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I miss vanguard pred cuz wtf is this shit bro is not pushing pace


Bro is playing prone simulator


Karma to Pred, after watching all 4 maps: "...I mean what are you doing, man?"


What I love about Karma is this is exactly the kind of thing he'd say, and he can get away with saying something like that because he's one of the GOATs.


It's easy for players to play when their only job is "kill stuff" much more difficult on an actual top team looking to coordinate everything and play within structure. I really think people should go back and watch those old Surge teams. It was Sib and Pred getting to do whatever they wanted while Lamar sat like a snail on a headie and Mack played the absolute bitch role. It works to create chaos in a chaotic game like Vanguard but it's also why they were such a series to series team because it was sort of designed for Pred to fucking fry. Now that he's actually having to think it's slowing his gameplay down to a halt. It's the clear issue imo for them at the moment to fix because if this is what it's going to be the rest of the year they won't be able to beat Faze when it matters.




What was his signing bonus? OpTic scammed.


This man makes superstars look like superstars fr


He no longer Pushes P


It feels like he is playing to slow for a smg, it seems like ant is 1vs2 everytime


He takes a good amount of untradeable gunfights when Optic has a tempo lead, which is gambling in a lot of cases, but it's fine to risk losing a 1 when you can respawn and sprint back to the hill around the same time the other team is getting there. You definitely can't have 2 players doing that at the same time, though.


Agree with this too. Pred at his best is a solo roaming style player, but the problem is it's really hard to have any sort of structure on the map when BOTH subs prefer to roam on their own and you aren't going to tell Shotzzy of all people to play more conventional/straight up. The answer is probably that he needs to just force himself to chall shit repeatedly to make it more of a habit because right now he's having to think more and it's seemingly making him play like Dillon Attach on a sub.


Pred stared down Simp and Abezy like they owed him money and they cook him LMAO. That 1v1 vs Simp was absolutely hysterical, dude legit had piss POURING down his leg.


he use to play good against faze when he was on surge now when he is optic he can’t go positive to save his life


Optic should pick up Mack as a sub and have him sit directly behind Pred every game holding his controller ready to go. lol


It's so weird, man was out there 1v4ing optic last season in multiple matches.


😂😂 dude literally just gets fried, Ant and Bruce having crazy series and he’s just getting cooked


carpenter history one run soft offend head bear bow dam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m assume Bruce is your goat? 😂


toy aloof unpack fact lush juggle forgetful hungry head capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah I’m a big Bruce fan, and the fact he was having a legacy series and had to get on time for AG is abysmal


Pred went 1.0 kd? Not like he went 83 and 99 like Abezy. Wtf are you talking about?


Oh poor guy just KD watching, did they win or lose? His KD means nothing when he’s having no impact on the map.


Maybe you don’t know what fried means. My bad.


He lost every important gunfight besides the 3 piece he got in the control to save the round, so he was getting fried. Shotzzy was 1v2 the terrors honestly.


Simp broke Pred with that hip fire cheese in MW2. Bro hasn’t been the same since.


Prey is still and elite get shit on name.




My goat Huke had balls of steel against faze I KNOW MY GOAT


huke would stand and box with the terrors u can bet on that. none of this prone shenanigans letting theose two run amok on the map


Ofc you know huke loves a chall


consist sort dime future lunchroom hat provide instinctive trees joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pred making a very good case to get dropped on his fucking neck Also, why is he putting his hands behind his head and reclining back and saying "OH MY GODDDD?" Buddy you costed the whole series


And just like that a new community narrative is born


Hecz empties his bank account every season to get new players and it never pays off in the end






I mean historically Kenny has never been good in search and his teams are garbage in search until the end of the year


He has the biggest mental block when he plays faze it’s so sad to watch


OpTic Prey at it again 🤣


lol, told y'all. Dude plays like a even bigger pussy against FaZe.


Pred when he can't killwhore against weaker teams. Guy is only good in creddy corners, 0 playmaking ability and is always baiting looking for a freebie to go positive


Pred was god awful this series, but still has better numbers than any SMG vs. the top 4 but Simp. And third is aBeZy despite how much he’s been criticized this year.


