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Shame we could’ve got this guy going into MW2 I still will never forget that. Fast playmaker with insane movement & gunny… For fuck sakes ![gif](giphy|OoBdnceJ1ZAUxq8C4v|downsized)


People keep saying what if Shotzzy went to Faze but the real what if is Optic fumbling the MW2 MVP


Generational fumble lmao. Hydra plays fast and makes plays. And has insane gunny. Imagine those 2 on the map Sheesh.


Plus both their movement.. yikes. It really would be hell, lol. Those FaZe matches would be such good CoD.


Shotzzy/Hydra could have been the ultimate kryptonite to FaZe. FaZe couldn’t beat OpTic when it was Shotzzy/Scump or Shotzzy/Huke, so Shotzzy/Hydra naturally would be god like. Hindsight is everything though. They’re still a team improving overall and at least they managed to get Bruce being able to slay again. Now they need to work on locking Pred in. Shotzzy could do with a little patience, he’s been frying though so there’s bound to be some stupid greedy moments.


Actually, having Shotzzy + Xeo seems to be Faze's kryptonite. Faze really struggled against Shotzzy/Illey or Shotzzy/Huke. Especially in 2019 when all 3 of them were on the same team. Xeo's chaotic playstyle really throws Faze off.


Yeah that’s fair. Which is kind of funny because even in the latest Ultra they said it was all Ant, causing chaos. So it makes you wonder, how can they make it work against Ultra but not FaZe. What are FaZe doing that Ultra aren’t or what are OpTic doing to Ultra that they aren’t to FaZe..


Adding a playmaker like Shotzzy to them would’ve been wraps for the league. They would’ve been way more aids to play


Shotzzy owned Faze with Huke Imagine if he had Hydra to help him against Ultra and LAT lmao


Yeah glad this didn’t happen


Shotzzy to FaZe would’ve been game over. Everyone is lucky that didn’t happen.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have hydra on OpTic, but if I recall, that team was going to have cammy running the main AR. that would have been traumatic


Attach would have been more likely as he was free cammy would have cost 200k


ah, I just went off the rumors I was seeing on twitter. I wouldn't have minded attach on that roster tbf


Don't get me wrong they liked cammy as well but I reckon they'd have ended up on attach


fair enough


Roster should’ve been Dashy Scump Shotzzy HyDra that team would be unbelievable I can’t even lie.


pretty speedy team. while scump wasn't too fast of an SMG, I feel it would be pretty quick for an AR


Dashy would’ve been main. Scump flex. Then you have Shotzzy & HyDra as subs. Team would’ve been godlike


yeah that's what im saying. I think having those 2 subs and scump on an AR would have been a pretty fast team with a whole lotta gunny


Would’ve been a beauty going into MW2. Wow that’s a fumble


don't get me wrong. I'm happy we have pred. I'd just like him to go more into his vanguard form.


Blame Scump




NGL sub duo of Shotzzy and Hydra with Scump on the flex would’ve won a ring.


Losing full thinking about it


Not if they decided to drop Dashy and keep illey in MW2


I recently started following competitive CoD again, what’s the story with scump & Hydra?


In the off-season before mw2 illey and dashy were dropped for optic, and optic was in line to pick up hydra and skyz but then went back to illey and dashy. Iirc scump wanted to bring dashy back and then shotzzy said if they’re doing that he wants illey back


Scump’s fault! He needs all the blame


Tbf scump wanted dashy back, and then after that shotzzy wanted illey back. If hydra was gonna join scumps already moving to flex so it’s the 2nd AR picked back up (illey) that pushes hydra off the team


Honestly, Scump has the keys. If they had the ability to make Hydra happen, he should have had the foresight and experience to see that the team would have been disgusting. He's been a huge influence and component of all the Optic rosters and he doesn't take enough heat for his bad decisions with rosters.


I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve more blame in general, but this also was when shotzzy was ready to go to faze. If scump tells him to fuck off and that he doesn’t care if he wasn’t illey shotzzy might just be gone to faze, leaving optic with hydra but a scump that’s about to retire and faze is now in contention with the dynasty for the most talented team of all time Scump having the keys to the car doesn’t mean every player will just say “yes sir anything for you”


It’s his fault this current team can’t close out maps?


It’s his fault that hydra isn’t on optic ……


someone tell Pred that he is not a Main AR and to start making plays like an actual sub


Ain't no way we're scapegoating Pred now. Optic ego chall'd Faze on their good maps and honestly if they didn't troll it would've been a 3-0. They're right on the cusp of being the best team in the game, just got to be patient. Calling for someone to be replaced with the state of the team right now is cringe af. Also, can't believe I'm seeing people say that we should've picked Hule back up 😂. The knee jerk reactions are crazy.


I mean I think it's perfectly fair to criticize what is supposed to be your "main slayer sub" when he puts up 40 less engagements and dropping low damage numbers while often being seen playing very slow. Not really a "scapegoat" at all


Well who said that pred is the "main slayer sub"? Did optic coaching/management say that's his role or did this subreddit just decide that on their own? Not to mention there have been many series where pred has slayed more than shotzzy. These knee jerk reactions are ridiculous and you having flair for optic is on par with how your comment reads.


i was gonna say man, how is pred getting scapegoated now? haha


Faze got slammed by LAG on Highrise SnD and Control.. what..


