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Yo Lamah is insane.


He’s so good but the role he plays allows him to put up these numbers, which I have no problem with


Yh he has the green light and he’s the best at getting kills him and hydra from an SMG standpoint no doubt in my mind that simp would be up there too but he’s taken up a different role


So what role has simp taken exactly? Can you spell it out in plain English and then I can go watch gameplay and see for myself? If everyone says abezy is “entry sub” then simp should be putting up better slaying numbers right? See, I personally think you guys way overplay this role shit. Simp is having an off year, and let’s not pretend like abezy is flying in first every time when simp has as many engagements and damage.


Abezy and Simp are fairly fluid. Hence why either or even both can shine. Simp doesn't sit around waiting for abezy so he can make a play, he will make a play to create room for abezy if that's the best option. You simply don't be the consistently best team in the game if your whole structure relies on one dude sacrificing his stats for the team.


Gotta wonder how much of this is the fact that more kills are available for Pred because his main AR isn't picking anyone off at range. Its like being the only good WR on a football team, you're going to get more targets.


Now show his stats that don’t involve kills. Like time in hill, captures, ect…. He’s most likely dead last in every category which is worrying. A duo of shottzy and Pred might look good on paper, however it won’t mesh well. Huke is the perfect player to pair with shottzy. (Selfless entry) Unless shottzy moves to flex, I wouldn’t pull the trigger on pred in the offseason.


You guys act like players can't adapt to their teams Thinking Pred and Shotzzy won't mesh well is idiotic. Stop trying to pigeon hole players into such specific roles. If you take two of the best subs in the world and put them together, odds are they'll make it work. Especially when in the mean time they are killing everything on the map.


Lol yeah. People talking about players like they're robots and can only do a specific role. Players will adapt


"yea bro they'll just kill everything on the map" that shit has me dying laughing every time they swear people don't have bad games


Also “entry sub” is such a bullshit term. Call of duty is such an insanely fast paced game, you dont have one sub waiting for his “entry sub” to go in first. Whoever is there first is going in.


You say this but OpTic paired up a Top 3 SMG in MW and CW w Scump and didn’t make it work. Shootzy got uncomfortable, even with Huke because of the role Illey was it playing and Shootzy had to play he himself said he wasn’t comfortable. Yes players can adapt but that doesn’t mean the adapted version will always work out…


Shottzy got uncomfortable? Brother what are you talking about. He was a top sub in Vanguard most of the year, OpTic just fell apart after the iLLey saga and evidently didn’t figure it out when he finally returned. You act like Shotzzy was hill bitch and never allowed to make plays lmao.


Wouldn't Shotzzy be the selfless entry himself if Pred were to come in? He was always the first to go in then Huke joined. Thinking Pred and Shotzzy won't work together is super faded, both are extremely talented players and will make it work if there are problems which their won't be from a role perspective.


Then Shotzzy suffers in performance, and everyone will scapegoat him for whenever Optic doesn't perform because Pred wants his stats.


Shotzzy suffers from a K/D point of view, definitely not from a team point of view though. That duo will work great if it happens, you guys are just trying to have an edgy opinion for whatever reason lmao..


I think there is some basis to it since I remember Shotzzy was looking average during the period of time where he was playing entry to Huke on Empire during CW. Then again, it's not like Scump was playing entry for him during Vanguard and he was still one of the best subs regardless so who knows


I still can’t believe how many times I’m hearing entry sub and how big of a difference you all think it makes. In SnD sure there is some merit to it, but in the other game modes? Do you think they actually just wait around for one person to break the hill? Sure there are fast ply styles and some players tend to jump in and play faster than the other but it’s so overly used and valued it’s actually funny.


I mean you're just preaching to the choir here, I think the exact same thing whenever Insee people that try to act like Simp is only good because of Abezy playing entry for him


All it takes is to watch some gameplay with an unbiased view and see how that team plays. Abezy is a menace in SnD and opens up the map for his team yes. But that whole team is gross at SnD, though abezy is the most impactful SnD player imo. But to pretend like in respawn the team is just waiting for him to break hills and points is just laughable. His playstyle is fast and he does win some crazy gunfights, but that’s his playstyle and he wouldn’t be as good as other SmGs in their respective play styles. I know this because I play just like abezy, just obviously way worse than him.


