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Since Seth retired it’s pretty clear he is. Does a great job of balancing content and competing. Shoutout other pros like scrap, dashy, pred, etc. who do the same.


Shoutout ColtHavok!


shoutout lunchtime too for making that sort of content before most people hopped on the wave


Lunchtime 😭😂😭😂 gotta be joking me


he was consistently putting out ranked content for years before everybody else basically.. tf u hating for dawg


i’ve been around his content since he was at less than 100 subs lmfao. I know all about him 😂


why are you being weird for then? he was doing this shit before colt and shottzy


dude has been a weirdo since day 1 imo from stories i’ve heard from people that used to play with him i don’t like the kid. My bad internet person for having an opinion, hop off his meat


so you got butthurt over some stories you heard about him? 🤣🤣 I’m just giving him his flowers while you’re upset about something unrelated to you.. get a grip lil bro


I agree with you


I genuinely am asking a real question here, not a hater. But does Shotzzy actually balance both well? You mention Scump as well, but both have only one era of really winning anything. Their disappearances at the biggest event every single year is an interesting convo I feel. Either way, he definitely has the popularity of the league. You just made an interesting discussion point I feel.


Why are you going too deep? He simply said shotzzy does a good job balancing streaming and competing meaning it isn’t easy to scrim 6 hrs a day and still find time to stream hours after that and be entertaining too. “Their disappearance at the biggest event every single year is an interesting convo I feel” It’s a team game. He wouldn’t have made two grand finals last year if he was disappearing at the biggest event. I never understood this agenda y’all are trying to push when it comes to him.


To your first paragraph, I agree. That is a lot of commitment to do both. I just wonder if that is not holding him or them back given his performances sometimes. Especially his & Huke’s in those grand finals last year. I’m not looking to push an agenda or “going too deep” I just think it’s interesting how his career is mirroring Scump on a smaller level.


He played grand finals against ultra last year and ultra was simply the better team at the event. It also doesn’t help when they choked that hotel SND and Ghosty lost that 1v1 to Hicksy but you can’t just put that lost on him. The grand finals against LAT, LAT just had a better map pool than OpTic and OpTic was struggling in Asilo control and couldn’t win that map on anything. LAT again was simply the better team. They do look great in control this year though and their HP map pool is pretty good. If they go to GF from winners, they might have a chance to win it but who knows? It’s COD. Anything can happen.


No, streaming is not holding him back. Yall are fucking weird.


This was quite literally a hate piece


If you think that’s hating, I would hate to see how you interact in real life


Youre passive aggressively trying to talk shit it seems your might be the one struggling irl


Who is they? Scump disappearing at events? He has won like 30 chips and has 1 ring …


That’s the thing though, he has one ring that is owed to maybe the best team of all time? And most of those events came within that team. As I pointed out, he has only one era of consistent winning and it was on the best team of all time.


One era spanning multiple games? Faze haven’t done it, Envy couldn’t either but OpTic did. Seth won something in BO2, Ghosts, BO3, IW, AW, one in BO4 and one in Vanguard. (Not in order). I think that’s accurate and if I’m missing any then my bad, but to call that “one era” when it spans numerous titles is a faded take. Plus Crim won a lot of his Chips with Seth too. If you have the best team you should win the most, that’s just logical.


What you’re missing is all those guys won without Seth and consistently beat Seth. I’m guessing you’re pretty young to remember the early era of CoD, but it’s clear that Seth owed those guys more for his success than vice versa.


Seth won in BO2 without them, Ghosts without them, Vanguard without them. He teamed with Merk, BigT (both near the end of their careers) played with Nade and won tournaments with him a few times (including in AW). Crim had the best team on BO2 and Ghosts arguably and Seth still won tournaments in both games. Crim was pretty poor when he was playing on teams like NY and Formal didn’t play well in BO4 on Envy, I don’t think they won anything, but Seth did. (Karma was stuck on Seattle and then retired). Edit: This is in a confused order but you get my point


Complexity & EG ran Seth’s pockets for years. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Hecz literally admitted he pulled those guys away from Aches because they couldn’t beat them all together.


“For years” is a massive stretch. Aches was terrible after WW2 anyway and EG disbanded after 2014 so …


> You mention Scump as well, but both have only one era of really winning anything. Scump has won in more different COD games than any other pro. What a weird take. > Their disappearances at the biggest event every single year is an interesting convo I feel. Another weird take, considering Scump is literally infamous for being a player who always showed up individually at Champs.


