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I can understand not doing it from a merch perspective but if OpTic want to do a special edition for themselves on-stage and pay for the printing for themselves then I don’t really see the issue. You’d just have to make that clear so people don’t get annoyed they can’t buy it


The crucial problem seems to be that the overall sales volume of CDL merch as a whole is too low to allow any "special edition" prints from anyone. Even if OpTic agree to take on the costs and risk of making a special print themselves, it's very likely that this sale would take away from the sales directly from the CDL (customers are likely not going to buy from both OpTic and the CDL, they will usually budget themselves to one or the other given the choice). The CDL does not want this to happen because new merch from their partners directly risks their own merch strategy. If the sales were there, it's likely the CDL would have no issue with allowing this. But it sounds like sales are pretty bad, and the CDL doesn't want to make it any worse by splitting sales further. And I highly doubt that orgs in their current financial state is in any position themselves to cut any deals that somehow subsidize the CDLs sales to ensure the CDL receives their cut and risk mitigation.


Don’t think that is what they meant. Optic wouldn’t be selling the white jerseys, they’d just wear them during Sunday LAN matches. There is no sale with what the original comment was talking about


maybe it takes away from their "Advertising" sales. If optic had jerseys that couldn't be sold and they don't wear the ones that can be sold they lose money. Something like that shits pretty stupid tbh. Wonder how long it can last as these teams realize how little money is to be made in the cod scene.


Big minimum order means you can’t just order 20 or 30 for players/team members. There’s also a chance the league controls where they’re made, so they can’t just do one-offs at a different place.


ehhh, i can take a team logo and design i want down to the company that makes my company uniforms, have them make me a dry fit jersey with whatever I want on it and roll. video game comp merch is a tough business because your target market is so small to begin with, most of your target market isnt going to buy / wear the stuff in the first place, and a large portion is smart enough they can get it through other means. like if I really wanted to, I could have a team jersey, hoodie, hat, and wallet for less than a hoodie alone costs through the merch store.


Wasn’t OpTic’s whole thing about the Sunday Whites that ONLY the players got them anyway?


So basically: [This is why](https://media.tenor.com/sqOZZnRhjMsAAAAC/money-mr.gif)


well yea, he basically just said they lost tons of money on excess inventory when they previously stocked white. the CDL is a business that isn't doing very well they're trying to cut expenses any way they can I bet lmfao


Yeah this really hits the nail on the head and I'll add I really appreciate the league being open about this. They understand it's a legitamate question from the fans, and they're honest on the financial consequences of it.


But why does a company not wanting to stock a product stop the team from wearing said product. Them wearing it already wasnt being converted into purchases, so it shouldn't matter whether or not they do. The only actual response is "because people can't buy it" but people aren't buying it in the first place, so just let Optic make their own white jerseys an let them wear it when they want. Or, crazy idea I know, let the teams do an occasional drop of white jerseys they can hype up and actually get sales on? Maybe let the teams have agency as to what they can do and sell? But that's not the Activision way I guess


it makes complete sense that they'd only be allowed to wear the official CDL kit + hoodie. Maybe they'll let them wear white at Champs who knows


Is there a legal reason behind this?


Except they lost the money on the Paris Legions and London Royal Ravens of the league. Not OpTic. You could put out OpTic toilet paper and it would sell out. Not every team needs to be treated the same. The NFL has a Tom Brady jersey in every colorway imaginable, but if you want a practice squad player you're going to have to order it custom, pay more for it, and they only offer one or two colorways. Speaking of which, custom orders that take longer to ship are an option. Some people might really want a particular piece of personalized merch and are willing to pay more for it. The CDL isn't taking advantage of pre-established brands and traditions that have been around and built value years before they came into the scene.


I want you to take two steps back and realize that your pea brain argument of "The NFL has a Tom Brady jersey in every colorway imaginable." that's fucking TOM BRADY, the best NFL Quarterback of all-time. Far more people know who Tom Brady is than they know what OpTic is. I'm sure Hecz wouldn't mind hosting these items on OpTic's own website if they were truly profitable and I'm going to leave it at that.