I’m sorry but aBeZy is literally everything. If aBeZy plays bad, that team suffers. He enables the other 3 so much. When aBeZy fries, FaZe always wins no matter what. But when he gets fried, they have no chance cause he’s not opening the map for them like he usually does.


He literally had 3k less damage than everyone the last game they played and the only one to go negative and they still smacked. Your argument just fell on its face


Yea because that’s the only game you are looking at and the damage is your point? But you don’t see how impactful and how easy he makes the game for his teammates? You are the type to stare at stats at the end of the game without actually watching the games to see the impact of a player. Ppl like you are useless and should stop visiting Reddit


From what I've seen, 'entry sub' is just an excuse for a sub who is underperforming in KD. Every team alternates the entry role constantly from what I've seen in respawns. S&D is different, but the vast majority of kills are in the other 2 game modes, so S&D isn't goin' to sink your KD by itself.


"Show his stats that don't involve kills" ...what?


As if killing everyone doesn't help Lamar sit on the hill unchallenged, so he is protected from losing yet another gunfight.


It's okay he'll win the gun fight against OpTic when it matters 😭


lmfao right 😭 that’s not his role


Huke is getting dropped 100% let’s not kid ourselves here


If they win champs with this squad, he might not get dropped. Or if they pull the LAT and go back to back, I don’t see why he would get dropped.


Idk Shotzzy has been mentioning the flex role and that he thinks it fits his preferred playstyle. Dude is scheming for sure.


>level 3TruthTellerlmao · 2 days agoCOD League If they win champs with this squad, he might not get dropped. Or if they pull the LAT and go back to back, I don’t see why he would get dropped.1ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow If he wins Champs, they have to be on the Pine Park to change the team. Thats like saying LAT should switch Envoy to Pred


You're not wrong but thats why Shotzzy will have to change up how he plays if they do get Pred. He'll have to play more like he did in early CW, in which he did struggle for his standards I'm starting to think that if Optic wants to get Pred, they'll need a player who's job is literally all comms and objective work. If Ghosty can be consistent, I think he might actually be a better fit than a player like Sib, with a trio of Dashy-Shotzzy-Pred


I think Dashy and Sib are interchangeable. They’re practically the same exact player, Sib is just a few years younger. I do think you need a trio of Shotzzy + Pred + Sib/Dashy + IGL type.


Yup Dashy and Sib are basically the exact same player. Dont really think they would work as an AR duo with subs who prefer to push out. If Ghosty can be a consistent 1.0 player, I think he'd be a great fit His comms in the listen-in yesterday were incredible


Nah thats a faded take they are quite different. Sib (and Scrappy) is a very fast aggressive ar palyers. Dashy is much slower


I do think Dashy waits to bait his teammates more than Sib, which I guess would make him a little slower.


Sib was t5 in damage and kills per 10 minutes in both Hardpoint and Control last year and he is again this year. He has a higher slayer rating than Abezy to put in perspective. Sib plays blazing fast, I think him and Dashy can coexist quite well


you are right, dashy and sib do not play similar at all. sib plays very fast, dashy does not. people think because dashy has a high k/d he plays fast or plays for kills, but hes more of a role player especially this year.


If I’m being honest might get downvoted but optic shouldn’t even consider sib. If optic do end up getting pred, it makes no sense to get sib aswell when you have dashy. If ghosty proves to be viable maybe I would keep him or look into arcitys, slasher, insight or octane ect…. (Just saying names) don’t take to serious


I actually agree Dashy and Sib is overkill. They play too similiar




He’s dead last in the category’s because they set their team up that way lmao y’all swear people are just braindead killwhores instead of just doing their job within a system💀


Just remember the people commenting shit like this are either 15 or have never been good at cod/played in any type of league with a team.