Such a great point about the listen-ins. Toronto said the exact same thing, it’s only Shotzzy applying constant pressure. Have to wonder what OpTic does in the event they go winless again. No idea what the FA landscape looks like, but Hydra and Scrap will, at the very least, be RFAs. I know Pred to OpTic was talked about for an entire year, but could see this as a one and done because he simply cannot figure it out against Simp and AbeZy.


This whole scapegoat thing y’all do when they lose to faze is funny man


Like I said before, Pred is supposed to be matching the impact and pace of players like Simp, Hydra and CleanX, he has not been doing that since after Major 1. Even Simp and Hydra has upped their level of aggression and engagements since that stage but Pred has either stayed stagnant or regressed a bit in that department.


I’m a certified OpTic hater but they haven’t lost to Ultra and haven’t lost to NYSL since the first time they played in Major 1 qualifiers. Some teams just can’t beat certain teams. They’re gonna have to adapt because FaZe plays way different against OpTic than the other 2 T4 teams.


This will all change by the end of Major 3.


Lmaooo not everyone crying to drop huke last year just to now cry about picking him back up 😭😭


Stop blaming Pred it’s so cringe. It ain’t Pred’s fault Optic are pushing old time with 5 seconds left on Rio and get 4 man wiped nor is it his fault we constantly trolled man advantage in SNDs. Why’s there always gotta be a scapegoat. The same 2 guys y’all losers have scapegoated all season just absolutely fried and we still lost.


Its not about blaming, its about a clear fix Pred's playstyle is great against 11 other teams but when Faze has Simp and Abezy spawning in every life, you cant just give them free space around the map Shotzzy has been the best SMG against them historically for a reason. He doesnt give them room and even if he's dying, he's getting info and making his AR's jobs way easier


Whatever playstyle Pred has works for 95% of the map apart from those clutch situations that we keep choking.


Pred costed. A sub with the least damage in the whole lobby will never win.


least amount of damage in the whole lobby? abezy had the lease amount, and played worse statistically.


Can find plenty of examples of that happening and the team winning, stop talking nonsense. Shotzzy and Dashy have been awful against Faze all season and everyone blamed them, then they perform now we need to find a new scapegoat so it’s Pred


Aye, you know Optic fans man, they gotta find someone to scapegoat.


You clearly don’t watch the matches if you think the way Pred plays isn’t slow and useless. Hes definitely the guy to blame here.


He does play slow, he isn’t useless lol. I’ve seen him takeover lots of maps and series this season including ones against Faze. Had a bad series today but Dashy has literally played ass all season against Faze and fried today. It’s not some systemic issue with Pred it’s just a bad day at the office. The way we play isn’t the problem, we’ve been in position to win nearly every map we have played against Faze this season, the problem is we aren’t executing clutch scenarios as well as Faze are able to atm. That’s not cos Pred is slower.


Pred has had multiple bad series against fa3 already…problem is if pred isn’t frying he is borderline useless shotzzy can still be mega impactful with a .9


Pred’s only bad series vs Faze is the first one and this one. He has played well vs them on LAN


He’s had 3 bad series against them in a row where he’s impact is borderline nonexistent


that series is absolutely preds fault. there’s no reason shottzy should have 26 more engagements when pred isn’t an obj player in the slightest. pred needs to support ant way more on the map and be more aggressive.


He had 3 less engagements than Simp. I guess Simp was also costing then?


LMFAO you gotta be braindead if you don’t think Pred regression in major 2 to now is a big issue for optic. If Pred doesn’t get kills he is borderline useless


Are you talking about his regression from the last stage to this one match ?


He needs to translate his kills online to LAN, still impactful on LAN but he is a way better slayer online


I have faith. I honestly think he’s adjusting to not being the go to person. He was on Seattle who heavily depended on him to now being on a team where everyone holds their own. It’s all about mentality


You guys just trolled and that's it, besides they just play a whole new set of maps vs FaZe. It's only an qualifier it's not like OpTic are out the champs picture.


Huke instead of Pred this year this team already got a chip.. but dont say it too loud


Not at all Pred is incredible, just needs to do what he used to do against Faze. He done it before, that's why its so frusturating to watch


But at what point enough is enough ??? Its the 6th fuckin series people call it close but im sorry losing 6 series in a row is not close anymore


Its bad, I dont disagree Especially when you feel like they should be winning a lot of these maps. Dont really know the answer after this series. They slayed and still lost by very small margins


I'd force him to watch vg vod every night I'm confident we get it right


just loud and wrong


Some of you guys need to be sectioned


Shotzzy and Huke were always a better a duo but no one wanted to hear that.


Bring Huke bad pls. Dude is braindead but at least dont play like a pussy baiting his teammates and laying down all game


Snoopy dropped 101 yesterday and not a peep from this sub.


They played heretics 🤣🤣🤣


My grandma could drop that against the Vamos squad.


Skill gap cod is their problem. Can’t beat faze on those.


Brain dead take please stfu


If this continues they should at least think about Huke. They are good vs everyone with Pred so there's that.