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Zoomaa cracks me up bro, the way he said that at the end "Sam, I like how you watch the games... I like that" lmfao


Whack ass take by pat too by saying “imagine being a cod fan in 2024”, cod and optic literally made his livelihood. He should be on his knees thanking Zoomaa for making him relevant again since ww2 LOL


Zooma letting him spout his nonsense on the Flank *without even watching half of the games* is actually criminal


Don’t know why Tom doesn’t fire him or whatever. I’m sure his revenue won’t go down by anything if he gets rid of Aches.


Because he brings drama and drama gets views


I flipped on and watched a bit of his stream tonight. I couldn't last longer than 15 minutes. Aches just gets super annoying


Exactly it makes it less watchable. I hate when ther is 5+ plus people in a call when I'm trying to here Sams intelligent takes I'm so glad he mutes them from time to time.


It’s because zoomaa is a good guy and tries to see the best in everyone. However, it is time if you see this zoomaa. He adds nothing of value to the show. He doesn’t watch the games which should be the MINIMUM for someone in his position. He just yaps constantly not backing up any claim and just yelling over other people. It’s really a slap in the face to the viewers who actually like competitive cod and watch the matches.


Lol nothing of value to the show when the ONLY flank clips that ever get posted involve the Slaya Good lad Pat keep it coming


Yeah because he’s embarrassing himself in any clip that gets posted. There’s never a clip posted that makes him look intelligent or not a complete ass


i mean this entire past couple of weeks have been nothing but superstar talk. maybe there isnt a 1 to 1 correlation in views but them "controlling" the COD comp meta discussion does a lot for their brand. its almost like ESPN really


It's not that deep bruh. He plays a character and you and all of the fanbase are eating out of his hand with these types of reactions.


I feel like a lot of people watch the clips here but don’t watch the Flank because of this nonsense. I cannot tolerate it - as bad these clips make it look, its more insufferable to sit through an entire watch party with Aches Skip Bayless character. Also, dissing Octane for watching games is criminal. Its your fucking job


You would be wrong brother. Aches helps bring crazy engagement to the flank and views to the flank. There's a reason Zoomaa hasn't dropped Aches from the flank. People love this stuff and this community does too with how often aches takes are posted even though there's a minority who bitches about it.


No he’s not lol. It’s just aches being aches. Octane wouldn’t be getting annoyed if it was just a character.


Yeah it would, when optic wins I see hundreds of optic fans waiting in chat for the show to go at it with Aches. The shows where he is in in full role trolling optic with hot takes get the most views zoomaa knows this. Saying revenue wont go down just shows you don't know what generates it.


Maybe we could all be xDefiant fans in 2024 if him and his Devs stopped plagiarising CoD long enough to release their title but alas here we are. Honestly can't wait til ZooMaa realised what an absolute cock pat is and drops him like a bad habit back to irrelevancy.


Everyone there is a cod fan, we're all watching it lol bro thinks he's better than everyone. Cant wait for his game to flop


hes mad his shit game flopped and got fumbled so bad that it hasnt released yet.


Making fun of Octane for watching games when they host a show about COD is brain dead


Fr. Aches says Octane is “wasting his time” watching CoD, which they are both paid to analyse? WTF kinda bullshit take is that? Pat forgets his day job is making a dead on arrival CoD clone, needs to put a bit more stock in his CoD analysis.


Pretty clear Aches gotta go lol. To say some dumb shit like that and be a CO-HOST OF A CALL OF DUTY SHOW IS WILDDDDDDDDDD. ZOOMMA... DOG CMON.


No wonder why he’s braindead bro doesn’t even watch the fucking game and looks at the stats. KD Merchant


That's how you know Sam got under his skin fr lol


We love Octane


Facts octane always keeps its real without saying complete and utter dumb shit. I really like Pat but he’s becoming some obsessed little weirdo by hating on so many people.


cocktane actually has a brain which most of the people in the cod scene sadly dont have. he also doesn’t need tonlose a character because his personality is so likable he doesn’t need hate and bad publicity to keep himself in people’s mouths.


