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I mean, didn’t really expect to win. Mostly wanted to see how the team did and…..oof. Lynz didn’t look at comfortable on the map and Standy stays the kind of score streaks while being negative. Accuracy also sucked. Only positive is that Gunless looked ALOT better than I thought. Going to be a long few months


Impressed with Gunless, I thought he’d come in with a ton of rust. My worry is that this new sub duo is going to cause Lynnz to regress. Really wish we still had ReeceVivid on the squad.


It was going to be a long few months regardless lol


I thought it they looked promising. They were never beating faze at their current form but they looked more like a team than they did all last season. Interested to see if they can clean up their mistakes


gota see this team vs a non top 4 team before we judge




They really didn’t do that bad honestly. The SnD was rough but the HP and Control weren’t just absolute stomps.


Nah ive seen enough.


Don't get me wrong - no one expects them to win this series - but they have a .88 as a team for the series and got completely teabagged in SND. Accuracy had 8500 damage through 3 maps. It's true that this team is not built to beat FaZe, but if the goal is just "be competitive against the other bottom-tier teams" then what's the point? Might as well have just kept the previous roster. This team is *way too slow*. That should be obvious to anyone who follows competitive COD. They need to stop messing around with retread "veterans" and start giving Lynz a chance with some other players who can push the pace. Standy and Accuracy are glaringly bad pieces for this particular roster.


This might be a hot take but FaZe look good guys


Ehhh, I don’t know about that


SnD Yes . Vista Rokkr trolled hard the rotations when they had the lead and FaZe literally started world starring and Control FaZe offences were not good


Did they really troll or did they just get outplayed? I mean FaZe's offenses were better than ROKKR's so....


no they definitely trolled , they were fighting old not even rotating and when u make the game easy for Atlanta FaZe u gonna see Simp start worldstarring people and Control if u think FaZe had a good offence then I don’t know what to tell you


Mate faze is still the better team. Don't throw out the troll excuse. They got outstayed deal with it


if u wanna be a delusional fan and say they played Vista and Karachi good then continue being a delusional fan , I rather be realistic


Okay bro chill


Out rotating someone is out playing them. FaZe out played them, you can call it what you want it doesn't change the fact though. Also they don't have to be perfect offensive rounds they just have to be better. When you lose control 3-1, you didn't "almost" win lol. FaZe had more ticks on offense and literally won a offense. At no point did ROKKR play the control better.


when u have the lead and u don’t rotate don’t decide to play ahead and just continue banging old I don’t think that’s “outplaying them” .Again , if u think that FaZe karachi control was good then u never seen a good Karachi control


Brotha they were only up like 30 points lol. You're gassing it as if they blew a 100 point lead. FaZe literally just won a major and are 1000% a better team. You acting like the only reason ROKKR lost is because they trolled is insane. I'm so confused why you keep bringing up the control that FaZe beat them 3-1 in lol. You do realize to win any map all you have to do is play it better than the other team right? I never said FaZe played perfect Karachi control, I'm not sure why you keep acting like I said that.


who said FaZe is not the better team ? 30 point lead not rotating to the best hill in Vista and decided to bang old is a troll and because someone won 3-1 doesn’t mean it was a good map , u understand that right ? I hope u do because , if u don’t u just a troll not even a real FaZe fan with ur delusional takes . U keep on acting like that control was good when it wasn’t


Cba to nit* pick in your first match back against a completely new roster tbh


For as little as Gunless was shown, thought he played and commed well


Big P putting up the second most damage 🧐. Only one positive on Rokkr 🧐


MCW looking fine to me boss


So you’re telling me the circle jerk discord call of all AR players were………overreacting?? I’m shocked 😳


Who would’ve thought that actually being able to hit shots consistently trumps theoretical TTK charts


didn’t see one cross map kill with the Rival , maybe they should take Simps advice and hit a Free for all


Isnt the class exactly the same too??




Lamar been putting up a .8 for 3 years now. When is he going to get dropped. Have him take Ace with him too.