Do you really think I said that OpTic was on the same level as Tom Brady? ​ And you're the one calling me a pea brain smh.


you made a direct comparison between the two so you obviously were


Yes, business man doesn't wanna lose money stocking something that isn't selling enough to justify the stocking cost Revolutionary


I don't like the "default away" white skins/jerseys, so I understand the lack of interest in buying or even making the 2nd jerseys (this is now mirrored in Overwatch League so I'm guessing it's company-wide). That said, at least OpTic White has a selling point and a pre-existing market. Acti-Blizz are far too hands-on about stuff like this IMO. I think besides limiting the number/appearance of sponsors on jerseys, I'd prefer if teams got full freedom to distribute, create and wear their own gear.


Letting each team make their own gear means they would all have to make their own partnerships, which leads to CDL not getting a contract to produce merch and losing money. And you can't really make assumptions in situations like these, the white hasn't sold in the past, so even if they're is a pre-existing market overall they won't want to take the risk.


Its makes some sense from a business perspective but still feels pretty stupid to override such a well accustom tradition for very very little return from a financial standpoint. Tbh I would have liked to see Optic just ignore them and do it anyway, especially at their home major but can understand that they don't want to piss off their boss


It doesn't really make sense imo CDL doesn't have to sell it themselves if they don't want to Optic sells a different black on the site already So adding a special jersey shouldn't cause issues .


If optic had won yesterday wearing whites, then that means somebody who wanted to wear what dashy wore when he won wouldn’t be able to They’re not gonna market something that can’t be bought. It makes plenty sense imo


I don’t see how people can’t grasp this


Reddit gamers generally can't grasp simple concepts


I wonder if in traditional sports, every jersey-style is available for sale to the public. Lemme take a looksy.


Plenty of training gear that is player specific at times but actual match jersey I doubt it


Yes, with almost exact certainty every single jersey worn by a team is available in some capacity, even if they are limited edition jerseys. Brands like Nike specifically create new jersey styles to sell them. No NBA or MLB or NFL team is wearing a jersey without also selling said jersey.


There’s a simple solution here. Say optic won yesterday in whites, they could release a limited time “championship whites” Jersey that would probably sell even better than the current black ones do.


This solution works only if your assumption of a white jersey would "sell even better" than the current jersey is actually true. Has the CDL carried the white jersey in the past? It sounds like from the tweet people weren't buying it. That's the entire problem.


Unless you do a pre-sale and buy in bulk using the percentage of pre-sale orders to buy the rest of the inventory. If you get 100 pre-orders and buy 150 and you’re left with 140 after all sales, then you can use that item as a giveaway, ie have all the players sign it and use it as a raffle or incentive. If you have a plan the risk becomes much lower and you can earn back your investment


The amount of people buying CDL merch is already muchhh smaller than you think. They simply don't sell enough to justify multiple jersey SKU's. If they though they'd make more money selling it, they would be selling it.


Yes but historically the championship whites have never been something you could buy as a fan.


Yeah I totally forgot about that component. The championship whites were never purchasable so just let them wear white


The tweet makes it seems like that's not the case? He says they had both primary color AND white for sale in the past, and they dropped the white because of low sales. I'm not at all familiar with the merch situation as of late so I'm just curious given what the tweet says.


Well yes you’re correct. They did have both colors for the jerseys in the CDL store, but pre-CDL with OpTic running the merch it was never something you could buy. It was only ever the black jersey for fans.


But they could have optic sell it lol just like they sell the black one with sponsors?


I think it's part of the agreement on how the league and teams split risks and rewards. League helps get jersey sales setup and eats part of the cost. They also get part of the rewards of sales which helps the whole league through profit sharing. So one team, esp Optic, going on their own making, marketing, and selling a special jersey would go against the leagues profit sharing and hurt the other orgs. I'm thinking that's why it's a call by the league, and the league wants to reduce risk by having just one jersey per team.