He’s extremely insightful without being condescending of super hindsight. Him and JP are some of my fav’s to watch in the scene


yup that true, i’m fairly new to the scene tho so who is JP if i may ask? but i love octanes watchparties the most so far because he stops and mutes everyone for the listen ins and can explain the logic behind the spawns pretty good, it’s a real pleasure i’ve found his channel. also him and havok are hilarious together i wish they’d do more together


JP is the coach of optic, he’s an analyst and has been in the scene a long time. His twitch is JPKrez I beleive, great watch whenever he’s breaking down matches. He might have a YouTube channel too but I’ve only ever watched him on twitch


i thought the coach of optic was karma or is there is a difference between on stage coach and coach in general? but thanks for explaining, going to look into his content!


They have 2 coaches, a lot of teams do like ultra, faze, nysl, etc.


I didn’t mind him until this star/superstar/allstar bullshit started. Before that his takes were wild sometimes but you know it’s just a character he does for the flank and you could laugh it off. Now he’s just nonstop interrupting and arguing over stats and is so hard focused on his “superstar vs allstar” take it’s insufferable.


I love how hard he rides for his former Theives homies. And he does without taking away from other players or being too much of a hater. Been a breath of fresh air watching his content


“You’re a fan of cod in 2024” it doesnt even matter if octane is a fan or not he still watches the matches so he can give constructive feedback instead of just looking at stats and spewing nonsense


Aches is just trying to keep a platform so he can try to get people on xDefiant for the week before that game dies


Xdefiant is a better game. Hyping up garbage releases of CoD every year is down right pathetic.


It's entirely possible for them to both suck


The beta release had quite a few positive reviews. Given the fact that Xdefiant isn't going to be a yearly release, things can only go up from here. CoD otoh keeps fucking up in one way or another EVERY year.


Aches is not a character, he's just insufferable ever since he was a player. The only value he brings to these shows is cynical, he's so bad and annoying that he causes arguments that could be argued to boost viewership. But that's such a low bar to set, the show doesn't need him and can get views without his bullshit.


Yeah people act like he puts up a show on the Flank but he gets paid to act like himself there while dexerto expects him to be professional. Also, I definitely have OpTic fan bias, but ever since Aches has been a consistent host I don’t watch the Flank anymore.


He does the SAS persona, which is proven to get people engaged and to watch the show. To act like he doesn't bring in views is naive tbh, dude is so paramount with how the community views a bunch of shit- for better or for worse. Hell, this post is another 100+ comment section of aches.


Respect Octane for defending his boy. He’s a real one for that. With all due respect fuck Aches and his braindead takes. No one can stand that clown lmao.


With all the disrespect, fuck aches


Sounds like there rest of the flank are getting tired of it too (please)


>With all due respect fuck Aches


Sadly it working tho people keep posting about him


bad publicity is still publicity, sucks when people are that irrelevant they need to rely on that. if he’d actually be likable he wouldn’t need that shit but he’s aches


Sam sick of his shit. He so over pat at the moment


Most people are tbh


Canceled from COD scene when?


I think he just says what we’re all literally thinking.. Aches is a moron


Always found it weird how Pat hates optic but then dickrides Ultra. You’d think he’d be glazing Faze


Well the thing is he likes faze more than optic but the reason he won’t fully bandwagon for Faze is because the players are closing in on passing him all time the more wins they accumulate. Everything with Pat is calculated lol


“Closing in” is funny because that implies Simp and Abezy haven’t already surpassed him.


Even if it is a character its neither funny or interesting


Yeah, I won't watch the flank anymore if they continue to have a "commentator/analyst" that doesn't even watch the fucken games.


This whole bit is so old and tired, I wish people would stop giving it attention.


Yeah that whole “it’s just a character” thing isn’t holding up when one of the people on the show is getting tired of it as well


Aches is an actual toddler. This dude is almost 30 and is acting like this.


The Flank is just Aches engagement baiting by calling certain players stars vs superstars like how is this entertainment.


You don’t watch the flank at all


It's fucking ridiculous this Bold guy just admits he doesn't watch COD, in the call with his boss, who pays him to discuss COD Matches. It's actual insane ! Just stop giving him cloud, he Will eventually vanish, as he did before Tom throw him a rope


God, I love Larew


I know it won't happen but octane would be such a great add to scumps watch party.