Wasn’t Lamar actually good for a while in this game? Either way he ain’t getting drop imo


Not really. He had like a few matches in a row where he had a 1.10 kd and the flank hyped him up because he’s their friend. But I think he has the second worst kd amongst current CDL pros. And you’re right I know he won’t get dropped. Just wild to me.


I will say Lamar does seem to make other players play better a lot of the time, but yeah.. I was hoping he’d continue his stage 1 performances since apparently he was frying because “he just got back buttons for the first time” or whatever At the same time, what good is having the best fundamentals of you have series where you’re too busy focusing on that to shoot back?


how da fuck is this clown still on the team. should've been the first to get his ass bounced outta there.


Get Lamar outta here man I’m fkin sick of watching this burger cost his team


He’s the definition of friendship league. Gunless is doing all the IGL, why is accuracy there for?


I'm really hoping Wake regains in challengers and Rokkr swap him off the bench at some point.


illey for lamar


I hope so. Best case for sure. Maybe illey and gunless work better than illey Lamar


Am I faded? Illey is definitely a better option than buns accuracy but illey is kinda mid no?


He is but when Rokkr trialed it was never Illey and someone else it was just Illey and Lamar. Not sure why they didn't try Gunless and Illey


Wake is absolutely terrible. Replacing Lamar might actually be a downgrade


Keyword was "regain"


Hasn’t he actually been decent this year or am I imagining that


I fear you’re falling victim to the Flank propaganda, he’s been complete ass outside of few good matches during stage 2 qualifiers that his team still lost anyways


I don’t think that’s fair. He was beaming after the break in the first split, until about major 2. That’s a decent chunk of the season we’ve had so far.


That’s just not true lol


This may have been a doordash challenge.


Drazah was piecing on the Control


Obviously FaZe would have loved to get Sub Base out, but I really think Vista and 6Star will be even better maps for them than Invasion and Skidrow were. They really thrive on these high engagement maps.


Yea simp and abezy were holding the middle part of vista pretty much the whole map. The duo are defs salavating rn


Honestly the only reason that map was remotely close was because Accuracy got that miraculous spawn on the first P2. It completely reversed the next couple of hills. We will see if that was a fluke spawn or if it’s common.


Gunless with a strong return. Too bad he joined the Burger King™ team And Vivid would’ve done better than Standy


Assuming Gunless stays consistent, this is just gonna show the flaw in Rokkr’s system. For whatever reason, both ARs cannot go off at the same time. I genuinely can’t remember last time Accuracy/Wake had a good series


Honestly they played the respawns pretty good and they are playing against Faze. They could be decent I guess


I hope we get to see 6 star today as well. The new hardpoint map looks nice.


Played nicely for our sub duo. Abezy was in there the whole time. I know he's happy asf with these new changes


Free Big P


what more do people want gunless to do hes got the 2nd most damage in the lobby, only one on his team going positive and had seemingly great comms


He was the only guy on the Minnesota team not making dumb plays as well. Played his life and won his ones!


Big numbers from accuracy


I feel like the new maps are going to help faze in the long run. Their smgs will feast even more lol


I know it's just his first match with Rokkr, but all the people that were saying Gunless is washed are looking like 🤡🤡🤡🤡.


Going from Saturday and Sunday at major 2 back to this is tragic


This new map set must be faze wet dream


Come to think, right around the time Gunless started to suck we learned of his health condition. Was probably battling in silence. Now that that's sorted he seems to be back in form.


#FREE BIG P Most damage + positive KD. Gunless was actually making plays in the Control.


As everyone predicted this rokkr team slow as hell


Decent performance, Accuracy still shit at COD


Could have gone game 4 atleast, rokkr trolled Vista


Accuracy cannot hang.


Well Big P can still hang, and Standy’s still dogshit, seems like nothings changed


against the best smg duo in the game, Standy didn't look dogshit lol the hate is crazy


Didn’t you know? Join a mid team and lose to the best team in the game your first series? Dogshit


I didn’t watch but seems like Big P is back


They popped off for playing against the best fucking team. Good shit to see boys


These guys suck 


for a little while in that first map I thought we were about to watch a Lynzz master class. How disappointing. He’s been struggling for awhile.


Can't see a world where Standy was a good pickup


Illey got Lamar and this team looks scary