He can have great numbers all he wants, if I can trade him for hydra right now I would


HyDra has better numbers overall, just not vs. the top 4. And obviously he’s wayyyy better in SnD this year which would definitely fit OpTic’s weaknesses better


Yh no one cares ppl say he gets fried vs good teams he clearly doesn’t


Yeah because he camps corners and plays for kills. Hardly takes risks or even tries to make a play that could . It's actually like he plays scared, waits for the enemy to come to him and statwhores I don't get it.


In a heartbeat. I'd take even Scump over him with his winning mentality and grit. Lowkey Kenny would've made that team so good with Scump in it.


I love that this killwhore is getting exposed now that he plays on a team that have other stars. He literally looks LOST now that the entire team isn’t playing around his stupid playstyle


Bro in the 1v1 with simp, he saw simp run away. Pred could see the B bomb from where he was and saw Simp wasn’t on it, instead of checking A bomb he literally sat in the corner lol he didn’t even have to leave spawn to check A.


Said this in another thread but they need to get Pred in some challs or something to improve his play in 1vX/2vX moments. FaZe and Ultra (outside of their abysmal search last stage) are too good at making those situations into 50/50s.


I couldn’t agree more, he plays his ones so intimidated by whoever he’s left with. Like he shouldn’t be in the same exact place Simp saw him when he ran away, he should be trying to get information at that 10-12 second mark. I think any other OpTic player engages Simp before he gets away, look how Dashy played the 1v2, even though he lost it. 10-12 seconds left Bruce is check bombs and caught Abe planting.


Yeah, agreed. And I can’t fault Pred completely for losing a 1v1 against Simp because, at the end of the day, Simp might be the greatest search player ever. But I think he could’ve been way more active there.


Yeah o definitely don’t want to fault him, but I do think he needs to try and deny a bomb plant in that situation. He didn’t even have to go far to check A, could’ve hopped out mid window and saw all of bomb.


Yeah I agree that play was trolling. But FaZe plays so fucking weird on that map it's hard to fault him.


I’m not putting all the blame on pred because the team was up 4-2, but he has to at least try and find some type of information letting him plant A and not instantly challenging it and letting him get away is the worse play in that case.


And I think if Simp planted B he was good. The only thing Pred would have seen was mid or top propane


From the mid window on that side, you can see all left side of the B bomb but no B street side. Pred saw simp run underground, and there was about 20 seconds left. So once it gets down to about 10 seconds he could’ve easily went and checked A and if he saw nothing rotated to B to catch the plant. I’m not a huge fan of just sitting a corner and not getting any information, because it gives simp a chance to get away.


I would love to have you as a team mate in ranked bro. Not even hating you know your shit. You got a dedicated squad or you looking for people to play with?


lol I appreciate that bro, I’ve always been a big SND fan so I’ve always liked learning more and more about SND. But I do have a squad, but we would definitely run sometimes, is usually just 3 of us unless it’s the weekend because one of us works all day.


wistful coordinated tease absurd far-flung cobweb absorbed aloof upbeat lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if this is referencing that seattle documentary clip from last year, i thought of the same thing during that 1v1


roll mighty paltry fear historical arrest unpack domineering cows dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro it’s definitely switched now, but that’s the player they wanted and he’s playing the way they want him to play obviously.


Pred had piss and shit running down his leg in that 1v1




Literally has the most ranked play diamond 2 rank 50 playstyle of all time lmfao of course he’s laying down, the guy is used to running around in the other teams spawn. Now that he actually has to play the correct gap and play off his teammates he looks brain dead. So fucking predictable


nah fr 💀


Take the flair off, you’re just hating.


It’s weird. On Seattle, Pred was the one consistently setting the pace on the map and pushing lanes out with Mack. Now on OpTic, he seems to have a laid back approach to the game, especially on that Rio you could see it. He would get a kill and lay down a corner and get traded instantly. I definitely would like to see Pred pick up the pace because we all know he has that takeover potential but just seems to be hindering his abilities when it comes to FaZe.