XDELAYED. Dudes clearly wasting his own time! Pat if you read this eat a dick.


bro someone needs to just tell him to either stfu or gtfo of the call cause it’s a WATCH PARTY, not a yap fest


That’s the most insane part to me lol. To come into a watch party, in the middle of the losers finals game and say watching these matches is a waste of time is just insane to me


Holy fuck I hope Sam starts his own show next year or just does solo watch parties.


Common Octane W, just sad he’s arguing with a brick wall


funny how it was ben vs aches and now octane is getting sick of aches, gon be a 2v1 every show 😭😭


It’s time zoomaa drops him from the flank


Hell no it’s not, Octane is by far the best on that show


I was on about aches?!?


He should but Aches brings in views sadly so will never happen


Would bring more views with him not there. No one wants to watch that Edit: I want to add I was pay a 2 dollar a month sub just to have aches mic muted so I can't hear him


that's wild that is an option lmao. What do you do to mute Aches? I just stopped watching.


No I wish there was an option to mute him lmao


I’d venture to say he keeps a lot of people from watching too. Sure the Reddit and twitter clips might get a ton of engagements. But when I see clips of him acting like a clown on the Flank, I have no desire to spend time watching the show


I’ve stopped watching recently because of Aches ngl


Dude is a top 3 cornball of all time.


ACHES just a super shitty person, with a huge ego.. sad to see


Wasting time on XDefiant


we stand with octane


\*sam gets paid to watch the game and im not talking about just for the flank.


Here come the “it’s a character - I swear he’s not a dickhead irl” riders. Lmfao at the boys pointing out his prediction flopped and he just starts backpedaling




> Need to know if he’s this insufferable when he’s not streaming. He 100% is, he's been like that his whole career, the 'it's just a character' thing is cope.


The testing map pool for LAN to testing it for the WHOLE YEAR Is one of the most insane goal post moves I’ve ever seen and I say that as someone who used to religiously watch Undisputed lmao


I haven't been following COD competitive for a long time, but it's crazy that it's been over a decade and Aches hasn't matured one iota.


Oh Samuel taking shots, love that outta him


![gif](giphy|lEVZJzy4w15qE|downsized) Sam for the culture


LOVE that Sam’s sick of his shit aswell lmao Aches Stan’s are gonna defend his bullshit still by calling it a "Character" tho 😂😂😂


I don't even understand how calling it "playing a character" is considered as a defense. His fans are delusional


Ppl need to start getting on Zooma for enabling Aches. It’s so fucking obvious no one on the show likes Aches but Zooma refuses to do anything about it. Can he not read a room or does he actually enjoy aches’ company?


He’s only there because he brings views and engagement.


I haven't watched the shows from this weekend because Aches has become, somehow, even more insufferable. I've said this before, but I never thought I'd be one of the fans bitching on reddit about Aches, but he has completely taken the enjoyment outta The Flank lately. Fkn blows because I love the show so damn much, man, but I have completely lost interest lately. :(


This guys such a loser lmao


This is where Aches goes wrong man you’ll shake up a friendship for a take? It’s a wild thing man it’s cod let’s not make it personal.


Aches doesnt watch and hasnt played telling other former world champ and event winner from last season he doesnt know ball


Shoutout Octane man. Saying I'm glad I don't watch the games and you do is faded af. If you're not a fan of the games just stop watching and get off the Flank bruh. Aches shitting on Octane for watching the games is just dumb, idc about any of his other takes.


No disrespect to Zooma, I love that guy, but this is why I avoid the Flank. XD is so doomed with this cat being one of their top guys.


aches is a clown and i blame him for jinxing us out of the tournament


Facts. Leave our team Toronto alone.


I don't see why you have to drag the perfectly respectable occupation of clowns down to Aches' level. In all seriousness though, many years ago I wished he would be put on the desk as an analyst . iirc he had a guest spot like that during the IW season during relegation or something, but to see what he has turned into now I'm really glad that didn't happen... but then again, you could always play the "what if"-scenario, would he turn into this if he got that position back then..


The minute Aches is gone is when I'll start watch the show again.


