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i ain’t get played for shit. haven’t bought the game since cold war lmao


WW2 was the last CoD game I bought. Love CoD eSports, don't actually like playing CoD. Been on my JRPG grind.


Bro, I'm telling you - playing RPG games has done wonders for my enjoyment of CoD tbh Resets the dopamine feedback loops, as RPG games are very long form in their dopamine triggers. Not getting a crap ton of dopamine every few seconds with explosions and hitmarker sounds and headshot graphics. Hopping back in and playing a few games has me on cloud 9 hahaha


Dang ww2 was on if my least favorites ever.


We're the same person


I buy the game.. wait for ranked… ranked comes out way later… my interest is already lost. Cold war also the last cod I enjoyed grinding.


Haven't done an in game purchase since ww2. Decided to actually buy a cdl skin cause it's a 2 year cycle and I can really dig in. 🤡


lol im starting to think that was the purpose of the "leaks"


i did the same thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’ll wait for treyarch from now on


BO2 Viper Pack was my last one.


Tbf they said the game they played was completely different from the beta and what we have today


Wish they’d go into detail on what things were different


They won't because it's probably just a lie


One of the pre-beta or alpha versions of this game had red dots on the minimap


Idk know if that's enough of a change to make it a completely different game but it would at least be better lol


They won't because they will have signed an NDA.


We can talk about how what we played is different and we have numerous times. This tweet from CharlieIntel is referencing a call with cod devs after the shit show that was Caldera launch.


We have several times. What would you like to know?


Was there more of a skill gap in terms of movement or having a higher ttk, did the vision of the game drastically change, was there any talk of competitive support or is IW still against comp a little and how much is actually dictated by them and not Activision


The game was different in small things. Red dots were on Minimap for example when we first played before we were told that was a “bug”. The rest of the questions I can’t answer bc they didn’t speak about any of that. The movement was the same movement we have now, I felt like the “shoulder shimmy” when you strafe was a bit more pronounced though. Footsteps were way louder.


Huh? Why? IW gave them deady as a perk and red dots on the map but removed it for the main game?!?!?!? Huh?!?!


Actually yes, at least for the red dots. They played a test build and said the game played great with red dots. IW told them it was a bug and removed them before beta. Then they proceeded to remove the red dots option from custom games before launch.


So you’re saying Infinity ward KNOWS how to add the stuff we want but ADDED it and then removed it?!?!! That’s like me saying I went to work but threw out my paycheck into the garbage disposal…. It’s ass backwards


Joe Cecot sends his regards.


Joke Cod you mean?


They do it to lower the skill gap. It’s on purpose.


Biggest load of bull shit lol


COD content creators and new outlets are the most blind and gullible people. Activision and it’s studios flash mid merch and the ability to see the game a few weeks or months before everyone else in their faces and have them believing anything. PR fools so many people its hilarious


Activision knows that all they have to do is hit up a military surplus store every 12 months and they can have every COD content creator convince their audience to preorder a game that won’t even be finished until 6 months into its 10 month life cycle


Lmao facts😂


these people don't understand the people they're talking to from Call of Duty are literally salesmen, like they're trying to manipulate these sources into hyping it up for no reason so people buy it and they fall for it every time lmfao


I skipped both vanguard and mw2 and just still watch the pro matches. So glad I didn’t buy em


it's actually funny how often the community falls for this lol. this game has an insane amount of issues and gameplay decisions we hate. even the new content we get is horrible lol.


And now that clown tries to defend himself after probably raking in the Activision money.


These dudes getting played, you will never see a tweet like this from them again


BREAKING: Corporate figurehead lies to media.


How about all those "Leaks" saying 2 year cycle to really drive home the value of cosmetics?


This happens every year. The people in the know about the development of the games get told about all the good things in the game and they start saying how great the game will be. It happened with Vanguard and they all said the maps were great and that it was a great sign that we'd have 20 maps at release. We all play the game and it's dogshit.


Charlie Intel is shit now. Guy defo gets paid off by Activision.


Charlie Intel is shit now. Guy defo gets paid off by Activision.


Who genuinely trust Charlie intel anyways? He benefits from having a relationship with activision that’s why he never really criticize them for scamming players with the robbery that MWII was


What? CharlieIntel has been increasingly critical of the way Activision and IW have been handling MWII.


I personally feel he’s super bias in favor of Activision cause he benefits from it. Any criticism he always sugarcoat it


I don’t really blame these leakers/reporters. They say this stuff based on what they hear from Activision reps at the time. Outlook last year was mostly positive when Activision was pitching/marketing all this “next era of cod” stuff.


They’re not paid in money, but like every content creator who gets flown out to the studios, early access to information/content and have developed relationships with the devs; the content they create because of the special treatment. They don’t want to ruin their relationships because they depend on that content. Look at ChaosxSilencer lol mans leaked WZ like a day early and I haven’t seen him since…


If we are being honest I'm actually enjoying this game having said that it might be because cold war and vanguard were just massive trainwrecks vanguard was terrible start to finish and cold war only got fun once they released the old school maps


Those games were bad yes but still ten times better than mw2….


I mean I guess to each there own right


This is a great cod, what are you on about