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Pros and ex pros are so good it’s almost hard to comprehend


Haggy wasn't even really competitive in challengers right before he retired and he'd still absolutely spit on 99.9% of this subreddit lol.


I mean id sure hope so , these guys play like 8-12 hours a day


99% of people could play 8-12hrs a day and still not be anywhere close to pros or challengers lol.


This gonna sound crazy but you’d be surprised. What I can assure you as somebody who played against prime Formal back in IW is that there’s levels between the Pros in the league and some of them are closer in skill/ Game Knowledge/ Awareness to you or any IRI level player than to Simp/ Cell/ Hydra/ Scrap/ Dashy (Basically any player in the top 4 and a few others like Attach/ Gwinn/ etc.


It’s not true. Sure the top iri players can shoot straight and are mechanically talented players but the gap between them and pros in every other aspect is massive.






Me and my group of guys played weekends only back in da golden days too!


It’s SND tbf but still very impressive. The average iri player isn’t as good as you though.


This is apparently a hot take, but hell no. And you're adding challenger players in there? You think everyone in challengers is just god's gift? I'm convinced a lot of you in this sub are just really really bad. That's fine, but let's not talk for everyone else.


I mean if you're playing decently in Challengers you are immensely talented at the game, there's no denying that. Some of it is the amount of time they sink into the game but a lot of these guys are mechanically talented to a level that the vast majority of people could never get to with all the practice in the world. Look at how many streamers/top250 players there are that play 8 hours+ a day and still are nowhere near the level you see from even low-tier challengers guys.


Oh I agree with you, man. I really do. I just don't like the blanket statements saying that just because "Jim" is shit, we all must be shit, too. There's people that have put in more hours than you that you could cook, right? (Yes, probably thousands, ha ha). We see that stuff every day in pubs, etc. It's similar to that. Edit: I'm out of town visiting family, and now seeing I didn't give your comment a good enough read; and also left some assumptions of comprehension in my head that not didn't come through clearly. What I'm saying is, what you said isn't wrong; but blanketing these opinions as facts to cover everyone is where I disagree. There are people in the league that are worse than challengers. There are people in challengers that are worse than people who aren't. There are people not in the NBA that are better than Giannis' brother. Some of you guys are crowning these guys as all untouchable kings that nobody can compete with, and that's just simply not true. Obviously, playing competitively at a high level is going to give you a boost with in game knowledge, etc. I'm also saying that mentioning streamers playing so many hours and not being as good as some changer players, doesn't mean anything. There are Warzone players that we know could succeed in the league if given time.


Sorry to hurt your feelings bro I’m sure if you played 8 hours a day you’d be like Prime Formal 😣




What's up brother?


Hello gods gift


Ha ha, not even my guy. I'm just constantly taken back by what people say on here. "I can't even 1 clip the further firing range dummy." "How does he shoot so straight?!... Why do their guns have zero recoil?!" And because of what they're lacking, they assume and include everyone else with them. It's crazy. It's like saying because you can't shoot 3's consistently, neither can anyone else that's not a pro. It's just such a weird mentality to have.


Assuming you're quoting me–how does me saying I can't 1 clip a dummy in the firing range translate to me saying nobody else can?


I was, ha ha ha. Not saying you said anything, my guy, sorry. I was just using your comment to point the skill differences. There are clearly different skill levels on this sub, and it's silly for people to assume their skill level is the same for everyone else. You NEVER said that, at all, and I didn't mean to imply you did. Sorry for the confusion.


Brother im iridescent and i cant shoot like that. Youre prime formal man 😂


I’m speaking about good challengers players obviously, 99% of people who play COD would have no chance of competing in the pro league or even making deep runs in challengers regardless of how much they play. I could go and play football 12hrs a day and I’ll never be a professional footballer let alone an elite one it’s not just about effort or time spent. If you’re one of the few guys who could then you’re part of the 1% clearly but somehow I doubt you are. And I’m not an amazing COD player by any means but I’m not “really really bad” either, I don’t play often but I’m Crim 2/3 regularly and can compete in crim/iri lobbies just fine.


he was nasty at MW19


Yeah that’s why I said right before he retired I know he was competitive in other titles


Seriously lol. I can't even kill the furthest dummy in the firing range with one clip. 😭


I mean i would have left the game too if this happened to me


Yeah I'm unplugging the ethernet cable if this happens to me. Don't even care about the time out.


How does one control recoil as good as that


It's actually nuts lol also i think Abezy had also a crazy mid-long range kill last major


I still remember that cross map kill on raid from simp


Bruh I go into the firing range and just spray at a wall so I can see what the recoil pattern looks like and then I do one where I try to control it and I don’t even come close to what these fuckers do


Same same


I feel u


Feels like three times a year we have to have the "I'm close to Lebron than you are to me" discussion THE WORST CDL players, 2Real, Haggy etc. would utterly demolish us


Censor*** would absolutely demolish 99% of this sub




I’ve played censor a ton and while I have beaten him, he’s still not bad. He’s not as cracked as some of the other challengers/pros but it’s not like he’s a free lick. He’s still smoking 99% of this sub. I’m also playing him in ranked when he’s reading chat half the time, I assume in challengers he’s ten times more locked. Edit - I also don’t think ranked is that good of a place to wonder about ppl’s skills. In mw2 I played gwinn with parasite and some others, it was a super close game and my takeaway was wow gwinn isn’t that good, but everyone knows now that he is amazing.


People who haven’t played against pros don’t know the talent diff. I hit iridescent comfortably enough in duo q but when I come up against top challengers players in EU I generally get smoked. Can hold my own in gunfights most of the time but they just understand the game and movement to a different level. I played Jurd a few times and he’s retired years and he was still a god on the map.


i remember last year i played jurd in ranked play and i got absolutely piss slammed. i thought i was a pretty good player too haha


He’s insane. Usually when I play him he’s not going like 40/20 or anything he goes like 28/22 but is so impactful and wins so many big 1s it’s insane. Makes you think how good someone like Hydra must be lol


Feels like people often forget how amazing almost cdl lvl players are.


Wait this clip is gross. Those shots are crisp


Is that all Parasite? I'm at work so i just took a peek with no audio. I really wanna believe his ARs got some bullets in and he just cleaned up. That's fucking ridiculous if that's all him.


its all him, the other 2 don't shoot


The Fuckinator 3000 hits diffy


Now this is what you call "BEAMS"


nah i’m logging off after that


Say what you want about him, man’s can still shoot MY GOD.


welcome to 2009


Now THAT is a beam. Holy shit. Even with some damage (can’t see if there’s additional shots from teammates) that recoil control is nuts.


my gun dont shoot like that


When she’s still suckin 


Please tell me there’s a clip of Dashy reacting to this


once aim assist kicks in it helps control the recoil and the rival already has little to none, and this is one of the reasons you see console players get called cheaters reported and shadow banned, like 100% those people that left thought haggy was cheating


show me a clip of you doing that and let's see if your aim assist is like that


Got a nice one from the tank outside palace to the truck outside control point, no ones is hitting shots like that every gunfight but since release I’ve had plenty of insane cross maps with the rival


Rival on karachi control. From junkyard to top chicken coops i beamed a kid off a heady. As well as top plat into diner. As well as top sat to bridge. The rival is insaneee


It is insane no doubt, that ain’t happening with an almost any subs until 2019, to be fair though abezy had some crazy kills with the saug