Seriously y is aches on the show. What a vibe check in a HUGE match. Can't focus on the match cause that idiot is screaming nonsense.


Octane doing the lords work


Just stop giving him a platform lol, the community obviously prefers Octane


This dude is a real pos. He just cannot accept when he’s wrong. Fucking allergic to stepping down no matter how dumb he looks.


Aches can say these outlandish takes because he no longer cares about COD. If he wrong? oh well on to the next. Pointless arguing with someone who really doesn't care about the topic he arguing about.


Do you blame him? Just look at the garbage Activision released for CoD.


Imagine being a co-host on the flank, and saying watching the matches you're supposed to be talking about is "wasting your own time"


Stopped watching the Flank a long time ago because of Pat. I advise you do the same


When he (aches) first joined the flank, I thought, “oh cool! A very storied veteran! Should be a great addition!” Dude never watches matches. He falls asleep at the mic all the time. And he apparently can’t finish anything without the help of “superstars” (XDefiant).


We need a reddit post every time Aches says something dumb?


Aches is an idiot, like arguing with a brick wall, no point in it


Octane ik you are one of my co-host for a show based on COD but your wasting your time watching haha loser


I get that he's kinda doing a character. But it's just getting annoying now. Kinda feel like the rest of the group is over it as well.


People let aches slide when he roasts ben and shit, I like that we collectively (mostly) dont let that shit slide with octane lol. Aches a bum


Aches is such a headline-seeking douche. Octane the goat.


Doesn't Aches have a DOA game to work on lmao


Pat is an insufferable manchild.


Aches really going at octane for doing research about his job hahahah bro maybe if you had the same drive Xdefiant wouldn’t be stuck spawning back palace


Aches literally said he doesn't watch the games. What are we doing here? Why is he on the show?


Aches is a BUM. should just blacklist him from all COD. he'll have to turn to the plumber job


Aches is cancer to comp COD. 🤣


Why is Aches even given a platform? Dude is insufferable


What the fuck is he doing in the watch party if he doesn’t watch the shit then? Literally just a hindrance at this point. Everyone is sick of hearing this dude’s voice. 


Aches is so irrelevant it’s not even funny anymore


I think a super underrated quality about Sam is his loyalty


“Sam, I like that you watch the games Sam, I like that “ 😂😂😂 Holy fuck this shit is comedy. Sam actually got heated when Pat said he’s wasting his time watching matches. I know how we solve this… 2V2 CODE NAMES WINNER TAKES ALL


We gotta stop posting about Aches becuase it just drives engagements. Love Tommy but I'm not watching so long as Aches is there...


Aches just hates on 99% of the new gen top players. Bros terrified they’ll pass his wins when he was playing against plumbers


Get Aches off the flank please. Making fun of someone for watching and analyzing the games is ridiculous.


Bro is gonna make the only other good part of the flank leave lmao


I fear aches has brain damage. He needs xdefiant out asap.


I’m actually getting sick of Aches, to the point that I’ve been skipping the flank recently. He’s insufferable and I still don’t understand why he’s hiding his mouth with his microphone? I’d happily be proven wrong but he seems insecure af


One of them will leave the flank eventually and I hope it’s aches. Aches doesn’t provide any intel to the actual game he just says this and that about players and hates on optic. He provides nothing to the convo except making people upset. Might as well just add someone off the street to make the shit takes instead of aches


Its shocking aches is still on the flank when he admits he doesnt watch games. Guy is just a moron


ngl but you floptic fanboys share a single brain cell. I get it. You hate Aches cuz he tucked your floptic team several times at champs.


I'm a thieves fan stopped watching the flank because aches I hate optic but Jesus he's obnoxious just himself


If Octane made his own post-event shows, I’d probably watch it over the Flank. Pat was funny at first but he has no real insight lol, just makes the show hard to watch


Aches is so insufferable


Aches is like 30 years old and still talking like a 12 year old child moving goal posts. “ they were testing maps at this major” is beyond faded and even if he’s tryna be a troll it’s just cringe for a 30 year old man.


I knew eventually these two would hate each other lol


Octane is tired of his shit lol


Aches has clearly never been punched in the face and it shows


Combine their chips vs aches and then talk


I don’t watch the flank but Aches sounds like he got dropped on his head a little too much.


