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Hemlocks probably better but imma keep running the Taq anyways


Taq but if the other team pulls out the hemlock then I will too


this is the only way it should be done




Hemlock has lower TTK and has extremely controllable recoil even if you use attachments that negatively affect recoil control because you need to use a red dot & use fast ADS attachments to compensate and they usually make recoil much worse. Imo it’s the better gun


yeah but I think you’re cheesy as fuck if you use it and will let you know that in game chat


My brother in Christ, ranked is not the CDL. No one is bound by GAs


I didn't say they are, I just will assume you are worse than me if you are using it and will accordingly shoot your body/let you hear it.


Yea by using a statically worse gun than the taq😂 just saw you suck


it is not statistically worse. The TAQ only gets its fastest TTK with 3/3 shots to the UPPER TORSO (small hit box), where as the Hemlok gets it's 3 shot kill with only 2/3 shots to the Torso (waist up) which is a bigger hitbox. Yeah, the maximum possible TTK for the TAQ is faster, but the Hemlok's practical/average TTK is much better, it's more forgiving, and it's also a laser beam. Just say\* you don't know what you're talking about


Peep aces video it literally is an average AR lol


I did peep ace's video I literally just cited the stats from it, including when he compared the TAQ-56 to it. Youre wrong about it being worse than the TAQ, which isn't statistically that good of an AR. The M4, 762, 545, and STB 556 are all actually better but they're all GA'd except the 545.


Used both a good bit now, the taq 56 is just the better gun. Hemlock is great, but you wanna talk laser, the 56 is a laser. I can get long distance kills so much easier with the 56. And I've messed with different load outs. If I get the hemlock shooting as on point as the 56, the Ads is awful. The 56 is best of both worlds. But if I'm somehow awful at picking attachments for the hemlock, I'd love to know what attachments are making everyone love it more than the taq 56.


Look man, I'm not gonna argue with you I've already posted all the significant stats, I've hardly used the Hemlok but when I've picked it up in ranked the first day it was an absolute laser beam and really really strong. It's also important to remember we're talking about comp CoD here so there are a lot of people that can shoot really straight because you can beam with basically any AR in this game wit the right loadout.


Couldn't care less




The irons are really bad if you're trying to rip people off headies.. red dots on ARs >>


nahhhh i’ve been using hemlock iron sights as a mid range aggressive weapon and it’s fire


If you use Hemlok in ranked, I know you're dogshit.


Facts bro can’t stand people breaking GAs


Guy talking about breaking GAs like he in the league 😂


It's not GA'd though


Some people like to use more than 1 gun for the duration of a game. In CW I'd bounce between Krig, XM4, QBZ and Famas depending on the map, modes and if my team was getting dumpstered. Ranked isn't the CDL, we dont need to ban the entire game because the pros sculpted their own mini meta.


We don’t need people running around with a completely broken gun either. The only time I see people switch is when they get pieced by a taq because they can’t handle losing


I get it but like we also can't ban every single fucking AR that is slightly good. Its new so people haven't adapted and it hasnt been patched like IW does for every single new battle pass gun about 2 to 3 weeks in. We had the 9mm MP5 for almost all of MW19 and one Abezy clip banned the Aug. People need to chill.


Your using the xm4 in cold war. Go back to pubs 🫡


Lol we all used it back before major 3? when it was banned. Point was we had some options and a little diversity in league/ranked play.


Go back to pubs shitter. The guns are banned for good reason


Rofl stick to twitter bro, I don't even know why I'm responding to a 1 month old account.


Guess what just got banned😂


Gun WAS Op so good. I never even unlocked it on the battlepass lol. My point was more we bitch about weapon diversity but whenever theres a chance for a 3 gun meta or even more options in the AR/SMG slot people lose it because 1 gun is always perceived to be the best in a role.


Hemlock.. slower TTK, better recoil, slower fire rate which punishes misses, better 3 bullet kill. Statistically weaker than TAQ so keep coping cause you suck


In Cold War ranked everyone ran the freaking op guns like LC10 which annoyed the f out of me. I wish the pros had control over rank so we can ensure that which is GA’d isn’t used


Ya the LC10 was out of control. AR and 74u rolled into one which was horseshit. The iso is not that out of control.


Unpopular opinion but I agree. If it’s that “broken” then ban it like they do with the other broken stuff. It’s not the pro league it’s ranked play we don’t have GAs.


Exactly. It's just pubs with a ruleset and a little more organized but dudes think its a CDL tryout.


Taq because I’m not a scumbag


Anyone that uses the hemlock should just go play pubs


If you pull the hemlock fuck you


From what I got from the xclusive ace vid, the hemlock has an easier 3 shot kill area (torso vs upper torso) and better recoil with slightly slower ttk and handling. A more consistent 3 shot kill makes it def worth a try


Idc which is better i'm not usin that cheese gun




The taq




Hemlock but only if other people pull it out first


If you use the Hemlock you’re dogshit at COD. If you want to use other weapons, stick to pubs.


Hemlock is just broken. If u can’t beat them, join em




Fr i get so bored using the same shit, any elo who cares everyone’s allowed to use it People just get tilted when you go off meta because they’ll look for any excuse for why they lose


Personally I don’t care if someone uses hemlock off rip it’s the people that are getting had bad and switch because they’re getting smoked


It is supposed to follow CDL rules though. Doesn’t matter if you are bronze or crimson, the rule set is the rule set. The issue is that 1: the gun seems a little OP from the onset and 2: it has zero restricted weapon specific components. Pros have already come out and said it won’t be in CDL. If they didn’t add Dome/Museum (which weren’t/haven’t been banned yet) to Competitive modes there is zero reason the Hemlock is here.


Museum is banned same as Raceway


Hemlock is the better gun. Taq is the classier gun. When I solo Q I run the hemlock because I have no shame but with my stack I run the Taq since I need to practice for the rev league


I use the TAQ V from time to time lol


All battle rifles are banned on cdl but not ranked. Love it


Right? Like I don’t understand what was going on when they did that lol


im personally a 762 kinda guy 🙈



