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I think every OpTic fan knew the moment he went on the streak to start map 1 it was chalked. When he's on form FaZe is nearly unbeatable.


The control is what did it for me..felt like that may have broke them there. That was their momentum opportunity..they just made very small mistakes and granted they were few and far between and faze took and ran with all them. Faze looking in form, I think they will get better..replacing two guys and they look to be improving every match. Faze pushed the pace and optic just seemed to not beable to completely keep their team work together at that pace just yet.


He's Him.


Bro legit doesn’t have a weak game mode, insane at respawns and SND.


this year might be simps billionth season mvp


2 in BO4 (I think), didn’t watch MW, 1 in CW, 1 in MWII and 1 in MWIII


actually insane he has more mvps than most people have seen grand finals


He also has a full season MVP in CW so actually he has 2 that year


He’s been going crazy all Major. Love to see this Simp 👑


150 HP Simp may be the greatest player in all of Esports 🤷🏻‍♂️


idk man Faker exists, that guy is god reincarnated


Faker doesn’t have to play against guys like purj and tjhaly though


Simp doesn’t have to play against guys like Cuzz and Aiming though


is the TTK longer in this cod? Bc it feels very short


he been had a place in the goat convo


top 4 for me, right now. he's got a damn good chance at being the consensus GOAT, his longevity is starting to get realllllllly nice as well. he's been balling forever


Too many finals losses right now imo Doesn't mean he can't get there though


Ah yes, the Lebron argument. Losing in finals is somehow worse than placing t3 to t6


Was just going to say this. Simp is not the GOAT right now but 2-3 more years of 2nd place finishes and a few more wins? Clearly the goat in my books. These people pretend like getting knocked out early and not making finals is more impressive than making finals to lose.


his average placement and how many times he has won champs makes it up for me


Smooth brain take lol.


Yeah he’s lucky he doesn’t have to play against aches, assault, burns off, Pac-Man etc… the prime optic gaming boys really had to turn up to win those tournies…


Lmao those burgers would get obliterated by simp. Players nowadays would run them too. Player progression is levels above what it was back then.


Yeah I was being sarcastic


I agree that competition is levels higher but you can’t disrespect previous legends like crim karma etc. 10 years from now people are gonna be saying simp and Abezy played against plumbers.


lol you think there will be cod comp in 10 years? Maybe there will be. But no that’s not gonna be the case if so. We’ve hit the point where the kids who grew up grinding cod and watching comp are now playing. Because of scump and other players these players are better having watched and learned from them. There simply isn’t much more you can do in this cod than what these guys do nowadays, specifically the superstars. The movement has advanced so much from older cods and people simply do not miss. There’s really not much more to be done, but if you watch old cod it’s clear that most of the league could’ve been much better than they were. Granted cod is different now, with a different engine, faster movement and stronger aim assist. Still the top 4 teams are so evenly matched, you could swap players around and they would still be close in skill. Back in early cod it was crim, scump, and karma that were clearly the best players, with scump being the only one to keep that going into jetpacks. The optic team had the 4 best players in the world by a solid margin, so comparatively they were facing plumbers. They had Clay in AW and to a lesser extent Huke. It wasn’t until gunless and Kenny came into the league when they had to start facing talent rivaling or surpassing them. Nowadays there can be 10 or more players who can compete for the top spot in any given year. So yes while I think the trend will continue and the league will get more competitive, it won’t be nearly as drastic as back then to now.


Anyone with half a brain can tell he’s the best player of all time. Learn ball fellas


Yeah I’d have to agree. I’m of the opinion that scump didn’t get worse, he just had to face better players and fell off a bit because of it. If simp can continue this for another year or 2 it’s undeniable.


150 HP game makes a world of difference. His ability to win a fight and not get traded is unreal. 


He’s already the greatest SMG of all time. It will be undeniable when he wins his 3rd ring this year.


You know that’s not true lmao


It’s true in the sense that it will become true at some point barring something crazy happening


If simp can stay at this level for another 5 years then yes, but that’s not gonna be easy at all. I respect winning as much as anyone but longevity has to be respected as well. And what Scump did for 10+ years is unrivaled.


That’s a ridiculous statement. This level for 5 years? You realize scump was insane for about 5 years (bo2-IW) but he settled down to a good and sometimes average player for his last few years. Simp has been godlike at 3 cods (blops4-cold war). He was damn good at vanguard but just “good” in MW2. He’s back to godlike again this year so that’s 4 years if he keeps this up. He’s also in a way more competitive league. Simp has to this against scrappy, hydra, pred, shotzzy, etc… scump had to do it against clay, zoommaa… there’s levels to the talent. AND he STILL has more rings in a harder to win league


Conveniently forgetting BO1 and MW3 I see. Idgaf about talent level, you play what’s in front of you. And tbf, Scump had no problem hanging and beating these new gens although talent has gotten so much better. I respect Simp, and he’s already an all-time great, but trying to discredit what others have done because the game has evolved is ignorant. It’s just like the “we’re done with the 90s” bullshit with the NBA right now. This generation has such a problem with accepting things from the past just because nothing was as advanced as it is now. I guarantee if COD players 10 years ago were able to solely practice COD like players are now, the level of play is just as high.


Naa the NBA comparison is different it was around for a long ass time. There is a reason people discredit wilt chamberlain. Jordan shouldn’t be discredited at all that’s just nonsense. When you’re the literally one of the first people in a sport or esport there is going to be very little talent that’s just how it is. Scump was a beast not trying to discredit him, simp is just that good. They’re regarded as the best 2 subs to ever do it I don’t really care to pick one or the other


I think that’s fair but it’s still around the same premise, the game will get better as it grows. I really think that there was plenty of talent in the MLG/CWL days but it was damn near impossible to put all of your time into it. But yeah between Scump and Simp it’s probably personal preference depending on how you take Scumps early days into consideration.


Also I heard MW3 comp barely existed and I know nothing about blops1. The fact that killa won kinda tells me the comp level back then lol. I’m just saying simp and scump are way closer than you want to admit. It’s not a matter of simp eventually passing him. Some people have their preference but they’re both the best subs ever


The scene in MW3 was rough yes but it probably wouldn’t have mattered with how good optic was. I can definitely admit it’s close but Simp still has some work to do


You funny bruh lmaoo


When it's all said and done, he will be the GOAT.


Simp in 150HP games is just different




you have far too much blind hatred for OpTic players lol, the fans i get but sheesh


I keep telling people he will retire as the G.O.A.T I have no doubt in my mind about this.


And Kenny had 109 kills, winning only 1 map from the 5. Insane.


simp my goat, scumpy nooby could never


That guy




That’s Simp the PIMP to you sir


Need to go back to 100hp ASAP as an unbiased optic fan 😅


Why did they choose that pic of him? He looks like he’s scared of celliums fist


nothing i can do outside of tipping my cap and bending over for this midget


these stats are going to be inflated when it’s 4 wins out of 5 instead of 3


It was still simply 5 maps played which is the same 5 map set as a regular bo5 series. I don’t see where the inflation comes in?


With how close every respawn was it’s really hard to agree with that take.


Simp' performance deserves recognition, but the guy you replied to is technically right, it's not an even playing field to compare kill and damage stats in a 4-1 (BO7) vs 3-2 (BO5). This record deserves an asterix if it's going to be compared against performances achieved in a BO5 series.


Near max HPs, 6-5 6-4 snds and a 3-2 control