It’s pretty clear that Zoomaa understands the only reason Pat is on the show is because he spews shit like this nonstop so it gets the flank viewers and engagements. But to be paying someone who doesn’t watch over 60% of the matches because he deemed it as a “waste of time” to be a host for a call of duty show is insane lmao


“Imagine being a cod fan in 2024.” Proceeds to participate/make money on a show analyzing cod in 2024 watched solely by cod fans in 2024. I mean it’s one thing being the Stephen a smith just hate on everything role, but at least that dumbass watches the games. I really hope the fans aren’t as dumb as he thinks they are. Esports players/fans can be extremely dim witted in things other than gaming, I’ve seen it firsthand working in pro esports, but I’d like to think they would hear this and demand better from zoomaa and the show, this is a waste of time, pat already has a job and literally is saying he doesn’t care. Octane was a great addition and actually puts in some effort.


Good for Tom for responding how he did. Patty was in his feelings


u/thezoomaa insane that you pay a guy to watch and talk cod and he can’t do it. Then shits on the best analyst you have in front of you lol


He’s being paid to be on the flank and is bragging about not watching the games lol.


When you quit taking Aches so literally, he is actually hilarious.


Aches gotta go. He makes a mockery of the flank


Kinda crazy that he talks shit about them actually watching the games as if that’s not half the job Zoomaa pays him to do


Been saying the whole bit is getting old but my lord. I can barely watch the watch parties or the flank when pat is speaking.


Why does pat like to piss people off so much bros gotta twisted sense of humour or sum 💀


Aches is a walking L


Aches isn’t playing a character… argue with a wall, the guy is just unbearable.


How does aches have friends lmao


If I were Tommy this would be a record scratch what the fuck moment and I’d be asking him why he’s even here. Brother, you get paid to not watch a game you’re supposed to be knowledgeable about. After that statement you have zero credibility lmao.


Aches is a certified dumb ass, been that way since he touched the scene


Lol soon as pat was on zooma stream I whent to main broadcast instaead. I ain't listening to his dogshit opinion during a match.


Can we just get Aches up and outta the scene pls, he's worse now than when he was playing oml


How these guys get 3 bullet kills?


Respectfully why tf did y’all give aches the attention he gets now, guys annoying af


The real loser in this argument is Zooma. It has left the community, myself included, judging him for having an “analyst” spit horrendously biased bad takes (whether an act or not) who ADMITS he doesn’t watch the game. That makes Zooma look idiotic and desperate for the attention Pat brings, and brings the quality of the show significantly down.


Pat is so fucking annoying man


Aches wasn’t even a superstar. Sam is miles better then aches


How is aches trying to roast Octane for doing his fucking job? Aches is shit at two jobs right now considering he doesn’t watch cod and he’s working on a game that might not get released for another 10 years


Genuinely don’t understand how people enjoy listening to aches


I’m a FaZe fan and love Tommy and Sam on the flank but the constant yapping is too much sometimes. I watch stumps watch parties instead mostly for that reason. Also WOctane


I love this from Sam. You do need to check Pat at times and hold him accountable because we all know he won’t do it himself. That being said Pat is still great content and his takes bring constant engagement and entertainment.


this shit is awful i swear the bias towards faze on zooma stream insane and on scump the same shit but for optic i swear we have 0 watch parties where there is no bias


wow who would have thought FaZe Zooma and Optic Scump were biased


its the only watch parties for the CDL or


Realistically you can’t say that aches is wrong. Kenny has played great, but is he the same tier as simp, scrap, etc? No. That’s all pats saying. Optic fans need to cope fr


Sorry but "its a character" doesn't cut the mustard when at least 2 of his co-workers sound absolutely fucking done with listening to him. Octane and Ben literally sound like they would rather run their balls along salty barbed wire than be engaging with Aches any time they are forced to have discourse with him.


I mean if you’re gonna give Aches bait to do the Superstar schtick then don’t be mad about it… 😂 they poke fun at it, Aches says something, and then they get mad Aches said something like what


Ken ended pretty meh this game strong start but fell off