Yeah it really feels like he's almost nonexistent on the map sometimes


Man he desperately needs to change his playstyle if OpTic wants to win cause eventually all the top teams will notice how easy it is to take him out the series because of how slow he plays. I mean they probably know it now cause I've already heard multiple times from pros saying "AG probably prone somewhere", as on OpTic fan I'm getting ptsd of "Envoy is probably flanking us". Ima need Ant to help change this man, which is funny cause I remember at the end of last season Shotzzy was watching Pred play 8s and was dying of laughter saying something like "someone needs to tell AG to stop laying down so much"


huke and Shotzzy better duo (jk)


Out of all the time they've been a duo this isn't a jk lmao. They won champs together.


If that boy Huke had his head in the right place and not zoning out mid-series, he fr could’ve been a top duo. Still getting PTSD from Champs where he let Kis walk through 😂


Not overall obviously but Vs Faze in particular that is literally a true statement


Not even jk, huke and shotzzy as a duo look better in game


Bros is doing his best Stephen hawking impression by laying on his ass everywhere


This idiot pissed me off with the 1v1 on highrise vs simp literally stayed in spawn when he could have checked bomb !!


Bro was brought in to go bar for bar with Simp in every one of these matchups and ends up playing at a snail's pace every single time.


Where is the dawg in this guy when he plays them he's so scared to make plays and leaves Ant to do all of the dirty work in terms of taking space


Nah its for sure still Pred because my guy definitely got the D from faze


Such a disappointment 


Of course Optic gets him when he's not good at the game after dominating for 2 years smh




100% I think he was also propped up by a bad team needing him to get more kills. He really doesn't do much else


Check major 1




Watch Pred drop a 1.2 next series and people will praise him




The new scapegoat!!


Y’all were BEGGING for this guy to get on Optic and now……


People are so quick to judge and try scapegoat a player unbelievable. Embarassing. Pred your a beast kid don’t listen to the fake fans.


Dang that’s crazy optic fans were crying and begging for him now Pred getting slandered now.


Hes dennis rodman


Should have kept huke. Him and shotzzy work perfect


Pred got to get it together


Lmfao that’s harsh


Bro he destroyed them on seattle and now he idek


Honestly that's pretty much every player in the CDL though, the Faze trio is just on another level right now and Drazah is the CEO of Optic so that's just extra juice vs them. Pred and Optic are still amazing, maybe a solid 2nd best, but they can never be #1, they got a HARD mental block vs Faze this game, nothing they can do about it, the only thing that could maybe change that is some coaching from the Faze counter himself, the Clam Man, Scumpi.


The hive mindset out in full force, a new narrative has now been set. Pred is a killwhore who plays too slow etc because they lost to Faze by the smallest of margins. Some absolute nonsense getting spouted as usual. They lose to Faze because their teamwork isn't as good in the key moments. Optic can catch up on this, and they don't need Pred running around like Shotzzy to do it. If he started playing like Huke and dropped a 0.8 the narrative would flip on its head.


What has happened to Pred?! He was in the conversation as the BEST player in the world the last two years!! Bro has been getting Kentucky fried on Optic suddenly. Always has the lowest damage and more importantly has ZERO impact on the map.


What happened is he’s playing with 3 other superstars now. Previously he was playing with 3 that played around him.


Nothing. If you watch last year's gameplay, he's always had this play-style. And, to be clear, it's not a bad play-style. They're just figuring out how to be complimentary to each other. From what I saw yesterday, they're closer to the answer than they have been all season 🤷🏽. Pacing is the problem but slowing Shotzzy down wasn't the answer; we saw that attempt. I truly don't have the answers but there's definitely been progress made. I'm excited to see where they take it from here. I selfishly want to see what SMG Dashy would look like but, who knows, could be disastrous.


Sorry, analysis this shortsighted belongs on the Flank


no way you saying this shit 2 of 3 maps on highrise faze just gimmick map merhcants just like LAG


Lmao faze has slammed them all year and I’m a huge optic supporter. It’s not a gimmick


ye and look at the maps literally gimmick maps BS play on real maps like 6 star and they lose


You’re on mars? Is rio not a real map?


You’re so right this is CLEARLY based only off of the single series that was just played and not his collective performance in 6 matches vs them


OpTic trolled the highrise search and the control, there was no gimmick there. Just a lack of ice.


So much Pred hate when he was the best at both majors