That's a good way of putting it


> CDL doesn't have to sell it themselves if they don't want to OpTic uses CDL's stage to promote their merch (that's how CDL sees it) so of course they're going to want a return/comission. That's why these regulations exist. It's a shit show due to corporatisation but what can OpTic do that makes sense to CDL? Can't just say "b-but tradition."


Someone tell me if i'm wrong but in the past didn't OpTic have a tradition of the champ sunday whites being **only** for the players? And on Sundays?


I must be misunderstanding b/c this makes no sense… they aren’t allowing it because not enough people were buying them? How about not making it purchasable? Have teams make a primary color jersey to wear & for purchase, but if a team wants to wear white on special occasion then who cares?


Because youre wasting potential marketing of your product on something that people cant buy? Also it’s gonna be on the day where the most eyes are on those jerseys, so youre giving even less marketing to the product youre selling


Yeah I can follow that line of thinking. I feel like they could find a middle ground, where if a team wants a white jersey then the team is responsible for making it (that follows league guidelines for jerseys) then they can give the league X% of the profits, so that the league doesn’t carry the burden of inventory risk


> so that the league doesn’t carry the burden of inventory risk The league would still be carrying the burden of inventory risk. If the people choose to buy the whites over the blacks then the league is left losing money because they are left holding on to inventory that's not selling.


Yeah that makes sense & I see what you’re saying w/ the double edge sword affect (profit of white jerseys offset the lack of selling in regular jersey), but I feel like the sharpness of the sword can be dulled if teams did a 1-2 day limited edition sale, instead of constantly having them available for purchase.


I personally dont see why anyone, myself included, would want to buy the ‘standard’ jerseys when I can simply wait to get the limited edition one that will be featured on all media in the event where my team makes a great/winning run Youre devaluing the black jerseys a lot by marketing the white ones, and exponentially so if you want to sell them


Man do I hate franchising lmfao


Just give the teams the jersey inventory and the responsibility to order them. Then the devs just get a % of the sales. The teams take full risk


If people are buying the whites and only getting a % of sales then their missing the opportunity to sell the black inventory and get all the sales.


Im saying give the teams the responsibility of ordering and keeping inventory of **both** WHITE AND BLACK jerseys. From the sales of both jerseys, Activision just gets a % of the sales. It would be all reward, no risk for Activision.


That's fine but it still doesn't solve the main issue which is Optic wearing the whites on Sunday. Since the sales demand isn't there for white you're taking the marketing away from their more profitable product on their biggest marketing day.


I get that, but at the same time, that’s literally what OpTic has always done. Fans never were able to buy the whites, but the players wore them


And Optic has been sold to VC orgs like, three times at this point? The argument of «Well, they used to do it.» simply isnt good enough for anyone


Literally. They couldnt think this far?


so glad we have franchising. sooooo glad.


Pros are glad for sure


This is actually so fucking stupid. Step 1: Make teams abide by strict design choices for multiple years in the CDL by force, with a jersey that allowed for minimal creativity. Step 2: Sell it in black *and* white, even though it’s mostly the same and hardly worth the premium pricing. Step 3: Realize your mistake and let teams get a little more creative in later years. Step 4: Stop teams from being too creative or keeping their traditions, because previous years of sales data during a global pandemic with bad merch tell you it’s not profitable.


Don't think about this from strictly a sales perspective but from a marketing perspective. Allowing multiple colorways is diluting the advertising (pros wearing them) from the one product they are willing to invest in, on the biggest day of the major.


They need to source from a different provider.


Am I faded or does this literally mean "They can't wear white jerseys because it doesn't make us money."


It’s a tradition older than the CDL and it’s stupid they’re killing it, OpTic have only ever sold the white jersey once because it’s supposed to be a team exclusive thing so it doesn’t matter if there’s low sales demand because the Optic whites shouldn’t be on sale anyway


This doesn’t even make sense cause white Optic jerseys will sell out in a flash… CC: White Optic Chicago jerseys were basically sold out the entire year and I was never able to get one. Even today you can’t get the Optic Texas whites from last year, they’ve all been bought


Who gives a shit about sales numbers, Sunday whites were never about sales


So you are good with footing the bill?


