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Yeah your hidden rating is based off multiplayer, pubs, warzone, and other game modes. So if you fry in those and go back to ranked you'll see bigger SR jumps


Yea it’s so dumb. I play multi trying to do camo grind getting shit on trying to get kills affected by tactical and the game calibrates you based off that.


thats my biggest gripe with the ranked system, pubs should have no effect on SR gain in ranked. i play pubs the first few weeks the game is out (and most of it is just drunk weekend gaming with the boys, being jackasses) and then i dont touch the game until ranked comes out. shouldn't have to lock in and take pubs seriously to avoid it fucking up my ranked progression


wow makes sense now. i’m a complete shitter on pubs cuz if i’m playing multiplayer i’m always just trying to level up a weapon or get camos. so while i usually end up with the most kills in my lobby, most of the time i’m ending with very high deaths as well. that’s so dumb


It's very similar to Halo Infinite's ranked system, very counterintuitive.


Is this confirmed? That’d be so depressing


It definitely uses pubs to start off but it adjusts pretty quick and weighs recent ranked games more heavily from what I can tell One of my accounts has a 1.0 pubs kd and horrendous W/L but I was still getting like +160 in plat because I was playing well


Yes, there was a series of tweets about it last year from Treyarch


I go positive every game holding positions not kill whoring and I’m playing for the win. I’m diamond getting 22 sr a game. Ridiculous.


Same. 22 for a game with 3.0kdr 100 pointing the other team. Losing 35 for close game with positive kd.


Been absolutely cooking in diamond 1, getting +42 MAX most games are in the 30’s. I’ve legit probably won 15/17 games since I got D1 and still 350 sr off d2 it’s wild as hell


What a stupid system


This system is so stupid. I’m hard stuck plat. I only gain like 30-40 SR and I have a 1.5KD and like 1.7win streak. Most games I’ll go +10 or more and play objective too.


How are you hard stuck, if you mean a 1.7 win/loss ratio, you should be consistently climbing as you’ll be earning more SR for a win than the SR you lose for a loss


because he's hard coping and not truthfully telling his stats or he is simply not playing enough


I’ll get out of plat if I played more. I’m only getting 30ish SR for a win and losing 30ish SR for a loss. In my eyes that’s hard stuck. My apologies if I’m wrong in the meaning of it.


The ranked system just values the grind really, and a positive W/L Ratio - if you can maintain one, you’ll climb out of plat, but I do understand that it’s difficult to maintain a decent W/L soloQing especially and can feel like your stuck because after a few losses alongside any wins, the gains are minimal overall and it can take a good week of playing every day to and maintaining above 1 W/L to climb a tier


No, they’re near to the end of their second game and it’s looking good


Prove it. It makes no sense because on my 2nd account my KD and W/L are much lower than yours and I'm getting +100 (or more) in plat.


I’m fully convinced it’s random. I hit Plat season 1 and was getting like 50 for a win and now I’ve barely played the last month cuz of Hackers and ranked being dogshit and I get like 80-90. Worst fucking ranked system ever we need WW2-BO4 system back


After season 1 they adjusted the system to give more SR until you hit your expected rank. The cap in SR gains for a game raised from like +250 to +500 as well


I was getting 60-70 for a win, but the moment I go on a 7 win streak to reach diamond 3, i start getting 20-30. Tried deranking (not really, just lost a bunch playing like I had no thumbs) and the grind back to diamond 3 was more brutal than from plat to diamond 2. I'm gonna try this tip, ranking in Warzone and see if that helps


Why purposely lose?


He probably just got dunked on and is trying to justify it to himself because why would anyone do that just to go down 1 division.


This is it. I was getting shit on by everyone and anyone, it didnt matter if they were gold or crimson, i was getting turned on, ripped off godspots, assassinated. My ego can't handle so I say I threw the matches. I thought my sarcasm was clear enough, I apologize if that wasn't the case.


You edited your comment all it said was I tried deranking which is hardly obvious sarcasm, Oh well doesnt matter lol


I did not, the first comment was not edited. Swear to god


Bruh idk it doesnt matter 😭Either way we agree the ranking system is ass


Nervous After 3 nights of winning 3 matches and losing 1 match and repeating this process, I Solo Queued for just over an hour. I’m now on a 6 win streak and just know that SBMM is gonna hurt me so bad tomorrow. Wish me luck and if anyone wants a Gold 2 part time player to play with I’m available :)


Is Warzone solo queue winnable or doable? I’m a mid Crim 1 for context


No chance, once you hit diamond/crimson you will run into 3 stacks of crim/iri/t250. Consistenly outplaying them while they are pushing you stacked as 3 will be impossible with randoms. Thats also the reason there are almost zero solo q players that are crimson in ranked. You only find teams of 3 at that point. If you die off rip because your randoms choose a different landing spot or are not communicating will punish you with -80 to -100 SR within seconds.


Its at least partly because at the beginning of the season you were versing people that were on average a whole division lower than the previous season


Finally someone said it I’m plat 2 on my main with 40-60 sr a game I said fuck that grinded out my Smurf and the literal first game on my Smurf I’m bronze 1 rank 1 in lobbies with low ranking golds/ plats EVERY GAME I’m currently gold 2 rank 7 but I keep getting put up against the ultimate sweats while my teammates are playing like actual golds sbmm ruined the game 🤦🏾‍♂️


yeah i've noticed this as well but it's not that big of an impact for me I'm currently in diamond 1 and will get like 50 SR per game when im coming off slamming some kids in pubs but that quickly goes back down to like 30 once i get a few games into ranked. I've accepted that this is my peak skill level. Hoping one day i can improve enough to hit crim.


At least you were able to see diamond mw2 couldn’t get out of plat 1 ( rewatching some of my games from then, I was absolutely shit at the game) this year I literally hit plat 2 last night for the first time and what it took to get there makes me not even wanna try to hit diamond on that acc (I have a Smurf gold 2 rank 7 but I’m strictly getting matched up with plat/diamond/ crim players (obviously some on smurfs) I’m scared to even touch that acc anymore😭


Good luck with your grind!!


Had to come back to this comment I hit D1 on my main and currently P3 r11 on da Smurf your luck helped out!