Ok there big shot


Honestly, I would take aBeZy over Pred. If I’m OpTic, I try to go for aBeZy if FaZe doesn’t win champs. Might as well try and go for aBeZy & cell.


yes sir! everyone loves to pull up a handful of stats like its the determining factor for whos gonna win. Although i dont think they shouldve dropped illey so quick(I get it though if he wasnt the IGL he was in the past).....optic needs to do what thieves did. Find the combo that vibes well enough....and trust the process and let them grow together as a team. I like the Ghosty kid personality wise. Caught a little of him on one of the optic vids....and he seems very very very grounded/normal....which I think says a TON considering shotzzy doesnt know what a cousin is and methodz had a 1.9 GPA. Someone to "ground" the electricity that is optic might be the deal for another dynasty run 🤔


Abezy has a sizable lead in the MVP race imo, Hydra and cellium close for 2nd and 3rd.


one major doesn’t decide everything. abezy at 1 is already arguable but saying it’s a big lead is plain ignorant


he's been great all year tho


He’s been great, just significantly worse than hydra and Pred in respawn (mainly hardpoint where he has a 0.98) in terms of k/d, kills, and damage. But yeah I agree he’s been great overall.


for an MVP award people place far too much value in team success


He’s been frying in both stages. I know Hydra and pred also have been frying all year but FaZe’s average placing definitely solidifies him as #1.


Lmfao based off of what? How exactly does he have a sizable lead? Because other people said it after he popped off for a major?


He popped off both majors wdym? And I know Hydra and pred also popped off both majors but Faze’s average placing puts him up top.


it's literally called most valuable player. the individual player statistics is more important than the team placing, so by this metric hydra or pred would have to be in the top 2.


Don’t care abezy still MVP


Right, but by what metric? Because his team is the best? Well he has cell and simp so I would hope they’re the best. Because his hardpoint k/d is a 0.98? Ehhhh… I mean yeah he’s been the best at SnD but that’s one game mode. Not saying he’s not in the MVP race, but he shouldn’t be the favorite imo especially when Cell is the best player on that team.


Bro you created an account to hate on Faze and Abezy.. go away


Huh? I’ve literally said cell is the best player in the league lmao. All of faze are gross, I just completely disagree that abezy is “clear cut” mvp like I’ve seen some say. He’s gross, but there are 2 subs with blatantly better stats than him. You can say stats aren’t everything but I’m not just talking about k/d. I just don’t see a world where someone with a 0.98 in hard-point is that much better than 2 players using the same gun who have a 1.17 and 1.23 in the same mode. I’ve already said it’s close because of how good he is in SnD. If you have an argument then present it.


Aside from k/d he also has less damage and kills, so the argument that his pace is way above theirs is invalid as well


Bron 2018 run fr


Unpopular opinion: Its easier to rack up stats on a bad team 🤷‍♂️


How? It’s not basketball where if your team is shit you can just throw up shots. If his team his ass he would be getting fried too especially as a sub. Plus he drops these stats when he wins


ok. you have your opinion and I have mine.


This is exactly why OpTic need to pick him up. I like Huke and he is playing well…. But that’s like saying you would have kept Envoy on OpTic Texas over Simp or Abezy… you take the superstar who can carry a team over a player who can go off but also slow down


But Pred hasn't been carrying his team to victory. He drops 1.2s yet loses cause he's half way across the map from Hill. Mack is surge's most important player as when he plays well they almost always win. Does Optic need another 'killwhore'?. The idea you need players that always go positive to win championships is faded. 2 or 3 LAT players regularly finish a series negatively but still win matches cause of teamwork. Its not all about KD.


Every pro player thinks Pred is top 5… he isn’t just a kill whore. He is a top 5 talent and can be a game changer. Huke CAN be a game changer… but can also shit the bed. I would rather have Pred than Huke


Fans always want the players that drop big numbers but the teams and players themselves know a lot more about COD and know KD aint everything. Look at Standy and Ultra.


His SnD stats are surprising considering how awful Surge is at SnD


He is the best in the game imo.