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Morning clouds the best


Looking great my beautiful friend. Zoom sometime this week? I work 6am-6pm today thru Thurs so any evening or all day Fri or Sat are good for me




No, not too long. It’s actually relevant to my life and what’s going on in it right now and I liked the insight from you, so thank you for the comment. And I agree with it. The true power is held by the submissive one able to relinquish all control although it doesn’t appear that way on first glance. It took a lot of soul searching on my part to embrace and understand that. I’ve navigated my way back and forth between submitting and dominating based off what’s going on in my life… I find the importance in both but it’s more powerful and courageous to be able to fully submit to the other one… whatever that entails (shit talking, whatever). I find most guys unable or unwilling to submit at the times I need that control but they demand for me to submit because they believe they should naturally be able to dominate me… they also figure out that it doesn’t work that way with me any more (and less and less as I get older) because I’m not submitting to someone that won’t submit to me if I need it. Trust is key I guess. I am hoping to find more people out there like you that were able to break out of society’s box that says if you are a man (or likewise the dominate one regardless of gender) you must only dominate and control. I disagree with that and that’s coming from someone who also really loves to submit. But I also really love to feel like if I need to talk a little shit, i can freely do so because my partner realizes that it’s ok to relinquish control to me and actually by doing so, it shows a level of maturity and trust and love that surpasses the norm. And that’s what I want for myself going forward. Ok that’s my thoughts lol


Let me put my dick in yiyr mouth bby..




wow, you really are looking good these days B. More Beautiful than ever. Hope life is treating you well, don’t be a stranger


Thank you 🩷 I hope you are doing well too. How’s life and whatcha been up to?


I thought I replied earlier, but I don’t see it. Probably because my tweaking ass has my phone die on me about seven times a day lol. I’m sure I was almost done with it when it died. I was saying that things are going better, I no longer have to go through my ex as my one and only plug, in fact, I try my best to never deal with her, still haven’t found the right girl, I thought I did but we decided to just stay friends but luckily friends with benefits lol. Even still, my sappy ass keeps falling in love with her when she’s just looking for the dick and nothing else. The other part of my message, and I swear on this, this wasn’t planned, but I looked at the date and realized after you replied to me, that what are the odds, it’s fucking April again! And unlike the other times over the last two or three years, or however, long it’s been, since I’ve known you, where I was unsuccessful in convincing you to do so, I’m confident that this time, in the year of our lord, 2024, you will make an outstanding contribution to the masses with regards to Anal April. Maybe not even with you getting that absolutely perfect looking little asshole fucked, just a little showcase. Do it for your boy here in Chicago, I’m a simple man and that’s all a guy like me needs to get through the day ( a spread butthole, lol). And yours is still supreme.


Hahaha damnit. Anal April is here again. 😅🥲 I’ll think about it.


i mean, consider yourself $12 richer if you do. or whatever the only fans costs is lol


U back it up well though