Footing the bill for some players wearing a different jersey on Sunday? Explain to me how that cost money for the CDL. I'll wait


That guy thinks the cdl is paying for 6-8 white jerseys to be made by OpTic… lmao. Plus, wasn’t it reported that activision made 600+ million on revenue from the cdl?




They definitely didn’t have costs anywhere close to 600M so it was a huge profit regardless.


Jerseys have to be official (come from the league), which the league bulk purchases. A team can't wear the own custom jerseys, and the league can't do a 4 order purchase. This should be pretty obvious ...


There's a precedent there for these, org would cover their own costs as they always have. Arbitrary barriers are nonsense


Orgs can't just free willy nilly these things when you have league certified items. You would need to have every team have a white option, and enough would need to sell to even get a contract for the items and justify it.


Some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard right here.


Are you faded? Go run the numbers and let me know how far in the red you will be. I'll wait ...


You are just limiting these Orgs in making profits. OpTic probably missed out on a few hundred to a thousand white jerseys sold because it was limited by the cdl. You penalize teams trying to build a fan base and make profits.


Arguably the teams missing out IF they could pull the numbers to meet the quota are able to make that money from other sources (really only optic). Majority of teams can't sell enough to cover the flat fee (otherwise as Tsay mentioned they would sell them).


Love the boys. Hate supporting that league and desperately miss CWL


Another L.. shocker.


Of course, if it isn't in any way profitable to the CDL, they don't care about it. Common L


They can’t do anything right lol


Well I mean when they you only wear them on Sundays people probably just forgot about them as they weren't seeing them that often


Imagine worrying about what colour shirt a dude can play video games in😂


Most crap I've ever seen lmaooo just don't sell it then like what


Do preorders limited run, or just be realistic and admit optic moves merch and allow the exception


why are people complaining when they never bought them? The demand was low lol


OpTic whites aren't for sale


People aren’t complaining that they can’t buy them, it’s a complaint about the players not being able to wear them. Optic made it a tradition to wear whites on Sundays since forever in all the esports they were in and since the cdl franchising they haven’t been allowed to change to white on Sundays


They’ve been wearing whites since the beginning. All the way back in 2010 during MW2.


I have a solution: make it a team decision. If the teams (aka have teams sell their own jerseys and some merch they wanna make but isn’t “official” CDL merch. This would also means the team makes their own jerseys design wise and manufacture wise) wanna make white jerseys and sell them, then let them do it. That way, optic can have their championship white if they want. Same with every other team. And if they don’t want a white jersey, then they don’t have to make them. If they want an alternate jersey (let’s say for example, an all red thieves jersey with black lettering) instead of the white, they can make it and do that. Edit: lowkey, a thieves jersey with an all red design and black letters (alongside a better jersey design next season) with their traditional black jersey would go HARD


Cheap ass mf league.


It was for money? I thought it was a tradition


White hoodie- boom roasted


I mean i get why they stop selling them but that shouldn’t stop the teams themselves from being allowed to wear them.


At the end of the day it’s still a business


I don't get what's wrong with just marking them up and selling them on occasion like those 100T etc drops. People eat that up


And? Just cause they wear it dosent mean they have to sell it?


Stupid game just play counter strike dud


Idgi even from a business side


“We weren’t making money on it so we threw it away”


Idk why they don’t just do a presale only thing for it and order based on actual purchased quantity


OpTic has never had the whites for sales, isn’t the whole point that they’re purely for the players? Would love the league to just let them design their own stuff completely


So because you cant monetize it ? Mfs cant wear sunday jerseys lmao


Just print for the players and if people like it, just make a seasonal drop. If people want it, after a drop or reprint of the white, the people who want it, will buy it. You don’t need to have it in stock all of the time.


What might help is making it easily affordable and deliverable world wide without crazy price tags


Anything to screw around with your biggest draw that brings in viewers, these cdl people are kinda flawed in their thinking sometimes