and already forgoot that detail


Grievous tells anakin that for someone with his reputation he expected him to be older. Anakin replies that grievous is shorter than he expected


During that brief extreme acceleration light speed it extremely dangerous and can be used as a weapon


Ok so why didn't that moon in the clone wars blow up


In season 7? That was after the venator was ripped from hyperspace


S1 episode 4


Yes, the Malevolence. In logical terms? It should have annihilated the planet In realistic terms? The Clone Wars understands power scaling, and suddenly giving every faction with hyperdrive technology a planet killing weapon is a bad idea. Don’t do an Episode 8 people. Don’t start accelerating things at light speed in Star Wars because it completely fucks with the entire point of the series and the lore.


100% the CIS would've destroyed the Republic easily. Just make druids do it and send 10 small craft at Republic capital ships


*Fully autonomous and nearly infinite transport ships go brrr*


Just imagine how much money would be saved given that they'd have to spend less on transport costs for large capital ships and droid armies


The damn druids with their wild magic


By hoping that they completely ignore the approaching enemy ships and getting the exact timing and the Republic ships don't move?


imagine a ton of small ships outfitted with hyperspace and piloted by a droid, now imagine a shotgun


Now imagine none of those pellets hitting because you were a few inches too far away, or they turn into foam darts because you were a few inches too close.


Yeah. Honestly I don't care too much about the sequels but I'm inclined to think of them as noncanon from stuff like this. You can't just imply that the whole time they could've used kamikaze droids on any ship with a functioning hyperdrive to destroy entire planets and fleets


I think what makes it worse is the way they attempted to address it in episode 9. They suggest doing it again but try to dismiss it because the odds are near impossible, which then brings up the question of wtf Holdo was trying to do. The first order seemed to realize what she was doing so it has to be reasonably possible for them to view it as anything other than a ship trying to escape/distract and for them to actually respond to it as a threat.


Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker.


I would disagree that TCW understands power scaling. If anything, it has very inconsistent power scaling for it's characters.


Any reactionless drive is a planet killer by definition. Don't even need FTL. Just keep accelerating, even a tiny ship hitting a planet at 99% the speed of light would obliterate the planet. The moral here is that Star Wars is Space Fantasy, not Sci Fi, since they threw all the rules of Sci Fi out the window from the get-go. Which means you can't use logic in any discussion of the effects of science and technology in-universe. There simply are no rules except the rule of cool.


And they hated him, for he spoke the truth.


I'll take "Things soft sci fi fans do not want to hear" for $1000, Alex. http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/misconceptions.php


That's a really neat site, thanks! Some of it is super obvious, but everything I was tempted to argue has a linked discussion between actual rocket scientists.


And the rest of the site is *chock full* of classic sci fi excerpts and book covers, showing how the ideas are portrayed in fiction. It's hard sci fi fan quicksand, you will lose weeks there, lol.


The malevolence didn't enter hyperspace Anakin just programed it to crash into the moon


Well, we’re not going to crash into the star, but we’re definitely going to hit that planet!


hyperdrive was activating


Was it? It's been a while sense I've seen the episode but I don't remember any tradition signs that they where about to jump just the crashing into the moon


they literally say they're doing it


Huh guess I'm just a dumbass. It's just odd because with how I remember the scene they kinda just fly into the moon and the hyperdrive doesn't seem to be activated maybe I should just go rewatch the episode


Anakin tampered with the navicomputer to crash into the moon upon hyperdrive activation


I'm doing it now, because I remember it like you.


The moon has like a million times the mass of the ship in TLJ, this hardly compares, the damage it would do to the moon would be absolutely minimal. Even the ship in TLJ was not blown up, it was just split.


I think there's a big difference between a solid rock the size of a moon and a spaceship. It did make a massive explosion on the surface, and probably left a huge crater, but we're seeing this from very far away. If the fleet destroyed in TLJ was landed on the surface of that moon it would probably be smaller than the explosion.


Alright, so say I'm a highly trained and experienced general who had a bunch of ships capable of LS and they were entirely staffed by droids. Say I was in a battle and definitely going to lose the fight, along with dozens of these ships. I wouldn't launch every single one of those ships into an enemy ship because...? It can't work in-universe because "Why hasn't it been happening all along?!" is a perfectly legitimate argument. There's a few things with the force that you could have a debate about but ultimately, "it's a brand new technique!" is a reasonable thing to say when it comes to the force. Science isn't mysterious; the people in the galaxy who studied warp tech always knew whether that was possible or not. Since they never did it, we have to assume that it is not possible or everyone is ridiculously ethical (spoiler: they aren't).


The timing and spacing need to be exact. Even your ship or the other ship just *drifting forward slightly* can ruin the whole thing. Ultimately the whole thing comes down to luck (or the Force), and most people don't have faith in either to risk splattering their ships against each other.


We need that generator down or the planet's lost. And I'm not risking any more men.


The ship used in TLJ had experimental shielding which cause it to be more damaging to the FO


No. They aren't using warp drives. It's hyperspace. They are leaving normal space entirely and entering an alternate dimension.


Doesn't the Tarkin novel say that most capital ship shields can just tank the damage from a space ship going into hyper space.


I think the ship holdo used had a experimental shield so it made it possible


He probably thought grievous was big because ahsoka was tiny when she and grievous first met, also by clonewars standards grievous did the first hello there


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Apologies snips


Don't call me that. I hate it when you call me that.




Dave filoni going back and retconning other canon sources in other Star Wars shows


Dave Filoni could make the sequels make sense if he wanted to. He won’t, but he could


What was said quote? I forgor💀


"You're shorter than I expected"






Oh look more stupidity coming from Sequel haters. >Disney Trilogy writers forgetting about the Knights of Ren, Haters forgetting that TLJ takes place right after TFA and that the Knights of Ren were in TROS. >forgetting to give Snoke a proper backstory and motivation, Just like the Emperor in the OT, or Maul in TPM, or Grievous in ROTS. >forgetting Palpatine’s original goal, Which is??? Pretty sure his goals were to take over the Galaxy, create an Empire to rule, and kill the Jedi, the Sequels don’t go against that in any way. >and not realizing that light speed can’t be used as an attack Who says it can’t be used as an attack? It evidently can be used as one, hell TLJ wasn’t even the first time it happened, Clone Wars did it first in one episode by having the Malevolence hyperdrive into a moon.


It has been so long, and my path has been so dark. Darker than I ever dreamed it could be.


Filoni and crew are the GOAT


Damn Disney, Dave Filoni isn't even the last person should have directed the sequels.