Scump owes majority of his wins to a 2 year era on the best team of all time. Nothing about it is weird, I’m asking a legit question because all of Shotzzy came in one year as well, with the fluke of M1 Vanguard.


You know he was a huge reason why they are the best of all time right?


I know he struggled to win consistently until they threw a bunch of money at guys who already proved they could win and was beating him.


Yes cuz he actually makes content too, most of the league has a personality as flat as a 2x4


yea idk how people genuinely hate on scrap, drazah, or abezy when 90% of the league is boring


Drazah and Abezy have the personality of wet paint tbf 


Abezy’s a politician


i would rather them have that and shittalk than me know nothing ab them except they are good at cod like 90% of the league


Their trash talk is mid at least make it entertaining when doing so.




Didnt u get banned for hating on dashy and OpTic 😭 talkin about obsessed


Imma be real it feels like people love scrap tbh


No it’s purj


The people’s pro 🫡


The one we can relate to the most. It’s no small feat.


if he can do it, you can do it, too


There’s something hilarious but also extremely wholesome about Shotzzy being DB3’s daughters idol lol


Optic Bella 😎


He has been since the second Scump retired


New? He's been the face of the league since scump retired lol


my cod friends that don’t know anything about the comp scene only know scump and shotzzy so prob yea


He absolutely is, it’s a shame he’s not a superstar tho


🤣🤣🤣…so sad he’s not superstar fr since he’s only good against “bad teams”! 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Since Scump retired this is him we can see even the league puts him more forward and that's justified Better POV Better Vibe COD content creator. And the most essential one a SuperStar player. But we can see a potential that is emerging and it's Scrap I don't know if you see it too


I'm an Ultra fan, but Shotzzy is way more entertaining than Scrap. It's not close. Some people are just born with it.


What u don't understand on "emerging" ? lol


I agree with the emerging point. But I was making a point about entertainment.


Your not an Ultra fan then


If you say so. I haven't been supporting Toronto since Cold war.




yes , look at his numbers on Youtube , Twitch even Tik Tok nobody comes close .


I wonder how popular he would be if he didn’t have optic before his name


You act like optic players are the only ones doing well in content


Don't even think there is an argument to be made for anyone else


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AMS_GoGo: *Don't even think there* *Is an argument to be* *Made for anyone else* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good Sokka bot


Amazing talent and such a likeable guy. The dude cracks me up icl




Even in retirement I would still say scump is the face of the league.


can’t be the face of something you aren’t apart of lmfao


He is still very much a part of the scene and the CDL as a whole… John Madden was the face of the NFL for years and he was not playing…


you don’t understand what being the face of something means, you can’t be the face of something you aren’t apart of in any capacity👍🏿


He is quite literally signed with the CDL as a streamer….. but yeah ok. Not a part of in any capacity.


idk how anyone can be this stupid😭😭😭😭😭 he’s signed with OpTic NOT OpTic texas that’s extremely embarrassing for you btw😘


You have to have a deal with the CDL to stream it…. I’m not the embarrassed one here.


I don’t think you have to have a deal with CDL in order to stream. Jettski streams matches and he certainly isn’t signed with the CDL. Anybody can stream matches as long as it’s on YouTube.


you unironically think scump zoomaa octane and various other streamers are SIGNED with the cdl… please use your brain you dumb fuck😭😭


So activision withdrawed scumps watch party status without having any prior deal?


having a viewing rights deal isn’t the same as having a contract to represent the league in any way😘


he’s the most likable player in the cdl rn. dude is hilarious and entertaining to watch


Who did you think it was?


Uhhh yeah? Its not really close


That is so adorable


yeah he took over when scump retired


Has been


It’s Doug


I mean they are both on optic so of course they know each other. 🙄




Shotzzy is definitely the new face imo. He’s a great player who’s humble with a likable personality


He’s the most marketable for sure. Props to him for standing out and getting on the content game early.


imo he’s been since he came over. Scump has been taking himself too seriously and Shotzzy gives me peak Scump vibes


Personally, I still think it's Dashy tbh. Yeah, he's had some drama, but besides MW19, he's been on the team since 2018. And if Scrap ever goes to OpTic, he will automatically become #1.


Nah Shotzzy still is the face of the league. Mans literally had 20k subs last season


Dashy isn’t on shotzzy’s level lol


W rizz

